Lauren Southern appreciation thread

Let's be honest here, she did more than any of you loser virgin neckeards could ever do for "muh le white race".

Don't be jealous and bow down to the God Empress

Other urls found in this thread: girl

kys girl

Attached: show me your beaver surrey girl.jpg (474x355, 32.02K) die kike lover

Reported, kike.


Bitch did nothing of value. Off yourself, idol worshipper.


>(((Rebel Media))) stooge

Into the trash it goes

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She doesn't work for RBL media anymore

There's no such thing as ex-CIA spook


Nice, great, wonderful, someone gets it.
Rebel stages "firings" and "parting of ways" because you can impart your message so much more effectively when it is being repeated by many "independents" rather than many "employees".
They all still work for the parent organization, whether being paid as a Rebel staffer or not. Their boss has not changed.


fuck off cuckchan

Now you're just not doing any effort at all


Sure, go ahead and claim that it's (((pure cohencidence))) when Lauren Simonsen, an "ex" Rebel employee, and jew agitator Katie Hopkins (a current Rebel employee) both just happen to be working on exactly the same "Save the Boers, stop the South African genocide" shekel-grab operation, at the same time, covered by the same publications, promoted by the same e-celebs.
No, it isn't coincidence, SIMONSEN NEVER LEFT, THIS IS OBVIOUS.


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fuck your shitty spam OP

so what

So whatever happened to their anti-refugee ship?

nah nah nah

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Why in the heckin' frick would you require a single one of these individuals in your life? I wouldn't trust a single one of them to even help move furniture.

naw dawg

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not an argument

no way homie

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Stop bumping this controlled opposition.

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Reported for astroturf

Gender reassignment isn't cheap and Rebel has to keep its trannies looking somewhat passable. They don't get one operation and stay looking "female", it's a constant battle against genetic expression and testosterone. They always lose in the end, but in the meantime, gotta keep the donations flowing goy.
Shekels given to "stop the refugees" paid for a bunch of fags and trannies to take a cruise around the Med, staying in 5 star hotels, getting drunk and fucking.
But hey ho, that's old news, now it's about SAVING THE BOER.
Who would not donate to SAVE THE BOER? Why, it's virtually beyond reproach, if you question where they money's going then you MUST HATE WHITE PEOPLE.

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It's all fun and games until someone gets their eye poked out.

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Global report.


Langley is close enough to Surrey to count.

Like what do you even do when a genetically superior thug dominant black dick enters the room? You can't tell him to put it away, you aren't in charge here, the man is in charge, and your wh*te "penis" (boiclitty) certainly shows who the man in this situation is. So you turn to leave right like fuck it were done here but you get the craving. If you aren't a man you are a girl. And what more does a girl want than to feel the thick warm press of a black dick between her tiny girlish lips. Finally, you understand why your girlfriend came here. As you offer your mouth, and your wife's precious aryan womb, to Jontavious Washington the 3rd.


Jack Dorsey aka "@jack", who lives at 830 El Camino Del Mar, San Francisco CA, is a child rapist, murderer and cannibal.

Go back to cuckchan.

oh nononono

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is that you?

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you faggots spamming (((based))) everywhere is an argument, fucknoff torpedo

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>Jack Dorsey aka "@jack", who lives at 830 El Camino Del Mar, San Francisco CA, is a child rapist, murderer and cannibal.
Nice. Ever wondered why trannies shave their eyebrows off and paint them back on? It's so that they can cover the bony protrusion above the eyes, known as the male brow ridge.

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Anyone got the cap where he claims his grandparents fled da nazis? Because he's claiming he never said it now.

The typical fan of rebel trannies is so sexually frustrated that it would be glad for the chance to have anal sex with a man in drag.
Thanks for reminding us that you are the cancer which feeds these parasites.

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