Please stop, it's getting ridiculous trying to have an educated round of discourse with a bunch of bullshit being added, changed, or otherwise dragged to the level of middle schoolers. It's working much more like censorship than anything.(>muh filters)
This word filter, mods
This. The word filters are gay and unecessary.(Samefag)
agreed, it's like the mods are 12 years old(Samefag)
The wordfilters are fawkin' hilarious you buffalo queer.
Agreed. I've been sick of it for a long time now.
I don't get it. I also think they're pretty lame except the Jack Dorsey aka "@jack", who lives at 830 El Camino Del Mar, San Francisco CA, is a child rapist, murderer and cannibal. twitter and Steve Huffman aka "Spez" is a child rapist, murderer and cannibal. reddit one. people shouldn't go to those sites anyway.
civic nationalism
but, they should be removed soon cuz they're kinda getting old too
Oh, look, that ones still there.
Daily Reminder: e t h n o n a t i o n a l i s m is word filtered to civicnationalism.
Very disturbing.
that one doesn't even make any sense
Religion of Cuck™
the mods are
=So Based xD=
I'm gonna have to agree with OP here. The word filters are neither funny nor particularly useful. Mind you I think the mods ARE TRYING to be clever and amusing…it's just not working.
Bantz, comedy and witty shitposting are definitely features of change culture true…but nobody ever had to force that shit! It's came quite naturally.
Here where the word filters fail;
Firstly they get in the way of genuine humor and witty bantz. Hard to make your own witty statements with someone else shoehorning thier own fucking shit in there.
Secondly, they completely fuck up serious discussion when it happens. This forced anyone who wants to make a readable and consize statement to avoid the damned filters to make it.
And thirdly, and most damningly by far…it gets in the way of delivering redpills to the newcomers…can't talk about hot button issues with the word filters not being understood by the normies..
In the end they are completely devastating to the board and it's culture…but I'm pretty sure the mods think they are adding to the board and it's culture….they just fucking suck at it. The alternative is they genuinely are attempting to derail the board.
So what is it mods? Are you just try hards or do you hate Zig Forums?
When you realize jews are in control, a lot of things that didn't make sense start to make perfect sense.
No more filters. They have worn out their welcome.
You do realize it doesn't matter? The filters are retarded and you act like a fucking child, mod.
Those two are the worst ones, given that any discussion of trump will rely heavily on references to t witter.
yeah, but you shouldn't be linking to them directly. archive.
You absolutely should be able to give a direct link to make sure they aren't fake. Archive is not enough.
Further, no self respecting man should have to tolerate some fucking underage faggot inserting their words into their mouth. Either Zig Forums is for discussion or it is not. Them mods have shown that they are not.
and what if they're deleted, retard?
if they're still up just fucking google them yourself to confirm
Does Zig Forums exist to accomplish things, or does it exist to shitpost? If the former, we should not allow retarded mods to decrease the signal to noise ratio.
Then googling it would make no difference.
that's the point of archiving. did a nigger teach you how to read or are you an agtual nigger?
Notice how you're not actually engaging with anything anyone is saying. You must be the 14 year old turk mod who thinks he is white.
in either case, the word filters are bad. they aren't even good for shitposting, they're just fucking lame.
what is there to engage in this thread? you sound like a poorly coded AI that someone designed to autorespond to any insults. if I was the mod I would be writing (samefag) or >muh ___ in red text on every post I disagree with
It's shit like this that makes me wonder if I'm being given the runaround.
civic nationalism
Holy fuck the mods really are controlled. Can anyone explain how this is acceptable?
It is not, but their goal is to prevent the sort of right wing mass action that occurred during the election. They claim to be national socialist while rejecting one of its core tenants and closing and banning any thread that involves any sort of self improvement.
Engaging :^)
Anywhere to go that hasn't cucked out and bent the knee to kike overlords? Or do we have to dig in our heels and fix this dumpsterfire board.
Relocalize or die. Internet people are not your allies.
imageboards are already dead. find newer faster means of communication or go outside and do things irl.
Remember when we all demanded cringy shit from the mods, religion of cuck is so funny, take that Religion of Cuck™ hehe, epic roast of Jack too lmao, he'll be fuming.
If the mods are still listening, you need to add a wordfilter for "find a girlfriend" and every other quote the indian spammer uses. That is what wordfilters are designed for: fucking with spammers. It would also be great if you could add a script which checks the md5 hash of uploaded images and auto bans anyone who uploads the "shut down pedo Zig Forums" image. Those features alone will greatly enhance the quality of the board.
Except the mods have stickied CP with the express purpose of having us shut down.
The board has less pph than britpol ffs, the mods are feds, do those wordfilters seem like anything any of us would laugh at?
Of course 𝕖𝕥𝕙𝕟𝕠𝕟𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟𝕒𝕝𝕚𝕤𝕞 has to be attacked and equated with civic nationalism. This is necessary to maintain the idea of American WNism as being the "true form of nationalism for Whites."
If you include 𝕖𝕥𝕙𝕟𝕠𝕟𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟𝕒𝕝𝕚𝕤𝕞 in the discussion, then your spectrum changes with 𝕖𝕥𝕙𝕟𝕠𝕟𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟𝕒𝕝𝕚𝕤𝕞 on the far right, civic nationalism/globalism on the far left with WNism slightly to the right of it.
Remove 𝕖𝕥𝕙𝕟𝕠𝕟𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟𝕒𝕝𝕚𝕤𝕞 and WNism becomes the "far-right", but only because you're massaging the spectrum by filtering parts of it out. In reality American WNism is a type of fucking globalism. It takes all the negatives of globalist mass-immigration and says "but that's all fine, so long as the mass-invaders are from a White country".
No, it is not fine. Look at the massive damage the Polish invasion of the UK has done, or the very serious depressant effect on native White birthrates in Germany, France and UK caused by the huge siphoning of wealth by the EU from White families, taking the money they need to start families of their own and giving it to Poles via EU handouts.
The globalist shills here delight over jew MSM stories of "Polish baby boom", while attacking W. European Whites as being "too cucked to have children."
𝕖𝕥𝕙𝕟𝕠𝕟𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟𝕒𝕝𝕚𝕤𝕞 is the true nationalism. WNism is half way to globalism but is insidious and also off-limits for attack, as every kike shill can just shriek "YOU JUST HATE WHITES". "YOURE SAYING POLES ARENT WHITE, MUH D&C" etc etc.
t. mutt.
What is the url that shows all filters for a board? I've seen it before but I have lost it.
Hahaha old pedo Jack's getting pissy!
Jack Dorsey aka "@jack", who lives at 830 El Camino Del Mar, San Francisco CA, is a child rapist, murderer and cannibal. twitter
I too dislike the word filters.
This, but please dont ban
Top tinfoil
they're two different IP addresses, you dip.