39 pages, let's see if it's any good
39 pages, let's see if it's any good
WSJ article was published, McCabe lacked candor when he told Comey, or made
statements that led Comey to believe, that McCabe had not authorized the
disclosure and did not know who did. This conduct violated FBI Offense Code 2.5
(Lack of Candor – No Oath).
agents from INSD, McCabe lacked candor when he told the agents that he had not
authorized the disclosure to the WSJ and did not know who did. This conduct
violated FBI Offense Code 2.6 (Lack of Candor – Under Oath).
OIG in a recorded interview, McCabe lacked candor when he stated: (a) that he
was not aware of Special Counsel having been authorized to speak to reporters
around October 30 and (b) that, because he was not in Washington, D.C., on
October 27 and 28, 2016, he was unable to say where Special Counsel was or what
she was doing at that time. This conduct violated FBI Offense Code 2.6 (Lack of
Candor – Under Oath).
Perjury charges?
Comey, McCabe, Rodgers, and Flynn are going to be witnesses in the real trials.
We additionally found that on November 29, 2017, when questioned under oath by the OIG in a recorded interview during which he contradicted his prior statements by acknowledging that he had authorized the disclosure to the WSJ, McCabe lacked candor when he: (a) stated that he told Comey on October 31, 2016, that he had authorized the disclosure to the WSJ; (b) denied telling INSD agents on May 9 that he had not authorized the disclosure to the WSJ about the PADAG call; and (c) asserted that INSD’s questioning of him on May 9 about the October 30 WSJ article occurred at the end of an unrelated meeting when one of the INSD agents pulled him aside and asked him one or two questions about the article. This conduct violated FBI Offense Code 2.6 (Lack of Candor – Under Oath).
McCabe was described as lacking candor precisely 45 times. "Lack of Candor" is legalspeak for lying.
punish FBI employees for “lack of candor.” Offense Code 2.5 (Lack of Candor – No
Oath) prohibits “[k]nowingly providing false information when making a verbal or
written statement, not under oath, to a supervisor, another Bureau employee in an
authoritative position, or another governmental agency, when the employee is
questioned about his conduct or the conduct of another person.” Offense Code 2.6
(Lack of Candor – Under Oath) prohibits “[k]nowingly providing false information in
a verbal or written statement made under oath.” Under both offense codes, lack of
candor is defined to include “false statements, misrepresentations, the failure to be
fully forthright, or the concealment or omission of a material fact/information.”
I don't think there's anything new or especially juicy they just say McCabe leaked stuff and then lied about it for 45 pages
thats fucking huge especially since its from oig.
not the only reason.
obamas muslim image is gonna drop soon from the looks of it.
the jews are trying to shut down the internet and prevent it from spreading.
ok i'll help, but first tell me who the fuck is taking down 4chan
Obama is a Jew. I think Hillary's tape might drop soon.
Obviously Israel is behind it.
There is nothing new.
Everyone of these DC scumbags deserve the death sentence.
Session will do nothing again
That's why you kikes had to shut down 4chan right? Because this is nothing? Kys.
what's the penalty for this though?
This is the precursor to what comes next. The IG report in totality is over 1 million pages.
Can I get this in physical book form? I would like one shipping container please
They better release a book like the 9/11 commission report but with actual truth in it and not lies. I think that Trump is actually about to reveal who did 9/11 and what will follow is the countries of the world surrounding Israel will bomb it together.
Rosenstein recommended Comey firing - Rosenstein vs Comey.
Comey is best buds with Mueller.
Rosenstein is best buds with Mueller.
Mueller/Rosenstein implicated in shutting down Uranium 1 case.
Lynch, Comey, McCabe, Strzok all implicated in corrupting FBI pro-Clinton/anti-Trump.
Comey implicates Lynch, Lynch calls Comey Liar.
And the special council is on the president.
I also wish we lived in a world of justice, but we do not.
You're mentally ill.
user, they're the same thing. one is simply the slave class to the other, but they're both the same death religion.
lol die
Nice one JIDF.
There's a barrage of rumors about Judenstein getting fired by POTUS, tonight
IG report on McCabe gets released and hours earlier 4pol and it's mega-force autism gets taken down.
Actually, it's that muslims are the warrior (kshatriya) caste of jewry, who are naturally vaishya (merchant/tradesman) class but masquerading as brahmin (priest/philosopher/sorcerer[last one is more kauvi though]).
so what other sites are down?
Apparently Google removed the captcha from cuckchan. (((They))) are afraid.
