IGNORE treads that are garbage, threads that are from half chan, threads that start threads with names like "The Zucc" and Ben Garrison. All are garbage. You are being played at a much higher level.
I will start with 11 posts, which I ask every reader to learn, but above all understand. Anyone here who cannot understand should go back to halfchan or back to school. Here are the first few. All 11 can be found from the same sourc3.
If you have managed to get this far you should be angry and betrayed. If you get to 11 you will be fuming, or still posting halfchan garbage. There are many here who cannot get past 5.
If you can get past 11 and understand Germany, Syria, Russia, USA, UK, France, Israel, etcetera, in a modern context….. Please explain this to people who cannot understand.
Lessons 11 through 20 will follow.
PLEASE STICKY.(>hey guise check out my kewl website)
Just glancing at the links I think I already understand the gist of it. Basic stuff.
Provide an archive for each link when making a thread fyi
Lincoln Reed
Nice reggit post. Either post all information up front or fuck off.
Dominic Roberts
Liam Lopez
The journalist was hounded by jews for anti-semitism after his comments regarding bombings in France. He had the balls to continue his journal by writing 10 morearticles. What have you done in comparison.
Grayson Ward
Can I trust you? And therein lies the rub
John Gomez
Doesn't mean you don't use archive, dipshit.
William Bennett
Have a nice day, Simon. If what I led you to is important, and it is, surely you can archive it. Comments in this thread so far prove after Rhodesia that there is no more hope for mankind.
An example of what YOU didn't read…. "In his book Heinsohn argues that population youth bulges were the driving factor behind European colonialism and world conquest. From 1900 to 2000 the population of the Muslim World has grown from 150 million to 1,200 million, an increase of 800 percent. He argues that large families tend to produce ‘superfluous’ sons, who, unable to find work at home, emigrate.
Heinsohn contends that these youth bulges can lead to extreme violence as the young men, needing to carve out a place for themselves in the world, often tend to resort to violence in order to survive. This is one of the many factors driving the Religion of Cuck™ic State. The youth bulge means boom time for imperialism’s merchants of death, who are harnessing youthful anger and hatred for the fomentation of proxy wars against geopolitical enemies. Heinsohn predicted that Europe would be overwhelmed with Southern Hemisphere youths by 2015."
Nice graphics, but sadly you omit important parts such as "On August 5th, 2015 Austrian magazine Infodirekt reported:
It has come to our knowledge that US organisations are paying for the boats taking thousands of refugees to Europe. US organisations have created a co-financing scheme which provides for a considerable portion of the transportation costs. Not every refugee from North Africa has 11,000 Euro cash. Nobody is asking, where is the money coming from?
Nice Fiddler graphics. Sadly, you do not question why your country is becoming blacker.
Nicholas Lopez
Another example missed by retards who couldn't be bothered to read the links……..
" A key ‘weapon’ used in 2011 by imperialism to destroy the institutions of the nation-state was the smartphone. Thousands of smartphones were provided to US-funded ‘activists’ during Zionism’s ‘Arab Spring’. It is unsurprising, therefore, to see that smartphones are being supplied to thousands of migrants by NGOs once they arrive in Europe. This could become a nightmare for any nation-state refusing to cooperate with imperialism’s migration agenda.
Researchers in Germany found that migrants were being supplied with smartphones by Austria’s A-1 mobile phone company. The A-1 mobile company is controlled by Mexican Billionaire Carlos Slim. Slim, whose real name is Salem, comes from the Levant."
Joseph Clark
"In the book Weapons of Mass Migration: Forced Displacement, Coercion and Foreign Policy, Kelly M. Greenhill, US foreign policy consultant, argues that coercive engineered migration is a strategy which has been used by governments to gain concessions from other governments. In other words, governments often use refugees as weapons in order to exert pressure on other governments for political ends. Greenhill documents over 59 examples of refugees being used as weapons since the Second World War."
Zig Forums used to be a go to place for intellectual speech. When did this change?
Carter Lopez
take your 'fuck the USA" and fuck yourself with it kike. The world knows the US has freedom, and this group or that group or another group, including the Chinese or the Israelis can have (((organisations))) and that doesn't make them US organizations. And learn to spell in english, it's clear you're not a native english language speaker commie.
