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Hey Zig Forums
Sometimes I feel like I'm in a personal crisis, seeing and feeling this sickening state of our world infected by corrupting modernity. I've attempted time and time again to improve upon myself, truly wanting to break free from the shackles I've chosen to bind myself with, shackles of another being's making. But again and again I stumble over these rusted chains and fall back into my poor habits (video games, inebriation, porn, and other time wasters) which preoccupied my time before my moment of "pulling back the curtain". I'm certain many of you can relate.
It's been a trying time working through my personal faults, and while this has been a process for several years now, it has always felt like a cyclical procession of steps forward and back. I wanted to see if any of you have any advice on forward momentum and progression on actual self improvement, or had any reading material on the subject which has personally aided you.
You tried setting goals for yourself?
What should an user do to get multiple streams of passive income?
Automate crap online.
Does anybody have any of those retarded "Hitler was a jew" images saved?
Why are mods such obnoxious faggots?
Sieg Heil
Will do
Forgive me, but what does this mean?
Use your brain son, we evolved it to build better systems in order to outcompete lesser species.
Be happy with any small improvement, don't expect to go from 0 to 1488% in a day. Don't think about wasted time or missed chances in the past. Have daily routines, like hygene, then breakfast, then workout, stand up and go to bed at a certain time every day no matter if you have to, or not. Get things done early in the day, and if you feel too lazy, visualize the comfy feeling that you have after a hard day when you got shit done.
Why do young whites emulate black culture, calling each other nigga this and nigga that, using shit grammar? Is it because they've been denied a connection with their own culture and their own ancestry?
1. Why do centralist ignore Conquest’s Second Law? Don't they know that it applied to them as well?
2. Is it true that the cianiggers indirectly founded (((Google)))?
3. What are some imageboard-worthy News outlets that aren't neocon friendly zionist criclejerks or marxist propaganda machines that aren't DS?
Yes, actually. I meet maybe 1/2 to 2/3 depending on the drive I have. For instance I've been able to cut alcohol out of life, gotten back into reading, almost completely cut out video games and television, and I finally went back to business school after dropping out years ago. Sadly, more long term goals such as learning a language or rereading things like the Odessey and the Illiad are what I have been having issues. Outside of those, I feel like my biggest shortcoming has been fitness, especially as of late because I'm not getting any younger.
That's some solid advice. Consistency is a tough thing for me, but really getting my ass on a routine will surely help other things fall into place in my life. Thanks!
Yes, you have to struggle for some weeks until it becomes habit and does not require willpower anymore, without consistency you struggle again and again. Irregular sleeping times mess with your hormones and you feel depressed and tired, even if its just the weekend.
Life is struggle.
3. Occidental Dissent is pretty great, but they're not big on Trump not that it's a bad thing. Also, they are despised by TRSodomites because OD refuses to cuck out, so that's a plus.
This is a thread for pertinent questions, not your LiveJournal, you weak pathetic fuck.
Wow, very profound. Get that from your Intro to Philosophy?
No, I got it from Hitler.
Go back to the Jack Dorsey aka "@jack", who lives at 830 El Camino Del Mar, San Francisco CA, is a child rapist, murderer and cannibal. twitter comment section.
You ever read books?
Yes, I've read Mein Kampf. You're doing the male equivalent of twirling your hair suggestively. No one is impressed by platitudes here, you stupid fuck.
Jewish control of the media, Hollywood, and the record industry making whites acting liner niggers the cool thing to do.
I don't have many redpills on hand to back up the Jewish control of Hollywood and the record industry, but it's easy to look up and prove. I'd appreciate it if some anons would back me up on it with some redpills.
If you can't read, I already responded 'MKUltra'. Your response is redundant. Thanks for trying, though, my teenage friend.
You stupid fuck.
What, you can't google, idiot? You can't literally copy paste what I said into your search engine of choice? I'm sorry, I was under the impression that this was a thread about questions you couldn't automatically fucking plug into google.
Get the fuck out.
