Jesus is honestly the only thing that can save this Earth.
Why did evil people take the Bible and use it for evil?
Jesus is honestly the only thing that can save this Earth.
Why did evil people take the Bible and use it for evil?
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Worshiping a dead semite
Ritual spirit canibalism with a dead heeb , no fucking thank you
Praise Kek
DnC kike thread
praise kek
We're done with this meme
If by "Jesus", you mean the wholesale extermination of evil … then yeah.
Good men need to find their balls and start putting these demon worshipping kikes to the sword.
Waiting around for a fabled hero to come take care of all of our problems for us is the work of pussies who don't deserve to pass down their genes.
As a Christian myself I have to ask: What Jesus do you mean? The modern Jesus of love, tolerance, compassion and globalism, aka AntiChrist, or the one we had before that, the real one, who chased kikes out of temples, caused a internal conflict by BTFOing the religious leaders of such a size that ultimately destroyed the Jews?
sage kike thread leddit
jesus didnt exist the only proof is in the bible created by constantine the cuckold to unite the roman empire under 1 religion
I'm a Christian but I can see your two-line attempt to start shit. Better check the catalog carefully to see what you don't want talked about.
Because it is in our nature to do evil deeds. We were given free will, and with free will humans can do unspeakable things.
paganshits and fedora d&c fags plz leave.
This is what atheist actually believe.
Shadilay my fellow kekistani!!
If you're Christian, I respect that. I think by definition this isn't related to Zig Forums though.
praise hesus krishna and also dont forget the old testament goyim. jews are gods chosen.
because the way they took the bible seemed to bring us happiness :D
later we learned, as beautiful as the promises sound, religion is the source of love. the opposites apply as well
What would Jesus do to JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs and Rothschild Bank?
No where does the new testament say that. Gentiles are the new chosen people, not jews. They lost it the second they KILLED Jesus. If you look at the bible, the jews have always been the real villains and an example on how NOT to act. There is a reason why kikes hate Christians and have tried to kill, persecute, and recently subvert it. The atheist movement is an example.
You are just another d&c faggot doing the work of the kikes. GG
Yet Christcucks have been losing almost every battle against the desert-beasts. Proto-commie religion is cancer to Europe
Only a wicked person would worship Jesus. Good people do not demand a sacrificial lamb for their sins, they will ask to walk through the purifying fire themselves in order to make peace with his fellow man.
Shit thread.
Jesus is a representation of what *can* save us. All religions are both right and wrong.
Read a book 4cuck nigger.
Or at least read an article: