Asian women are superior

To white women.

You need to fuck that tight asian pussy right now.

You have no excuse. Colonize the asian pussy!



torpedo, lel

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The conundrum:

hambeast fuck off

shut up cuck

lmao can't prove what I said wrong so you call me a cuck.
Move to China or Japan and see what I mean firsthand.

I repeat, the only asian chicks that will screw you are either westernized(trash) or mentally unstable(also trash)
Enjoy the gutters of society, you fucking queer.

Do you like coming here kikeshill?
Do you like being buttblasted infront of us?

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learn the language you fucking faggot, you will fuck virgins each day

i saw worse cuck

those statistics are bullshit fam, girls lose their virginity earlier over there because they don't have christcucks shoving "sex is sinful" down their throats.
you're an autismo who doesn't know what they're talking about tbh, stop watching shit-tier JAVs.

This isn't to gross you out, just to get you even more buttblasted torpedo kike.

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travis went fucking postal on those niggers heh.

Are you that skinny Aziz Ansari looking kike who tries to teach PUA methods to western whites about picking up Jap women? You sure sound like him.

Either way, fuck off

PROTIP: there is also no christcuck age of consent faggot

u don't need pua bruh, just go there, learn the basic language and fuck whatever girl you like, tell her you work in hollywood and make her actress 100% COLONIZED

Oh, if it isn't our dead Mr. Alpha wolf.
Back again from your mental hospital? I hope that being bullied by everyone didn't turned into a fetish of yours.

this is now a travis thread and a dubs thread.

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it's eurasiantiger again tbh. looks like he escaped the psych ward. unfortunate.

that's not dub

Yeah I'm gonna assume you're the same guy from that channel. Kill yourself, rat faced yid

Kill yourself OP

That sad little midget. I think I got the nice medicine to make his little wee-wee go weird and make him hate himself even more, again.

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you're a big guy.

How long until he's fleeing forced medication castration like Terry?

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they're not they're boring and emotionally stupid.

Dating white turkish woman.
Best decision, she's non western white, traditional.
It gets better once you improve yourself.

muslim women are whores like white women

Not muslim.


Isn't he currently castrated? He writes like a bitch who begs for someone to give his insignificance a meaning to live.

Have you guys really just given up? This is 2012 4/pol/ stuff.

I'm half expecting to see a Ron Paul thread next.



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exactly how much cough syrup did you take tonight?

date russians tbh, they're both traditional and can handle their liquor(won't cheat the minute she drinks two beers lmao)


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Maybe he'll call that Palestinians are white and post only pictures of one half-breed girl.

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russians are half asian retard

No they are not, dumb faggot. Gas yourself.

I lived in China for five years and speak the language. Chinese women are complete trash as are the white men who marry them and I have about three dozen friends living in Shanghai who married locals (both rural and city girls). Sure they are easy to bed especially if you speak Chinese however It's one thing to get your dick wet but having kids with one of these ant "people" is a pure abomination. I don't know where this asian docile waifu meme came from as they are anything but. They are greedier and more manipulative than any hu'white woman by a long shot. Not to mention how many are bat shit insane stage 5 clingers from the second date who will call the cops on you for domestic violence when you try to get rid of them (had that happen to two buddies of mine). The closest thing to a "based" asian wife would be if you could find a rural 'mountain' girl but then you have a wife who squats on top of the toilet and they quickly turn into miserable harpies once they get acclimated to city or western life.

Palestinians are unironically Aryan though.
Since we're in a shill thread, I can say that "White" is an AmeriZOG psyop to exclude several sub-races of Aryans from the system of German Idealism / Nihilist Apotheosis.

"White" is 100% skin tone, Aryan is 100% genetics and incorporates a broader spectrum of genes than western Europe.
Hitler considered the vedic peoples Aryan as well as Persians.

It's very similar to how the alt-kike keeps harping about "the west" and how "muh moooslims are bad because they'll beat our women and start killing degenerates"

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Prove it.

You managed to be more degenerate than the guy promoting racemixing, that's quite the accomplishment.

fuck you nigger you brought back repressed memories. i need to go drown myself in booze now.

hahaha, i let an asian girl pregnant a few months ago but you see the beauty of being in a foreign country, I CHANGED MY PHONE, no troubles. and you always should have abortion pill with you on second fuck, just in case, put it in her drink if she was virgin first time.

