
Would only join TPP if the deal were substantially better than the deal offered to Pres. Obama. We already have BILATERAL deals with six of the eleven nations in TPP, and are working to make a deal with the biggest of those nations, Japan, who has hit us hard on trade for years!
Jack Dorsey aka "@jack", who lives at 830 El Camino Del Mar, San Francisco CA, is a child rapist, murderer and cannibal. twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/984631073865953280

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no wall
no net neutrality
shit tax plans
and the only improvement in the economy is McJobs

how is this different than hillary?

He's not rounding dissidents up for slaughter.

more gun control
so… sort of

Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.

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He bought us 4-8 years, I don't think anyone really expected more - the other options wouldn't have even done that.

he bought us 1.25 years

To add to this, it's sadly against the definition of "conservative" to seek to roll back changes. It's more like the "moderation" or "buffer" party - it presses the pause button on the decline of society, it doesn't stop it or rewind to the good times. Corruption and failure are the natural course of a society, while those born into those times post-collapse rebuild a better society. We're the generation watching it burn, not the ones who get the good times or the ones who will be vigorous enough when it is time to rebuild to make it happen.

We're not balls deep into WW3 and Zig Forumsacks haven't been rounded up into FEMA camps.

Attached: real professional.jpg (1080x1037, 145.07K)

Also jobs are legitimately doing very well.

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So, no different than it was before. Gotcha.

yeah, but we deserve better

yeah but I bought a motorala brick in 1987 new in the box and did a shit ton of cali coke off the asses of young girlfriends…… so it was "good times".

Now you neet fuckers can clean up your own messes.>>11478790


you need to redefine good times

come on Moshe you're not even trying anymore.

Fucking kek. Is this a shitpost? I can't tell if it's a shill or a Zig Forumslack imitating a shill.

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No war with Russia, Syria is winding down, hopefully Afghanistan is next.
Not that he hasn't tried, either way the National Guard has been deployed in the meanwhile.
NN is fucking bullshit, it was only applied by Obama for part of 2015 to 2017. Internet was a lot better before, it was a liberal boogeyman for a nonissue.
Tax reduction is always fucking good… pinko (((commie))).

Man, nowadays children get prescribed more exciting things than coke. It's so fucked up that your excessive lifestyle in the 1980s doesn't even look fun anymore.

why not? with those nuclear codes he can help wipe the slate clean. A square one kinda fun. Think of it! the smoldering crater that once was Israel while middle America lies for the most part intact.
Considering most of the wretched and beyond saving lie within dense population zones: nuclear annihilation would solve most of our problems across the globe while still allowing us the room to grow powerful, untouched, and unhindered.

That's a really interesting take on things in light of the mass exodus of manufacturing that began under Reagan [not to mention his destruction of White pensions and lives in the USSR that happened to coincide with a mass influx of jews being pushed out from that same bloc] and the total implosion of Western society under the Bush administration. Some times it is downright bizarre listening to some of you. It's like you live in Charles Lindbergh's days or something.

Zig Forumsacks lean more towards traditionalism than "conservatism".

Jesus. Those replies. Sometimes it's really obvious how many shills and newfags there are around here.

I believe the chessfags but Trump's actions make even me nervous sometimes. The midterms will at least settle it once and for all because either Trump drops truthbombs between now and then or the dems deadlock the rest of his term by winning back a house of Congress.

Attached: trumpguncontrol.png (536x536, 348.96K)

Has the mascara on your face dried already?


It took 1,5 years to get that far.
Shillary would've done it within her first week.

I wonder which country will end up annexing Israel?

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