I just need a girlfriend and she should be big/taller, sexy, an stronger, should dominate me, an atheist also good.
Age should be from 18-29
Girlfriend? I don't have an one and how can i find a girlfriend please?
Other urls found in this thread:
Information get that infos
Most Indian mother should be in concentration camps and sometime dad can included in case both of.
They are defective and conservative
First crush. She is so beautiful.
2nd crush
3rd crush.
She is so hot. That wanna come to her home without her consent.
If she say no to sex then I won't fuck her
In 6 april 2018.
I was in street.
this will stay up for 12 hours, spelling Trump's name wrong gets you banned for 1000 years
In Friday I will not be in Zig Forums because I will be busy but in Saturday I will post it again if mods deleted it.
Also mods remember that until I got a girlfriend I will keep posting it.
If my gf breaks relationship with me then I will post it again until I get an another one.
I need gf.
I hate Trump and Clinton.
Fuck left and right wingers.
if you suicide bomb, you get 72 dom virgins in the afterlife, goy
As an atheist don't believe any of those bullshit.
I need gf
I am not doing this for an attention.
I need gf.
Even if it didn't got reply. I will keep making until I got a gf
I am beautiful Indian.
I am not pajeet.
cry more
मेरी गोल्डन क्वीन
Fuck you
It is not my golden queen.
The transgender should be gassed
I think photo of woman you sent is transgender.
cry more
I need gf
cry more
मुझे आशा है कि अपने घृणित गंदा मांस हूकर एक आग में मर जाता है
Really makes you think
I won't die in fire
I hate communist
All of you donkeys. I need gf.
cry more
Fuck you
cry more
Fuck leftypol they didn't give any proper advice
cry more
Can you move a car with your penis? if not you are not chad!
found OP
Open defecation is the human practice of defecating outside (in the open environment) rather than into a toilet. People may choose fields, bushes, forests, ditches, canals or other open space for defecation. They do so because either they do not have a toilet at home or due to traditional cultural practices.[1] The practice is common where sanitation infrastructure and services are not available. Even if toilets are available, behaviour change efforts may still be needed to promote the use of toilets.
About 892 million people, or 12 percent of the global population, practiced open defecation in 2016.[2] Seventy-six percent (678 million) of the 892 million people practicing open defecation in the world live in just seven countries. India is the country with the highest number of people practicing open defecation, around 525 million people.[2]
Open defecation can pollute the environment and cause health problems. High levels of open defecation are linked to high child mortality, poor nutrition, poverty, and large disparities between rich and poor.[3](p11) The term "open defecation free" is used to describe communities that have shifted to using a toilet instead of open defecation. This can happen for example after community-led total sanitation programs have been implemented.
Ending open defecation is an indicator being used to measure progress towards the Sustainable Development Goal Number 6. Extreme poverty and lack of sanitation are statistically linked. Therefore, eliminating open defecation is thought to be an important part of the effort to eliminate poverty.[4]
just keep calling pajeet a faggot, it hurts him the most because he knows deep he's a faggot and hiding in the closet
shut up jewish faggot , go fuck your cow mom
Fuck transgender
I don't shit in street.
I forget to add don't.
I am not jew
cry more
Fuck you.
I will have evening food now.
Maggi with butter and chilli sauce
I am not gay and also not pedo.
I will fuck woman with her consent.
Gays should be gassed
moar like this for dinner am i right
cry more
cry more