>WaPo: Give a Lower Voting Age a Try no mirror because archive.is is fucked right now
Let kids vote, goy
They are in for a surprise. Younger generation is as fascist as ever. They don't know what they are wishing for.
The comments are as braindead as you'd imagine. Kids are only mature and responsible as long as they support the leftist goals (((they))) support. Otherwise, they're "vulnerable" and susceptible to "Russian trolling".
Good idea.
Presuming militorah is still 18.
Gives two years of "adult" before dying for jews.
Weed, alcohol, and so on, shall logically be at 16, too.
School, too.
funs ≠ fire arms
Kids can have all funs already.
Beleting background checks/gun owner lists is best next step.
lay off the juice user.
Anyways, seriously if (((they))) want a lower voting age, tell them the age one can legally by AND own a firearm MUST be the same age, then watch as they split hairs like the kikes they are.
He clearly never met a 18 years old. My guess is the reason is to give more votes to niggers since they have more kids. But, whatever, if they want to change adulthood from 18 to 16 years so be it, but they better not whine when some 16 years old adult nigger is judged as an adult and not a minor.
This was always coming. Allowing women and niggers (i.e. children and animals, respectively) to vote was one of (((their))) most successful weapons in undermining the viability of Western democracies. It's only natural that they would seek to water down the votes of white men even more by bringing in another group of unsuitable voters.
Why not, we already let gorillas vote and own guns.
Also where the fuck is the link and archive, you shit.
I'm so fucking sick of "proud/deep concern" face
God these kids think they're fucking expert political analysts because they can make a pained expression in front of a camera.
And I'm supposed to take them seriously.
Haha but let's raise the gun ownership age tho sweetie :p
They should be raising the voting age to 21 since kids take longer to mature in the modern world.
Raise it to 28, fuck these kikes.
They just had a study saying these fuckers had the brains of teens going into their mid twenties. Fuck no.
Brain development (puberty) isn't done for males until late 20s. That isn't a fucking new piece of information. If you didn't know that then you need to go back to fucking 6rd grade or whenever the fuck sex ed starts.
So we should let 16 year olds chew then?
When you let 16-year-olds vote, you're basically multiplying the vote of the far-left cultural marxists via the influence of feminist teachers.
Found the hick.
afk KMS
I meant dip, sorry.
If by kikes you mean redpilled white men who don't want to settle for used-up roastie scum, then yes.
It changes depending on the issue. Teens are perfectly capable of advocating for gun control, but not capable of participating in sexual relationships that would undermine liberal roasties' sexual market value.
>not reading the text indicating archive.is was and still is fucked
illiterates get the rope too.
18 year old me voted for Obama on '08. I don't think age is an adequate marker. Only married men should men with born children should be able to vote.
'08 he ran against McCain, didn't he? Don't blame yourself, user, either way you would have voted wrong.
Both you faggots not pulling for Ron Paul in 2008.
His movement created the tea party which was then used to destroy any libertarian idea.
Good morning 16 year olds, remember that if you vote Democrat, you get some course credit!
Oy vey, while we're at it, we might as well go full speed in this clown world.
I'm not actually a burger. I could only watch in disgust as the options for running the only world's superpower were a nigger and a senile, warmongering fool. And to despair even worse in 2012 when they swapped the senile fool with a magic underwear-wearing imbecile. And I was starting to despair again in 2016, until thankfully the Democrats picked the absolute worst candidate they could.
Come on, guys! *snorts condom*
We should be able to vote, let's do a march for this! *munches on tidepod sandwhich*
Only WE can change the future! *ruins future*
That was my sentiment at the time, but my dumbass family wouldn't leave me alone when I told them it didn't matter, so I humored them. I was in Oregon anyway, so Blue was gonna win no matter what I did.
Don't think I knew who he was then, and I didn't pay any attention to politics again until about 2013 when I went full ancap. Libertarianism is too weak, though. It doesn't actually stand for anything, just against stuff. For the same reason politicians won't just sit back and do nothing until they're needed, people won't vote for a candidate who's philosophy is "leave me alone": humans want to progress in some direction, they want to fight for something better no matter how good they have it. Our desires are infinite. Trump succeeded largely because he promised forward momentum.
Under our current laws, an 18-year-old can do the same thing. At some point you just have to accept that things you personally find offensive will be allowed. Unfortunately, Americans just can't seem to get past their feels.
Stop giving them ideas.
Actually, never mind, this is probably what they'll do about the age of consent:
>Age of consent lowered to 14 FOR NONWHITES ONLY
Generation Zyklon is actually a shit meme and is unproven. I know it makes you feel better but it just isn't true. Our best bet is the boomers still.
There were a bunch of potheads unironically calling for a 16 or even 14 age when Canada legalizes this summer. "Kids should be free to smoke a joint… oh, and smoke my 60 year old cock too, but we don't talk about that in public…"
I work at a High School. Teenagers are nowhere near mature or capable enough to make any kind of political assessment or decision. This goes for all countries around the world. However, I can confirm that Generation Zyklon is SOMEWHAT real, but nowhere near as widespread as this shithole thinks. I have a couple of senior girls under my wings, and they all hate niggers, kikes, and mudslime. They don't believe in the holocaust, and they always name the Jew when something about society is 'fucked up'.