Alexander Green
the judenited states citizens are not responsible for being the jews bouncer for a century, but look at these swedencucks, they are such faggots and its their own fault right?
Brandon Butler
Kike? LMFAO. The scources are quoted. Anything in quotes are by the author. That is how things are done in academic circles. Read the other articles that I suggested and tell me how you are NOT a Jew cock Suck. Also, I am Rhodesian, of English descent, and "ORGANISATIONS" sounds pretty Alfa, Bravo, Charlie, Delta, Echo, Foxtrot, Golf, Hotel, India, Juliett, Kilo, Lima, Mike, November, Oscar, Papa, Quebec, Romeo, Sierra, Tango, Uniform, Victor, Whiskey, X-ray, Yankee, Zulu to me.
Go suck a circumcised Jew cock, faggot.
Isaac Gomez
"The Eritrean government has proof of the CIA’s role in smuggling desperate people from the Horn of Africa. They also have proof of Amnesty International’s attempt to foment political unrest and violence in the country."
It hasn't, though your input is more rhetorical/descriptive than prescriptive. Not much meat to the bones of your position.
Luis Foster
To expand on this train of thought. Any genuine non Wojack labs/AI bot users out there needn't identify themselves or scream into the void. This is your home now. Even with the kikes in control we can have this conversation and share ideas. I am living proof that there are real users waiting for you to input your status and updates as we try to coordinate this egregorical 'monster' we call manifest destiny.
t. not a kike
Nathan Hughes
The mods think edgy frog images and cheering Trump serve our cause more than intellectual speech, thats why they anchored this thread, while they are right about the archives. We halfchan now Also your approach was not great, if this would be so easy, we would not have these problems.
Tyler Bell
Thanks for the reply. The problem I have is that I am familiar with some of the author's comments. He was on some TV commentaries after the concert bombing in France. The author lives in France but is Irish. His research led to global conspiracy and Jews. He is not Pro-Hitler! His research leads to many connections and links. Sadly, as proved thus far by the comments……. People either cannot read or cannot be bothered to read the links I sent. There are many real red pill links and that is why I posted the thread. I thought that if I read something that was important that other 8channers would be interested, read, and add comment upon. Sadly, I did not take into account the low depths the chan has plummeted to.
For the record there is stuff here that is not widely known.
Chase Ramirez
Thanks, Lad. My inention was to share knowledge The author offered some valid points which would not have been shared or voiced by MSM. My worry was that a % of people here wouldn't have understood his comments. The fact that I received comments after only minutes proves my point. It took me 3 times to read and fully absorb the links and to reference and double check references.
I am coming to the point where everything connected to this site is either lost or beyond repair. Does anyone seriously think we nearly had WW3? Really?
Joshua Myers
"In his monumental book on Sudan, Al Bashir et Darfour la Contre Enquete, Franco-Camerounian author Charles Onana shows that human rights organisations financed by Jewish Lobbies both in France and the United States are at the forefront of covert wars against the people of Africa, where Christians, Muslims, Animists and other religious communities and ethnicities are being pitched against each other by the Mossad in order to divide and conquer the continent on behalf of corporations closely linked to the Jewish State. In order to deflect attention from Israel’s covert wars in Africa, however, ‘anti-racist’ organisations such as SOS Racisme in France and Antifa — a supposedly ‘anti-fascist’ outfit — attack genuine peace activists and anti-imperialists with calumny, defamation and sometimes physical intimidation. This has become quite apparent during recent NATO wars against Libya and Syria.’Anti-racism’ and ‘anti-fascism’ have become key words of Zionist war propaganda."
Please read then talk. Comments prior to reading are ridiculous. Why Sweden is shit is fully explained. (((Some))) Swedes sold out… .not all Swedes. The End.
