BREAKING: The Russian military says that an alleged chemical attack in Syria was staged and directed by Britain.
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Wasn't there news about the previous "chemical attack" in which some British soldiers were in Syria and created a false flag to escape?
also, post source.
It's not like they've faked another gas attack in the past few weeks and blamed it on Russi-
oh wait.
If I'm reading this situation correctly, this is an attempt at diffusion because the UK is so overly infiltrated that it needs a good injection of Freedom to fix it.
I blelieve it, though I dont care, what a DISSAPOINTMENT Trump was, why do you care this DEMON worshipers get attacked? you need to care for your frontiers, give nigger slackers a job so they stop leeching welfare, stop more central and south Americans from coming!
Go home neocon, you're drunk.
"We've got a new offer. It's about Syria again. Qataris propose an attractive deal and swear that the idea is approved by Washington. We'll have to deliver a CW to Homs, a Soviet origin g-shell from Libya similar to those that Assad should have. They want us to deploy our Ukrainian personnel that should speak Russian and make a video record. Frankly, I don't think it's a good idea but the sums proposed are enormous. Your opinion?
Kind regards David"
7/10 bait, almost fell
Just as I thought, naming Israel is still beyond anybody's abilities.
sauce is in the bread
because OP is a faggot
already a thread
Oh really? Please.
KNEW IT they blew the skripals thing up now it's a mess
Well now both sides are in a corner they wont get out off again.
One more spark and this shit explodes.
The UK has been a vassal state for Jews for centuries, so it wouldn't surprise me. Hopefully the Brits can wrest their nation free from the kikes one day.
Balfour declaration anyone?
I think most people are not buying the gas attack hoax. They will fall flat on their faces.
Didn't Assad capture SAS at the beginning of the civil war(7 years ago) and he even sent them back to Britain unharmed.
Much reformation has yet to come.
The puppet masters will fail.
The bad actors have fallen.
Mi6, stupid tricks!
More like the jews are throwing the anglos under bus. This is what they get for siding with asiatics over their kinsmen on the continent and en Éire.
It's the future they chose.
Its amazing watching the kikes create the next war of European extermination and nobody watching it seems to have any grasp of whats happening.
This is all going to end in disaster, and as usual, we have noone to blame but ourselves. And the jew.
the fucking plot to gta v is a fucking documentary
Fuck off shareblue shiilll
good catch in the photo
not sure if lying to self or lying to others but you're next level retarded. you have a literal jew in office.