Those surveys are conducted publicly usually, and by uni students who are within the peer group of those being surveyed, there is high incentive to lie.

Sex is not inherently degenerate. faggots like you are everything Goebbels warned us about, people concerned more with epin moralfaggotry than with securing our racial integrity.


I think Hitler considered Tibetans or zen Buddhists as Aryans.

traps>women of any sort, i know because anime told me so


lol if you get dick sucked all cool bro

Them as well, there were a few peoples he considered Aryan that wouldn't fall under the current definition of "White"
I am a German Idealist / Nihilist Deist, I refuse the "White Nationalist" label and movement.



Correct me if I'm wrong, but the reason Hitler used the word "Aryan" to describe the Germans and others is because at the time the word was synonymous with the word "noble". Meaning that Hitler considered races that greatly preserved their culture and genetics to be noble races, and thus deserving of respect

lol, who the fuck do you think you're talking to, fairy? I wasn't talking to your faggy face.

I consider those who have developed into advanced civilization.

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He wants to include Palestinians, Indians, and Iranians into his "Aryan" movement.

i believe that Aryan peoples are fragments of a race of god-men that left Earth behind long ago and we can recreate that race with a very selective breeding program + harnessing certain forms of energy.

The esoteric meaning of Aryan = those who found shamballa. Vril Society understood this and guided Hitler which is why he regarded them so highly in his order and used their symbolism in his own Thule Society and SS.

Read The Coming Race and practice death visualization / tibetan death yoga and you will see what I mean with this.

Go by genes only, civilization isn't going to help when shit hits the fan and all that's left is wandering fragments of psychic energy, the creation of a God-race will.



Grew up all over south east asia. This silly fixation with asian women is just sad. Fact is they are not demure perfect lil dream waifus they are often loud or quietly vicious psychopaths. Your kids if male will be conflicted and self loathing and if female just suicidal. I happen to like asains in many ways but for breeding we are just not compatible.

Any white person who race-mixes with absolutely any other race immediately loses the status of a true white, becoming equivalent to the lesser races. From that point onward your are no longer part of the spirit your European ancestors possessed and transmitted onto their descendants. Contaminating your blood with that kind of degeneracy should earn you a hanging.
Fuck off with your ricenigger mixing propaganda. I sincerely hope you're not white and are a kike, because if you're white, just end it man.

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I admit that I've taken psychedelics before so I can understand what you're saying. I looked up shamballa and the concept seems to be pretty much identical to nirvana as I understood it. It's all very esoteric as you put it, which is why I think the meaning was simplified in NatSoc Germany to mean noble. It was easier for people to understand in common speech.

the meaning of the word "Aryan" that is

Exactly, a lot of shit Hitler did was dumbed down for normies. If he started preaching about how he's going to harness a physical form of psychic energy and actualize a race of god-men people would just think he's a loon who inhaled too much nerve gas during the war.

He was smart about how he went about everything, and tbh he probably fucked off with some really advanced technology and died in the mountains of south America pissed off that the kikes started a massive war to prevent him from doing what he was planning

nirvana, shamballa, and hyperborea are all real.
so is the idea of "hell" - "hell" exists in the mind and shamballa / nirvana / hyperborea exist in the spirit, which is irreversibly tied to the genes.

What… Even as a man? What are you saying. I farmed the rice so what?

I am not a race traitor just a man on a working holiday. I am still the same as I was before, as long as I don't die before I get back home and breed with a white wife there is no problem right?

And besides being in contact with many women will make me aware to their games and how to deal with them. Don't be so fast to condemn others.

I'll just stick to 2D, thanks.

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and yes, Hitler did get gassed during WWI, the entire narrative about him gassing jews was them making fun of a nerve gas victim. really makes you think

oh no

did you know nazi soldiers were on pills all the time?

even worse
enjoy your AI mind-meld slavery, goymo-kun

being a non-virgin is being a race traitor to these losers

It's illogical to say it, but I've felt that during my times on psychedelics. A spiritual connection with those of my same genetic background, finishing each others sentences and saying things before the other person was just about to, all while pretty fucked up on some strong mushrooms. It's a very strange experience, but I believed it changed me for the better

Why not both? I still think of all the good times I've had in my mind with my waifu when things are dark.

But to have a real woman… It is something else, I'm not saying the orgasm is better but the part leading up to it certainly is. Having a girl do things like those JAV videos is something alright.

