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Here's my theory:
Scene: Trump sitting with generals and gaggle of Jew minders
"Alright guys, I've looked into it and turns out most of my supporters actually are Nazis and they'll kill you if we get this going now. Let's just do the TPP Globalist jew stuff and we can pretend like nothing happened ok? So sad all my magapedes don't really want what's best."
P.S. This is coming from someone who still holds on to hope for some 4d chess/backbone
Oh wow, a duplicate thread.
If this isn't proof trump is ZOG/has been compromised there is literally nothing that can be done to show you otherwise.
Feel blackpilled yet nu/pol/?
It shouldn't really be a surprise. This is the same guy whose response to the deliberately hostile decades-long project of deindustrializing the United States was to give the same people responsible for it tax breaks in the "hope" [note: Trump doesn't believe a word of that, he just wants you to believe it] that these "incentives" would bring the jobs back.
Have to say that fire at Trump Tower may have been a warning
Thanks for telling us why don't you and your mate
fuck. right. off
This is usual Trump push/pull. How many thousands of times have you niggers fallen for this?
Anyday now huh faggot?
>(((jyt))) (((reports)))
If even a line of this jewish trash is true, Its going to be like nafta when he wanted to negotiate it, where we stay the moment it actually benefits the us. Fuck off heebs.
How much are the kikes paying you? It's too much, however much it is. Even if you're doing it for free, you're overpaid.
It was probably just a fire.
Wow which thread is bump locked.
You forgot to sage, dude.
Piss off you fucking mexicunt
lowest effort today
Kushner isn't paying you for laying around, lazy fucks
Op is a faggot but so are the media. It seems hes thinking about it but he knows America last, gonna be a weird week/month alright
Way, way overpaid. If your overseers saw this, you'd be in debt instantly. Well, MORE debt, anyway.
So many (1)'s ITT shilling against the post. Tel Aviv working overtime it seems
You might as well sell your internal organs now before they get cut out of you.
Tell you what guys. I'll leave you to it calling each other yids
I'll leave you with a dew facts
Oh! And where is this wall an Israli company won the bid for after two years
Muh Trump
Wtf happened to Zig Forums?
Theyre paid by the post user, deny your enemies ground at every step.
I'm MAGA-ing hard as fuck right now, was a wonderful decision putting all our eggs into this small weird man's little basket.
OP, how could you….
Well, there's your problems. We deal in facts, not speculation.
Hey now you D&C shill, he's fighting zog SINGLE-HANDEDLY, gotta expect the /ourguy/ NY billionaire reality TV show who made his money in casinos and golf courses and wedded half his family to kikes is gonna drop the ball on some, most, well virtually all his promises and be like a dumber Reagan.
First one had a non-kike fp so it was decided to have a re-do.
Whenever his base reminds him it's a stupid idea he usually backs off.
Pressure needs to be put on him to avoid garbage like TPP.
Actual news source or fuck off
I liked his tweet earlier on that Semite rag. He’s trying to get it to fail hard just by saying that it is. Idk how the paper is doing but it seems to me to be not unlike how kikes crash markets by causing uncertainty.
He is jewed up to the eyeballs. FACT
Eh, I'm not really worried about kikes having to give an additional fraction of a penny to some desperate soyboy with millions of college debt. They own the debt too, so he's basically just dancing to their tune in exchange for the kikes moving their shekels from one pocket to the other.
Can't tell a shill. Lurk moar n00b
Surely the president will side with me, the overweight 20something posting about niggers and frogs on Jack Dorsey aka "@jack", who lives at 830 El Camino Del Mar, San Francisco CA, is a child rapist, murderer and cannibal. twitter all day rather than his gaggle of jewish financier friends?
Pathetic. Try again.
Keep being in denial, trumpcuck
I just had an idea for a meme:
#InconvenientFacts2018 Nigger slavery is revisionist jewish propaganda, most coal which ran the economy was mined by white children. Endless rows of whites died in factories but were never eulogized like other races.
You're a right blowhard
This is the most pathetic shilling I've ever seen.
Zig Forums was never ever about supporting normie politicians
what happened?
I take it back: THIS is the most pathetic shilling I've ever seen.
I could go all day on this, and make you look more and more retarded.
What isn't owned by kikes?
How new are you?
It's like the Syrian threads spooked them out.
it should have stopped after he got elected, it makes no difference now what people say about Trump on Zig Forums, why is it banworthy to be pissed when he does something bad?
You really are a drooling idiot. Welcome to my filter
kill yourselves fake news niggers
>look into
Gay. Make this thread again when there's more than "look into".
Not talking about banning people but how many times has he gone back on his promises. What is this blind loyalty to Trump?
