How can a nation and its people fall so far? How can a country that was filled to the brim with culture and tradition no more than 100 years ago let itself be westernized so hard?
What happened to the Japanese?
Really makes you think
Anime is the japanese soy.
I had the Impression that Japan was mostly jew free
Goons ITT
Lost war and Americans pozzed them like everything they touch. Whites being cucked males made jews weaponize women and spread their aids WW. New generations got indoctrinated and jews won.
Even Westernized they serve as a model nation for the rest of the world. They see the shitshow going on in the west and learn the lesson on what NOT to do.
'''What happened to the Japanese"
It all started with Perry's Expedition and the ensuing Meiji Restoration, afterwards it just got even worse around a hundred years later with all the Post-WW2 US-enforced policies.
US interventionism (what a shock) has been an integral factor in Japan's degradation and the progressive loss of their unique identity.
We beat them. We literally, undeniably beat them in war*. And they adapted to the alpha culture.
This is why you don't leave wars unfinished and you be a fucking agressive jerk until the other side surrenders unconditionally.
*and they had it coming. They went full spastic.
A bad case of United States Of Israel.
Look at all those webm file sizes and that will tell you what kind of faggot is posting this shit.
Fuck off to facebook
A lot of this was inevitable anyways as Japan was backwards tech wise.
Ludicrously backwards.
There is a strong weeaboo culture in the chans. Japan is a very dystopian place. It is fun to visit, it is fun place to enjoy, but you do NOT want to live there. The standards are too high, and destroy people.
Hence why the anime is so weird. Ever wonder why slice of life is so damn common? Because they can't live. They are too busy being wage vassals. Their culture is imploding due to the global market.
Overall the problem of Japan is they modernised too fast.
They went from an agrarian feudal society to modern industry in so short a timespan you had people running about in post WW2 Japan who had been born as the Japanese equivalent of serfs.
Meiji "restoration". Looks like destroying your culture and jumping on (((modernism))) bandwagon always leads to degeneration.
Get the fuck outta here, kike.
Korea is worse in that respect. And Korea, unlike Japan, is a very "grey" country.
Both of you are morons had they not modernized you would call them sub-humans. Also while they did adopt European technologies quickly they didn't adopt French Egalitarianism but rather Imperialism. This whole thread is bait and it seems like a lot of new threads are 4chan kikes trying to push their faggotry after fag/pol/ went down a couple of days ago.
It is still the most traditionalist country among the higher quality races.
Modernity doesn't mean smartphones and tablets you colossal faggot.
Hang yourself.
Their entire social order was transformed in less than a lifetime.
Things carried over that normally wouldn't. Hence their bizarre behaviour for the times during WW2.
That's what it means today because the west is defined as the distructive ideologies of post-modern america.
So yes if you westernize today it means total social and economic destrutcion.
I could say the same about virtually any western nation. The fact is that Japan will revert back to it's natural state when liberal hegemony under America collapses. I'm not optimistic enough to say the same for Britain or France.
Because they're slant eyed gooks
What are you going on about? Are you retarded? Technological advancement =/= Republic/Liberal beliefs. Or do you morons actually believe in the "More tech = more liberal a society gets".
Westernisation = Americanisation = acceptance of liberal bourgeois values. If you weren't busy with Japanese cartoons you would see the strong reaction against westernisation in the Middle East and Russia even today.
Technological advancement but at what cost? Is it worth to trade your soul? Maybe the West conquered the world militarily, culturally and technologically but isn't the West the only civilisation ready to assist in it's own ethnic replacement and total degeneration.
Had the kikes either not existed or left the west alone the story would be different. You clearly see the world the way jews want you to see it, you can't believe a technologically advanced society can survive and will always self-destruct Rome also had a jewish problem. One of the biggest examples to this is Germany both Prussia and National Socialist Germany were advanced above their counter-parts and very much in favor of traditional beliefs.
You 4chan faggots really need to lurk before making shitty threads
Well they dismantled the old feudal order. The Samurai were almost entirely gotten rid of, though some of the old clans found new places in the new order (such as the Tosa clan who founded the modern Japanese navy), many vanished as their members found themselves no longer supported by the state.
The serfs and so on were made free men.