I'll assume you aren't a shill and being honest. That being said. I agree libertarianism is weak but it isn't against anything other than erosion of personal rights. It may seem that it is only against but that is solely dude to the current political climate.
The U.S. forefathers were largely libertarian in that personal rights should trump the states and at a larger scale the federal government.
If you are too young to know the ron paul 2008 election and how the media cut him out entirely then you are late to the game. It's how people like me realized that this country isn't run by the people but by the people who tell the people how to think and feel.
4 years later we had Occupy, the same sentiment that ron paul was rallying for which is that our economic system is not created to benifit the people but only those in power.
What happened next was what we have now, rather than focusing on class all we focus on is race relation and how to be inclusive rather than identifying who is bleeding this country fucking dry.
Stop this shit. Most of the adults who actually stand a decent chance of fucking teens are in their 20s or early 30s at most. 60 year olds probably can't even get it up.
Neither are adults. Most people of all ages are stupid as fuck. We should just move to a test system. Want to vote? Take a test. Want to have sex? Take a test. Want to drink? Take a test. Want to own a gun? Take a test, which we do already. Want to drive? Take a test, which is what we do already and should be doing for other things.
Could ask you to prove that Generation Zyklon is really a thing.
Voting age should be 25.
According to the Fed, not mature enough for a lot of things, and I agree.
Obamacare says 26 is adult? 21 for cannabis. 21 to drink. 21 to gamble. 21 for handgun. 18 to vote. 18 to smoke. 18 for rifle (21 now some places). etc.
Raise it all to 21 except 18 to enlist and enlistment supersedes 21 required.
Then add;
21 to drive without a blow and go, dash and drives camera. 21 to buy caffeine; (soda, coffee, energy drinks) etc. as it an addictive substance. 21 to have a child. 21 to get married. etc.
continue list
It shouldn't even be based on age. It should be based on land ownership, sex and skin color.
if they can't own guns, they shouldn't be able to vote
In many western countries there are far more children of immigrants than natives, in some areas more than 50% of under 16s are non white.
I wonder who they will vote for once they get the chance?
It certainly won't be for any parties that support white people.
We need ethno states NOW, these people will never stop pushing.
We have to make whites everywhere understand that it is US or them, there is no middle ground.
Women must be made to really FEEL that their kids or future kids and grandkids will DIE, VIOLENTLY MURDERED if we don't turn this around soon.
Women are the key, we have to hit them right in the feels.
Daily reminder that the shaved head bully practically drove another goblin kid into shooting up all the school and now she (and those other crisis actor retards) are being used as useful idiots for the most aggressive gun grab narrative to date.
They're fucking bullies and a clear representation off le 56 percent. Hell the fucking kid that shot up the school was a fucking non white mixed raced weirdo.
Subhumans being subhuman to other subhumans… These are the conditions that even warrent gun control in America in the first place.
There was almost no real trouble with guns until the hoard of non white Goblin kind came upon America, fuck me… Emma Goblin Gonzales looks like she's ready to prove that too by becoming the next school shooter.
Robbed of debussey. Females 13 or younger nature says breed, but age of consent ? then when males hit 18 girls under 18 a no no. Up to five years of being robbed of debussey here. Females barren at 40+ but males still virile until 70+ up to 30+ years here of robbed of debussey. Add in female power, even if married, to withhold sex. Lots of years of being robbed of debussey.
Take heed gentlemen, do not be married after 40 if you want debussey, the odds are against you.
Why do torfags have to be such massive faggots at all times?
Kek, their rubbing hands really must be sweaty.
I know two better ways to fix voting.
Why would this matter in any way?
The 'grown up' most jew-wise and red-pilled generation of yanks just elected the most jewish president since Roosevelt, in the vain hope the limey NeoCon kikes that run America will gas themselves as Trumpstein somehow materializes into Hitler so what more damage could immature retarded yanks do to America that hasn't already been done by the elder retarded NeoCon jew supporting Yanks?
Young or old, Americans are too easily brainwashed into serving jewry.
One day you might even eventually do something useful with those guns[only kidding you wont do a fucking thing while your shelves are stacked with cheetos and burgers], better hurry though as the orange kike is the latest threat to take away your guns
Friends of James Alefantis / Podestas have partnered with March for our lives via another fake grassroots campaign called "Town Hall for our Lives.
Pics Related
Don’t listen to the article’s kiked sourced. Human brains finish maturing around age 25. There’s no difference in cognitive development from 16-18 is hoggwash. Raise the voting age to 25 and stop letting people who don’t positively contribute to the tax system have a vote to begin with. I’m looking at you niggers and illegal immigrants.
It would truly be ironic if the goblina bullied not only Cruz into shooting up a school, but also all second amendment supporters into shooting up the commies in defense
Can't wait for generation tide pod to vote [insert hollywood roastie] into office :^)
Just for clarity: these are the same people who made eating Tide pods a thing, right?
