Remember the lady who accused Hillary of pizzzagate stuff back in the 1980s. Said Gerald Ford was her handler and she was a White House sex slave? Well, she's old now and lives with the Intelligence Officer that "saved her" way back in the 1980s. And they've now taken in (for 8yrs) a really attractive young woman from a Mormon family. The girl says she was abused.
Here is where it gets weird. For one thing the video makers from Germany say someone went into their computer and deleted parts of the interview (most of which they still have the audio). But toward the end of the video the Intel hero and Cathy (the 1980s Hillary accuser) begins to talk about really crazy shit like if you go to stores in America there are voices that control you and everyone working there is under mind control – that you can buy mind control radio devices online made from Tesla experiments – essentially crazy people 101 talk who hear voices.
So why is this weird? Because below the video is the mother of this girl claiming that these people have actually put her under mind control and that's why she still lives with them in her mid-20s. She lives in a room and has no job and they are teaching her to be less controlled. Mom also says the girl was an background actress, model, and spiritual holistic practitioner of which they had to pay for. They claim Cathy and the Intel guy are very rich now (from book sales?). And they left the Mormon church when she was 4yrs old and pretty much raised their kids like typical West Coast liberal middle-class. But worst the Dad was the one who contacted them because he was donating to their efforts to prevent abuse.
I'll post the mother's letter below. But a lot of comments are saying it seems like these people are trying to gather victims that think they are programmed in order to program them.
My name is Tammy Miller and I am Shaela's mom. I am grateful to the host that posted this video as it has allowed me the opportunity to share my side of the story. It has been probably a year since I watched this video. I just sat through the parts of Shaela talking so that I can remember what was said so that I can share with you some key points. First of all she talks about basic everyday mind control through religion and isolation. She also said that “religion plays a big roll" and hers is Mormonism. Shaela never grew up Mormon. Scott and I were Mormon but left the church when Shaela was around 4. We left the church because we were not going to be controlled by a religion. Any religion. Shaela had friends that were Mormon and at the age of 11 she asked if she could be baptized. We let her but she didn't go to church for very long after joining (her choice). She doesn't even know that much about Mormonism and you can tell from the video that she didn't know what she was talking about. Shaela says she couldn't escape on her own. How do you think she even got to Alabama? We paid for it and took her to the airport. We all cried because we were going to miss her so much. She cried too. Mark and Cathy (M & C) had offered her a job. But it turned out that they didn't pay her. They only gave her room and board and an old car which they asked us to pay the car insurance on. We did at first and at one point we were having some financial trouble as the real estate market was starting to tank and told her we couldn't pay for it. She has a job and needs to pay for it herself. It was around this time period that we suspected she really didn't have a job. If she really had a job with them then why couldn't she pay for it? It was around $200. They were not happy with us about that. It was also around this time that she was distancing herself from the family and couldn't talk on the phone because "someone" might be listening in. How do you think she even met M & C? It was through her dad. He had heard about them from watching a video. Scott made friends with M & C over the internet. We would send them money to help their cause. He introduced Shaela to Cathy through emails. Do you really think that if Scott wanted to learn how to mind control Shaela that he would have asked Mark for help? That is ridiculous. You wouldn't go to a mind control deprogrammer to learn how to mind control someone. Shaela said that she believes that if people could be themselves rather than what people are told to be then people would become free. My kids have had more freedom of expression then most kids out there. Shaela also said she was isolated. Shaela was in plays, took acting classes, group voice lessons, was an extra in tv shows like Ayna's Bell, Johnny Tsunami, Touched by an Angel and more. She also auditioned for acting roles on tv. She took guitar lessons, quit, tried piano lessons, didn't like it. She got her first job as a sales clerk at the age of 14 or 15. She was being taught by an herbalist and helped with clients . Shaela was very intuitive. At the age of 16 she traveled and would give talks and demonstrations on her intuitive abilities. She had the gift of healing, got her Reiki Mastership, and, the last thing she tried before leaving home, modeling, which we spent lots of money on helping her build her portfolio. Keep in mind that we had 7 children and my husband was working full time/over time to support us as I was a stay at home mom. Any money that Shaela made from her jobs she kept. Shaela did like to tag along with my husband when he worked. All the kids liked to tag along with him. She was by no means a slave and definitely was not molested or abused. Shaela says she wasn't allowed to go to school. We encouraged Shaela to go to high school.
