Something big is coming
John is cracking that old theronosarous. What a retarded fossil.
Does this mean Scooter was /ourkikeneocohen/ all along? Is trotskyism secretly BASED?
I'm out of the loop on this guy. Is this justice or wanton?
No idea, but I played on the same soccer team as his son.
If you love Israel, 9/11, and Leon Trotsky, this is a very good thing.
kike shill detected.
Yes. And it's you.
I want a rundown as well. All I know is that Valeria is a WASP pretending to be ((()))
The fucking chutzpah, oy vey
He's probably going to testify as a witness to Dick Cheney's criminal/treasonous activity in exchange for that pardon.
wow awesome
I guess we'll just have to wait until some indeterminate point in the future to find out.
Do we need a sarcasm font here?
The kikes and swamp are objectively chimping out over this. If you disagree you're either braindead or a shill.
The "swamp" just seems to be anyone who isn't 150% turbo likud.
Libby testimony when?
yup, you're a kike.
Maybe at the upcoming tribunals.
Fuck off Steve Huffman aka "Spez" is a child rapist, murderer and cannibal. reddit.
Why would I care about Steve Huffman?
Jesus these people are projecting hard, "rule by the worst" well fits that commies clique
It's time to bring the nation together, gentlemen. Liberals, neocons, Trumpkins and the new right. Let us offer safe quarter to the left, that we may forget the past and hash out our differences now. Any lefties here, what say you?
I'm not the one who played on some super yid's son's soccer team. I'll just go ahead and filter you.
Just heard Trump's attorney, (((Cohen))), recorded his "confidential" meetings with the President and the FBI is now in possession of those recordings.
Hate to say it, but Zig Forums is always right
The fuck?
You realize by Cohen getting raided and breaking attorney client privilege Trump setup the play for Mueller's team, which is filled with Clinton layers, to start raiding the swamp?
I cannot bake the breads for I am a lowly torfag
well, I could, it would just suck
Take your Q-LARP mental illness and fuck off back to twutter and rejjit.
Nobody here has mentioned Q except for you.
You are retarded. The "play" was to have leverage over Trump so he keeps marching to Israel's orders.
it does seem like another chesscuck LARP fest.
government, specifically the (((intel))) community and the (((jewdiciary))), isn't going to fix itself.
Not even trying.
That's right, Q-fag. No one believes your shit.
Kikes are turning on Comey.
its called marketing
liberals are especially stupid enough to fall for it every time
wrong. cohen's office was raided because he wouldn't share his grandmother's chili recipe.
Comey pardon incoming. Swamp is going down
Keep shilling, faggot.
Mental defective.
The absolute state of Mexicans
Libby is a shifty swamp-kike.
What more do you need to know?
Why would you hate to say it?
Yeah, trusting kikes is retarded. Its always retarded. There are no 'based kikes'. You're not going to 'outjew the jew'. There's just kikes, and if you trust kikes, you're fucking retarded.
It is. Kikes on suicide watch.
"Q-Larp" is the new "chesscuck" for shill-homo schlomos
that just makes no sense. im from 4chin though so what do I know
Checked for its true and you know it.
Spamming memes and accusing me of being a jew won't change that, Steve Huffman aka "Spez" is a child rapist, murderer and cannibal. reddit.
Who fucking cares, Steve Huffman aka "Spez" is a child rapist, murderer and cannibal. reddit?
I think (((they))) are pissed because the only thing the book confirms is that Comey is a weasely bitch. None of the revelations are damaging to Trump, much less actionable.
He'll be forever known as a slippery cunt. He's a remarkable stain on an already soiled agency.
Surprise, Trump pardoned another kike.
Fucking A, kikes need to be eradicated.
Yeah, and just like how Rubashkin squealed on a number of human trafficking operations, Libby is going to squeal on Cheney and Bush.
reminder that Plame is /ourgal/
Yeah I don't see any reason Trump would pardon Libby. He's not a big enough fish to warrant tit for tat with the party as a whole.