Not realy but the only people who say shit like
are homosexuals and sluts.
Just so you know, pagans would drown faggots like you in bogs. They were even more hardcore "puritan" than the Christians.

It is if it's outside of marriage.
Sex outside of marriage is the very definition of degenerate.

So you've got nothing.
Also, men are also questioned.
Why would they lie and say their are virgins?

No, Goebbels warned about people saying you shouldn't watch movies or go out drinking with your friends.
He did not warn against people promoting a healthy lifestyle and families instead of acting like homosexuals and niggers.

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all christians should be burned alive

t. kike with flop sweat and a smelly yarmulke

Kvlt post man.

Wow user you sure showed me!

being a racemixer is mind slavery, craving sex at all is mind slavery tbh.

you can achieve the same effect by near-death experiences, out of body experiences, psychedelic ones, or just pushing your psyche to the breaking point with stress and lack of sleep and then basking in the effects.

it's why evola stood outside during the bombings, and why Hitler likely had enlightening experiences while blind and recovering from chemical warfare

Or just people that acknowledge that an act cannot inherently carry "sin"
It can poison your spirit, but cannot break it.

Found the kike.

You would choose that woman, you realize that right? If you choose a woman who is ungrateful and unfaithful as a wife that is on you. You made the terrible decision to marry a woman like that without getting to know her well enough to predict such outcomes. Do you blame your parents for your adult failures too?

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All we did was inherit another fucking goon to shit the place up by not doing their fucking job. Way to allow yet another subversive shit ruin Zig Forums

Sure it can. Killing a white child is inherently sinful.
Anything that endangers white society is inherently sinful this includes pre-marital sex.

Are you retarded.
Marriage existed for thousands of years before Christianity existed.

Now I know you're retarded.

Source needed.

Pretty damn Ironic coming from the guy that promotes an anti-family lifestyle.

muh sekryt cloob

again, "wife" - going by christcuck standards. if you're choosing to spread your genes by jewish standards of course it's a jewish game.

embrace your aryan genes user, stop playing by the system's rules and stop being a slave. either that or go back to your 2D Soma and enjoy the ride as the kikes turn all you faggots into psychic batteries while the rest of us create hyperborea.

this guy gets it

I should have prefaced that by natural act, I knew you were going to pull some shit like that as soon as I hit post. Killing children is also unnatural - and if one is killed naturally (ie he gets sick, falls off a cliff, cuts his finger off learning to cook, etc.) then there isn't any sin.

Again, pre-marital.

Mating for life and begging YVHV for blessings are not the same, user. You're smart enough to know this.

Nah fam you just don't know how much shame is ingrained into modern Asian society. Men can be shamed for just about anything, from having sex to drinking too much to not drinking enough. It's full on mindfuck-tier and everyone lies about everything.

Nope, sex is needed to start a family and if you're not able to have sex you won't be able to properly choose a mate. If you can't properly choose a mate you end up with one you can't properly impose your values on in the wake of a society that refuses to impose them for you.

he's not

sins don't exist

"sin" is christcuckery, but the idea can be the same. christcucks use "sin" to impose jewish morals on the goyim, where true "sin" is unnatural acts that poison the Aryan spirit(ie things like pedophilia, homosexuality, beastiality, and prostrating yourself before the jew's volcano god)

so "sin" isn't real, but spiritual poison is very real and someone who shills for abandoning your race in favor of the gutter trash of another race's women has probably absorbed a lot of it.

pedo homo beast is natural to humanity

aryanism is a social construct

yep, it's rope-fodder.
Aryanism is a genetic construct.

south east asians are just slightly above niggers in intelligence with a lower propensity for violence

the higher IQ chinese that blended in like jews in the west run the show and develop anything beyond shack tier level which gives some western people that they be jus like us especially in tourist heavy places like Bangkok which were fairly developed by the chinese locals

syrians and europeans got the same genes?


nibba who cares, put that dick in the tight pussy lmao wtf


Hi, paid shill.

also: there is no such thing as "humanity" therefore nothing can be natural to it.

also: homo is not natural as it is a replication of pedophilia. pedo is not natural as pre-pubescent women aren't yet viable for reproduction, and neither are animals.

i guess you wouldn't know that because all the kike whores i've ever seen look like prepubescent apes.

relatively speaking, yes. they stem from the same aryan strain.
this is why the alt-kike "oh noez the mooslims are gonna come here and kill all the faggots and slap our thots" crows is jewish.