The old feudal power structure was replaced with a more democratic model and the old network of civil offices as something to be inherited or awarded to people based on clan loyalties was replaced by a system of modern professional administrators.
All of this in less than a lifetime.
Were the shogun really in power because they benefited Japan or just for power/wealth.
Loyalty while very important shouldn't be the only reason why an individual gains power. How effective they are should also be a factor in their position The question of loyalty should also include to whom they are loyal to and is the person in charge a benefit to the state and people?
Because those parts of their culture were truly ass-backwards and intrusive on normal life.
A lot of their older traditions were autism tier and required a lifetime of servitude for mere maintenance of temple, festivities etc.
What you show is something like a victory ritual. Where instead of a victory parade the soldiers are doing this ass-backwards dance in the territory of their conquest.
simply stuff like
That said they maintain a lot more of their traditions than any of their european counterparts. So the traditional argument applies to us 10 times more than to the japs who are still autistic about mos things.
It's actually propaganda that they weren't modern at all before the black ships of peace and the (((Restoration))), they had neoclassical cities before it and were able to control their borders for a reason. Go look up some of their megalithic sites and you'll learn origins of the high caste samurai and why they closed themselves off to the world(it wasn't because they were afraid of Christians).
Whenever you hear:
Cultural X
Language/Education Reform
That means history has been rewritten, thousands of books burns, sages slaughtered and artifacts destroyed. People would vomit blood if they knew how many libraries of Alexandria worth of books have been burnt to justify some fake bank owned ruler.
OP, they've been westernized since General Perry introduced Western Culture to them via gunboat diplomacy.
I just took a class on this East Asian History shit. They became great, from a backwards bumfuck country, because they embraced imperialist ideologies.
Any good books, documentaries or any media where I can learn more about Edo period japan?
Congratulations this is the kind of thinking that was involved in Japans transition from a feudal order to modern one.
Thanks but tell me if you were a Russian in WW2 would you be loyal to Stalin?
you wouldn't have a choice
either loyal to Stalin or shot by NKVD
Depends. What kind of Russian am I?
a once proud nation was humiliated in war and its spirit crushed, so the people turned to individualism, away from the concept of nation and general prosperity, focusing on individualistic and personal concepts. same as prussia (after ww2) and russia (in the yeltsin era) and now america, wen it reached its climax of expansion and is gonna just go down in a slow loud fart
Way to out yourselves
This. Saging this retarded black pill shilling.
Well lets face it. If I'm a a bourgeois marxist intellectual then yeah woo Stalin.
He's mah nigga.
If I'm your typical peasant or inner city worker then again probably woo Stalin because I'm too thick to understand how he's fucking shit up worse than the Tsars ever managed.
But if I'm a Kulak? Business owner? Tradesman? Fuck nah
Under Stalin, there's no option. Either fanatic loyalty or shot by NKVD.
To give example, Kondratiev, seen as possibly the greatest XX century economist by the society of econometrics, worked for Russia.
He adapted to Tsar, he adapted to Lenin, he adapted to anything, worked for Stalin. Very very loyal.
After a while, his research concluded that if Capitalism was to colapse, it would take more than 40-50 years (Kondratiev works in long circles) and thus wouldn't happen in Stalin's lifetime. This assuming it colapsed.
As a result for that research conclusions, he was labelled as a Burgeoise/Capitalist spy who was spread demoralization propaganda, was lined up against the wall and shot by firing squad.
Meanwhile even today Kondratiev writings have a sort of cult status. USSR lost one of its best economists simply because Stalin had culture of purging even the loyalists. Only the fanatics were allowed to live.
The classic "before X, they were all savages" too bad it never works on actual savages like abos or niggers. Races cannot be reformed very much, especially in less than a generation.
It reminds me of the Germanic propaganda they push too, where they attribute all classical roman style ruins and artifacts to a supposedly alien empire because after all– the pagan Germans were terrible savages that ate babies in their witchcraft rituals and only later became a scientific capital the world once they became Christians.
There is so much retardation in this thread it's ridiculous.
The Japs are doing just fine. You know why? Because their country is 99% Japanese people. They don't have a massive spic/nig/muzzie underclass ready and eager to overthrow the current order. They don't have subhumans turning their cities into third-world shitholes.