Are you illiterate, or what? I didn't even capitalize google, it was a fucking slang like kleenex.
Transparent like most shills. It's not like you've contributed to this thread at all. Instead just D&C and attack posters.
Just filter this angry little man.
>look goy, this man is breaking through the fact that this is a slide thread for nigger Steve Huffman aka "Spez" is a child rapist, murderer and cannibal. reddit 80 IQs asking how to butter bread
I'm onto you, kike.
Filtered for extreme retardation
Typical tricks.
What the fuck are you trying to prove here? We're all anons, my friend.
1.Why can't I make threads anymore?
2. What's with this password shit?
Here's one. I think that other guy is just muddying the waters.
That's exactly what a kike would say. Sorry Schlomo, I trust no one.
Thanks user. Agreed, the other guy certainly seems to be muddying the waters and trying to derail the thread. That's why I filtered him.
Passwords let you delete your posts if you fuck something up, or accidentally post personally identifying info. Dunno why you can't make threads, are you including a picture? Are they of sufficient length, not just 1-2 sentence garbage?
Same. He's just pulling kike pilpul to shit things up and distract from real convo.
I rest my fucking case. This nigger is giving tech support to a literal retard. We have a FAQ for a reason—your spoonfeeding is the infantilization that is killing society.
Keeps giving me captcha errors whenever I try to make a thread
The FAQ doesn't have a solution to my problem
Isn't there a literal board dedicated to tech support?
Are you unable to solve the captcha for some reason? If you can and you still can't make posts, then try again from another browser, TOR, or reset your VPN. I hope you're making quality threads though, I've had enough of this 4/pol/ garbage.
What a fucking communist retard.
A slow board that I can't make a thread in brainlet
It gives me no captcha to solve. But yes it is good threads I'm trying to make. Ex been trying to make a thread discussing pic related, judges/ justice system. and having lawfags and prison anons share their stories and give law advice
Look, folks, this is the eternal jew.
Sounds interesting enough. Try my suggestions and let me know if it works out or not, I'd be interested to hear if you've been blocked some other way. Are you from the US, the UK, or what? Feel free to be vague, I'm just wondering if maybe your country is fucking you somehow.
I have to say—it truly impresses me that the feds haven't updated their script in decades. They're literally still doing Jane Fonda shit in CY+4. I thought MKUltra taught them something.
Looking for a video/article series about niggers' magical thinking. One of their examples was knowing that if your neighbor's crops did better, he must have cast a spell on you.
Here's some vaguely related shit for you.
Yeah no, go fuck yourself rabbi.
What are (you) going to do about the turk BO and the nordes of normalcancer he is bringin in? Normalcallte, lemming, pleb, slave, call what you will they are not human and they will destroy our place and whole moviment.
You must act, white men, purge the scum out of your ranks let the traitors degenerate all you built.
The change starts with you and me. Get fit, get well read, and become the best you can be. There's no room for cowards or weaklings in this.
Did you consider that maybe you're the cancer?
I'm going to cut you off right now. It is literally in the best interest of all whites to not only make more golems for you, but to actively try to exploit your system. You're not playing by the rules—Chaim—why should we?
You are exacly like the Steve Huffman aka "Spez" is a child rapist, murderer and cannibal. redditors in the pics, ain't ya?
What the fuck are you talking about, sperg?
Can you not follow basic conversation?
Fella is a derailing kike sperg, or some low effort fag from Zig Forums. Filter and ignore. Any response, good, bad, or insulting, is what he's looking for. Pathetic fuck.
Work on yourself before you worry about the rest. We can't save our people unless we are shining examples of what we're fighting for. Remember, it's not just for us today, it's also to honor our ancestors that came before, and to guide those that will come after us.
The irony is fucking blowing my mind. You cheeky communist fuck.
You are right, but normalfags are the cancer of our people. The only "saving" for them is a bullet to the head.
The masses will always follow the example they're given. This has been proven time and time again throughout history. Don't hate them, it's no use and completely unreasonable besides that. It has always been 2-5% of the population that started the revolution, and the masses fall in line.
