Brit/pol/ #2801: Rule Britannia Edition

Battle of the Nations 2019

Corbyn Criticised for Endorsing Book Claiming scoobydoos Control Banks, Media

Defence Secretary Gavin Williamson SACKED over National Security Council Leak

BBC 'glamorises sexual exploitation' by promoting Asian grime star's song boasting about making prostitution and drug cash from 'white girls'

Universities must 'decolonise' the curriculum to boost black students' grades, vice-Chancellors say

Signs labelling Savile Town a 'third-world no-go zone' reported to police as hate crime

Semenya loses landmark legal case against IAAF over testosterone levels

US Federal Reserve ignores Donald Trump and leaves interest rates on hold

Artist behind the anti-Semitic cartoon in The New York Times defends his work and blames the backlash on a misunderstanding 'made through the scoobydooish propaganda machine'

also this blatantly biased article and poll

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xth for Leanne.

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Can't be arsed to vote tbh

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“Young conservatives” supporting antifa.

All tories deserve a bullet.

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As if my fucking oven isn't working.

it always comes down to class with these rats, if mogg said the shit tommy says they'd be all over it, CLASS WARFARE NOW

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The young tory thinks it's still 1940, communism and liberalism are allies in the struggle against fascism. He sees himself as a Churchill. They naively think that antifa won't come for them.


tbh who isn't going to come for the Tories?

fucking lol, that entire thread

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The financial sector elite?

absolutely BASED right winger going against the grain not racist tho at racists me

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Anyone who votes/supports tory post ted heath/jimmy savile should kill themselves. Gods words as well. Only UKIP/BrexP/EngDem/Green aint nonces. Matthew 18:6

And will be until her dying days if that's her kid lel

Black Panther made them all even more jealous and entitled.

Faggy Matcher supported the necrophiliac pedo jimmy saville.

you mean post Disraeli

Depends how rough things get tbh

tbh child noncing in the "conservatives"/tories/catholics goes back to Henry VIII and the choir boys.

Faggy Spacktcher destroying the white working class and lying about immigration control to stop the National Front

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Sued for what? It's a public environment and he went up and did that, what grounds could he possibly sue on?

not very smart is he

maritime law

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he's a proper spazz
case closed

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tommy is literally getting BTFO

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Good job there lid

New book e-celeb tbh


Very convincing argument

The shite link

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shut the fuck up nigger

are these your videos lad

absolute STATE of parliament

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I like some of your videos lad but your jokes need some work.

Yeah not quite as evil as sacrificing children lad but still pretty cunty

prove it lad

It's not me lads, for one I am straight, two I can't read.

my sides its literally like that memi with the hand rubbing as the two sides fight

What a dumb fat cunt that salford bint is. I hope she gets raped to death by a bunch of packis she deserves worse the cunt. Everybody who minimizes Rotherham needs to be fucking killed.


what the fuck are they talking about

What is it like being posh in the north west?

Only good thing about tommeh is his ability to smack a darkie.

The sickening thing about all this shite is that the majority of brits either approve or acquiesce to it.


wtf I hate tommeh now


unironically if you have anyone trying to play it down grab the nearest object and just smash the shit out of them tbh

tbh the fight against the russians was good enough to last me for the day. Buzzing for the 150 v 150.

keking at that paki who creamed tommeh is probably unironically going to be the next Kassam now after his antifa "buddies" didnt give a shit about him getting btfo'd

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Did he get battered?


If this is the British public. Then fuck being a nationalist I’m gunna join ITS instead.

this is literally 5 year old school playground tier idiocy

'ate this tbh

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found this on that tweet..

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He’s obviously absolutely bricking it that someone’s going to label him a Tommy Robinson supporter when he was just trying to prove he was at the protest.

I hope no one believes him.

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true tbh

No tommy battered a paki and the police took him away. Some fat cunt with a baby stroller got into an argument with tommy. She literally said nothing coherent beyond “what if the rape gang was white” because she’s a psychopathic fat cunt like 90% of single mothers who does not give s flying fuck about the mass rape and enslavemdnt of white children all she wants is to fucking virtue signal on top the pile of THOUSANDS of little white girls abused for decades because STUPID MIDDLE AGED FAT CUNT women like her care more about not being racist than protecting kids


I get trying to play it down in a conversation as it's not a comfortable discussion and you can be arrested for fucking opinions these days but when a cunt goes "oh what about non-paki paedos" they need their heads smashing in. We aren't ignoring non-paki paedos, we are just noticing them more because they are a more significant problem and the scale is completely different. If there were scores of people in purple hats killing people and they went "oh but the green hats are doing that to" yeah it's a fucking problem but we are trying to deal with the much larger much more obvious fucking problem.
God I want to smash their fucking heads in so much smh

smack the dumb cunt too

UK vs US, bullycide booagaloo is starting.

the fuck are you talking about

UK will win

w o w tommeh is a zionist shill literally everyone fucking knows that nice work sherlock

stfu fag

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Break the mould tbh.

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is this some sports shite

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also did you know that vader is luke's father? wild!

Individuals Tending towards Savagery is a Mexican quasi-anprim nihilist terrorist group that just leave bombs in random areas to protest the existence of the hunan race. I’ve finally accepted that they’re right tbh.

How nu r u?

Not even an old fag but jesus christ the newfags ITT the past couple weeks.

Is LARPing a sport?

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Lad that was clearly a joke, go to bed

it is on here

I don't believe you, next you'll be saying David Davis has resigned

Should have seen the weirdos popping up in the nightshift lad.

It's in the OP, you bum bandit.

pizza, kebabs, curry, corner shops, minicabs
cancer cancer cancer

but they don't
especially his supporters

it's really bad for you lad especially if you're on the wacky baccy at the same time

go to bed

oh its this pish, fuck up cunt nobody cares about your gay shit

not touching the cannabis lad just drinking old speckled.

pack it in lad

calm down mate

The utter shite people will consume for entertainment is unbearable tbh

fuck up cunt

shut it you spacky twat

Bomb every high street. Brick deanos that walk out of kebab shops and knock out old cunts that still donate to the Church of England.

stop larping

Stop watching porn, and start LARPing.

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