[1/2] I'd like to have a discussion about the plausibility of a fountain of youth existing in California, at China Lake Naval Weapons Center at the south point of the Panamint Mountain Range, in Wingate Pass based on my native observations, rejection of Jewish history, and ability to see around it.
I began my initiation to becoming a Zig Forumsack at a young age - when teachers couldn't answer basic questions about people like Christopher Columbus (who was a kike and funded by Freemasons with stolen Breton and Viking maps), or the Pyramids being only 6000 years old despite it being impossible, or any other retarded lie they've fed us.
If one revisits the "ice sheet" theory and zooms out on satellite images, they'll be able to see what happened to California; just as Plato speaks of an ice sheet up the Euphrates, one which had a passageway of ice to Hyperborea, had melted over 10,000 years ago, leading to a massive wash from southern Montana, through Nevada, draining in to El Golfo de Santa Clara; explaining why everything is gone, or why there are water lines on the Sphinx. My ability to figure out what I thought was simple told me that there was (((someone))) hiding something from us.
The lies, and subsequent truths I began uncovering piqued my interest to further my research. I found a book, Cuchama and Sacred Mountains by a man, W-Y Evans Wentz, a convert to Buddhism, former UCSD prof, and intro writer to Jungs tibetan book of the dead, who conversely literally believed in the archetype, and who spoke of the flood with end notes and first hand accounts of giants all over North America. He spoke of Father Boscano; the natives told him at the SJC Mission the water had filled up the basin hundreds of feet high, turning California into an island. The Yuma (Kutacan) and many other tribes also spoke of the same, and if you use your topographic eyes, you'd agree that Cuchama (meaning exhalted high place) now Tecate (fallen tree), black mesa, the panamint mountains, gorgonio, catalina, and the mesa at hole in the wall were probably the only flat places that poked out of the sea, much like (((Disney))) did in the last star wars movie, even stealing the exact huts, stealing out nostalgia and appropriating it, turning the giants into little furry critters. Typical jews… That's what Star Wars is, an appropriation; its why (((Lucas))) stole Indiana Jones from Otto Rahn and his book, Lucifer's Court, on his quest of finding the Graal, the fountain of youth.