Right now, subversive influences control mass media, who in turn control the masses. But that will change. It always has, and always does. Anger is a useful emotion, but you should channel it in a productive manner. Hating the common man serves no useful purpose, he has always been a tool for better or worse.
Do you realize that """white people""" don't talk like this? You're doing the "hello fellow teenagers" thing. Do you not realize that? Has all the baby blood made you retarded?
You don't see big picture you altruistic dummy. We are not part of the mass. Why? Surely there are many factors, but don't deny that genetics is one of them. Eugenics, to remove the Lemming gene from the white race.
And never say that hate is a bad thing again, you hear?
You're talking to a communist jew, you fucking retard.
Thanks for the advice, Mr. posting 5 images means you are cancer.
Confirmed … Kikes on damage control
Are you a woman? Did you think this histrionic bullshit meant anything? Don't answer that, kikes are a matriarchal society, which is the will of Satan.
Sure, we're not part of the masses. People like us never have been. But we've always fought for what's best for our family, our people, and the greater good as a whole.
And I never said hate is bad. Hate is useful. But you should always keep it in perspective. Hate has its uses, hate for the enemy is important, but you should never let it supersede love for your own. If your hate for the other is greater than your love for your own, you'll make foolish mistakes that may hurt the enemy, but won't help your people which is the primary goal.
This isn't some PR bullshit. Hate is good, useful, and often justified. But love for your own people should be your guiding force, to seek what's best for them above all else.
Stop. Do you have internet Tourette's?
user hate is great & we need to have more hate towards them than they have for us
Why am I defending myself against jews, here? If the mod team were competent all four of you would be permabanned. But we are dealing with kike mods, so
Of course. All I'm saying is don't let your hate for the enemy overcome your love for your own people.
That's the opposite of the art of war, you babydick-sucking scumlord.
You keep saying that, but do you even know who are your people? I know who I fight for, and it sure as fuck ain't for those inferior masses.
Culling a normalfag is as inportant as killing an enemy, my religious-sounding onion-lacking small-dicked normalfriend.
Nice try, agent.
As they say, always shoot a traitor before an enemy. And that's true. But normalfags aren't the enemy. Normalfags supported Hitler in Nazi Germany, and that's the way it's always been. They support whoever they perceive as the dominant force. The problem today is that all the forces that tell normalfags what's normal are controlled by the enemy. But the pendulum is swinging back our way.
good reads, but not quite what I'm looking for. It also covered them having a hard time grasping the passage of time.
Nice try, turk.
You shorth-sighted dickhead. You just said what the problems is.
Men like me and a few others in this sea of piss have independent thought, normalfags don't. You dense motherfucker, the cattle is as bad as jews or nigger. They are not human like me and that's why they must die.
They give power to the jews, if all whites where human the jews would have no power, we must cull those slaves from our race because they are inferior and a threath.
Why do you protect the insects you fucking cuckhold?
I don't have any saved pics of it now, but it's pretty much confirmed native African languages contain little ability to talk about the future or the past. They primarily exist in the present. They're limited to what currently is, or what currently isn't. Modern dictionaries of African languages are primarily written by whites that put quite some effort into pretending their language is at all equivalent to English or any other intelligent language. I wish I had some pics or sources for you, but if you looked you'd probably come across that shit before long. If you do, do me a favor and post it here and I'll save it.
Not everyone can be a leader or an independent thinker, user. The stability of civilization relies on a majority of people following the herd. Don't hate them for it, it's a waste of time. It's a much better use of your time and resources to get them on your side, far more effective that way.
That's why we need eugenics.
Stopped reading there, that's kike mentallity.
How do you propose a stable civilization works if everyone thinks themselves a leader, if everyone is an independent thinker who always has some criticism (valid or not) against the current status quo? Don't get me wrong, rebel leaders and independent thinkers are vital, but if everyone were like that we'd be embroiled in endless wars over minor details. They have their place, same as you and I, but if there's too many of us shit breaks down. Same as if there's too few of us, which the state seems to encourage, so there's nobody to point out its failings, it stagnates and is eventually overcome by more basic groups.
