Schoolgirls defiled Eternal Soviet Fire

In the city of Tara, Omsk region, two schoolgirls were broadcasting to Instagram, as they cook crab meat on the Eternal Fire (a memorial for unknown soviet soldiers died in WW2).

"One of them is an excellent student, an activist, in school her photo hangs on the honor board. We talked to her - she does not understand what she done, does not understand and does not explain. This is the worst thing. Her mother can not cope with it. The father works far away from home"- told the publication the district administration, noting that this girl is 12 years old, she is in seventh grade.

About the second participant of the broadcast there is no information, the conversation with her will take place today. The head of the Tarsky district wrote on the fact of the incident to the police. He stressed that among the relatives of roasting crab meat girls were front-line soldiers.

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That is the problem.

Hi Ivan.

/thread. 12 year old girls can't really be expected to behave wisely, especially when they're not under guidance. It's pretty dumb of them, but also not worth getting triggered over. They're clearly just dumb kids.

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crabposter go home

Even though they were fighting on the wrong side, all soldiers deserve to be honoured, especially by their own side! I wonder if these are some kind of muslim mongrels.


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They're twelve. Give them a spanking and move on.

The good news is, these girls are only 12 and they're already learning how to cook. They should continue their traditional training by making them learn how to clean by scrubbing the monument with soap and water.

Don't disrespect the dead. Even the communist dead.


They may be good communists now that they are dead, but they still don't deserve respect.

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Not a very good example of their generation.

If you have an honorable enemy then give him honor in death. If your enemy is not honorable there is no reason to honor him in death, and many not to.


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I can't blame the kids for doing dumb shit. If I was 12 and saw some fire pit I'd roast shit too. If the memorial was so damn important, why weren't there guards or something? You don't see people goofing off at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.

Yes, they do. Any man who dies in battle gains glory denied to those who do not. Regardless of race, ideology or anything else.

Only in Russia.

The Russian Federation is considered the successor state to the Soviet Union. The agreement between the member states included Russia taking possession of all nuclear weapons and inheriting all the debt of the USSR. It's like saying Germany has no connection to the Holy Roman Empire.

Further Putin's government prides itself on integrating all of Russia's history, including the USSR. They don't reject it the way Germany does the NSDAP period.

That's because Communism is kosher approved you fucking retard.

Duh. You do realize that's neither here nor there, though, right?

No you fucking retard.

What are you even trying to convey now? We're talking about the cultural constitution of the Russian state, not our personal feelings on communism.

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I didn't realize Bolshevism was Russian pride, then again you could say the same thing about China, since they're attempting meming the same shit for us as well in case of revolt against (((them))), disgusting fucking rats.

The Russians are avoiding what we're doing in the US to our civil war heroes. They're honoring all of their past leaders and warriors, regardless of the ideology of the times they lived in. In this way they're maintaining a connection to their people and history.

To the modern Russian this monument doesn't honor communism. It honors men.

Russia is an empire and thus needs something, anything, to bind its people together. If they wrote off the USSR then it would set precedence to do the same to everything else. Basically, they are doing the opposite of what the US is doing with their attempts to "whitewash" the Confederacy.


t. Dugin
But in all seriousness, good analysis. Rare on Zig Forums these days.

That's the true Aryan spirit. Glory to you brothers.

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At least they didn't cooked their schoolmates. This is the progress.

Disclaimer: video is offensive and should not be viewed by anyone.

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What the fuck is this shit!? I only watched the first 5 seconds and I'm sickened and I don't wanna watch the rest.

Fuck this "respect all sides in WW2" bullshit. The kike minions of the USSR, UK, and USA don't deserve respect, they deserve scorn if they fought willingly. We can never allow a conflict like WW2 to happen again and we can only do that if we accept that the National Socialists were objectively the good guys and the "allies" fighting for literal evil (kikes).

Only soft faggots show sympathy to enemies, it is the reason why we are in this mess in the first place.

It's kind of stupid, actually. The various Russian ethnicities have a lot in common. They are a people, even though there are subgroups.

You can make the same argument he just used to say Russia isn't a nation to claim whites aren't a race.

Russia is not an empire, not anymore at least. The only reason why Putin is pushing this whole Great Patriotic War nonsense is because they are too retarded to achieve anything of meaning today, so they have to constantly remind people how "great" they've been in the past. Their whole identity is dependent on how great Hitler was and what an achievement it was to win against him. Of course, they always tell fairy tales like how the USSR won the war on their own without any help at all. But then Putin is crying about all the US vassals in Europe, they aren't sovereign, blablabla. Well, maybe he should stop promoting lies that strengthen the German guilt complex. Putin thinks he can have the cake and eat it too.

