Been seeing low effort shills from Steve Huffman aka "Spez" is a child rapist, murderer and cannibal. reddit in every major thread, so I thought I'd repost this news story that was aggressively memory-holed
No amount of screeching about muh amnesty don or posting pictures of Trump touching a wall is fooling anyone.
"We had an early warning..." He warned the Russians - again
Other urls found in this thread:
What's the point you're attempting to make, OP?
4D chess
zomg they read the news. When devilish cunning.
I can't comment when his statement is "shills btfo" while posting an article showing the zognald zogging out. I'm confused, isn't that proving us right?
Doesn't matter. The Lion of Damascus was publicly humiliated in front of the entire world and took his beating in silence while Putin looked on, shrugged his shoulders and didn't order a single MIG fighter into the skies to defend Assad.
Absolutely cucked.
Were you born that faggy or did you have to practice at it?
fuck niggers lol
A perfectly executed strike last night. Thank you to France and the United Kingdom for their wisdom and the power of their fine Military. Could not have had a better result. Mission Accomplished!
Jack Dorsey aka "@jack", who lives at 830 El Camino Del Mar, San Francisco CA, is a child rapist, murderer and cannibal.
If only netanyahu gassed the kikes
Now he's just taunting the kikes. This is not the mission accomplished they wanted from him.
>Trump still had to appease the (((international community))), by attacking
This is disinfo. Mattis said so last night and Zig Forums concurred that we had better listen to Mattis and the US government only rather than gather information from other sources.
Bad news for Trump.
The ultimate course of the war is not changed by this strike, I'd reckon it hardly made a dent in the conflict.
Doesn't matter, the fact of the matter is that Assad was considered an evil coward under false pretenses on the world stage already. Why worry about that when it doesn't change the outcome of the war? The only support any of them need is from their people, and that's what they're getting.
Russian President Vladimir Putin said he condemned the Western strikes "in the most serious way".
Imagine being this delusional.
Gen McKenzie said the "initial indications are that we accomplished the military objectives without interference from Syria".
He said "none of the aircraft or missiles were successfully engaged" by defence systems and all aircraft returned.
Gen McKenzie said about 40 Syrian defence missiles were fired, mostly after the targets were hit. No Russian defence systems were operated, he said.
change it to CIA related targets and you've got a 'probably'
It's like a repeat from last year
CIA is Isis is pissssrael
We've been over this
They all get splattered in the end
So when Syria says they shot down missiles it's more disinfo from the Assad regime. He's a gas killing animal and a liar, and he likes it. We need to stop him. Heil Trump!
You aren't fooling anything, faggot
Why would he not warn them? This is a war with the (((media))), not Syria or Russia.
/sg/ said Syria shot down like 70 out of over 100 missiles, not 13.
At some point you have to realize that Trump isn't on our side. Time after time doing everything the jews and their neo-con allies tell him to do. At what point is it no longer chess and becomes betrayal?
Yeah the articles really aren't using solid reading comprehension. There's not much to go on all around.
So many will be using "13 shot down in local area of _ suburb" on one of the syrian news stations. Applying it to the strikes in 3+ areas.
Others even major news channels show targets on 14 locations including the russian ports.
Yet US will say 3 targets total, france is saying 4 targets. With no western media showing footage for some reason. The only fireworks we have are antiair being shot up.
If 14 targets were actually shot at and they're only talking about 3 now it very well could be shit tons were shot down.
Should be easy to dispel but both sides are pussyfooting the issue or using guarded language. "Were those all the targets?" 'it went well!'. "Did any get shot down?" 'it went well!".
Military hardware salesman are spamming the shit out of comments anywhere.
"The Barzah facility was hit by 76 US missiles in total, the storage facility was hit by 22 weapons from all three nations and seven French missiles fell on the bunker."
You tell me if that sounds like damage control or not. If a civilian facility with a city bus next to it takes 72 3000lbs 16foot long missiles and a bunker actually built to be bombed takes 7 of the smallest.
What's better, some missiles were shot down? Or it takes 70 million dollars worth of missiles to take out one unfortified city building? It's not even leveled.. it's 50% of the height it was originally you can tell the building shape and dimensions…
Oh my, it's really Dubya all over again. Now we just need a major financial crisis and we're up to 8 more years of marxism after.
Digits confirm I guess..
Now that's just naive wishful thinking. Why people have so much trouble admitting the (((deep state))) has grabbed Trump by the pussy with whatever they found on his lawyer's home raid?
Mentioned this in the Syria threads, but can you really call it a 'one-time shot' if it happened last year aswell?
that claim comes from the Russians, doesn't it?
could just be a different spokesman
Because only a gibbering, brainless nigger (you) would think that bombing a few CIA/ISIS assets with rusty ordinance followed by zero retaliation from the forewarned Russians is even slightly what the jews wanted. But thanks for the snipdick input, Irving.
>Steve Huffman aka "Spez" is a child rapist, murderer and cannibal. redditniggers believe this
You're just outright making shit up now
The majority of the anti-Trump spam is being done by Muslims from /sg/ and leftypol shills.
You wish.