Source for the first claim?
Kristol is a fucking kike, the shapeshifting MOSSAD asset. With Jews, you lose.
Hey Tel-Aviv, got a sauce on that claim the first kike DJT pardoned supplied intel about (((human trafficking)))?
Fuck outta here, kike.
Look at who he's connected to.
Trump pardoned libby so he could testify against Bush and Cheney probably.
So you have no source, got it.
You're delusional.
so he's no different than trump. got it.
Trump's not a kike, yid.
Maybe kikes asked for (((Libby's))) release and Trump, the good goy, pardoned him.
Fucking kike, stop injecting lies into the bread, kike.
I made this thread you fucking retard. You realize saying the word kike doesn't fit in unless you actually use it in a context that makes sense, right?
Libby didn't even out Valerie Plame
Fucking Richard Armitage did
Might as well be.
Thanks for admitting you were wrong.
God damn you are such a fucking disgusting shill.
You have to go back.
Nobody cares.
Says the obvious Steve Huffman aka "Spez" is a child rapist, murderer and cannibal. redditor shill.
Seriously, look at your posts.
You are trash.
Your commentary is trash.
All you do is post kike-news media stories without any context, then make up some bullshit pro-Trump rhetoric to go with it, then accuse everyone who calls you a faggot of being a jew while spamming Steve Huffman aka "Spez" is a child rapist, murderer and cannibal. reddit memes.
You are trash.
And you need to go back where you came from.
WEW, FBIniggers didn't wait long to start leaking shit from the (((Cohen))) raid
Trump pardon him because he wants the media to get mad at leaking so he can then bring up Comey's leaking and show the double standard. That's what I gathered. Scooter was only going to serve a year and that was years ago.
Do you know why Jews are so commonly compared to rats? Some may think it's just because of their resemblance of big noses, but it is because their behaviour is the exact same. You see, rats are hardcore nepotists, they will not allow any animal other than rats to share their living grounds or their ressources, yet show not the slightest hostility to other rats in normal conditions. You may even find two rats sharing the same meal directly next to each other, whereas most other animals of the same species would fight among each other to get a single bite more. Dogs will bark to each other for food, cats will hiss, even pigeons sometimes attack each other for it, yet rats have no problem sharing with each other when they found a meal to leech. Yet somehow, when rats are in an extreme situation, like when you put two and rats in a barrel and close it off, they have suddenly no problem eating each other when they start starving, whereas other animals would rarely eat their own kind even then.
This is exactly what kikes are known for too. Ultra Nepotists sharing and working with only their own kind, yet they easily betray other kikes without mercy if put into an extreme situation. Even Hitler used kikes to betray kikes because of how efficiently they can betray their own kind with no remorse. These pardons happen for only one reason and its not a good one for kikes.
Well said.
If there’s one thing we know for sure , it’s that we don’t know what the fuck the man is thinking at this point .
So , relax
He is our chaos candidate
Kvetching about trump when there’s literally a timeline where Hillary won and the earth is now a lifeless rock floating through the ethers of space
Regain focus of ancient courage brothers
Be ready in mind , body and spirit .
from what I understand scooter libby wasn't the actual leaker of valery plames CIA background/identity, it was fucking comey and the investigator he hired that had revealed her to be a CIA asset.
someone tell me I'm wrong.
Jews are the world's biggest mafia.
What does Libby have that Trump wants?
Brennan is a faggot. A real cocksucker.
Checked, beautiful trips of truth user. Your words ring loud and clear, it's time for all true anons to relax for the time being and focus on our shared future together. Our interconnectedness is our strength, let us meet and meme on the astral planes together. The fire rises.
Goddammit Trump, stop sucking Bolton's mutilated penis
That's right, remind everyone how they're supposed to feel. Don't let that group trance break even for a second.
How the fuck does this get pinned really?
It appears the same article with the speculation was also updated to confirm the pardon before the OP made the thread, as shown by the bottom of OP's post.
I apologize, native americans aka chugs BTFO.