Must be a jew.

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Hope you people understand that for Russia, it is called Great Patriotic War and celebration is of Russian glory, of global power status, of enemy media making movies and tv shows set 500 years in the future portraying you as the big bad empire, because everyone thought you would exist so powerfully and for so long…

There is nothing 'soviet' about Russian celebration of patriotism.
Not even to mention that Russian commies were pro borders, pro family, could lift, and hated faggotry.
Scientific advancements check out quite impressively, also Red Army carried the largest combined arms operation in human history.
Actually Soviets couldnt achieve numerical superiority for most of the war. The front would even lack manpower most of the time for any serious counter offensive, deep penetration, encirclement, etc etc.
Actually there is ONLY ONE case of a large Red Army encirclement, where they eventually did run out of supplies, and had to fight in close quarters using human wave assaults. ONLY ONE. Red Army maintained regular supplies during all other engagements EXCEPT ONE case.
Actually purged officers were entrenched cavalry officers who would never surrender command and insist on backwards cavalry outdated tactics, or were criminally incompetent but too politically connected and would cause insane losses.

Too much outdated cold war
against Russians. Russians arent perfect, far from it. But they are also nowhere near as linear monotone bad guys that fit non-Russian narratives.

Fuck off with your glorious jew empire.

Stealing German tech after the war.

Yeah, they build up their army for 15 years to take over Europe, starving millions in the process while selling cheap corn to the US to build factories for tanks.

Without imbecilic Russians the world of today would be utopian.

They weren't communists, they were forced to fight by communists.

I am extending you an olive branch for your own good. Unidos Estados, exalted colony and the muscle of the jew, together with its non-sovereign pets is utterly futureless. You mixed shitskins that provoke anti-Slavic rhetoric for absolutely no reason, will have to sell us your missile shields, submarines, satellites, space access (if you even have that today, we certainly do, dont know if yours is operational today) in order to fund your ever increasing feminist studies budget, diversity budget, nigger housing budget, welfare dole, etc etc.

It is easier to start a business in our ex-commie lands than in yours.
You are the communist, not us. We offer peaceful coexistence, hell we already conquered half of the planet and dont need more. YOU are the problem. And you will be put down.
Just like Napoleon, Hitler, Mongols, Teutons..

Actually there is nothing Russian about Russia. Including victory in the WWII. It was always specifically mentioned in the USSR that it was combined effort of many nations and that soviet entity is above national entity. English speakers are caught in the linguistic terms but for modern Russians "Russian" is taboo word one step away from the activating 282 hate speech article of teh criminal code. Victory is soviet and today is celebrated by (((Russian citizens))).

Can't say I agree with it, it isn't like soldiers have much of a say in who they fight. Especially not since if they turned back without orders to do so they were killed and their families sent to the gulag. Enemies or not that's being disrespectful just for the heck of it.

Actually the Rus people are very well established, and had formed Novgorod and Muscovy settlements, their own language, culture and everything else a thousand years before empire of racemixing was a thing.

Now run along to your Brazilification camps headed by NSA while quoting hate speech laws. Disgusting cultureless mutt. Unidos Estados, a Brazil 7.0, with nukes edition, ran by CIAssars and NSAars instead of commissars.

So eager for military action against Russia because you know in 10 or 20 years America will dissolve into a brown stinking shit.

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Too bad since 1917 there were "soviet people" now """Russian citizens""". Every mongrel can join and leave (((Russian nationally))). Legally for all practical purposes Russians don't exist.

What would a cultureless mutt know about culture? A fake Russian sticks out like a sore thumb as the expression goes, and would probably quickly get himself shanked if he is found making a noise in a company of pureblood ethnic Russians.

But what would American, the epitome of fakeness, without his own unique ethnic traits, without his own language, without his own ANYTHING, know about ethnicity?

A perfect brown jewish golem. With zero self awareness. Living in a world's biggest prisoner place, shouting freedom, and destroying European domination, an enemy of white people, thinking it is white.

What a unique speciman of a faggot you are. Boasting in such high notes while being an occupied country. You offer peaceful coexistence? You have nothing to offer, you aren't even sovereign. Sort your shit first, then we can talk. It's not astonishing in the least that Russians fought so hard for their Jewish overlords. They would do it again, licking kike ass is their specialty. Go and watch Russian television. Try the main political talkshow. Oh, what do we have here? Half of the participants are Jews? Who would've thought… And don't try lumping all Slavs together. It's your messianic imperialist faggotry talking here. Hating Russians for their past stupidies is merely being anti-Russian. A lot of brave Slavs fought Bolsheviks, so why hate Slavs per se?

