Polish leaders were reportedly blocked from meeting with President Trump and Pence during the height of the controversy surrounding the law, but officials maintained that the diplomatic relationship had not been threatened.
Trump NO! POTUS officials pressured Israel to reduce criticism of Holocaust law
He really is doing them a favor here; Israel has done more damage to it's own Holocaust narrative in a week by fighting Poland on this than almost everything nazi groups have done in decades.
Between this and their obvious involvement in trying to drag us into Syria again, they really are hanging themselves by their own rope.
Walter Murphy - A Fifth Of Beethoven
Adding context here, the Polish narrative is "Nazis did it, not us"
This. The Kikes have gone to the well far too often. The narrative is wearing thin, the truth is near.
Implying this isn't just the deep state trying to sure up their EU/UN alliance.
Remember when pissrael's foreign minister didn't get the message, and started oy veying uncontrollable?
Jews don't care though, that's the thing. They want to blame all european countries equally no matter what they did.
Romania isn't even being blamed for its own pogroms, we're being blamed for jews that were carted off to Auschwitz by the hungarian government that was occupying north transylvania… look up Elie Wiesel
wtf I love trump now
Daily reminder the 56% face was invented to justify White Genocide.
Hey it's almost like this one dude keeps doing inch by inch pushback from all angles against the same thing and group
Maybe soapkin drank too much of their own koolaid and everything's just mere (((coincedence))) to them now.
Or you know it could be more of the rampant damage control that consultants analysts soyboys and investors ineffectually fund, using barely mutated tactics we've been exposed to for years and years. You can throw some acrylic on that faggy geo and staple a chrome horsey on the hood, but aint fuckin nobody buying that shit, not then, not now.
It's easy to guise a shill effort under a false migration, and its transparent as fuck especially when like kebab stands and hijab shops, we get the same 3 shit memes from all of you at once.
Go back to hibernation.
Oh great who the fuck let the cuckchanners back?
Fucking kikes get off my board REEEEEEEE
What the fuck is that The Thing type shit? Sorry for being off topic but can you give me some sauce?
The kikes want the goyim, especially the huwhites of the world, to think they are free, but in reality, the goyim, the huwhites of the world especially, are not supposed to be free. The kikes are censoring and promoting concepts like (((fake))) news, because too much concrete, factual, objective proof is spreading on the internet for the kikes to control.
Isn't this old news? It's about poles being forbidden from reffering "polish camps" and the trump admin was crititcal of this speech legislation from the beginning.
Anyone have a screencap of the user posting about the jew trying to poison a well in an Italian town with lavender and the townsfolk remembering for centuries afterwards?
Just a dodge shit post clear from a phone fag
Hitler did nothing wrong
He did one thing wrong: he didn't win
Let's be honest about what's really going on, gentiles.
rothschilds operating on both sides of a conflict to secure wealth and resources no matter the outcome? yeah i knew that. had no idea rhodes was THIS close with them, but it doesnt necessarily surprise me. pretty much on principle, you cant trust rich people from the UK. they all work for each other
let me now when it moves from words to action
this is stickied… why?
Because it is excellent.
Because it destroys another one of your shill talking points, Irving
Because Learningchode is a disruptive roach.
yeah gyo, the visual shorthand of the image meaning the kike was a zombie puppet and out of place
Most nazi groups being sub-100 IQ useful idiots bankrolled by Schlomo and Chiam to be controlled opposition. They need a "no questions, accept our stats, goyim" policy to keep the 6 gorrillion narrative going but that depends on centrally controlled narratives like 4am talking points and the like.
The splintering of media means the shoah shekel grab is being shoahed.
Yeah, these unsubstantiated bullshit images posted to no end are real proof and totally valid.
You spammers should start getting deleted.
I got banned by inkomfy for bullshit reasons too many times to know he was not subversive. And there was way too much ratch threads running right before or after he went on a moderating spree for me not to see the connection. I have no idea if the pic is him or not but regardless I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that inkomfy is an anti pol faggot that needs to die.
Agreed. Not to mention people searching for the holohoax law and finding out the numerous other countries that have ones as well.
True but it puts them on par in terms of victim status.
- Millions of poles died from both invading armies. Same number as kikes.
- The poles who did process the kikes into work camps can claim they were forced into it. If kikes counter with "you could have refused or fought back", poles counter with "so could you!".
The longer the poles keep this law in place, the more obvious each kike spaz becomes to the public that they're hiding something.
Poles win the victim olympics and its glorious.
He made mistakes, but his goal was righteous.
some of bronnen goes to leftypol