(((Bloomberg))) admits Hungary is doing it right



>Gyulai said that government propagandists even coined a negatively connotated word — migráns — to avoid using more neutral, perhaps even (((sympathy-inducing))) words like "immigrant" or "refugee." Hungary, after all, had itself produced hundreds of thousands of refugees during the Communist era.

>This is not a formal expulsion process that leaves a (((paper trail))): You're found without a visa, driven to the fence, pushed into Serbia and that's that. The term the Helsinki Committee uses for this extrajudicial procedure is "pushback"; according to Hungarian police data, 9,136 people were "escorted" to the other side of the fence last year.

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It's noice but he is cucking extra hard for chinks.
Once you get a chink infestation it isn't easy removing it, chink mafia is deep rooted and nearly impossible to remove without lethal force

Tell me more about chinks in Hungary, Ive never heard of this.

Now thats based, still, they should entirely be closed.

You can start by actually reading the OP, part of it is already there.
Orban mostly closed the gates to arabs but opened them for chinks.
I don't have an "organ and the chink" folder with shit to spam

He opened the borders for rich chinks, who I can only assume are helping with the economy in other ways.

I don't like it, but Hungary is still a great functional example of how replacement migration doesn't fucking work.

If you were really escaping genuine persecution you wouldnt mind some slight discomfort in a processing compound. You would be relieved that you and your family are no longer being persecuted.

However, if someone had promised you a free ride in Europe you would be upset about being detained to make sure you are genuine.

Keep in mind that a premanent residence permit allows these individuals to move freely in the Schengen area, meaning that these rich chinks probably moved on to Western Europe.
Why buy Permanent Residence Permit in Hungary then?
Because it's cheaper.

Bump for bff.

Attached: 1522095549402.png (1130x1648, 512.07K)

That's how rich chinks operate. They buyout everything possible to gain a foothold on the desired country.

Sounds (((familiar)))

That's even worse because rich chinks are the chinese govt

Yeah but that's not the only thing chinks do.
They also don't cause any problem, work and DON'T ask for the citizenship (so you can deport them whenever).

Chinks causes problems only in the second generation in countries stupid enough to have land laws instead of blood laws for citizenship.

t. chink
Chink mafia is the worst one out there.

That's why Beijing is a giant smog cloud, right?

Nobody is fooled, pingpong.

Chinks are as criminal as niggers, with the only exception being that niggers prefer violent crime while chinks engage in counterfeiting, drug and human trafficking, money laundering and so on.

That's why they're called asian jews.

Out, Fu Manchu.

Hungary is the most refugee-friendly country in Europe. What they aren't is rapefugee-friendly.

Attached: Swedes migrate from Sweden to Eastern Europe, USA, Australia to escape Islam plague & Muslim savages.webm (640x360, 14.68M)

Attached: German diaspora to Hungary.webm (640x360, 7.09M)

Don't fall for it. It always starts with "only the rich chinks". Then a few years later it's only educated ones. A few years after that it's only ones that can speak the native language. And then a few years later all the requirements fall away and you find yourself surrounded by some of the most disgusting examples of subhuman filth imaginable.

They're terrible for the economy too. They dodge tax, fraudulently leech any social welfare the country has, send money they extract from your country back to china, buy/start so many businesses that they push white business owners out of the market, and always preferentially employ, contract and deal with other chinks over white people. They're a malignant tumor in every way.

The area I was born in is now a fucking chinatown. Don't get complacent about chink immigration just because the first ones they let in aren't as bad as niggers on an individual basis.

You are all missing the bigger picture with the chinks ,and (communist) capitalism as we have said in this board class, capitalism and goymmunism are 2 sides of the same shekel. SO can somebody help me identify who exactly is controlling the Chinese with their goy/capitalistic shitshow.And how they still control them. It would also be of no suprise if they also controlled north korea but anyways NAME IT FUCKERS WHO IS IT.


Hungarians literally have Asiatic origins which why they get along pretty well with chinks

The Magyars originated from near the Ural mountians, not East Asia.

They master a game called Go, and it looks like marbles and shit but its really about placing buisnesses strategically to choke their competition to death and "cut and kill the opponent" they apply this game to everything from Civ 5 city placement to where their buisness locations are sited. Every huge Chink magnate is a master of Go.

>(((That may seem strange in a country with one of the lowest shares of foreign-born population in the developed world and a fertility rate below even the abysmal European average)))

not even hiding it.


"Gáspár Orbán (born 7 February 1992) is a Hungarian religious leader and former professional footballer. He is the son of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán."

Orban's son is now some kind of Christian cult-leader.


