Go here instead

The board for you.
Post there instead.
Post this in every thread you can. Get these fucktards off the board. Thanks.

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HAHAHAHAHAH everyone knows you're all pedos here fucking fags

I post where I want faggot


the pedo boards have been deleted for a while now, jack ass

Attached: d8092f48467d65bc015c49ab73b32f7e740ebe50a2166d23f3fc8f6e86fff47c.jpeg (167x175, 11.8K)

Mate that never fucking works.


8pol is dead anyway and its been like that since forever lOL most people from here went back to 4pol for that reason.
when 4pol comes back up were coming home, you know, call us cuckchan or whatever but at least we didn't spawn Zig Forums and pedo boards

Attached: 27657165_1587075517995663_2766194332698410328_n.jpg (640x637, 44.49K)

That or >>>/polk/

thank you but no — i'll stay here. and if i'm banned for posting this then i'll use tor. kek.


Ummm no Sweetie

Attached: sweetie.jpg (125x125, 2.5K)

Such a shame too, doesn't take long for normies to ruin every chan

Global report.

good idea, but this never works. it is another /bant/

learn how to linked board newfag

Actually, cuckchan isn't down at all. Really, really pathetic raid.

Attached: half_pol current status.jpg (1348x547, 304.9K)

cuckchan pol go here:

spam here:
>>>Zig Forums

fags go here:

Attached: cwc.PNG (899x226, 42.85K)

You're right, the communists and pedos here get to have their own containment boards, it's much more efficient where you guys stand, with them actually owning the website in the first place.

Attached: agreeable_loli.gif (269x321, 1.25M)

its frozen

No it's not you fucking nigger, now go away back to your stupid website


Attached: less than a minute ago.jpg (487x85, 17.9K)

bring the hot pockets
