Honestly, if you refuse to use affirmative action programs against ZOG, you're a cuck. Minorities are going to use them anyway, might as well make ZOG pay you instead. Plus, once you have enough business capital, you can use your power and influence to strongly influence local politicians. Don't worry about being questioned about your ethnicity, just say you're Hispanic due to having partial Iberian ancestry
Move to homogeneous White area
Alternatively, and if you trust your wife, set her up to be 51% owner of the company. I know some one with a "small" very successful business that does this.
>inb4 (((ctr))) tries to slide this thread
I'm not very business savvy, but I do trust my wife. How would we benefit from setting such a scenario up where she owns 51%?
Minority contracts preferential treatment, if you bid jobs and stuff. Probably grants and sheeit as well.
Sorry, I have more racial pride than that. I was raised not to take handouts or take advantage of the system.
Theft is for niggers and spics, cheating the system is for kikes. I'll stick to working for my money.
That's the kicker. Finding one you can trust.
Because white wymyn get x10 more benefits than any minority. The most you can get as black (supposing you beg to a bunch of places) is around 100k, white women can get more than 1,000,000 dollars because they are women. Even if you change races, it doesn't change much.
In the US, women fuck and betas work.
Good goy! We need you cattle to work long and hard to ensure that Paco and Tyrone can afford to live the lifestyle that they do. Your Defender of Zion Award will arrive at your house within 4-6 business days.
Yeah, my friend and his wife that do this are old ass gen xers in their early 50s so I don't know if you're gonna get a modern woman that can handle this.
You can also claim this for free schooling and if a non-white ever hits you report it as hate crime for being transgender.
Top kek, good sir
Sage for off topic, but tons of areas exist. I moved to New Hampshire and it's White as snow here. The biggest cities tend to have some non Whites, but even those are still majority White.
Ride the tiger my man, anything we can take in benefits from "minorities" to use to better our own should be done. As a bonus you're helping collapse this corrupt system quicker as well.
Don't make me laugh, faggot.
that's a fucking understatement
Yup. If the kikes wanna finance me for sitting on my ass and hiring people to manage my franchises, then why the fuck not? I only live once, and I'm done with having an existential crisis everytime I show up to my pointless job where a giant portion of my paycheck goes to Tyrone
Any government money is usually linked to minority quotas. For example, Government A gives $1M to local company to do something. Terms on the money state that the local business must have 40% women or minority owned contractors (businesses) on the project. In most situations, women and minority don't own businesses, so local company can never meet the quota - local company will get a waiver from the government after showing there aren't enough qualifying businesses. If you show up with a woman owned business, you get the work no matter what.
How many minority or woman owned business do you think exist in construction, telecom, IT, legal services, etc? Anytime there's a project funded with government money, there's usually minority/woman owned business quotas.
Most government projects, especially big ones (tens or hundreds of millions) need a ton a vendors, service providers, subcontractors, etc. And since most counties and towns are funded by states/feds, these requirements are part of the flowdown terms for the county/local contracts.
This isn't even covering the grants, free business support, preferenced treatment, etc, that exist for minority/woman owned businesses .
Maybe single White men should just start self identifying as women to cash in on these programs.
I've actually had these conversations with some businesses. The problem is, most established businesses that are in a great spot to take advantage of these situations tend to fall into two categories:
1) Single owner, older successful white male. He's in his 40s to 50s, goes to the county club, drives a nice car. He's not going to publicly announce he's a woman, it would be social suicide and his reputation would become a joke.
2) Multiple owners of successful business, each with equal share. As example, two owners, one white male and one black male. As they are equal owners, they each own 50% of the business. This does *not* count as minority owned. The solution here would be to give the black owner 51% of the ownership, then it would count as minority owned. There are even a number of legal mechanisms that would permit equal *control* over the business, and the minority would simply have ownership on paper - but no one wants to do this. After you poured your blood and sweat into something, you don't want to cede anything to your partners (not even a little). Seriously, I've talked to like 5 businesses like this, and they have all refused to adjust the ownership percentages, and they are losing out on great opportunities because of it.
Husband and wife teams tend to be more open to this, but they are smaller (usually) and have a hard time keeping up with the bureaucracy and red tape involved in getting the money.
accountant here, there's a few federal programs that you can take advantage of:
wosb: women owned small business
vosb: veteran owned small business
sdvosb: service disabled veteran owned small business
All get you special loans at discounted rates, but you have to qualify. A lot of gov contractors are sdvosb now.
What are some good, decently/cheaply priced franchises to open? I want to be my own boss and not be a wagie under Schlomo.
Utah is white as fuck too
Pretty great/10
Fuck tax reform or any other cuckservative kosher economic reforms. To really kick start the economy, we need to end preferential loans to minorities and allow white men to sue banks for discrimination.As if this could ever happen, buy ammo instead.
Lets say I own some land and do small scale agriculture, where do you even go and read up about federal loans for women owned businesses so my wife can take up the business and the loan?
Pretty decent for a blogpost from a faggot OP.
One suggestion though - quantify the number of 'children' (minimum of 6). Lots of cuckhan faggots here that need some quick indoctrination. We have to explain this kind of thing in our posts for a little while until they either leave or figure it out.
I think blacked.com might be a better site for you.
So can the disabled women veterans get all of the benefits altogether?
Thats simply not true. My mother was working a full time job and earning below the poverty line with straight A grades but, she couldn't get any financial aid for college whatsoever literally because she is White. They told her this blatantly to her face. They had no reason to hide it. This has been state enforced for decades. She had to get a personal loan from the bank with my father and my grandfather as cosigners on the personal loan in order to pay for her college. This was back in the mid 1980s. All non Whites still trump White women in the oppression Olympics.
