White security guard assaulted by 3 black thugs

Police in Tallahassee, FL are still looking for three black suspects that brutally beat an apartment complex security guard after he tried to break up an unauthorized pool party.

Video footage here:

Reverse the situation and imagine what would be happening in the media right now if three white men beat up a black security guard. Every single time they try to push fabricated "racism" narratives like Starbucks, we need to be pushing these kinds of counterexamples and pointing out the double standard.

Attached: tpd.png (224x282, 92.95K)

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He got culturally enriched.

You know you don't have to tell us to do that. We know niggers are protected at all costs already.

Attached: see yaa.webm (1154x650, 3M)

Attached: Liveleak.com - Tallahassee securty guard attacked by three men-viewt=CSKRy_1523773857.mp4 (1280x720, 5.69M)


What a surprise

Attached: h0lGNgu.jpg (535x560, 152.98K)

This shit will keep happening if not get worse. All the focus on Trayvon and BLM shit riles up the niggers. I'm surprised it hasn't gotten out of control already, with stories of them going after whiteys in uniform for street cred.

He forgot the first rule: never relax.

and mixed martial arts.