This is apparently only a small subsection of the OIG report, the whole thing is still to be released
>thinking that (((Google))) would get rid of their tracking software on (((4chan)))
Come on.
maldraw? for real? fuck off loser
Stop insulting my 4chinz site fuck you losers we never asked to come here and when Zig Forums shut down for a few years you bastards manage to handle it for a few years till it came out from it's than grave than you can handle a few more hours fuck this cripple chan bullshit.
It's probably Maldraw himself posting this, that's the irony of all this.
Even endchan next chan wiz 7chan grim and some politics and 5 chan and a few hundred chans are bettee than this.
Look, there's been a ton of breaking news today and the Jews are chimping out. cuckchan literally doesn't fucking work right now and it's one of the best places to dig into information and disseminate it. It makes sense that the kikes would try anything possible to stifle discussion about current events because it's bad for them on every front.
da rite based magapede, these ingrates need to learn a bit about tolerance.
It doesn't fucking matter. No one is going to fucking fight back, user.
user is talking about the rumored pictures of King Nigger dressed as a jihadist while pointing automatic weapons at the American flag somebody "found."
seems (((they))) have a hard on for pol, like theyre a genesis for information
cant wait
like trump said
kys blackpilled kike.
What did he mean by this?
What he meant to say was "Den of Merchants" right?
Tribe of Den
Hot damn.
I guess, but does anyone with a working brain still go to 4cuck? This deluge of retarded niggers is pretty obnoxious. What possible knowledge could be gleaned from their gibberish and cuckery?
Jews outwitted again.
Gentlemen, I have had men watching you for a long time and I am convinced that you have used the funds of the bank to speculate in the breadstuffs of the country. When you won, you divided the profits amongst you, and when you lost, you charged it to the bank. You tell me that if I take the deposits from the bank and annul its charter, I shall ruin ten thousand families. That may be true, gentlemen, but that is your sin! Should I let you go on, you will ruin fifty thousand families, and that would be my sin! You are a den of vipers and thieves.
t. Andrew Jackson
DRIVE ==(((THEM)))== OUT
They had to make Trump go Super Saiyan 3. Now face his wrath.
You know, there's an entire generation that will grow up seeing the merchant everywhere and in everything now and long for the day we kill them all.
does cripple/pol/ unironically belive in le ebin 666666666d intergalactic transdimentional chakra checkers?
Steve Huffman aka "Spez" is a child rapist, murderer and cannibal. reddit pls go
If the 4reffos prove useful and stop making stupid threads drawing attention to themselves they can have temporary visas.
You keep spamming this in every thread……Are you a bot?
huh so this is what halfchan got shutdown over
Steve Huffman aka "Spez" is a child rapist, murderer and cannibal. reddit pls go
there's a 10% chance your post will randomly have that spoiler text added for some reason.
It's up again
No he keeps copy and pasting the same shit in every thread. I don't give a fuck about the spoiler.
You do realize we've got all of 4/pol/ here today, right?
don't answer to newfag p*ebbitors
Cohen search warrant released
Actually it's not the warrant, but still relevant to the investigation
Isn't 4chan back on? Why can't they return to their shithole.
McCabe was Comey's right hand man.
it's only been back for like 10min
expect those already engaged in discussion to stay until their threads end
should be normal here in an hour or so
we like it here, its got a cute anime girl on the bottom right.
Kill self.
If you want to stay you have to learn how to behave like us.
Otherwise fuck off.
Ids habbening
The fact that it is so popular and therefor could be used to make things go viral is the crucial point. Outreach is powerful.
IDS shid hidding da fan yet> :DDDD
The entire report is about McCabe having leaked to the WSJ that there was a feud inside the FBI regarding the Hillary investigation. It seems to me that such a leak was technically beneficial to Trump? I don't see anything so damning in this report except by the fact that McCabe was a leaker and violated FBI policy… There's nothing about him helping to keep the Hillary Clinton secret (in fact, there is info regarding the opposite) and there's nothing about him trying to exonerate Hillary
Rosenstein recommended Comey firing because Sessions had already recused himself from 'Muh Russia' and knew he could use Trump firing Comey as "evidence" of why a special council was needed. Was all part of the deep state plan - which, of course Trump was fifty steps ahead of.
Are you stupid?
One post gets read by countless people. One picture gets viewed by countless people. How the fuck do you stop people who saw your post from spreading the information?
He means that McCabe didn't lie to Comey as the OIG report concluded, but that Comey was in on it the whole time