Meanwhile in the Phillipines the baby factory pumps out a new kid per minute…
In b4 the jews send us their best and brightest (™)…
Meanwhile in the Phillipines the baby factory pumps out a new kid per minute…
In b4 the jews send us their best and brightest (™)…
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And they have no reason or desire to come to the west.
Flips are nice people.
Sounds like they are spread thin.
The real threat is niggers and spics.
inb4 europe gets 1 million new syrian refugees due to the massive carpetbombing of syria..
flip women are more pleasant to deal with than white harpies but really low IQ
as soon you have flips you have race mixing and a hapa epidemic
chinese hapas are at least high IQ for the most part but with flips you just have a bunch of low IQ hapas
I never found flip women to be very attractive, personally.
That's not how it works.
Of the rapefugees, maybe about 10% of them are actually from Syria.
yeah the flips are doing well
t. user who doesn't live in proximity to these ethnocentric, non-assimilating economic drains who open shitty businesses to send your money overseas to breed more of themselves
Here's something we should be celebrating…
David Buckel, a jewish gay rights lawyer burned himself to death yesterday in Prospect Park in Jew York.
He spent his life defending pedos etc.
He said that his gay rights campaign modeled itself after the anti-miscegenation struggle, where the laws against race-mixing were chipped slowly away over time.
Anyway he burned himself to death to protest Trump, the holocaust, fossil fuels, pedos, or something or other…
Anyway, thankfully he's a pile of ashes now…
Seriously ? He set himself on fire ?
you say it as if you are mad that your grandchildren won't be hapas
I've had some flip friends in the past but nowadays I refuse to see them as anything other than invaders. There is 0% reason for any American to want to live in flipland, yet untold numbers are allowed here. Ugly women, ugly language, and they are soaking up jobs. I have a family of like 9 next door to me. They do not speak english unless dealing with an "american."
You must go back.
The main thing is they fucking suck at driving.
I dont even see why they'd still want to come here anyway with Big D cleaning the country up.
That's an asian standard. Even the Japanese suck at driving.
Looks pretty serious to me.
thousands of miles of ocean
Reminds me of "The Thing" starring Kurt Russell.
Once one Philippino becomes a director of therapy, they try to only hire other Phillipinos until more than half the clinic are all from there. It pisses me off how these H1B visa fuckers come over here to do a job that I have to get a doctorate for and sometimes they can’t even fucking spell. We have this dumbass Indian H1B visa that can’t spell simple words. Her evals look like they were written by a 6 year old. Give me a fucking break with this “best and brightest” bullshit with H1B visas