"I came into contact with such power from the living God, that I decided to give my whole life to Jesus,” explains Gáspár Orbán."

Orban might've lost his son but he can still save Europe for you!

So the dad works for the jews and the son is a cult leader.
B..b..b..but based border control.

No good jews

This will be about the Ukraine, long term the goal will be to get Ukraine into the EU, have strong military there to face off with Russia and to flood migrants up into there if possible. Hungary will be important to make that happen. And that's why Bloomberg is sucking Orbans cock. He's their boy, and the controlled nationalist to suit the current public opinion in Hungary. He will say the right things and just carry on doing satans work. A bit like Trump.

Based Orban as always
And he certainly isn't having any of this picking sides shit.
I can actually see why Orban is promoting Chinese migration… It's highly likely that he expects China to actually rise over the US and he is already preparing for that possibility, while maintaining good relations with them.
Tbh, that's actually the general strategy in Central Europe. Some also include an "only business" model with Russia.
Although I think in the last three Seas Innitiative's meeting, some Chinese ideas were rejected… Like taking over the infrastructure of these countries… Well obviously that would had been national suicide.

You think helping Chinks trying to hide themselves and their money from the Chinese government forms good relations with China?


Where's the lie?

Genetically they cluster with the rest of Central/Eastern Europeans. Stop falling for dumbass memes.

Holy shit this is desperate shilling
Literally done the most out of ANY CURRENT LEADER to protect his nation's people and culture and there are STILL shills saying he works for the Jews
Holy fucking shit

It depends on who is being helped… And how

Want to make money user? Stat a deportation company that deports people back to syria. The government gives you 500 people + $2k per head, and you fly them safely back to syria.

Sounds good, but a bullet is far cheaper.

If I recall they've already tried to toss rapefugees in Ukraine already.

Interpretation: Target them harder.

Few months ago Bloomberg (among others) also reported on this:

"Hungary admitted about 1,300 asylum seekers last year, the most in more than a decade, according to United Nations data."

The Eurostat statistics for the EU countries are available now:

"The 28 Member States of the European Union (EU) granted protection status to 538000 asylum seekers in 2017, down by almost 25% from 2016."

It's interesting to note that the number of admitted refugees, when counted in relation to population of the country, Hungary admitted 130 people per million population.

This statistic for the V4 countries looks like this (page 3):

Czech Republic 15
Slovakia 10
Polant 15
Hungary 130

Looks like based Orban admitted almost much more refugees per million Hungarian citizens. In comparison some of the lower numbers from Western Europe: Ireland 150, Spain 100, Portugal 50.

This is all fine and dandy for Hungary but the rapefugees have no intention of staying in a no-gibs country anyway.

Based Orban is also covering for the based Chinese:


Twenty-seven of the 28 national EU ambassadors to Beijing have compiled a report that sharply criticizes China’s “Silk Road” project, denouncing it as designed to hamper free trade and put Chinese companies at an advantage, Handelsblatt has learnt. Only Hungary’s ambassador refused to sign the paper.

I wonder why.

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I really like their style but I think shooting anyone who comes near the border is still the best solution.

Rich chinks are some of the worst chinks tbh. They show up with millions in cash and start buying up all the property and turn everything into an extortion-based rent economy, blasting the cost of living into the stratosphere. You'd be better off with lower-income chinks who want to work hard, not the ultra rich jewchinks who want to buy up all your companies and land.

I thought they were refugees which under the UN's refugee pact were supposed to be returned to their country of origin as soon as it's safe.

So are they immigrants or refugees?


Do you know what Gypsies say about Nazis?
They copied Hungarian tactics on civilians.
Allegedly, Hungarians can carry out mass-executions WITHOUT getting traumatized, unlike the empathetic Germans.

t. chong wang

Even Soros chooses to live in lily white Hungary instead of dieversity . Funny , no ?

Pretty jewy.

oh, rentseeking in other countries while having no loyalty to it… KIKES are fucking making whites serfs to ANYONE

No they don't

This is becoming a serious underlying problem on top of the Jewry issue. Chinks are buying land in every western (and other) country and are completely subsidized by the government to do so. They can push people into rental servitude or homelessness as well as move in their massive populations with the express aim to colonize the area by way of using laws against their host. China is invading and the Jews are helping them with that too because their first goal is to turn all European lands around the world into a mongrelized, Europoid-caucasoid-mongoloid-negroid mix.

That QT is Hungarian by ancestry or Swedish? Nice dubs too.

Attached: qtScreenshot from 2018-04-22 11-27-47.png (400x362, 144.69K)