Sebastian Green
I had always told myself when the kids were high school age that I would let them make the choice of going to high school or not. She didn't want to go. When she was 18 we would encourage her to go to college but she didn't want to. She wanted to be a model. That was fine with us. We have kids that have gone to college and some that have not. Our oldest child only took a few classes in college but has a successful business in the film industry and has been the trainer of new employees getting out of college in the field of film. This is just an example of the freedom of expression and creativity that comes from home schooling. Our next son went to college and is starting his own business in the real estate industry. Our other son is currently going to college and just bought his first house at the age of 22. And our daughter Sarah went to college and has started her own business helping people release trapped emotions along with stress management, etc. Our twin girls don't know what they want to do yet but, whatever they decide, I know they will be successful at it. My point is why would you believe that Shaela had it any different then the rest of the kids? The truth is we do have strong family values and love our kids greatly and have only wanted to guide and teach them in a way that would bring them the most joy in life. I will admit that Shaela and I would butt heads but Scott and Shaela rarely did. Shaela and Scott were best buds. But you know what?.. a lot of mom's and their daughters butt heads. It is a teenager thing. (Shaela was the only one of my kids I really butted heads with but it wasn't much different than how I treated my own mom who I love dearly) So I find myself perplexed that Shaela is attacking her dad. The only reason I can think for this to happen is because Mark has felt threatened by Scott in some way so he had to turn Shaela against him. Shaela comments that “her Father was attempting to kill her by controlling what she ate. She became ill”. It is true that Shaela has/had stomach problems. She cried a lot when she was a baby. We think it might have to do with the fact I got valley fever when I was 6 months pregnant with her and was on medication and hospitalized. Shaela was also born early and was not able to bond those important fist hours after birth. As a child she would complain about stomach problems. At one point we had an ultrasound done and they said it looked like she might have an infection but they weren't sure. I took her to doctors, naturopatic doctors, chirpractors, etc. trying to find the problem. No one was trying to kill her. I wish I was a miracle mom and could have fixed it. Back then I didn't know about gluten/dairy intolerance. I am guessing now that that may have been the problem as two of her sisters have a gluten intolerance and have to be careful what they eat. Shaela said she had a fear of men. I had to laugh when I heard her say that. That is so far from the truth. I don't know one man that she was afraid of. Sarah had contacted Shaela a couple of years ago and sent her some pictures of our twin girls that Sarah had taken as Sarah likes photography. Shaela wrote back a mean email saying the girls were malnourished (because they are thin) and one of the twins has a tattoo so she must be being mind controlled because people only get tats when they have been abused. That is just silliness. What I call self abuse is getting a letter from Shaela when she was 23 telling us she got her tubes tied because she didn't want to pass on our genetics. If Mark and Cathy are such good friends to Shaela why would they not try and stop a 23 year old from making such a drastic decision? My thoughts are that they encouraged it. I think the reason is in the letter on our blog that her childhood friend talks about. When you read Jessie's side of the story, keep in mind that it was sent from her phone so there are typos. My question to you, and to anyone else, is: Why would such a beautiful young woman live with Mark and Cathy for 8 years? Now I call that isolation. One of the first steps of mind control is to get the person away from friends and family. I have shared a lot of personal stuff here. Too much, and it is unfortunate that I even had to write this.
Jack Clark
Really interesting stuff. Thanks op
Ethan Ortiz
Chekking a quality thread
Blake Stewart
Looks like psychpaths starting a cult.