I have no interest in explaining to you that you are the one with the nigger president, scandals, rap music, jewish overlords, and so on.

If there ever was an embodiment of jewish slave, it is present day America. Go drink a cup of raw sugar, and eat a nigger dick, your national cuisine these days.

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Yes, the US and the UK dindu nothin'. What about the submarine battle? Germany wasted a billion Marks fighting, go and look up what it's worth today. I wonder what would've happened if they put those resources elsewhere. What about the UK invading Greece? Right, Germany had to seperate troops that were intended to fight in the Kursk tank battle. Cracking the enigma code apparently was useless also, wasn't it? How about the US fighting Japan? So lucky Russia could bring their troops from the East back to the West. What do you say? The lend lease that gave Russian soldiers a shitload of boots, communication towers & transportation trucks was of no importance? Yeah, surely only the amount of killed Germans count. The logistics mean jack shit.

There is no difference between Russians and Americans. Both are internationalists at heart.
Soviet Union - United States
SU - US, you are literally mirror nation.

Yes, it is. But it is the direct consequence of Russia destroying the Western nationalists, the last hope our world had, then dicking around and building up third world countries, and finally getting raped and giving everything away to US kikes, from the hands of their own Eastern kikes that is.

Those are contradictory statements

Are you bragging about the russian people and other subjects of the USSR's greatest sin, the destruction of the Third Reich?

I really don't understand this. Why are soldiers who fought to further kike agendas and directly contributed to the situation we find ourselves in worthy of respect?

People pushing that line are either trying to divide or are simply new and have a lot of trappings of their past ideas. For example, this guy railing on americans is clearly a putin follower who seems to think he isn't another kike puppet. He even is glorifying the USSR to tow that party line.

Communism was such a horror that eastern bloc would've been ahead with any other kind of governmental system in modern day. Communism isn't about the advancement of your own bloodline, more about enslavement of your own towards collective. There is no nationalistic pride, there is soviet pride.

Power hierarchy is in place, but all power is just concentrated in a party and their allies, everything gets equalized. Doesn't work because goy are far more productive if you offer them numerous distractions. Attack middle class / upper middle class from threatening elite through the same distractions + taxes and they will keep themselves out. Now it's obvious to see what such attacks might be : unfair mortgages, unfair taxation systems (keeps goy motivated to work so goy can be harvested). Second is to plant in a bunch of beautiful lies with equality memes, lgbt stuff, anti family etc. This is so that middle / upper middle class won't blink an eye to plan preservation of family knowledge / wealth which is a very important thing that the people at the top do.

It is unnatural to feel a lot of patriotism for a country if it doesn't contain a large majority of your own bloodline / the interest of it. Why would a white Russian dude care about Chechens?


You do realize that Germans made up basically all of the R&D side of Russia and stole countless German tech, right? If anything, NatSoc Germany made their advancements.

Fuck off back to leftypol.

Good thing commies aren't people and therefor don't matter.

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Then why is it only 80% russian?

This. Both suffer from the America/Russia is everyone but Israel si for Jews syndrom. But for America been country of immigrants it was necessary in some form though current form is bad. Russia formerly national country was just hijacked by Bolsheviks who denied self-determination for Russians at the same time inventing nations (hohols, whiteruskies, -eks asians etc) from the thin air to counter Russian majority.

Communism doesn't work because it was build on the absolutely false economic Marxist theory of labor value of things. It is like trying to build astronomy on the Geocentric model. Political communism combined with market ecosystem on the small scale (what is build in EU now) is much more potent and survivable. But yes it because e economy needs freedom of subjects to be productive.

Prior to 1965 most of our population growth was natural increase. The US used to be an Anglo country, then it was a broadly european country.
Now it isn't a country at all.
Also, please work on your runglish, it's very difficult to parse at times.

that's the real crime here

Go eat a pile of dung, you mong.
Just look at the parade you fucking mongoloid.

Yeah, because the bolshevists that desecrate the graves of old men that fought for their countries aren't funded and pushed by kikes, just like the bolshevists that murdered millions of Russians in the 1900s that desecrated the graves of old men that fought for their countries, among other bolshevist movements in other countries as well.

Natural increase of migrated population, not indigenous redskins.

This should be enough to let you know how retarded you are