Elijah Jenkins
For Consideration…… and also amongst the 11 articles that people couldn't have possibly had time to read, but still decided to fomment on……. LOL! "While Marx certainly had Jewish roots, Engels came from a protestant family and the latter is just as important as the former for communists. Anticommunists who propagate the lie that communism was a Jewish conspiracy clearly know next to nothing about communism and the long philosophical, non-Jewish European tradition from Saint Simon and Fourrier to Thomson and Connolly, from which communist ideology stems. In fact, communism is far more Christian than Jewish. Perhaps referring to Acts 2.44, St Ambrose once wrote:
Nature furnishes it wealth to all men in common. God beneficently has created all things that their enjoyment be common to all living beings, and that the earth become the common property of all… Only unjust usurpation has created the right of private property."
One of the slogans of the Bolsheviks upon seizing power came straight out of Thessalonians 3.10: ‘If anyone is not willing to work, let him not eat’.
Comment not Fomment. Apologies for typo, but there is a USA Grammar Nazi alive in this thread.
"take your 'fuck the USA" and fuck yourself with it kike. The world knows the US has freedom, and this group or that group or another group, including the Chinese or the Israelis can have (((organisations))) and that doesn't make them US organizations. And learn to spell in english, it's clear you're not a native english language speaker commie.
For your consideration: 1. Sentences begin with a capital letter. Take? 2. english - did you mean English? 3. fuck the USA….. Did you mean Fuck the USA? 4. Do you mean Fuck yourself with it, Kike? 5. learn to spell in English? 6. English language speaker?
Effortposters moved to other chans, there is endchan, a zeronet chan and there are slower quality boards like >>>/zenpol/
Blake Sullivan
"As German independent TV station K-TV has revealed, the current refugee crisis is most likely the brain child of the afore-mentioned US military grand strategist General Thomas PM Barnett. Barnett was a strategic advisor to former US Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld and currently works with the Israeli military consultancy firm Wikistrat. Wikistrat are close collaborators with US Africa Command (Africom). Barnett’s books The Pentagon’s New Map and Blueprint for Action have had a major influence on US/Israeli global military geostrategies. "
Your links are great examples of how information should be professionally presented, but nobody sees them because the thread was anchored and slided quick, also anons find links without their archives suspicious, so I would recommend to move to another board/chan and add archives. archive.is/pYXWo
Ryder Taylor
I appreciate a sensible comment. My contribuion on this site is only for information. I want kids to be as clever as their representatives. Sadly, and with regret I don't see that. The information is eleven pages. It is simple. Read it or DON'T. If you can understand it READ MORE, but please, guys, do not pretend you have read it when you clearly haven't. Not a rant at you in person.
I am the last white Rhodesian?
Eli Flores
When all you bring to the table is your agenda, then 'edgy frog images' are all you get in return. Fag.
Not an agenda, more a discourse and amalgamation of very relative players, including Russia, Israel, Syria, Assad, America, etcetera.
If you read all of the articles and found nothing new, or of worth, then so be it.
Jackson Miller
Oh yes, very informative, you stupid imbecile. Go fuck yourself. >dissidentvoice.org/2016/03/president-vladimir-putin-an-enigma/ "Putin has repeatedly warned about the recrudescence of Nazi ideology in Eastern Europe, which is spreading with the full complicity of the European Union and the United States. The Nazis who took power in Kiev in the US backed Putsch of 2014 are a case in point. Nazi commemoration ceremonies are now commonplace in the Baltic States, while Bosniak Waffen SS Hamzar Division parades have taken place in the predominantly Muslim populated Sanzhak region of Serbia. The rise of neo-Nazism in Eastern Europe and the EU’s complicity in promoting and abetting anti-Russian jingoism is well documented and represents a grave threat to the national security of the Russian Federation. No country suffered more during the Second World War than the USSR. Over 27 million soviet citizens died. Many of them were Jews. However, the Russian government’s attempt to ban questioning of any aspect of the Nazi persecution of Jews during the Second World War is bad policy and will only fuel neo-Nazism rather than contain it. It is also a further indication that Russia is, to a certain extent ,under the pervasive influence of Zionism. All historical facts are open to question and revision. Historical ‘truth’ should be argued among historians,not subject to juridical decrees." You think it's all good now mentioning this at the end? How about asking why Germany attacked the Soviet Union? There are more than enough books out there detailing the pre-emptive attack, and I'm not even talking about Suvorov because you ridf fags always get your panties in a bunch.