Dominic Robinson
mega ditto bump
Landon White
Well they got interviewed, fumbled around with creating a media narrative and spilled all the spaghetti they were capable of, publicly, so their brand is ruined. this isn't that fucked up, comparatively, just bumbling clumsy psychos
Jack Perry
Just including Rossane Barr with these two people talking about MK Ultra at a Catholic church. It starts at 20min. Probobly only worth about 6min of watching. Just interesting that these are the leaders of the Truther MK Ultra movement.
Isaac Cooper
Cathy O'Brien is a scam artist. Thanks for posting this.
Easton Barnes
There's an old theory that Mark Phillips is still handling her, which would mesh pretty well with this. He also once claimed to have made up Project Monarch, even though there were people talking about it before he came onto the scene.
Always a jew in the woodpile.
Jace Howard
I think they are using the hyponsis to control her.
Christian Hughes
She'd have to be a pretty devoted one to carve a face into her twat, there are also some elements of her story that seem to check out, while others, like the claim that James Traficant was involved, are obviously kikery.
Seems like bullshit to me. If this were true any competent audioengineer could easily record those "voices" and check them on the PC.
Aiden Carter
If there is any truth to it, and it's Tesla technology, you're going to need to monitor a lot more than audio.
Joshua Hughes
Weird shit. The mom and dad seem like they traded Mormonism for some new agey bullshit and that set up their home schooled daughter to be easily succeptible to brainwashing. Moral of the story: keep kids away from hippie dippie spirituality. The dad sounds like a dumbass with horrible judgement for introducing his daughter to Mark and Cathy.
David Price
If it actually exists. Does she have a lineup to view it at events like Annie Sprinkle?
Are you referring to the book "Thanks for the memories"? Is that the one where she even has a detailed chapter or two on her sexual experiences with JFK when she was still a teenager? I initially got the PDF during pizzagate researching and i remember there were definitely some things she knew that seemed too coincidental to be able to make up. It ultimately took me down several more rabbit holes and raised more questions than it answered. I'm going to go back and give it another read.
Lucas Harris
Trannies all around. Fuck your psyop.
Owen Price
Oh your power of persuasion is soooo powerful. I want to be Jaden Smith now!
It went like this: Art Bell: Wayward degenerate that couldn't resist kike influences, but was entertaining. Then Ted Gunderson, law suit against Art Bell, Art Bell loosing his son to a voluntary gay teacher absconding for a poz/gift session in Cali, etc. Then -that- went down some multi-homed mirrored site off of / and a very long rabbit hole of Ye Olde Conspiracy Truther. Which then became a nice refresher of all the older 80s+90s+early 2000s of trying to exorcise kikes via sex scandals and truther sagas tied to a whole mix of babel. Surprisingly some times effective babel (at waging kike and shitskin removal). This then went off into Scientology-like and "US government MK Ultra Mind Control Victimhood," which was awesome, but totally "MASTER RACE FRANKENSTEIN RADIO CONTROLS!" madness. Amazing that utility can come out of these people.
At any rate, the girl with the strange name, Shaela Miller, is very pretty, but probably already lost. Looks like a case of what happened to Ted Gunderson: Got sucked into the abyss of crazy, lost her way, and ended up a literal victim (of his own misplaced generosity and kindness, extended to invalid causes), and wasted her life into tube-tied celibacy as a egg-less sex mistress for the "MK ULTRA MIND CONTROL" couple shown in the video.
Bat shit crazy tales. Refuge will not be found in degenerates who cannot shake off the image of the kikes they grew up with. But I digress.
Attached: The girl, and one of her captors. Relevant snips from the vid.
Don't get me wrong, women do want to be owned and sheltered. You should know what I mean. It's not the way kikes portray it, and the failed feminists have no validity to speak, etc. But holy mother of god, to reject this and run straight into the hands of death sold as avoiding 'mind control' is just plain sad.