It does not matter that their population is shrinking because their country is way too densely packed. It will go up naturally again in time, this is what populations do when the government isn't importing shitskins to replace you.
When the West collapses under a sea of brown the Japs will be able to ride it out and adapt as a people to whatever issue faces them because they are a homogeneous unified country.
Right now they need to ease up on the 16-hour workdays and stifling life conditions as best as possible, and lay off the feminism a bit, but otherwise Japan is a model for western countries to emulate for the time being.
tbh fam the only critic of Japan are the crazy work hours.
This work ethic non-ironically undermines family values, and makes firm a replacement for family.
But they beat us on almost everything else. Makes us look like a bunch of Bananas in comparison.
Also Amerifats.
Why do collectivist insects continue to spread their false meme? Rhetorical question.
I'm no Jap expert but I think a lot of that is based on their Buddhist-ish religion.
For example the tea ceremony stuff is based on experiencing every sensory detail of life instead of being caught up in your own head, learning to slow down and savor every action, or something along those lines.
The problem with the last thing you said is that they can't because they are drowning in debt and each subsequent generation is smaller than the last. This means they have to constantly increase productivity or go bankrupt. Which didn't turn out well for the other East Asian economies that did that during the Asian economic crisis.
Roboticization may save them, but only if it can happen quickly enough that they get a lead over their neighbors.
However, after all low skill labor is automated, they'll have a leg up on China. A smaller population to support will probably be a huge advantage in a post-automated world. So much so that I wouldn't be surprised if many governments do rather terrible things to achieve that advantage.
That's the phylosophical idea some jap lord had, while his servants copied it to the letter.
Then everyone who couldn't do the ceremony properly was beaten with sticks and ridiculed for being out of line with the local mandatory autism.
You are fucking retarded? When did I say or implying what beliefs you had or in what economic position you are would be in? Why would you have to be a business owner or tradesman to be against communism? Do you believe that communist only affect the economy of a nation?
Submitting yourself to communist. You 4chan faggots that came in during the last wave are a cancer.
Last I checked, they weren't the ones being subverted by Communists and Jews.
They're a vassal state of the USA, could be thrown into the maws of the chinks at a whim and have zero living space. They're basically a pet race destined to cannibalized itself. An American saying "they're doing good" is condescending to say the least.
They were closer to ancient Veda Hinduism, which shares quite a bit with Buddhism. But they've been spiritual gutted and given kosher meme rituals for marketing tourism, the original mixtures used in the tea rituals and true meaning has been lost.
How strange!
/nupol/ accurately depicted
99% means that 1.2 million foreigners are there.
How long ago was Japan 99.99% pure
yurocancer should all be banned
You could defect to Wermacht before Stalin introduced order 227.
Is there record of any defection before order 227?
*after order 227
Being ruled by their own version of the Mafia isn't so based either, remember, even though far right groups are rising they're still a minority compared to the illegally backed center right forces. Still less cucked than half the European powers.
You may be a retard
Having a ceremonial way to do things is not intrusive. Do you honestly think every nip drinks tea in the ceremonial way every time?
And everyone has nuance in bowing.
You just spent a dozen lines being utterly retarded in your criticisms of those traditions. Fucking kill yourself my man.
No army or nation would let a person defect while a war is occurring. That is such a stupid thing to say
You should watch this. People usually have no idea what is Japanese industry.
It's from dangerous levels of radiation exposure. Perhaps if we only dropped one a-bomb Japan would be less fucked up and not as sexually confused.
Radiation kills
Why is this shit cuckchain tier thread up right now? Why are people replying? Why are people with no knowledge of the subject replying with 1-2 sentence retorts as if they know what they are talking about? Why aren't they saging?
I mean records of sucessful defection after order 227.
Because after order 227, executions became so ordinary that even the loyal soldiers would be killed, let alone those who are dissent minded.
The most realistic option would be that Zig Forums user in Stalin timeline would end up trying to defect but mostly likely shot by some NKVD during the process.
You got a source on that?
Replying to myself: seems there is. If it's commies, I could consider defection, but only admitting 70% chances are I would end up shot against the wall by the Komissar
Has there ever been a single tor post worth reading?