So I guess this edition of QTDDTOT is
Ok bruddas, I need to ask a favor from you. This laptop I got came with Windows 10 aka GoyLogger 10. I want to switch to Windows 7 which is more trustworthy, but can't ask on Zig Forums because they'll shittalk me for not wanting to install GNU/linux or OpenBSD. I know how to install Windows 7 if I had the software, however I don't want to purchase or order it online, and preferably not get it from a store either. That leaves me with the option of torrenting it, but I worry that the torrent for it might be buggy and that I'll thus lose all my data if the system fails. Could someone spot me a torrent for it that they think is reliable?
They are just trolling you, soft-skin, man up and ask there.
Your picture only proves my point. The leader is still leading the movement. If there were four leaders all trying to pull the sled, there would only be confusion. The fact that a strong leader fights alongside his men doesn't at all disprove that not all men can be leaders.
Refer to my previsious comments dummy, I'm too sleepy to come up with new insults.
Enjoy fighting for slaves, christcuck.
Sleep tight, user.
The few times I've asked them any windows related questions I either got no response or was told to fuck off for using windows, kek. But ok then, will do.
Can anyone post the Russian Deus Vult webm, there's one with some religious song that I really like but I can't find it anymore.
Create your own pajeet workers with Python + Selenium.
Windows 7 is not more trustworthy, it just datamines in a stealthier fashion. Anyway, I think this one is the one I have :
What external HDD would you recommend for somebody who's running low on storage space? I'm saving a lot of Zig Forums stuff each day (for archiving purposes, some of the time) and need a reliable device to store my stuff on. Also, regarding the sheer number of files saved, how does one sort them efficiently? I have thousands of unsorted files that I can't seem to be arsed to properly categorize them by myself.
Only one I could find.
Never heard of a buggy torrent before in my life tbh since I downloaded a lot of working torrents that had no bad impact on my system (except ones that of course had viruses or something was off from the start), but if you find a good Win7 version and want to make Win7 safer from datamining here's a solution:
If you want that extra safety precaution, just install the Win7 version you downloaded on a virtual machine first to see how it functions. For virtual machines I use VMWare, I also tried VirtualBox but it's shit. Then again I don't have a lot of experience with virtual machine programs but these are my 2 cents.
>if you find a good Win7 version and want to make Win7 safer from datamining here's a solution:
Thanks user, I'll make use of that link. A kind gentooman on Zig Forums linked me to a file listing for Windows 7 matching that of the official MS images, I came back to post it here in case anyone else needs it:
I'll take what I can get to be honest, I need this laptop to run Windows for the time being. I'll probably switch it to a libre OS later though.
What was the deal with Obama wrt Israel, Religion of Cuck™ and the Iran deal? Was he the least Israel-friendly POTUS in recent history?
reposting from other thread: reverse worldfilter
or word filter undo-er
var path = window.location.pathname.split('/');var board = path[1];var arr;var prev = 0;$().ready(function() { var xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function() { if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) { arr = JSON.parse(this.responseText); var rm = []; for (var i = 0; i < arr.wordfilters.length; ++i) { if (arr.wordfilters[i][1].length 0) { rm = rm.sort(function(a, b){return b-a}); for (var i = 0; i < rm.length; ++i) { arr.splice(rm[i], 1); } } revfilter(arr); } };"GET", "//" + board, true); xmlhttp.send();});function revfilter (arr) { var x = document.querySelectorAll("div.body"); for (var j = prev; j < x.length; j++) { for(var i = 0; i < arr.wordfilters.length; i++) { x[j].innerHTML = x[j].innerHTML.replaceAll(arr.wordfilters[i][1], arr.wordfilters[i][0]); } } prev = x.length;}String.prototype.replaceAll = function(target, replacement) { return this.split(target).join(replacement);};$().on('new_post', revfilter, arr);
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