[1/2] I'd like to have a discussion about the plausibility of a fountain of youth existing in California...

[1/2] I'd like to have a discussion about the plausibility of a fountain of youth existing in California, at China Lake Naval Weapons Center at the south point of the Panamint Mountain Range, in Wingate Pass based on my native observations, rejection of Jewish history, and ability to see around it.

I began my initiation to becoming a Zig Forumsack at a young age - when teachers couldn't answer basic questions about people like Christopher Columbus (who was a kike and funded by Freemasons with stolen Breton and Viking maps), or the Pyramids being only 6000 years old despite it being impossible, or any other retarded lie they've fed us.
If one revisits the "ice sheet" theory and zooms out on satellite images, they'll be able to see what happened to California; just as Plato speaks of an ice sheet up the Euphrates, one which had a passageway of ice to Hyperborea, had melted over 10,000 years ago, leading to a massive wash from southern Montana, through Nevada, draining in to El Golfo de Santa Clara; explaining why everything is gone, or why there are water lines on the Sphinx. My ability to figure out what I thought was simple told me that there was (((someone))) hiding something from us.
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Invention_Secrecy_Act Keep this in mind and the dates.

The lies, and subsequent truths I began uncovering piqued my interest to further my research. I found a book, Cuchama and Sacred Mountains by a man, W-Y Evans Wentz, a convert to Buddhism, former UCSD prof, and intro writer to Jungs tibetan book of the dead, who conversely literally believed in the archetype, and who spoke of the flood with end notes and first hand accounts of giants all over North America. He spoke of Father Boscano; the natives told him at the SJC Mission the water had filled up the basin hundreds of feet high, turning California into an island. The Yuma (Kutacan) and many other tribes also spoke of the same, and if you use your topographic eyes, you'd agree that Cuchama (meaning exhalted high place) now Tecate (fallen tree), black mesa, the panamint mountains, gorgonio, catalina, and the mesa at hole in the wall were probably the only flat places that poked out of the sea, much like (((Disney))) did in the last star wars movie, even stealing the exact huts, stealing out nostalgia and appropriating it, turning the giants into little furry critters. Typical jews… That's what Star Wars is, an appropriation; its why (((Lucas))) stole Indiana Jones from Otto Rahn and his book, Lucifer's Court, on his quest of finding the Graal, the fountain of youth.

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Other urls found in this thread:


[2/2] I watched a documentary (need to find) with a tribal woman where the entire Maori tribe in NZ had blond hair and green eyes. She said her elders told her they came from Iran (Mahabharata). They tested her DNA and traced it back to places like Easter Island, Peru, Montezumas Mexico, etc. Ancient Aryans were in America far longer than we know. We also know the rhythmic law of nature is cyclical, like our sea levels. This is why Ponce de Leon hitched a ride with Colombowitz as they set out to 'rediscover' it themselves. Ponce became first gov of Puerto Rico, and according to MAYA legend, set out to find the 'island' where the fountain of youth was. Instead the retard went to bimini and florida, 'to the northwest' they said. Miguel Serrano says 'an' represents giant, which is why he looked for the Inner Earth in his ANdes; which is why I looked in pANamint. Now that we've got the precursor out of the way, the fun can begin:
The rest of this shows the pass covered in mud from "twenty food waves" due to flash flooding on the south side. Since then, comparatively due to pictures, it seems that much has washed away to reveal bare earth rather than the flat mud that predeceased it.
Wow, so this guys 1932 account matched up perfectly with John Harrington, who saw the same exact thing in Arizona, New Mexico, and Mexico! So I started to look for entrances. I checked Wingate Pass. I used Caltopo 24k which as every mine and former in the state marked, it seems. Almost nothing near wingate pass, except a fake airstrip for bombing runs to keep goyim away. Then I found this…. so I pulled some fresh images. This is the entrance to the fountain of youth. the river of alchemical gold. This is the place where the secret inventions come from. Don't believe me? I went to read more about von Braun on my quest to find ayys and found The Mars Project (1962) his journal on how to get there in the 1950s?? Found this on the last page of reviews.

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Completely implausible.

you didn't even spend two minutes reading the post, let alone any of it. you should take a gun and put it in your mouth.

Isn't this the same place where some say there's a MKULTRA slaves facility?

If I made a 5000 word essay about how jews aren't bad, would you read it?

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no i would move on and continue my life as an ignoramus, rather than derail the thread like a lebowitz.

Why is that implausible? That's not the first time I've heard of a fountain of youth being in California, and not just a but the.

lol no thanks

"I only let the kikes tell me what to believe and think, I'm incapable of my own thoughts. even researching the topic makes me uncomfortable; im a good goyim and only research the history my jewish overlords approve."

I still haven't figured out whether you people are paid by someone to do this or it's a form of low effort activism.

Meh. Rather discuss the Giant Trees.

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Well, that isn't a good thing to compare, because unlike the Fountain of Youth, good kikes existing, is impossible.

Maybe we should go searching for unicorns too!

Hi Renegade.

You are looking at things with a "black or white" mentality, maybe it isn't a fountain of youth, maybe it's an hyperbole of something else, something of similar characteristics and obviously, less mythical.
All legends are based on truth, search for something similar but not so "fancy".

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Correct. Refer to below.

So, proported baby factory and hub for many babies to enter the ranks of the Monarch (MKUltra follow-up project). Apparently a lot of torture, experiments, you know holocaust stories but this time probably a lot more true. Its a weapons test base and there are reports among the locals of strange things being seen where the desert meets the mountains.

Interesting topic, have a bump.

dubsday bump