Fucking this.
We used one too many nuclear devices. Oh, and this
Japan is arguably less cucked than the west.
Their entire history up till the 19th century was just copying the Chinese.
The last I checked their kike population, including yid-Japanese mongrels, was under 1,000 people, almost all of them around Tokyo. Even with those small numbers, they're still doing what they can to nig up Japan to the best of their ability. Jews: not even once.
Dude, Brah. I don't get it. How can the Japanese make some of the most BORINGEST THINGS so interesting. I mean, I watched a segment on handmade bowls, and I found that shit interesting. A SEGEMENT, ON HANMADE BOWLS. FUCKING HANDMADE, BOWLS. How the fuck, did they make it, so interesting? How?
But user, China's history and chronology is entirely fake, especially after the (((Cultural Revolution))). No one actually knows their true history anymore but maybe the ruling party, there's a reason they hide those pyramids and never allows 3rd parties to examine supposed artifacts.
I said: low skill. Japanese robots doing what Chinese laborers do, but with even less overhead. High skill jobs will remain, and always do. The problem is that not everyone in a given country will be able to do high skill jobs. And this is why you have insane demands on productivity and an explosion in welfare in the developed world.
China, for example, is losing it's low skilled jobs to Southeast Asia. It's GDP increases by less and less each year. This deprives China both of valuable tax revenue and stability since the people most likely to start a violent revolt are always the lower classes. If enough of them are unemployed, then the government (and it's various monopoly corporations) can no longer service it's debt and so lose their sovereignty to whichever vulture swoops in to feed on the carcass. This is the fate Japan wants to avoid, and has been struggling to. Many of their larger companies are barely making ROI for their investors and most have debt they cannot get rid of. They can't fix that merely by focusing on making more high-end blades.
Also, I've been to Japan multiple times on business looking for investment opportunities mate. You don't need to explain to me why the good shit there is good. As a country they still have the best chance of making it, largely because they haven't fallen for the population meme. But it's still going to take time for automation to be the rule rather than the exception to outsourcing.
Do you justify that sort of obedience and honor hierarchy ?
To the point of losing human lives and being unable to adjust to changes at all ?
It is for this very same reason that they changed so much after failing in the war. They knew nothing else. God forbid their emperor dies even now.
You don't know shit.
Japan had been coached into the modern industrial era (by a handful of White Brits) long before the war.
It was still pretty backwards in terms of its industrial capacity and ability to make shit consistently and reliably.
Oh and I forgot to mention. I'm not talking about during the war. I mean prior to the war.
Don't forget they had spears when we had rifles.
They had only just (relative to the West) learned industrial production but were catching up quickly. The point is that many seem to confuse the preservation of tradition with backwardness. You can have modern industry and tradition.
It seems that we are under the impression that the jew isn't active in Japan. Keener eyes will see the jew's influence everywhere, especially in the increasingly "progressive" attitudes of recent generations. The kike very much wants to open the gates of brown immigration, but they can wait, there is no rush because Japan is, like White Western countries, in a demographic winter. Eventually the Japs will fold and out of greedy self-interest, allow niggers and pakis in "to pay our pensions".
Thing is there is no "low skill" labor in Japan. Think of it, man grinding blade over grinding wheel. You may imagine that such technology is proper scenes for some shack in the Africa utilizing low skill labor. But in Japan it is pinnacle of surgical blade making. If you put I am a d&c kike, ban my stupid non-white ass or real niger into Japanese "low skill" labor position this enterprise would immediately collapse. Because actually to execute this job at the current level autist is needed with 15 years of "low skill" job experience who perfected manual labor to the level of art.
This is just welfare in disguise, they could automate this jobs already but it achieves nothing this people left workforce years ago after they failed their quest of autism.
It was either westernise on your own, and play catch-up with Europe or get the Chinese treatment. Without the Meiji Restoration, Japan would simply become another protectorate of one of the colonial powers of that era. You either adapt and overcome, or you get subjugated by stronger and more technological advanced tribes.
Yeah, what an awful example.
They live under America's boot. A country that is the greatest propganda machine to ever exist and uses people as psyop and social experiments.