Syria Thread #9: "Pray to Kami Sama edition"

Old bread is dead and nobody is making one, I hope we don't much more of these.


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Other urls found in this thread:

Did the shills give up trying to peddle this as WW3 yet? After it became so embarrassingly obvious this was just the empty airfield bombing redux?

I just woke up, can I get a basic gestalt?

This is the #9 thread:
OP was just a faggot with naming it.

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Might have given up calling it world war 3 but expect to hear about it in literally every thread involving Trump.
Same as last time.

Kinda reminds me of how the civil war got started, except Russia was smart enough to not take Israel's bait this time. Makes me wonder if the US government attacks Syria again, and kills people, will Russia attack Israel, or the USA? The smart money would be Israel, but who knows if Putin is playing 4d chess or not

The US launched missiles at Syria, shills were celebrating for all of five hours before it was revealed the attack did a whole lot of nothing. Now the shills on the bottom rung of their corporate ladder are being tasked with slinging low effort blackpills while the rest scramble to decide on a new agenda to push.


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Syrian Government News Agency looks totally fake, what the fuck.

It's one sweaty guy and the same shots of a blown out and evidently uninhabited office park.

OMG Drumphgh did this!

I doubt he'd attack the US directly, since the only winning option there would be immediate nukes.
If he attacks Israel and wins (despite good goy help for the kikes), America is probably not going to nuke Russia.


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We are pretending Trump didn't just bomb Damascus after officializing that assad is an 'animal war criminal'. Think airfield 2.0 levels of chesscuckoldry.

Was this another useless strike like the base attack last year where missiles hit absolutely nothing (on purpose) and killed like 1 dude? Hopefully nothing comes of this because even if it's ""nothing" the UK and France also participated in this, which could make the situation escalate.

Imagine being so desperate that you even deny your own eyes

Not to mention the demoralization shillposters from cuck/pol/ and cuck/int/ bringing the "le 56% face" meme along with them are back, since 4cuck was down for a little while. They keep getting surprised about the word filter for "I am a d&c kike, ban my stupid non-white ass", which clearly indicates they're not even from here. If you look at the number of active users on 8/pol/ right now it seems to be higher than before, I guess it's mainly because of these Syria happenings lately but still. Sage because I'm still a phaggot phonenigger.

pic related

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Tbh the wordfilters change semi-frequently and I don't even know what yours means and I've been here since 1st Exodus. Obviously with halfchan being down people would venture here, but I will agree that a large amount of them have been shills or just absolute retards, which (once again, as expected) has fucked up the catalog. Sage, filter, and be done with it gentlemen.

As I predicted several days ago, same jew tactic, same Trump response. He even telegraphed the coming attack, and did say it was going to happen, letting them have enough time to move to a safe place after telling Russia where the bombs would be mostly going.

That Russia didn't just attack back lets you know they were in on the plan, its to save face for both countries and warn Isreal fags to back off or face a volley of missiles back.

It is EXACTLY the same as last year.


Literally happening in other threads as we speak. Keeps it fun though as they’re blatantly kikeing like Streisand on the rag.

Well, my worst fears have been realized. I distinctly remember in Spring of 2016 telling my friend while we were at a pub the following.
At the time I thought this was just a theory. When Trump won I was genuinely ecstatic, but this thought stayed with me. Seems like I was right after all.

I voted for the great orange for two reasons, securing the borders with the intent to stabilize or demographic decline, and a more constrained foreign policy with less war mongering for the sake of the MIC. The former appears to be at an orchestrated standstill and the latter appears to have been nothing more than campaign speak. What the fuck is with this unwarranted loyalty to Trump all of a sudden? What has he done to earn this loyalty?

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Not that he hasn’t been busting his balls moshe , besides the National guards there for the time being
Ooft pelosi
Executive order killing the gibbfest
Daca is entirely dead and soon anchor babies will be out
Few , he must be visiting Thai fuckshacks and nice spa parlours, instead of what’s been obviously some of the most beneficial trade deals for US …
Not understanding that the grandstanding is necessary and relationship building is paramount for loosening the noose of globohomo kikery

TRSodomite detected

Stop listening to kike Enoch , it’s worse for your brain then fapping you scatophiliac

Fucking Bolton has been in for less than a month and we get this.
Trump -"We're pulling from Syria"
Assad, less than 3 days later - "Oh fuck this is the perfect time to gas civilians"
Anyone who doesn't have to remember to breathe should be able to see this is systematic at this point. It's infuriating. There is 0 reason to get into another war in the Middle-East. Now this is night of the attack so I may be wrong and it's another round of last year's bullshit but alittle closer to the big one. Imagine if the money from the missiles shot at Syria for a "Gas Attack" that killed a literal spec of dust dent in the population of the world was used to fund a fucking wall?
"Cost of a single Tomahawk cruise Missile: $900,000" that is alot of concrete and American laborers working on a project, which would save thousands of lives indirectly, from the slowage of drugs and illegals into the country.