About as much as we made Jenkem a thing.
According to (((science))). What does science have to say about it?
We should only allow white males who own property to vote.
Who determines who is and isn't stupid. Whatever agency writes the test can emilinate swaths of voters to conform to their agendas.
Even if the test was imperfect who is left to take it? Its the weaponization of apathy.
Honestly the minimum age on everything should be raised to 25. Voting, Enlistment, Driving, Drinking, Smoking.
The human brain doesn't fully develop until the mid 20s anyways, the last area to develop is the area that governs judgement. Why leave actions that require good judgement in the hands of those who haven't finished developing a proper sense of judgement in the first place.
Go back to only allowing landowners to vote. The Free Market will decide who is stupid.
:^) oh nooo never do that… noooo
Tie voting rights to a few years of public or military service and watch all the female and nonwhite votes vanish.
Can someone ITT give me some info on the origins of that woke af pic?
Yeah, they're both inexperienced, ignorant and driven by their dick.
Voting should be licensed only after passing an extensive civics test on how local, state, and federal governments function. How many terms can a State Assemblyman serve? Don't know? You fail. The license would be valid for 10 years. Also, raise the voting age to 25.
It must be worded carefully because the words will be misinterpreted deliberately by the traitors and Jews.
Do as the Rhodesians did with their republic. If you weren't useful you didn't vote.
I agree with this. At 16 your voting the way your school tells you to vote and it takes years of real world experience for that brainwashing to wear off.
Reminder that adolescence is a social experiment made up in the 1940s. Before then, kids as young as five worked in factories. Also, the whole "dumb,happy-go-lucky" image of teenagehood is just a stereotype that's so deeply burned into the adult mind that it's almost accepted as fact.
The whole "kids shouldn't work" is a jewish plot to destroy western production.
The whole "brain doesn't develop until 25" is a ploy to emasculate young people. In 30 years, they may pass a law banning children under 10 from wiping their asses. I think the real fear of letting high schoolers in politics is not so much if they fail, but if they succeed and overpass their elders.
I think you're just ephebiphobic.
Quality tor post as always.
Are you a harem ecchi SoL MC?
This worked in Ancient Greece but there's a major issue regarding (((landowners))) today.
Before all of you butt-hurt whiny old ephebiphobes get your knickers tied up, reminder that before the end of the 1970s, at age 14:you could get a full-time job, smoke and drink responsibly, be trained to fix cars, rent apartments, drive, etc. When compulsory schooling laws were passed under Reagan, followed by "child labor laws", stanger danger, and helicopter parents, the maturation process for young people doubled. Now, we have people in their late 20s with no car, because of fear-mongering and shitty economy. Young people are not allowed to even wipe their own asses anymore.
Then the voting age should end at 65. Most people at that age, are plagued with health problems and are desperate for cure. That is, if they're not guzzling themselves to death.
I agree. You will not believe how arrogant and immature middle-aged people are. They are like teens. There's a reason why mid-life crisis is called "second adolescence". The reason why young people are always picked on patronized for immaturity is not because the elders are mature, but because adults are overgrown children with no higher physical authority to answer to except themselves.
Being worked to death in a factory doesn't give your opinion any validity. Teenagers and young men are often suicidally stupid, especially while they have limited interest in the long term future. I would suggest that only married white men with at least 2 kids should be allowed to vote.
Nice plan actually, democrats would start bussin highschoolers to vote as part of classes
This is why you can't vote yet
A healthy, active human being should be able to live to 100 easily. See Okinawans, Azeri people, Vilcabambans. All have many 100+ year olds who still work, swim, hike, and enjoy life. Westerners, especially Americans destroy themselves eating a diet of lard and sugar their whole lives.
Your argument supports raising the voting age, if young people are more immature than ever. I'm 21 and I would rather the voting age be 25 than see the world fucked over by naive young people who vote with their feelings, have no responsibility or family to take care of, and make their political decisions via social media and peer pressure.
So they are trying to get themselves to hang faster? Yea it's a nice plan for us.
this defeats the basic tenats of democracy. Sex and skin color? is this the fucking 19th century?
If there is an argument that genuinely supports this claim make it. If all that's required is just taking a shit on your keyboard take a photo and put it on 4chan.
Fuck off torpedo. You're probably one of them.
And they still voted to remain in the United Kingdom so that didn't work out particularly well for them
Point is: If we started voting rights as something that you need earn instead of something that you just receive the majority of the current (Democrat) voter base would not exist. Women and nonwhites don't actually care about voting when they need to earn it first.
Lowering the voting age to sixteen is an awful idea. Normalfags are already easily influenceable and low-info and teenagers are especially. All we need is for the Jew to give voting rights to another low-info voting block to advance its agenda. Democracy is the Jewish worship of the larger number. No expertise on the things you're voting on is required. The bigger number always wins, no matter if it is the best option. The Jews want mob rule, read the Protocols
Also, alcohol and weed should rightfully be banned