While women have no permission to do anything but secretary and cleric, they still have no right to speak in Church, or dress as the Church, or role play as if they ever could. Otherwise, they descend into feminist confusion and tie their tubes one way or another. This crazy woman, Barr, and the other crazy, OBrien, are two perfect examples of this.
Again, amazing that utility can come from some of this. Perhaps not that amazing, giving that other people were the ones that directed the crazy energy into taking action against Larry King and others. Still, they are lost, selling themselves as found, and entrapping others by doing the same dynamics of the scientology-like game – all hi-jacking natural dynamics to serve unnatural dead-ends.
The more I listen, the more I can only think "Women have no right to speak" and "God damn this babel." I'm at "vampires and zombies" right now. I don't think I'm going to be able to make it to 3hrs without another break.
David Cruz
Heil! Could you explain what you mean by Natural Dynamics I know a tiny bit, like how every bit of BDSM equipment has an esoteric meaning, and every role has an echo of older pagan rites to it, and that Animal Channelling, petplay, and even method acting are all forms of self hypnotic trance, and also forms of divination, and make use of mirror neurons via the appearance change and behaviours. I hope these caps explain more.
There's several levels of head fakes going on with people who "expose" Judaism. The cut pussy lady could have told the truth then lied later on Jewish orders to sow confusion, could be a gaslighter / agent provocateur, etc. Rule of thumb, more fame they personally want more bullshit they are. In general, mkultra continues a long Jewish tradition of corruption via sexual perversion and both control of sex slaves / trafficking said slaves or blackmail to non Jews.
All the "occult" symbolism you see on vigilant citizen, open scroll etc is just Jewish symbols that they try not to share with goys, hell most Jews nowadays don't even get to see much. Coincidentally, vigilant citizen is down from ddos as of 1 hr ago.
John Perry
Years ago I was vacationing in Leafland, in Vancouver, and I went into this big alternative bookstore and asked the nice gay man for the wildest conspiracy shit he had. He gave me a copy of that lady's book, Trance Formation of America and in it she remarked on how Dick Cheney had an enormous pants hawg. A couple years after that I saw the famous photo of him sitting with his giant penis being clearly exposed because of the tight pants as he was squat sitting, Slav style, and I began to think that this wasn't complete horse shit anyway.
Yeah Cathy is living with her handler, that Mark guy, and it's obvious they have recruited some poor girl and probably turned her into a sex demon.
>he doesn't know about (((lay orders))) >he doesn't know about (((nunneries))) To be fair some nunneries are great and full of nice ladies, I had some nuns help me out bigly one time and I got the most comfy vibes from them, they truly helped me out of a jam and did so eagerly.
I think the Catholic Church is really at this stage a loose federation of orders on the ecclesiastical and monastic side, with Rome having a more direct influence on the congregations and the top brass in the Vatican.
Jew creates another Hindu cult in MA. Why are there always Australian girls joining these things?
Juan Perez
Brandon Diaz
You may as well say paganism is a faggot cult.
Brayden Sullivan
Natural dynamics would be along the lines of: Shaela (girl) wanted a smaller box, to be controlled more, to be sheltered more, to feel less alone more. She wanted it, and she found it, all she had to do was do the trance of "she was mind controlled." In this way your lines are supported.
However, her parents != anti-bdsm, and her new captors != bdsm. IE natural dynamics here are not as kikes portray it, etc.
However, in the case of OBrien et al, it is still nevertheless invalid. Invalid, by context shifting, whereby correct dynamics/inter-actions are executed on incorrect and incomplete sources. Result: "cucked will set you free," sadistic feminism (OBrien), masochistic feminism (Shaela), jewry eunuchs (the "man" in the picture with OBrien), and dead-ends all over.