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So tell me, where does pissing away wealth into the MIC to launch tomahawks into Syria factor into funding and constructing proper border defenses? How does aiding the destabilization of Assad help keep Mudslimes out of Europe?

What the fuck is this gibberish? You use more fucking buzzwords than a feminist on Jack Dorsey aka "@jack", who lives at 830 El Camino Del Mar, San Francisco CA, is a child rapist, murderer and cannibal. twitter.

user, unlike you I don't rely on e-celebs for my information so this isn't relevant to me.

My thoughts exactly.

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This vid was last night on Fox. This morning they've got "retired" CIA saying we should be arming "rebels" and removing Assad

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Are they going to make this into a yearly tradition?

for a chemical attack*

My God how the years have changed me.

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You know, maybe LE BASED TRUMP wouldnt feel like he had to bomb syria if he didn't pick the literal worst of the worst national security advisors to advise him to rush into a conflict in Syria. So Assad just got his shit bombed because Trump is too much of a faggot to staff his NSC with nationalist non-interventionists like Michael Sheuer. Not that any of the newfag trash we have in droves here would know who Michael Sheuer is, being they're all phoneposting negroids.

This was not a victory. This just means that the deep state's method of fake gassing is all they need to provoke a response from Trump. They now have their skinner box.

reposting post from other thread

I love Laura Ingraham. Her blowing that fucking cuckold Gorka the fuck out was so great. Also that Colonel was awesome, what was his name?

On the one hand I feel like this should be taken at face value but on the other hand I really, really hope that there's a twist in here somewhere that the US is just playing dumb and is planning to "discover"that and reveal to the public that this is all Israeli bullshit and thus use it as political and diplomatic leverage.

Even Tits Lahren and Mike Turbokike are disgusted by this blatant Jewry

You’ll still be touting this horeshit rhetoric after we’ve pulled out of Syria completely , wont you shlomo ?

Sure you don’t

But a drop in the pond compared to the 18bn spent on you kikes

But not for much longer

My recommendation
Mein kampf : stalag edition



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We will never pull out of Syria if Trump can be convinced to stay longer every time the kikes false flag a chemical attack, schlomo.

You aren’t getting your war faggot

Doesn't kushner need his shoes shined?

With your Yamuka

The absolute STATE of 8/pol/

I only just realised this isn’t actually thread 9#

It’s literally a chamber of Shitbat shalohmming as they were all probably immensely butt hurt by the btfoing of shills in the original . They gotta air their grievances somewhere I guess.


I really hope they are paid shills, my faith in humanity is rapidly waning

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yep it's r-eddit

Trump starting his day with shitposting. Everything is going according to plan.

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Looks like The_Donald is here too

Lol. WWIII isn't happening, Isaac. See you next April 4th.

Is that the next date Israel will false flag so that Trump will attack assad again so that they can get their pipeline? See you next year kike


No WW3 isn't happening, but Israeli occupation and manipulation of the region is still unfettered for the most part.
So it really does feel like a repeat of last year, except I think the strike killed Syrians last time

Okay, that thread is just about done, might as well archive it and stick to this thread:
Jack Dorsey aka "@jack", who lives at 830 El Camino Del Mar, San Francisco CA, is a child rapist, murderer and cannibal.

also fuck you skeletor you fucking faggot The_Donald tier vol

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not even alex jones is rational, intelligent, enough to square that circle

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"Cry out as the enemy is struck. Make burnt offerings of their protestations." – Sun Tzustein, The Art of Chutzpah

Best case scenario, it's the forewarned expenditure of old cruise missile stock approaching their use by dates, running interference for other operations elsewhere.

They only win by not playing. Meanwhile it's getting eye gouged and spat on by punkass US. Pray they have patience.

Or stand down on impeachment. He's some combination of deceased/ruined along with his entire family (for generations, likely) if he does cave in anyways, even with the fullest compliance. The fucker needs to show US the money, now.

This is a hopeful sign.

Shekel purse strings stop Merchant criticism. Back against the wall, he splinters off the blue-pilled 5th estate neophytes. He's a fracture point for these types of moments, whether knowingly complicit or haplessly so.

May as well wait for Case: Red Dawn.

Except the special counsel hadn't raided Cohen's office in Trump tower, after a fire of a man called "a crazy Jew" art (italian flatbread laundering) dealer renting there. Wait and see, yes – but we need to see the money starting to stack up in Guantanomo, indictments and tribunals, now

Country > your own progeny. Fantasyland: the incest memes come true, but inadmissible – or some more Russian mob shit buying apartments or palm-greasing for Trump Moscow Hotel

Suprised this brain tumored, wet firing DPRK squealer can form sentences still.

