SOROS hitting TX hard for Beto over Cruz

Apparently they've hired shills to randomly text Texas residents to convince them to donate and vote for Soros' stooge Beto. Soros is attempting a blue wave in TX.

Number that texted me is in the screenshot, do your worst.

Attached: signal-2018-04-16-154631.png (1312x2560, 589.22K)

Other urls found in this thread:


What are you testing?

I can't think of anything that would turn people off more than getting a text from a fucking political campaign.

For every innocuous text message there's at least a dozen illicit drug offers to get niggers and illegals to the polls. You can use what you're actually aware of to estimate the things you don't know this guy is doing.

Feels good man, as I kicked that addiction and am now clean.

More like heroin and cocaine.

Attached: e4ea3f927c7f836cd98c6c1e8d2e0e889601ae1add6ecb4c1d44f2529b4deb34.jpg (500x500, 18.18K)

Beto has been taking Soros money for ten years. I know, because I met him at a Soros-paid event.

Bumper stickers for Beta are all over the place in Autism, TX. They've overtaken Bernie, I think.

Can we meme "With Cruz, You Lose"? It would make my day to hear libs chanting it.

Holy shit! Sound the alarm.

Attached: 1478505488829.png (384x384, 3.6K)

Attached: beta.png (832x100, 13.29K)

Notice how he says civilians instead of citizens, the slimey kike.

He also has a criminal record.

Attached: el paso.png (466x404 46.18 KB, 56.56K)

Whether I need to change my mac address from bad modding. I've already dropped the frequency of coming here because of it, let alone contributing.

Imagine this getting posted two years ago.

Amazing how the world works. Politics does make strange bedfellows.

Let them waste their money. There is presently a lawsuit against the largest county in Texas Harris County where Houston is on illegals being on the voter rolls and voting. Harris is just blue and taking out that illegal vote (which is substantial) pretty much assures Texas stays Texas. Best way to take out that problem is scare them off come election time. Best way to scare them off? Spread through the wet-back grapevine in Houston that undercover DHS will be there checking voter registrations against ID's. It'll be Wendy Davis all over again AND since it is now still compulsory in Texas to show ID to vote- it plays them beautifully. I look forward to the tequila flavored tears.

No one has sent gore to Geri yet?

I got that text out of the blue and attacked them from a leftist anti-rich people angle in an attempt to discourage his shill. The first few replies were obviously scripted but then the person on the other end started to actually engage.


Nobody ever thinks they get paid enough.

Attached: 1438131118298.jpg (640x640, 78.4K)

Cruz is a disgusting Kike. Canadian Beaner Kike. Quit pretending to be one of us. This goddamn yellow yankee yid gets my first bullet on DOTR.

Attached: 13277275900f6cd9af623d293ebdc127a171220ecb3214805e65ece90228c610.jpg (960x960 259.52 KB, 120.2K)

Wait a second, OP IS A KIKE.



Mods, I literally never do this, but please ban this kike-loving cuck-chan-faggot.

So you'd support a 100% Soros stooge over a 20% Soros stooge?

Looks like you're the kike chaim.

No I support Killing Kikes. Not giving them political power, and defietly not falling for obvious ploys targeting my 'inner cowboy' by a globalist kike who pretends not to hate christ so that he cna run as a Republican in Texas.

Does that clear things up or do you need a bullet as well? white traitors die first

Attached: 0c71683ade2770385f2da60bcfb8d16de72ab2bcc5e3bc980e0a974d030d249a.png (596x791, 590.63K)

Cruz is as much of a Zionist as the rest of the Republicans. The Republican party is happy to gut White America for Asian immigrant donors who like guns and freedom of association but Whites in this party aren't allowed to form their own racial collectives. You don't even have to bring in that the upcoming wars spurred on by Republicans for Zion which will also gut White America.

Attached: pol at rally.webm (640x360, 2.2M)

Beto wants to ban salt weapons in Texas. Do the Dems even want to win in TX?

You idiots don't get it do you? It doesn't matter what their stooges say or do, the kikes will cheat and lie and steal every election from henceforth. They did it in Alabama already.
Beto could say he wants to tear apart the Constitution (which is probably true) and he'll still win against Rubio because they are going to cheat!. Parts of Texas are already blue, and the kikes aren't playing around any more!
Trust me Americans, you think it can't get much worse? Do you want to be another UK?
If you don't keep your right to guns, it is over.

His name is Beano now.

My condolences, Texas.

