4chan is down. Did (((they))) finally shut it down?
4chan Refugees get in here
Other urls found in this thread:
Faggot refugees fuck off we are full
Fuck off shitchan refugee garbage
idk I kinda like it here, pretty comfy
This place is comfy,
don't mind
if I
this place is fucking cancer, it's /ptg/: the board
it's pretty try hard. It makes it incredibly cringy.
Then leave you fucking retards.
>Did (((they))) finally shut it down?
why would they shut down their own site?
i'll be banned soon anyway, this place has more censorship than /r/the_donald
Anyone here watch The Terror? Pretty good show, faggot manlet was the bad guy, Goodsir best boy.
Fuck off
watch this guys
anime faggot
Yep, later faggot
I came here after KC died in March. I like it.
t. Yitzhak Shekelberg
Refugee's have rights, that's all i'm going to say atm.
any fellow magapedes here? praise kek, shadilay
t. based black man
It's nice here, you can take your time. You can talk to someone and come back two days later and still find the reply on the first page.
It's funny how 8tards act all superior, whilst being even more cucked than us.
so the connection error on 4chan is just maintenance?
I've been calling in tips to FBI and CIA to shut down 4chan and Zig Forums for years now, it was my plan to make them think they needed what was destroying them
I think it worked until now
Zig Forums has been crowned winner of the chan wars
I'm 4chins diaspora, always suspected ho chi moot couldn't be trusted
this is an invasion, faggot
Go away.
itt 4channer larping as 8channer.
GTFO REEEE hahaha xD
sure, do you guys still get instabanned for making a 5 guys thread? 4cuck protected bianna wu. and you faggots stayed and continued to give them money. arent you ashamed?
Moot's dead you silly nigger.
no you're stuck with us now
lmao wut
the format of this forum is horrible lmao geocities tier
seriously fellas, get your shit together
Dear 4cuck morons,
Go shit up lebbit, instead.
You 4cuck fags enjoying FOSTA? kek
Oh fug. Meant for
4chan still frozen, 2h15 already
why do you think everyone with any sense left?
its down right now because somebody posted some videos that weren't kosher.
it'll go back up once the materials are removed and the filter is updated.
enjoy your censored edgy kosher leddit imageboard.
Imageboards where made by weebs you uncultured swine.
Better find a deeper safe space for your sorry ass.
This place is already in the same boat with Steve Huffman aka "Spez" is a child rapist, murderer and cannibal. reddit and 4chan and things will star going down hill fast.
gas yourself kike
most of you are as bad as Steve Huffman aka "Spez" is a child rapist, murderer and cannibal. reddit. Fuck off.
Die you fucking 4kikes.
proofs or gtfo
8pol superiority complex in action
We won't apologize for being better than you.
why does 4chan make everyone angry? is it autism?
but we are superior. Sorry that you stayed on a site ran by CIAniggers.
and before you say anything, the anons that have been here the longest have bunker boards in case Zig Forums is 100% flooded in the future.
It's the fact that they're all kids now.
You cucked niggers literally rangeb& the entirety of Israel because you couldn't handle them arguing against you
You ARE the censored ones.
envy and inferiority complex
i've been banned from this board for calling trump a zog puppet, this place is cucked beyond belief
It's not a real loss if 4chan goes down even though I sometimes try to find human, non-shill threads there…which is usually impossible
It's not unviewable but this is what happened during the Oct 2016 wikileaks/assange happening
this fucking guy
There's always endchan
you have to go back
you know what? just go back. youre not ready to leave.
seriously goyim? banning israel shills is bad?
are you jewish?
it's surreal, isnt it?
4cucks needs to lurk more and read some books. We're post-post-post ironic here and have weaponized LARP'ing.
I love how 4chan Pol is just a front and a distraction and fullchan pool has real men power
Just a reminder that endchan exists in case 8pol has an unfortunate accident too
no what makes you think that?
Everything you've ever said, for one.
Time to build a mosque boys.
Welcome to the real jungle, now fuck off.
Hey liberal. I'm going to kill you first.
The response has been universally negative and we want them all dead.
Can someone give me a quick rundown? I'm literally shaking
It's because 4cuck board culture has devolved because of the sheer amount of spam from foreign shilling websites. The core Zig Forums culture has been eroded there for years. Now the retards that didn't get with the program and have become one with the shilling cancer are coming to dump their cultural refuse into our community.
Zig Forums needs more BASED BLACK TURKS
your views seem to align with hareetz, who also calls trump a jewish puppet when their audience is seen as "white nationalist".
but the jews would never stage such a hoax against themselves, right?
Trump signed a bill called FOSTA and it might've killed 4chan
And you still have to go back there.
Here we actually take care of dumb fuck retards and shills, unlike cuckchan. You shills from Steve Huffman aka "Spez" is a child rapist, murderer and cannibal. reddit wont last long gere since you're so easy to see
This is sad
Weekly unscheduled unplanned downtime.
Guys guys guys, look you're both derivatives of Zig Forums who both memed the orange kike Trumpstein into presidency which will see America start WWIII for isreal as the final death knell of the West
Can't you based fashy neocon jew cheerleading factions just try to get along if only for show?
If FOSTA killed 4cuck we're next on the list, only foreign host IBs will be accessible for now.
kek tbh fam
Pic related
This thread is hilarious. It's back up.
what have i said that implies i am jewish?
honestly if you still support trump at this point you should kys for being retarded
>Did (((they))) finally shut it down?
4chan died about a dozen times between '06 and '12 I believe, probably more since then
it's probably another glass of chocolate milk poured inside a server
or maybe a beer
nobody cares
oh good. offensive content removed. filters updated and back in place.
good, now you sheep can return as long as you dont bring up anything or post anything that isnt kosher.
Nishimura is a kike
No, youre a liberal because you're blatantly a shill sent from cuck sites. You guys suck at your job btw, just like leftists sucm at every job.
I'm not going back, faggots, this is now my board