/sg/ sandnigs are more based than blumpftards
Like clockwork
Some of them. At least they know about the kike problem.
name 1 thing trump has done other than ban guns and bomb israel's enemies
So, setting a precedent for future attacks. Making impossible demands on Assad to declare the WMDs he has (which he doesn't have). And a US carrier group steaming towards the region and set to arrive in two weeks.
Yeah, totally not what the kikes wanted. Sure. Come on use your brains, please.
No Russian retaliation means nothing of value to Syria/Russia was destroyed. What did they hit then? The Goys Know
No kikewar for you today, snipdick, just more dead CIA niggers.
There's no goddamn point trying to judge an unfolding situation as it happens, without all the information. We don't know Trump's plans. It could be 4D chess, he could be controlled. You can rationalise either position because the information is incomplete and IT'S TOO EARLY TO TELL.
Or it means Russia is afraid to retaliate.
How many MAGA hats do you own?
This is some shit-tier shilling. Have jews resorted to hiring niggers at AIDS clinics?
The only people in America who support this war hold dual citizenship with Israel, quit trying shlomo.
That was exactly my position over a year ago. By now I have a little more faith in his good intentions, even though he only is a stepping stone in my eyes. All I'm seeing happen is
> YOU ARE ALL Steve Huffman aka "Spez" is a child rapist, murderer and cannibal. reddit, I HAVE IN-DEPTH KNOWLEDGE OF WHAT IS AND ISN'T A Steve Huffman aka "Spez" is a child rapist, murderer and cannibal. reddit MEME EVEN THOUGH I SUPPOSEDLY DON'T BROWSE THAT WEBSITE MYSELF
To me, it seems pretty obvious what the rushed, over-the-top blackpill reactions from people that imply to be beyond-siege-faggotry levels of hyper edgy, really are. I browse a few commie discords to see what they're about, guess who's wailing wall pic I see repeatedly posted on every single one. Why would commies, who's literature is in it's entirety written by Jews, care about whether Trump visited Israel?
Oliver Willis is a gay nigger and a mutt. So yes.
Oh boy are you deluded.
The only thing worse than a kike is a fool. Congrats on being the fool that allows kikes to maintain their grip on the world.
hey there moshe.
Kikes only exist because fools enable them. A kike is a parasite. It needs a host. Your food source has been discovered Schlomo.
ok, moshe.
The two biggest mistakes humanity has made are allowing women suffrage and stopping with the pogroms.
Can you feel the fire Schlomo? Or are you one of those "brothers in Christ" kind of faggots? I'm eager to find out.
not buying it, moshe.
he did
The CIA facility was hit.
Hello Zig Forumsacks
They shot down over a hundred missles and tried to blow up Assad's house. What you're seeing is modern warfair. Like when we shoot down N. Korea's missles. In the past we were fighting backwards nations and it was easy to bomb them. Now we're fighting Russian and Iranian tech.
wrong. He tried to take Assad out but the missles weren't that "smart".
What is MAD? It's 60yrs old
Hit a Glownigger warehouse? Now thats an interesting development.
This never fucking happened unless you are referring to a different Israeli strike.
Depends on who you believe, Israel and America/France/Brits or Russia and Syria:
Yeah Bolton and France/Brits were totally trying to kill CIA assets.
You don't have to buy it. It's a fact
Or it's both.
It was a fake strike to appease a certain (((someone))) and it didn't hit anything. Russians have to say nothing happened (even if it did, it doesn't matter) to appease their side. It's political theatre. Nothing happened or rather, it happened and they can now claim it to tell certain people to shut up. What old anons should really be asking: who is this to appease, why did it occur, and why was Trump (potentially forced?) into making this move.
You can simply have a look at this and picture who could be behind such "covert" antics.
Yes I agree, I don't believe Trump is controlled, at least not willingly. But I'm not going to sit here and make 10 posts arguing hard for him, because I don't have enough information to know 100%, and because it doesn't matter, time will tell. Arguing with shills is an energy sink anyway.
you tried sarcasm, but instead, checked.
praise Kek
I think it was simple why the US was involved.
The choice was either:
1) it happens outside of US guidance. Kikes chose the targets
2) The US takes the lead, Tweets disrupt the kike targeting, NWO agenda derailed.
On the other hand the (((media))) is reporting that most missiles were shot down.
Both the host and the parasite are "guilty" to some extent.
Are you trying to argue that , if all nations on Earth simultaneously would recognize the jewish problem, would jews still have a grip on our media, entertainment, politicians, etc?
Don't you recognize that your people have become weak and stupid, and that's why the jew has been gaining power decade after decade?
Both parts are guilty; take this positively and try to improve yourself, your family, and make the host aware of the parasite first and foremost.
it always leads to (((them))) but I suppose I am saying: a more direct name. Which one of (((them))) etc, are involved and who do we have to (((thank))) of course. Follow the money, follow the large noses…
No doubt they chose the targets. This might be a quid pro quo. We do this, you give us this. Someone doing negotiating on the backend.
Sams (syrian american medical society) has been pushing war in syria for a long time, and is allied with Jewish United Federation of Chicago.
You could start poking around there.
The shills are unusually silent.
Must have their mouths stuffed with crow.
Denying other human beings the ability to assemble.
yep. Trump really furthered the Zog agenda /s