Trump Proposes Rejoining Trans-Pacific Partnership.
What a globalist, kike loving cunt.
The last of his promises to break
Next thing you know he'll be doing deals involving selling military technology to China.
He has said from the beginning that he'd consider joining if it 'were much better for America'. He's saying he'd be okay with it if it were renegotiated to be notshit (won't happen). I think he's mostly saying it to try spooking China into a better trade deal, and possibly to to the muh free trade True Conservatives off his back for a bit.
Could be worse. He could have sold a shit-ton of weapons to the Saudis, grant amnesty to a known Jewish con-artist or marry his kids to Yids. Thank God, he never thought about doing anything like that.
isn't there two threads about this already?
what a surprise, a jewish person breaking promises /sarc
Where they've all been anchored and OP's have been banned.
Shills are boring. Get one of your Hollywood jews to write a new script, snipdick
go back to redddit
Great counter-arguments right there, bucko.
Well OP is a highly decorated Faggot. This shit has been coming from the Maw of one Senator Ben Sasse. Shills have been spamming this to break our resolve.
it is a bit bizarre and suspicious how quickly you'll run to believe mainstream news of Trump kiking. Not that I believe this is fake, not at all, as Trump does these proposals and rethinks his positions all the time
Back in February for instance he has stated clearly that he would be okay with rejoining the TPP if it offered a far better deal. So I don't see how this is contradicting that.
kill yourself kike, you're a disgrace to white people everywhere. nvm you aren't white.
No, that's deportations.
muh shill
Tell Trump not to.
Comments: 202-456-1111
Switchboard: 202-456-1414
Posting in a shill thread.
Sage and report low effort shill threads that don't even try to follow the rules for posting here.
Like this one
Just because the thread is shit doesn't mean we shouldn't tell Trump not to TPP.
Comments: 202-456-1111
Switchboard: 202-456-1414
Never heard him say that
Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.
I don't understand politics. The /thread/
in either case, had op not been a fag this topic has great levels of discussionthat will be fucked upbecause OP is a fag
Of course not, you're a brainlet that can't pay attention. He said from the start he was willing to renegotiate, but the kikes kvetched and said there'd be no renegotiation.
If he can renegotiate a deal favorable to the US. He said this many, many, many, times, Niggerblue.
This, regardless of what's going to happen people should be proactive. Everyone freaking out are still fags though.
When did fake news become a source? You seem to forget that anything published in the news should be assumed false.
better off just waiting for a Trump tweet honestly if it's really happening.