How is this different than nazi Germany?
ICE is literally killing immigrants that have committed no crime...
Other urls found in this thread:
Global report.
This is righteous. Thanks for putting a smile on my face to brighten my day. Mexicans need to be eradicated from the USA, either moved out or killed. Just like mudskins in Europe. Get them OUT!
Global report is a waste of time, it breaks no 8ch rules, just do a regular report so the Zig Forums mods see it. Global mods dismiss cuck thread reports because that is allowed on 8ch but not Zig Forums. Aslong as it's legal it's allowed.
they had six kids
literally nobody give a shit about some dead beaners that shouldn't have been here in the first place
Do you know where the fuck you are?
Yeah, but since they are kids they'll probably not be much harder to kill than their parents (even though there are more of them).
No need to worry, user. We'll get em all.
What is this, Fark circa 2006?
Is this what threads on cuckchan are actually like?
1) They got into a car crash and died while trying to evade ICE. It wasn't ICE trying to kill them, it wasn't even a cop with an itchy trigger.
2) They committed at least two crimes; entering the country illegally, and evading arrest.
3) The Nazis didn't kill illegal immigrants. They didn't even kill non-Germans unless they had committed crimes.
Here's the archive, so those kikes don't get ad revenue: archive.is
And That's A Good Thing.
six kids?
Nazi Germany was god-tier.
The USA is still learning from history. You, OP, are not.
They're illegal therefore have committed crime
Death by .45acp
Stop calling them illegal immigrants, they illegal aliens. Immigrants go through the proper channels. They are not legal residents so the constitution should not apply to them.
No pedro, they are invaders and should be shot at the border.
Just the bait threads. You gotta run a good filter list but you can catch a LOT of quick information.
But yes, they're all retards.
Read the article. They died in a car crash trying to flee ICE.
Illegal immigration isn't a crime though. Your problem is that you think illegal means criminal, when in fact it doesn't.
TORpedos should hang with the jews tbh.
Do the kids get deported? Or are we stuck with them for some bullshit reason?
I guess one difference is that they hardly ever kill illegals, whereas a properly organized government would gas the lot. Of course our current gov't is full of kikes.
wow - it's almost as if they hadn't illegally entered our country then they'd still be alive today living happily and peacefully among their own kind
is this jew logic, spic logic, or nigger logic?
female i think, it smells female anyway
Definitely fishy
A healthy white society could exterminate them all without breaking a sweat but at the moment we have a (((parasite))) infection we need to get rid of.
kek — +1
Damn check those naturally occuring digits out. fuggin based.
Well for one, there weren't any spics in Germany in the 1930s, low-effort-shill-kun
Thanks for posting this though, that was the funniest shit I've read today so far.
Too bad it isn't closer to my woods or I'd find those little fuckers and give them my most heartfelt condolences. I hope they all die.
Holy shit, senor, that's uh spicy lil meme you've got there.
I live in a border state. Hate Mexicans so much
Just wanted to pop in and point out that pic related 3 is why kikes love niggers so much. For every welfare dollar a nigger makes a kike makes at least 10 doing just as little work.
besides having a literal jew as president?
It's like the human garbage posts here to look for sympathy and awaken us to the fact there are real world consequences to what we're pushing.
Thinking we do not actually praise these occurrences. Thanks for the white-pill. It's good to know our godly brethren are taking out the trash.
should've killed the kids too
All you are building now is more for us to take from you. Cut our gains by killing yourself immediately.
mod if you would not be a cunt aboutram we would get along fine.
Your work is not bad
As it goes though my curse on you is still on.
Holy fuck, I thought was a joke OP. And you stole trips, nigger?
The only way I will lift it is you publicly aknowledge you were wrong and made a mistake, which you will 'never repeat again.
This is your brain on judaism folks
We're down to about number 12 now.
Si, ese. There's more where that came from. Dumping the rest I made.
See kids, it's shit like this, why we filter TORpedos.
A couple of other items in the collection (LOTR Orcs is not mine)
Anyone dumb enough to think "global report" means "extra super important report" should be encouraged to keep it up.
You forgot ongoing criminal conspiracy by covering for eachother. Along with every other person who knew their status.
Based. BASED.
There might be infiltrates inside ICE doing violent work for media to feast on, same as police was infiltrated and is just a circus in order to victimize noggers.
Dyncorp installs them to do this same with local pd
Fuck you kike, this has been your lazy slight of hand magic trick every time this topic comes up.
It's a fucking crime and that alone is enough to expel this human garbage out of the country, ignoring it in conversation won't stop them from being launched out.
They were involved in a vehicle pursuit but I like your style.
If they weren't in the US then this couldn't have happened.