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It was the middle of Damascus you fucking shill. And the "empty airfield" was a shill meme as well. It was their main airfield in the homs region and Syria lost personnel and a bunch of material in the strike. It did significant damage to them.

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Where are all the spastics that said it was a false flag chemical attack that would force the US into a ground invasion? So many knee-jerking faggots on this board that know zero about politics and think every event will lead to WW3. The US and Russia will never engage military, it would literally mean mutual destruction or close to it. And they'd never ever do that shit over Syria. Assad as completely impunity to do whatever he wants in Syria and he knows it. The gassing was tactical measure to accelerate the taking of Douma, and it worked 100%. The very next day all rebels surrendered to government officials and it's totally under Assad control now. What price did he pay? Nothing. He's not a moron like most of this board. He understands politics and war.


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You're either very stupid, very bought, or very kosher.

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No, no user. Remember 4D chess. Literally everything that seems contradictory, stupid, or a total betrayal? Just chess. Trust in the master plan, Der Fueher has a plan, we just need to keep the Russians on the other side of the Danube.

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Didn't Russia and Iran both say they were going to have a response over this.

This time Syria lost nothing fag.
Jack Dorsey aka "@jack", who lives at 830 El Camino Del Mar, San Francisco CA, is a child rapist, murderer and cannibal.

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lol wtf am I doing

Skin him.

The pentagon just hinted to the terrorists in Syria
You won’t be able to stage a chemical shit anymore.
Jack Dorsey aka "@jack", who lives at 830 El Camino Del Mar, San Francisco CA, is a child rapist, murderer and cannibal.

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I hope they try to pull another one off but this time Trump has enough ammo to call foul and demand investigation.

Remember to…

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This is just reality TV now just like how the gas attacks were manufactured for CNN.

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Yet every single media outlet on the alternative right is condemning and lambasting Trump. This is after a purge and consolidation of influence in the past month. Meanwhile, cuckchan is overrun by anti-Trump shills after mysteriously shutting down for half a day yesterday in the run up to the bombing.

*Fucking glow-in-the dark CIA niggers.*

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you have no right to call anyone a CIA Nigger when you're this bioluminescent and apeoidic

Apparently pointless and expensive strikes that happened because of Trump, weakening Assad's position and making Russia seem all talk is supposed to be 4d chess against Israel

Finished archive of this thread:

the gope merry go round

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the rothschilds own the UK the president of france is a rothschild banker real chess would've been to let russia shoot the invading uk and french planes while the USA pulled sat back and laughed

It was less than last year since this time not a single person died.

this was a lie spread by Trumpniggers to defend the attacks.

what's being targeted is positions that were previously attacked by the Israeli military.

Desperate, desperate little shill. The kikes are losing and you can't handle it.

There's an appeal in having a figure to rally around so we have a common point that allows us to unite despite our ideological differences.

Gorka used to be right about so much, how far he has fallen.

this is what a first kike post looks like, right here.

That's what happens when you suck circumcised cock for money.

You hope too much. I can't have faith in that.

I saw Bibi sucking cocks once. I was in the building, you weren't. So it happened ok? You were outside and I saw it. It's absurd to believe otherwise.

With as many jews as Russia has and how deeply they're embedded there, I very seriously doubt he'd attack Israel.

You hope too much. Trump loves Jews and will just screw us over. Any hope for indictments is just Qfagging.

Who the fuck put Itano in charge of the long-range missile strategy?

Douglas Macgregor, Colonel U.S. Army (Retired), Ph.D.

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Schuer is a kike and a fraud. Nobody with a public name can be trusted.

They weren't pointless. If the air defense claims are true then the US military needs to consider how they send strikes like this and their technology for upcoming confrontations. This is the first big shot of the war, probing if nothing else. Hostilities erupted and it is very much irrelevant whether the White House is totally compliant with the ordeal since ZOG has full control thanks to pressure from the lawyer scandal.

It was never slated to be ww3, esp. since the east probably wouldn't get involved.

So the Left are willing to spend the equivalent of the Iraq war, and risk war with Russia just so they could fuck trump over?

We know it's fake, they know it's fake, but all that matters is they can easily herd a confused and fearful population into any opinion they want.

Jack Dorsey aka "@jack", who lives at 830 El Camino Del Mar, San Francisco CA, is a child rapist, murderer and cannibal.

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You know, user, I just can't figure out how the kikes managed to gain control of the US when we have such sharp minds like Bill Mitchcuck and his followers.

Really makes one think.

Hope you guys are ready for next April.

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Trump could Bill Mitchell a golden shower and he'd support it.

And after reading those replies I am now convinced more than ever that the majority of Americans need to die.

"Locked and loaded", cringe worthy statement, coming from a woman with absolutely no combat experience.

Calm down, canacuck.