Richest 1% on target to own two-thirds of all wealth by 2030
Marx is the answer goys… ( ° ʖ °)
Richest 1% on target to own two-thirds of all wealth by 2030
Marx is the answer goys… ( ° ʖ °)
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Meanwhile whites blame themselves for being failures at life even though the economy is rigged against them.
This is just an excuse for subhumans (mainly mexican immigrants) to think that their economies are rigged against them. Mexicans should blame themselves and man up.
the economics are rigged by kikes though, to "un-rig" it you need to kill as in literally end the lives and bloodlines of the money manipulators
It's the crashes that make them rich.
((( )))
reported you, fabio shekelberg
Not only did you reply to the wrong person, you have absolutely no fucking idea what he said.
I said that this is just an excuse for mexican immigrants, and he said that their excuse was understandable.
I'm not a soulless sociopath so I probably don't understand the answer but what are you even going to do with all this money? Okay so you managed to claw your way to the top 1% - And now?
There's no actual money, just webs of corporations.
You're probably part of the world's richest 1%
Capital must concentrate itself somewhere. So SOMEBODY is able to control the web. To what end? It can't be to further the interests of the Jews, at least not 100%,since Soros fucks with Israel like he fucks with every nation.
It concentrates itself in the form of control of land.
In other words : Because niggers and Chinks shit out babies like there's no tomorrow the average gets skewed in the favor of whites and jews.
Marxism isn't an answer, it's an analysis of capitalism
>he doesn't know about the
>>he doesn't know about the
what the hell is the "he still wont' talk about this" and "he wont shut up about this" in red.
I'm guessing because the left complains rich people exist, but if you point to them most of these are jewish they say they don't care.
Ah ok, it just looked odd. The rest is good though.
Also heres one you should save
Speaking of which, I'm sure you all saw this one recently if you browse whatfinger.
Goldman Sachs analysts attempted to address a touchy subject for biotech companies, especially those involved in the pioneering "gene therapy" treatment: cures could be bad for business in the long run.
"Is curing patients a sustainable business model?" analysts ask in an April 10 report entitled "The Genome Revolution."
Isn't there laws about this or anything that can prevent this? If not, can we bring it to people's attention so this doesn't get swept under the rug?
(I really wanted to post a new thread for this, but at least it's sort of related. Can't seem to archive the original page.)
They make it sound like the top 1% is only a couple hundred people.
Great infographic
Needs to be upgraded to include dual citizenship
Oy vey
Silver and PRIVATE CRYPTO are the badgoy's only hope, not MARX. DISENGAGE from (((their))) System.
What is the meaning of this image?
Marx ensures the top 1% (the Party) owns three thirds of all wealth.
Yo my man can you tell me where to buy a new Ferrari with some dogecoins?
have another unrelated image that came up when i typed in "percent"
Doctors don't even do their goddamn job trying to help people, the bastards can fellate shotguns and pull the trigger.
Of course. Because the left is led by Jews.
Dogecoin is not private.
dealership just opened in my country that accepts crypto *the dealer has shit taste in cars tho*
If you think about it, Bill Gates is poor as fuck in comparison to the Rothschild family. That's the difference between a goy and a Jew. Gates got rich in his lifetime. Hebrews accumulate their capital throughout the millennia. Ever since the fall of Rome and spread of Christianity prominent Jewish families were getting richer, and richer. 2 thousands years ago Yids started a war against us, and only recently we caught a wind of that.
You won't be.
Fucking kill yourself.
If you have a normal paying job in America or Western Europe then you're part of the 1% too. The cutoff is at about $45k/pa.
So it just means that niggers in third world shitholes have less.
I fucking you faggots get in that world. We need our elite again. What happened to that long blonde haired male full of arrogance and class? I am a poorfag to the level of looking to just rob a mansion for a fay and go out in a hail of bullets, but if Whites can have the money to do good then hurry the fuck up.
Kill yourself commie kike.