Echo, done as mimicry, must be careful to execute in valid context, otherwise it is hi-jacked. Shaela was right to state that govt schools and the like teach rote, fail to ensure and verify internalization of mathematics, and don't help people (all while selling themselves as helping people with supreme piety/echos of church). But Shaela forgot to apply the conclusion, while pointing out that not being able to do applied application is the failure. Did she know? Probably not. But she could still sense it. And she did still want the rest. But she couldn't escape invalid context, and remained just as lost as before (only feeling slightly better for the short-term future – of which her parents knew, despite being mostly lost themselves).
Luke Lopez
Join for the pussy, stay for the drugs.
Kevin Price
Projecting much, kike?
Parker Gray
What do you mean it's illegal to invade senate computers, alter files while the politicians try to oversee the GITMO detainee & torture program?
damn you have good eyes, but yea why in the hells is there a pic of a naked girl in the backround?
Carson Brown
only moloch knows..
Christian Ward
Clown LARP confirmed. No different from the compooder having a disk crash. Consider the following: MK ULTRA/MONARCH is proven. Try harder glow niggers. We know this shit already, and we know what you're trying to do with Syria.
Asher James
>>>/qresearch/ >>>/tg/
Noah Evans
so do it? you can buy a spectrum analyzer online for 50 bucks
Alexander Wilson
Friendly reminder that Rossane Barr is a filthy communist kike. I had no idea until I watched this Rubin Report another jew interview where she rambled on about socialism and judaism for 45 minutes straight. It was like listening in to the mind of a schizophrenic.
I wouldn't take anything that cunt says too seriously.
Ryan Watson
But she supports the G-d emperor and tweets about Q user?!
Isaiah Roberts
so, some dark meat guy with a poor grasp of English and computers has a bad time. I gave up at 1:41, too painful to try to follow along this guy's inability to spit out whatever the fuck he's on about.
Lincoln Adams
No. Her character on her show is a Trump supporter. You have to separate the actor from the role.
Aaron Allen
She backs Trump in real life too, and thinks (or claim to think) that the Q LARP is legit.
Easton Thompson
She's just promoting her show. She has always been a hyper feminist leftist liberal. She even ran for President on the Peace and Freedom Party - an organization too leftist for the Green Party.
Caleb Ramirez
why are you surprised at a jew playing both sides?
Noah Thomas
The funny thing is that she was raised Mormon.
Lucas Ramirez
Aside from the manlet compensating for his height, the point is fairly solid.
We already knew all that. Before Trump and before the current year ended, there were quite a few anons that were calling to be more flashy and less quibbling with details like race and crime stats. Everyone who has to be around blacks and minorities in general already realize how shitty they are. What we need to do is make sure people are more comfortable admitting it.
Cucks get off on not letting anyone say that blacks are a plague because forcing someone to not say something they know is true is a power play. It's all they have to feel powerful anymore.
Aiden Anderson
I do know that the ball gag is a direct reference to Eve, the serpent, and the Apple…. But what is the references for st andrews cross, the wheels , and the collars….?
Yeah but her story hasn't changed to my knowledge; so she is either relating a story that she believes is the truth, or is true
Robert Wilson
What in the fuck am I reading holy shit.
Noah Thompson
You're not from around here.
Dominic Morales
Massive attention whore. Not good looking so must hit the shock button to get her attention fix. It's her financial lifeblood.
Josiah Bennett
I'd pay this blond thousands of dollars to wear garter belt, nylons and high heeled pumps (not platforms) and then hike up her perfumed dress to sit on my face with her luscious bare bum and smother me to death. What a heavenly exit from this unpleasant planet this would be.
Josiah Hughes
yeah, shoulda spoilered. But seriously, what are the rest of the references?
Jack Bennett
mish mash of manlet fan-fiction and BDSM homosexual erotica
Isaac Sullivan
u 3 way queers need to watch Mystery Babylon by william cooper the 3 of you dont know shit and are just as brainwashed as any normal retard
There doesn't need to be any "references", its smut sold by jews to corrupt the goyim. Not every object in it has to be a Biblical reference, merely "work" in tearing your mind. The jews send porn to the Palestinians and it works just as well against them as Christian Whites.
