Zuckerberg is lying. He is pushing and funding FWD.US to unseat Trump. He is behind that propaganda video on Youtube. He is funding leftist orgs that try to unseat our democratically elected president. If Facebook is not broken up and regulated before the midterms, say goodbye to MAGA.
He outsources workers in places like Syria and Turkey to police our free speech so that he can always fall back on "well it was __ company I hired." - he is LYING to you all.
They are effectively placing a cold chill on any speech these muslim people with ZERO understanding about free speech and an itchy BAN finger find offensive. He, and Facebook are engaging in mass banning and removal of conservative comments and profiles while allowing liberal profiles to flourish for years - this makes the silent voters think "well, looks like the majority thinks Trump sucks…" because they are only allowing the liberal comments. This is how they are placing their thumb on the election for the Democrats.
I REPEAT, IF FACEBOOK is NOT broken up immediately and regulated as a utility, with new speech rules based on OUR 1st amendment laws not Europe's, we will lose MAGA and all that we worked for. THIS IS NOT A DRILL.
fuck off back to your containment board you fat fuck >>>/qresearch/
John Carter
He's essentially allowed a liberal echo chamber on Facebook. This subconsciously works to subvert voters on the fence into wanting to be part of the "Group"
nice try shill this has nothing to do with boomer bullshit
the entire operation is pretty smart. First, you slowly ban conservatives, so that there's no real "Groups" for them to converge at
Next, you allow the leftist narrative and attacks to run wild with zero policing, effectively building a Democratic echo chamber
When elections come around, people who are not into politics but want to get the "pulse" of the nation will visit various Facebook pages to see how people comment.
When they see post after post after post attacking Republicans, making them look and sound vile, the normies on the fence will naturally go towards the consensus of the group.
Except this consensus is manufactured, it's fake, it's built by Facebook and curated slowly and carefully in order to subvert the minds of voters.
That happened the minute Trump intervened in Syria, you can get fucked. I hope he does unseat Trump becase that shit would incite civil unrest overnight, nobody is having it anymore.
There is no pro-system option left, and you're a fucking idiot for thinking based and fashy republikikes are going to undo 75 years of zionist cuckery.
Dominic Bennett
Zuckerberg lying? What sort of blasphemy are you going to peddle next? Bears shitting in the woods?
Ayden Thompson
I get why your mad Maybe you should take out some anger by opposing the new bill and give some shekels to illegals . P.s.
Robert Rodriguez
I believe it’s to be
If Op was in a thunderstorm of raining virgins He would be washed down the gutter with a faggot
Luke Thomas
You have the same problem i had about 6 months ago I actually thought facebook was representative of americas voice This is very far from the truth Go outside Find a black conservative, an old mexican catholic lady, and any small business owner who's successful Listen to them and what they say You will feel a lot better trust me Facebook is not indicative of how we feel as a people, the public is waay more redpilled than that There is hope, but it lies outside
Jace Miller
Faceberg was CIA from the start
Tyler Bennett
This censoring actually works in our favor as it forces the discussion outside into workplaces and places of congregation, we need to harness that and redpill outside of social sites, we dont call out cnn constantly for their bias reporting, its just commonly accepted now that the news is bias, we need to make it so facebook and other social sites are regarded as such, beholden to their advertisers
Jonathan Hughes
Rural/middle america, that actually have Internet, the population and "businesses," think FB is "new" and the go to, and do not even have actual websites, just FB pages, and they get their news from FB for F sake, then from MSM, Gas Pump TV, and now McDonalds TV (just started in my small town of 5000), etc. where content is chosen by who pays. There used to be three TVs in my McDonalds, one with Fox, two with MSM, now all three have snippets of weather, news, lame travel, and comedians (Ellen, Kimmel) making Trump jokes, while 1/4 of the screen is advertising. Basically a paid for by advertisers news-feed JUST LIKE FB that cannot be turned off while you eat your slop at the trough. Maybe someone needs to start a thread about that?
Adrian Baker
You lost this war 20 years ago when signed "terms of service" instead of dragging this IT fuckers into court and leaving them without single cent. This "you must wave away all rights if you want to use our service/software/hardware" its outrageous but you let it in. Now lie in this bed its too late.
Jack Brown
Zukerberg may be lying, but his website terms and conditions are not.
You get what you pay for or fail to read.
Grayson Gonzalez
Isaac Cox
The problem with Facebook, and by extension, the people running it, is that FB is intangible.
Your FB experience is carefully crafted, manicured, sculpted, molded specifically to tailor to the echo chamber you put yourself in. And since before the election, those that screamed the loudest and the most often statistically got the most likes and re-tweets and upvotes and shares, etc etc. This is how the narrative was created.
But in a world of trolls and bots, the ones doing all the liking, re-tweeting, upvoting and sharing weren't real people, or weren't really serious.
So the establishment fell for their own propaganda. The deep state bought into their own echo chambers. So when reality smacked all of them in their collective faces on election day, they lost their fucking minds.
And here we are now, blaming Facebook for doing exactly what Facebook does; creating narratives and echo chambers. It's just now, (((they))) lost control and didn't like the results.