This is not what Zig Forums is about
He shouldn't be looking into it at all
where is the video of him saying it?
this is the most retarded mindset
for bleeding novices
To keep 8/pol/ from growing by turning it into a Trump cult.
The burger election brought r/the_donald here and they decided to stay
Sure seems like it
Every other time there's been anything like this from Trump, the "betrayal" ended up just being him outwitting his opponents. Why should I expect this to be something different?
This just means that the kickbacks and payoffs that were slated for Obongo and the Clintons are now redirected to the Don. Elections are just fights over who gets paid to sell us out.
Yes, like when he raised the defense budget to put the country more deeply in debt and visited the Western Wall and brought in people like John Bolton. He didn't actually do any of those things, they were just talk. Any media reports that he did do them are disinformation.
Nice digits brother.
What's to discuss? It's another "if" article. All you want to do is bitch, and you know it. Call the White House if you're really that concerned.
and what the fuck will that accomplish?
Then how about you blow your own head off instead? Try to take a Rothschild or something out with you, though. Otherwise, you won't be doing shit except whining like some faggot on /r9k/.
More like any white, or honorary aryans, with a slightly above room temperature IQ realized with time that life is meaningless unless your kin prosper and by extension the logical leaps brought them to the reality of white supremacy.
8pol is literally the last place I feel comfortable compromising my opsec on. This is the last place in the world, given our knowledge of the near-omniscience of the NWO, for us to discuss the facts of life. This is a crowded dinghy bar on the outskirts of a TRON-like neon world of empty delights and hedonistic performances put on to endless applause and empty adulation. Every single cynic, skeptic and truth-seeker worth their salt is either shilling, shitposting or monitoring this. I feel like such a faggot constantly trying to credential/authority check yall anons, but it is hard to communicate persuasively without throwing some sort of indication of competency into the ring. Anywho… Find a position of power user. Work towards being the archetype needed to sway the masses. BE the ideal and inspire others!
Who writes this stuff lmao
How is that a bad thing?
Literally who?
Now THIS is kikery. I said "every other time there's been anything like this from Trump", and suddenly you're pretending that I denied that events happened at all. 100% pure judaism.
Not an argument.
And it worked.
And he projects.
They didn't even have the balls to do a "sources say". It's just these leftist cucks stating that according to our self Trump is doing this. We from media outlet NYT think Trump will rejoin TPP.
Battered wife syndrome, lmao
It can't work. You can't replace entire industries and their attendant facilities and infrastructure in a little over a year. Corporations used most of the money to buy back stock.
I would've told you to get back to the oven had the Holocaust actually happened, but it didn't.
even if the lurkers agree with your sentiment, why the fuck would NYT lie about something like this? All it would take is for Trump to add an offhand comment denying the story for all of us to chill out and for the NYT to suffer the biggest L of (((current year))). There has been no indication so far that Trump is distancing himself from this latest barrage, not proof he is cucked though FWIW.(>Why would the (((NYT))) lie?)
I think their budget has been cut, though. This is nowhere near last year's Syria blitzkrieg; it's just a few losers spouting ad hominems and linking to jewish newspaper articles. Mediocre at best.
Fuck lads. It's over.
The absolute state of shilling.
unnamed sources say i am the king of the world and you must all pay tribute.
Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.
Yeah, why indeed?
Hoping this means "We'll join TPP, as long as the whole damn thing is rewritten from top to bottom to remove all the shit we don't like." That seems to be the pattern.
nope. drumphs a big dumdum head who couldnt negotiate his way out of a paper bag.
even niggers can be millionaires when they have the (((right people))) around
Either option A: most of the populace is too stoned on the earthly pleasures of their pathetic jewish career to be effective, option B: Christian religious subversion at the highest levels has led to western deus vult zealots having their energy redirected to pro-ZOG directions, option C: they are baiting and trolling the right, as they have wholesale given up on indoctrinating the educated through arguments or statistics (the pot-pourri of disinformation in our personal infosphere as dictated by our political affiliations and system profile is a constant, think minority report if you want to see their "inspiration" behind Skynet/Terminator tier predictive policing).>>11478104
Formatted for easy reading
Option A:
Most of the populace is too stoned on the earthly pleasures of their pathetic jewish career to be effective,
Option B:
Christian religious subversion at the highest levels has led to western deus vult zealots having their energy redirected to pro-ZOG directions,
Option C:
They are baiting and trolling the right, as they have wholesale given up on indoctrinating the educated through arguments or statistics (the pot-pourri of disinformation in our personal infosphere as dictated by our political affiliations and system profile is a constant, think minority report if you want to see their "inspiration" behind Skynet/Terminator tier predictive policing).