If you really want to know why the jews do this you need only read the Torah, especially Ecclesiastes in the voice of a rabbi. Its no coincidence that part of the book is read on shemini atzeret.
Logan Moore
Fuck off, normie. Cooper was a Christcucking so hard he missed everything and "muh satan, muh satan!" the entire story. His research was shit and is only famous for being shot. Satan is just a meme they use and they believe it is seperate from Lucifer. In fact they believe he works for what Cooper would call God (Jehovah). At this point Alex Jones is more redpilled than Cooper and he's a CIA agent.
What? Ecclesiates is the only redpill book in the entire bible. The rest is just brainwashing.
Dominic Cooper
Ecclesiates is a jewish spell that has bewitched many great gentile minds. The one thing the reader grasps at while reading isn't in the book and so he reads on ever more sorrowful.
Jonathan Thomas
Thanks for this, it was an interesting read.
Cameron Nelson
Does anyone have any good .pdf's / books to read about MK Ultra?
One of the Scientists behind it all is this Jewish guy Sidney Gottlieb.
Oh yeah, it couldn't be something as simple as 'that shape fits in a mouth'
Christian Diaz
She certainly believes all of what she says, but some of it is definitely false. Especially re: Jim Traficant, and think there's something about Aliens at the end of her second book.
Listen to this interview she did with Freeman, the first half (or maybe more) is just Mark Phillips, he's obviously in control. I've seen similar things said by people who met the two of them after a conference.
Also The old hag is the real handler. From how she moves her face and the room relationships (note the reaction when the blonde gets to talk at ~0:02) it is notoriously clear that the effects of 'my-own-world' building from schizos are in full swing, Old guy is under her (submitted, classic victim, probably blackmailed, child abuse maybe, you can see his guilt squirm). The young blond is a classic puppet who the old hag lives through. The trick is 'beauty overrides logic', creating empaty to gather audience to convey any message (typical from horror movies). Who are they scamming? Edgy people, lol. Probably a hidden agent is pouring cash into the book purchases to do the 'modern art scam' to pump popularity (which will transform this crap into 'something relevant and good). No sure if they are fucking her now, maybe the old lesbian does. It is a very 'from the books' scam for fast cash. The blond could be easily swiped out of the cult system (if anyone cares, damaged goods) through by a typical power swap, because the old woman would kick her out (does not matter if she has been building the blonde mind from very young age).
Anyways, I am the only one amused with all these conspiracies trying to explain the deep state shenanigans (while being a cash grab)? The 7th floor is retarded inept so people believe there must be any explanation for the whole bucket of shit. I´m guessing OP is into this because of the cute.
Jacob Brown
Errors of Russia. Russia is really into "theater". REALLY into theater. Watch the documentary on "everbody loves Raymond" trying to bring that show to Russia. It shows how into theater they are. It was Russian spys that infiltrated British Seminaries to turn them "homosexual". Sodomite priest pedophiles are litterally one of the many errors from Russia we have today. You can thank Russia for "crisis actors" as well. Why is this relevant today?? They are becoming Christian right?? Russia today is still really into theater. Russian policy today is that the whole world is a theater. They fund actors on all sides. The important this is to confuse the enemy. Funding and planting actors in favor of opposition is part of their tactic. Controlled opposition. People are left not knowing what to believe and become disillusioned. Look how the "tea party" movement went. Many examples. Those errors spread and some politicians adopt those tactics outside Russia. Hence crisis actors and Milos of the world.
Ryan Jenkins
She reminds me of that Mormon girl Elizabeth Smart that was "kidnapped" by the homeless mormon polygmist that her mormom parents welcomed into the house. Smart spent much time with that guy and had many opportunities to run to police and defended the guy for a long time even after being found. Now she sells books and does talk show circuits. The whole thing is strange. Similar to Ramsey case but not as horrific of an ending. Weird stuff. Similiar to the Sandy Hook community. Lot of bennies from their tragedy, and pseudo stories.