The Suburb Wooing Millennials With Avocados, Kombucha, and Cheap Houses

In a new comic-strip ad campaign, Cuckwood, Illinois, bills itself as a hip, diverse, urban neighborhood that Millennials can afford. The only catch: It’s in the suburbs.

Four friends in early middle age are chatting on a small-town sidewalk. “So, what are you doing this weekend?” asks one of them, a man in a button-down shirt. “The usual,” replies his friend, a black woman wearing a t-shirt with a rainbow-striped heart. “A guitar lesson, checking out the artisan street fair with the littles, and then some Aurelio’s—“

Her partner, a blond woman, cuts in. “From the old oven, of course!”

The man and the third woman look pleasantly surprised. “And here we thought you’d miss living in Chicago,” he says.

Welcome to Cuckwood, Illinois, a suburb of 20,000 that is marketing itself to urbanites as a hidden hipster gem.

The town, which is about 25 miles south of downtown Chicago, just launched a new advertising campaign called “Think Homewood.” Ads posted inside trains on the L’s Blue Line and elsewhere in Chicago contrast the laid-back vibe of Homewood to the stress of city living. The ads are comic strips drawn by illustrator and Homewood resident Marc Alan Fishman.

In one strip, a Homewood mom with a purple streak in her hair and a tattoo praises the school system. “Zen gets to be with the same kids all the way through high school,” she says. Meanwhile, “Somewhere in Wicker-Humboldt-Pilsen”—Chicago neighborhoods that have experienced dramatic gentrification and zooming housing prices in recent years—two anxious moms in a city park talk about school options for their kids. “Have you started figuring out the schools yet?” a Janeane Garofalo lookalike asks her companion.

“No … I’m so overwhelmed with all the options,” the other mom says. “I’m just pretending like it’s not happening.”

The ads, which will run through the end of May, were the idea of Mary Jane Maharry, a public relations consultant to the town. Maharry enlisted Fishman, the local artist, and presented the concept to the village board, whose members embraced it, according to Homewood Mayor Richard Hofeld.

Hofeld said the town wants more young families to move there, and as urban Millennials start to think about homeownership and child-rearing, it’s the right time to recruit them. “We found the Millennials [in Chicago] are prone to looking to the north suburbs and the west suburbs, and rarely look to the south,” Hofeld said. “We have all the amenities that a family could ask for. And on top of it, as far as the housing stock goes, it’s affordable. We feel those are good sells.”

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Other urls found in this thread:

The ads evoke a bougie paradise with as much tongue-in-cheek detail as an episode of Portlandia: avocados, kombucha, farm-to-table brunch, street fairs. In the one with the tattooed mom, she’s joined by a guy (her partner?) who’s looking at his iPhone and wearing a t-shirt that says LOCAL FOOD. But there’s a twist: Here, the people living out this progressive urban cliché are suburbanites.

In Homewood, we’re told, people walk to the farmer’s market, keep chickens in their yards, and hang out with friends of different races and sexual orientations. By contrast, their urban peers come across as either a bit square (see the first ad above), or just stressed out from having to deal with school bureaucracy and oversubscribed city services, like rec classes that fill up immediately.

Who’s the sucker for moving to the suburbs now, eh?, the ads seem to ask. But the characters are more or less interchangeable; the implication is that if they move to Homewood, those tightly wound Chicagoans will chill out and name their kids “Zen,” too.

While they might seem suspiciously like they were generated by an algorithm fed with marketing data and New York Times trend pieces, the comic-strip Homewood denizens are based on real residents and real events, according to Maharry (who lives in Homewood herself).

In fact, “Think Homewood” reveals just how much the old dichotomy of city vs. suburb is blurring. It proves a fact that would have been unthinkable 20 or 30 years ago: Suburbs now have to work to attract the cohort they were built for. As certain cities become more sought-after and lively, suburbs can no longer just sit back and wait for the inevitable stampede of first-time homebuyers and new parents. They have to convince skeptical young folk of their essential urbanity first. (Another Chicago suburb, Berwyn, is running ads on city billboards proclaiming that it’s “nothing like a suburb.”)

They also have to offer a competitive advantage vis-a-vis the city. In Homewood, that advantage is affordable real estate and good public schools. The median home value in Homewood is a reasonable $149,800, according to Zillow. The area high school, Homewood-Flossmoor, is well regarded. And the K-8 schools have a streamlined structure, which the ads dangle in front of Chicago parents as sweet relief. Even as school choice brings more educational options to Chicago and other U.S. cities, it can be a gamble, and a fragmented school landscape can be difficult and exhausting for parents to navigate.

In the view of sociologist John Joe Schlichtman, Homewood is basically promising gentrification without the guilt. Ditto for guilt-free driving: The ads promise easy car trips on traffic-free streets along with (limited) walkability and Metra rail service into Chicago. This “car-light” lifestyle is portrayed as the best of both worlds.

One comic panel shows Chicago Dad stuck in traffic on the way back from the store. He realizes he forgot to get avocados. Frak! That’s taco night ruined. But when Homewood Dad remembers the avocados, he can hop in the car and be back at the store in minutes. Taco night is saved.

Mayor Hofeld told me that in Homewood, “the glue that really binds [the] community together” is a series of annual festivals, including a chili cook-off and a rail fest. He hopes people who are interested in the town will attend one. Millennials, he said, “have enjoyed living in the city, and the features the city might afford. But they’re getting a little bit older, thinking of raising families, and looking around for a stable community that has a lot of amenities. And that’s what we are.”