Attached: rat.jpg (474x670 12.84 KB, 90.66K)

Someone indulge me in this conspiracy.

BETO IS USING MINED DATA. There isn't a legal or at least a socially moral way in the wake of the cambridge analytica scandal that he obtained peoples names and numbers of their CELL PHONES to contact them for donations.

It would be one thing if he just spammed every possible number with a Texas area code or just did it en masse to all numbers registered in texas, but the fact that the texts in question acknowledge the persons name means that he obtained the persons personal information.

Someone please tell me there is something illegal about this in texas state law or at least provable as immoral so we can hit Beto with it. I can't have someone who wants to Jerry Brown Texas have even an iota of a chance of winning, especially when he is possibly doing something incredulous or illegal to win.

Attached: betO on immigration.png (3152x3008 122.21 KB, 2.09M)

By those Hitler dubs I do believe Kek is telling you to keep up the good work. Lurk moar, faggot.

Attached: spike2.gif (80x80, 4.6K)

collect incriminating texts
report to state government


Hey nigger the 2nd amendment isn't going anywhere anytime soon. You severely underestimate the silent majority.

can we get some mexican anons to literally call from Mexico speaking spanish or broken english to do this to make it legit?

Attached: tejano.jpg (1638x2407, 1.59M)

Another user on 1/2-chan posted that Beto is still reaching out to peoples private cell numbers and using their full names.

This implies that he has mined data. Can we pin him for this?

Attached: zz.png (640x1136, 309.23K)

Cruz is the biggest ZOGdog around. Fuck him. Fuck Beto too. Get a third position candidate.


The last time that happened it was Kinky Friedman and he ran for Governor against Perry. I voted for him

I'd assume they are using "third party service" to try to separate the campaign from any accusations. If some user would get this, use their autism, and submit the text to the major news services in the State (anything in a city over i'd say 70,000) at least one "investigative journalist" would pick up on it. It would be best to send it in just showing the message from the campaign.

Texas is still generally very conservative. The only way to counter this is to get whites out to vote. They do make a huge voting bloc. We need the State to look like pic related.

Attached: TX2016-county-results.png (1250x838, 583.44K)

"Test" the guy is calling people to Join an IRC chat.
Every one Types in "Test", its kind of a little secret nerdy cool kids type into Chat when they join an IRC Channel.

They aren't running a YDD, they're running a communist. This will become obvious, because the communist is a total fag, and communism is hated in Texas more than yankees.


Not trying to burst your bubble but this is ==fucking moronic.==

The reality unfortunately is that info like this is candy, most of these Anons are probably retards who unironically connected to their accounts and let FB show their phone numbers.
You can even search people by phone numbers via FB.

This is how they probably operate, making a search for 'Texas' then on their side auto or manually harvesting for names and associated numbers from people marked down as 'Texas.'

Attached: IMG_2288.JPG (2197x1463, 682.69K)

He was probably the biggest ZOGbot in either party the last election.

Attached: cruzIsrael.webm (640x480, 1.01M)

Beto is a pathological liar. Conclusion: Democrats are gonna love this guy.

Here is the full enchilada on Beto from his own fucking website

Attached: BetO on justice.png (1644x928 94.97 KB, 129.71K)

And finally his LGBT agenda. Please help kill this fucking untexan troglodyte

Attached: betO on equality.png (1644x928, 92.1K)

betos popped up in 2016 and im pretty sure I remember Zig Forums digging up some powerful dirt on him


What Intel do we have from then on him?

How do we stop Beto/Soros lads?

Attached: tex3.jpg (660x360, 244.55K)

RIGHT NOW as you sit here and LURK, shill or provide redpills; there is a shadow war going on.

The good guys are setting up the final stages now!!!
Will you be prepared? Will your family be ready?? When the news lies and says there is a coup???
This IS SPIRITUAL!!! it is a cosmic war between good and evil!!!
Remember religion is means attempt to connect with GOD

This channel is OURGuy!!!
This is the place, when he had 100 subs THEY ALMOST SHUT HIM DOWN for parkland shooting exposing the Beast system involved…

Help spread the message, help destroy the AI worshiping Science Control freaks and help expose the pedo-satanist system!!!!

So be aware

Mass establishment systems being taken out as you read this

One group will detain you and another will set you free ALA ZAQ infowars boy.

Good WILL defeat evil

Spread this The SHILLS HATE B.S.

Reported for Q-LARP.

D&C kike. Kikes die first you fucking heeb.