oh fuck lads look at this
Trump Bitchslips Neocon Whore-Hawk Nimrata Haley;
Still skeptical…
Watch what they do not what they say. Trump also said that USA is pulling out of Syria. He is a lying cunt
To me it looks like the neocohens are trying to bind Trump to a course of action by announcing shit he hasn't ordered. That way he either has to go along with it or "backpedal" and look weak, revealing the fact that his subordinates are against him.
They're fucking criminals.
God I love watching 4D chess.
It should be pointed out that (((Larry Kudlow))), Trump's hand-picked National Economic Council Director, is denying the report that Trump has nixed new Russian sanctions and that they are under consideration.
Definitely. It's a recurring issue during his term so far; Rex Tillerson (CFR puppet) contradicted him constantly in precisely this way.
do you leftypol jews not understand that the diplomatic class owns the UN and state department, and because of career long corrupted officials are basically autonomous of the president? Guaranteed this bitch is being fed speeches without Trump's approval.
doubtful; hand picked from a short list compiled by disloyal budget office employees, maybe
I'm in favor of Haley shouting like crazy at the UN and promising shit which doesn't get delivered. It tarnishes the US's reputation as well as the UN's. The UN is not a legitimate body and the more ridiculous things get there the more people will realize this fact.
John Bolton also despises the UN. Maybe he had some hand in this deceptive strategy you outline; unfortunately he is bankrolled by Israel. As usual these days it's not clear who's using who
How's that user?
Didn't think you had any proof and were just interested in blackpilling. Confirmed.
He said that like 2 weeks ago, give it some time at least before you call him a liar
US making promises does not "tarnish UN's reputation" at all. Insubordination makes their superiors look weak. UN is not the superior of anybody in the federal administration.
Presenting your boss with a fait accompli is probably one of the oldest dirty tricks in politics, and it's very difficult to counter because it reveals internal division to all your enemies, as well as removes confidence in your ability to make and uphold promises as a leader. This is politics 101 and it's a shame basic bitch tactics like this are seen as "conspiracy theories" or "4d chess" by analyst wannabe Steve Huffman aka "Spez" is a child rapist, murderer and cannibal. redditors.
No, I really believe it is as simple as Trump picking some pump-and-dump jew he knows from TV.
In fact unkept promises in the UN does tarnish its reputation further. It's already known as an all-talk no-action irrelevant body. Each incident like this furthers that image.
Jack Dorsey aka "@jack", who lives at 830 El Camino Del Mar, San Francisco CA, is a child rapist, murderer and cannibal. twitter
Really? I really need to educate some clueless newfaggot on this? Open wide for daddy…
John Bolton has dual fucking citizenship with Israel.
Look into his goddamn super pac. I'm not blackpilling anything you over-sensitive chode; the guy is ZOG par excellence.
just some of the many zionist heavy hitters that have given vast sums of money to John Bolton or his organizations over the years. The guy was THE traitorous back channel to Israel in Bush 2's admin. He also worked on the PNAC papers, which is like Yinon-plan lite.
Now fellate a shotgun you useless, ignorant torfaggot.
I can't think of a worse person to be in that role than John Bolton. He's the epitome of the deceptively bland Neocohen.
The UN is not a leader, it has no executive power. Don't be a fucking retard, kikes in the US administration aren't disobeying Trump to weaken the UN, they are disobeying Trump to weaken Trump.