I asked the mayor, who is 80 and has been in office for two decades, if “Think Homewood” reflects the town as it is today. “Very much so,” he said. “This cartoonist and MJ [Maharry], they really nailed it down. There are choices here. And that’s what’s nice.”

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Supposedly Homewood is 30% black. Good luck with that.

This is considered a normal, rational thing for a mother to say about her child's education. Ohh yeah I, like, totally want my kid to succeed but I don't want to spend time, like, looking at schools or some shit! Besides I'm just SO BUSY checking out 'artisan street fairs' and watching the Bachelor, when could I possibly find time to set my family up for future success?

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Is this shit satire? Because it's not flattering in the slightest.

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Its what happens when kikes alienate the talent. Now they're boxed in to this bullshit narrative that even nigs can see through.

Attached: SHEEEETIWOOODD.png (620x559, 297.65K)

It's not satire, it's realism.


These are the same people who want the government to ban things they don't want their kids touching by the way.


The planet obviously passed through an interdimensional portal into Clown World some time in the last 20 years. We're now seeing the results.

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The USA is not a nation but an an empire of tribes held together by enormous centralized force and nothing else. A divorce due to irrenconcilable differences among the tribes is in order.

This is right. Time for a new nation.

This is right. Time for a new nation.

I know a lawyer who'd be very happy to hear this.

40% kang and non-white schools?

Why in the fuck would anyone want to live in this shithole?

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Who spends all day at a street fair? It's just an farmers market with street vender food, shit-tier art and a band does it for free

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According to them, "good schools."

Kek, once a neighborhood becomes "diverse" the next stage is it becoming a slum.

Ah but signalling loudly and parading your retarded half nig mongrel kids around for all to see is like being on tumblr ALL DAY

Holy shit, there is some great potential with these templates.
Let the memes roll.

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Because farmer's markets are overpriced, only the Amish tends to sell at a reasonable price

dude this is a slide thread
who the fuck cares about some trash comic
god damn cuck channers

I guarantee it was 9/11

That's why there's an ad campaign.

Those exploitables are fuckin' saved.

Recently learned that a person I used to know who claimed to make a living from farmer's markets was actually turning tricks on the side.


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Why don't they want to live in the projects with diversity?

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more important shit going on today than your stupid childish thread


user. You are correct that more important things are going on than mid-level trolling. And I agree, this is at best mid-level. remember wordy memes are for commies and faggots but do not forget the power of Kek and the proper role of humor, fun, and general enjoyment in our movement. It has huge appeal and it is part of the reason things have changed so much, so quickly.

all that said, there is much more work to do and I appreciate your adherence to discipline and focus on what is important.

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HAHAHA - I think Kek agrees.

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Don't respond to goons desperately trying to downboat every thread that isn't their shitty WW3 NOW spergouts.

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it's a black woman saying it. the characters aren't autistes.

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These edits are great keep em coming.

My funny bone feels numb today but take one more.

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advanced cancer… impressive!

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top kek this is getting too realistic

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Honestly the suburbs are bad enough. How the fuck could they be possibly made worse?
Oh wait. Never mind. Just add niggers. They make everything worse. Everything.

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(look closely)

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don't pretend like you didn't know this was coming

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advanced cancer
6/10, honestly


good schools is a polite way of saying "no niggers"

I am going to have fun and you can't stop me cunt

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Rate my OC

Attached: Soyboy.jpg (620x559 206.93 KB, 127.6K)

Attached: Nigger.jpg (940x438, 168.82K)

Best in the thread, mate.


Your formatting helps. I'm stuck with a native linux program… garbage.

checked and keked

That soyboy one is brutal.

You can use probably use GIMP

distilled autism. so unintuitive. horrible.

If you're motivated and have the time, you can probably get photoshop and illustrator working through WINE.

probably… I'm busy with study though.

We're reaching levels of pozz that shouldn't even be possible.

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There was an attempt

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Every time.


< Nice masons, btw.

Wait so is this actually happening or the plot of the strip?


op don't lie

look at that fucking nose

it was 2007

Should have colored the kid brown.

What does she say in the last speech bubble, Zig Forums?

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I tried.

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Wait, is there anything inherently wrong with kombucha aside from hipsters drinking it?


In my neck of the woods all the good schools are wonderfully diverse (Whites and Asians take AP classes but nonwhites and white trash are doing shit), the the homogeneous schools are underfunded hick schools with barely any AP classes.

Not really.

Just trace photos in Photoshop. Why be creative or put any real effort in when this produces such great results? Welcome to Uncanny Valley.

no, it's a real white man drink. tastes nasty and is great for your digestive system. fags just think "DUDE MUH FUNKY JUICE XDDD"

This stuff is all super racist. You guys probably have no friends


I don't really have friends, but the middle school-aged black kids I sell pcp-laced weed to are kind of close.

you can't get PCP anymore niglet. the closest thing available are derivatives.

They give Ketamine in hospitals, pretty sure thats like the same stuff.

How am I supposed to get child support from him?

Attached: cUCKWOOD1.jpg (866x527, 436.49K)

It can taste alright. But I've tried 5-6 different kinds over a period of a few months and half of them were skunked off the shelf, fucking awful. Like fermented piss bottles. The ones that weren't were alright, but nothing special. Not buying any more of the shit because it's a gamble whether it will be drinkable.

If you take the time to learn it, you can do *almost* everything you can do in Photoshop in GIMP. I make memes and shit all the time in GIMP. Pic related. Git gud.

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