All those things only apply when the system is legitimate and healthy AKA racially aware and working purposefully for our own people's benefit. If you apply those things to the system that you know has been actively genociding your race for decades then you are simply a cuck slave. This system deserves no respect from us. This system only deserves violence from us
I wasn't raised that way, but I've developed a strong wariness of allowing myself to leech off anything. I need challenges and righteousness. Not jewery.
The black masked guy look like a matchstick. Please fix that mistake.
sage for double post
I was raised by honest folk, so since we had nothing I learned to grab at every scrap leaving a barren trail in my wake
What a good christcuck. Niggers will kill you first and you will love it.
Just be careful what precedent you set for the people around you. Us whites want to be able to live with each other after we win.
This. I think a lot of white sociopaths think they're gonna be Kangz on the other side of this and set themselves up as the new Jews/Scammers on the block once all the competition has been violently cleaned out by the sick-of-this-shit regular people.
they're called boomers.
gen x started in the mid 60s fam. theyre not boomers
And Jewish
Fuck (( (their))) usury
ftfy boomer trumpcuck
Now you are thinking!
You anons are on the right path. All the "one cool trick" niggers in here who want leech off gov't will get their comeuppance when they find the rug pulled out from underneath them, and their lazy asses unable to adapt. I've seen so many lolberg faggots looking smug about "gaming the system" and half a decade later they've stagnated, glued to the teet, while I've surpassed them by orders of magnitude. Aim for nothing less than greatness, lads.
It ain't 2005 anymore dudebro
Are there affirmative action programs for muslims? I don't look hispanic at all but could certainly pass for arab.
LGBTQlmnopxyz have a separate set of Fed handout Loans as well…
How much is the squashed altogether loan?
All those tax money are from other whites mostly.
You aren't hurting the ZOG, you are hurting your own fellow man.
Stop acting like a jew.
I do not think I could get away with what you have proposed, OP. I often ponder if I was meme'd into this world by the Japanese or Walt Disney; I have been certain for years now that my aura makes me look cell shaded from my encounters with Those That Can See.
slide it? delet this! it's an obvious thing and I would fault no man in doing such a thing in todays USA
Is that what the faggot known as OP imagines? More like indentured servitude. The franchiser is the one that makes the money.
Pretend to be a spic for jew bucks… yeah… guess whose the cuck in that situation? hahaha you even talk like one
This kid's head is so full of fuck hahaha. STRONGLY what now? You have a third rate pizza joint that is barely breaking even and Shlomo from the bank is calling wanting to know why your payment is late. You think the 'local politician' is going to intervene on the fast food franchisees behalf with the jew bank?
Jesus Christ kid, if you want to defraud ZOG, you steal Pedro's id and just get the fucking money. Rinse, wash and repeat.
accelerationism is the jewish kabbale in action, you are right.
I'd rather just fight against affirmative action and co than larp as a subhuman.
Never do the work of your enemies.
what about just creating a couple fictitious niggers and claiming them on the paperwork? Government dox are not that hard to fake and I doubt someone who has worked a gov job for decades has any shits left to give. You could make dozens of small "businesses" take all the gibs then fuck off and lie low when inspectors come knocking, repeat process until you get rich as fuck.
I'm actually disappointed with the number of posters who think this is acceptable. Yes, the system is designed to destroy you, that is why it is so important to earn what success you can independently. Furthermore, you validate their ideology by succeeding as a "minority". "well so and so is hispanic, and he's an upstanding
and productive citizen". You rob the white race of your success if you disavow your race. You're here posting, what does Zig Forums offer you? Why did you come here? Did you want to learn the truth? How does the promotion of dishonesty and cheating promote truth? Can you imagine Hitler advocating this sort of behaviour? Moral clarity is all that user ever had. Is money more important than moral clarity? Should you strive for material success? Absolutely. Should you place material success above all else? Absolutely not.
Love in DC, can confirm. Entire cottage Industries around creating paper ownership of companies by women of all colors. Essentially paid to lie about their ability to own a company. One spic woman told me she was speaking at an event where she would be honored for her trailblazing. Some white guy who was fucking her made her paper ownership of like 50 companies and she hit it rich for signing her name. Eventually became a "consultant" to other women on how to get the system.
Ask yourself, how again did this beauty happen?
Yep, it's Zig Forums. Reported.
but not white nationalists faggot I hope you catch Aids
Enlighten me on how one is refunded their taxed money which is appropriated and literally earmarked for non whites. It is not like pretending to be Mexican extorts MORE money from whites… all it means is the money is diverted from a minority who didn't rightfully earn it anyway.
Greatness is great, but if you can game the system and get back some of those tax dollars you put in, then I say, good on you.
Currently I don't do any of that, but I don't see what is wrong with taking advantage of government programs that can benefit you.
Too bad it is expensive as fuck to live in those areas. I want to move up to a North Eastern state just because of the white areas but the politics and the governments in those areas suck. Not to mention the cost of living.
t. texan living in a city infested with spics.
That would be easy to fake
I also live in a homogenous white area. And I'm far from rich. The key to these places is that is must be rural
and would like to see an answer to this post
Be careful with this idea anons. If you make your livelihood dependent on government gibs, what happens when someone wants to shut them off? Will you oppose them? Ideology says no, but practicality says yes. Will you stand on your principles? Or will years and years of learning to bend your principles tell you that it's alright to bend just a little more?
This is exactly how corruption works.
Stop being a cucked faggot. This isn't theft of your neighbors, its plunder and pillage of a dying Zionist occupation government.