This is what globohomo nation-destroying controlled opposition looks like.
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There is no greater evil act and sin in the world than the destruction of Language and a people's history and culture. Absolutely disgusting.
Which party because I fucking guarantee it's only semi conservative and anti immigration because it's run by Jews who don't want Muslims to kill them before they kill the whites beforehand.
If you compare them to other countries they are pretty mild, and unsurprisingly they are pro-Israel.
"Høyre"(conservative party) and FRP(populist anti-immigrant and the most far-right party)
Absolutely fucking disgusting, any far right party should have 3 necessary qualities to ever even be called far right:
1. Being anti Israel– no, pro nuking Israel openly.
2. All members must have 0% Jewish blood, anyone wishing to join must get tested.
3.Never being open to sacrificing one aspect of a nation for another like this fucking party did.
clearly the Norwegians have not learned that their culture has been changed. Learning the old ways is racist because a lot of people in Norway now weren't born there.
They probably are anti illegal immigration only. I guess they still push for more guest workers from Asia and Africa due to (((economical concerns))) and (((christian values))). It's the Australian treatment. Poland and Hungary got the same. Jews always love to play both sides. You can't outsneak th sneaks and Yids are masters when it comes to manipulate and control the masses via democracy.
Great job Norway, uproot your entire civilization just to accommodate the protohominids you've settled into your lands. Can you imagine how much pic related must infuriate jews?
So sad to see the nu-pol boomerspawn here nowadays who self-indentify as right because the marxists self-indentify as left.
What can you expect nowaday's, one can only hope extreme's will be taken eventually.
The party leader for the sweden democrat recently said "They (alternative for sweden) do not think you can become Swedish if you are born in another country, we (sweden democrats) think so".
All the "far right" conservative/anti-immigrant parties are all the same.
And AFS (alternative for sweden) still advocates for granting citizenship after 10 years in sweden + taking a test, even for niggers. They don't believe in race or ethnicity. Odd position for an "extremist" party. They're basically the Sweden Democrats from 10 years ago.
Pure rage.
I wish Norwegian youth now rebels and nerds through history books like never before, on their spare time.
Wtf did "Christian Studies" entail?
Most likely not any of the hardcore stuff, or else there would be a bigger response than simple outrage if they were the regular studies.
What do you mean by "hardcore stuff"?
And there is no greater evil in the world than the jew who pursues the destruction of language, history and culture of other peoples.
Yea, i know. NMR is the only way forward.
Tell them to lute themselves.
better start funding your own testing companies then, because the ones that currently exist usually throw in "1%" yid in every test.
Oh no kids may be forced to learn more math and science Asians instead of fairytales and doge ball!
Don't worry there will be no history where we are going.
But this time we will make it anew, not them.
Government is fucked, but that's a given with (((Americans))) pushing in the West, (((Russians))) in the East and (((Germans))) in the South.
Do not be fooled though, Norwegians are among the most racist white populations out there. Jew jokes are acceptable in basically any layer of society.
An anecdote from a family gathering this last weekend:
'Oh that guy, yeah that's the Jew (he's not, but he's stingy).'
'Jews? You know, when they take a shit, they cry' (I never heard that one before)
'You know who they call the Jews of Europe? The Dutch!' (another uncle)
'That's harsh' (me, the literal nazi, feels the need to balance things out)
And that is what I'd call the liberal side of the family. On my mothers side I have relatives ready to vote for NSDAP.
This is a cut-back not replacement, you stupid fuck.
Yeah, either that or a little nigger.
What about savage nigger cultures like those heart-sacrficing Aztecs or mudhut Africans? Were our ancestors wrong to try and kill those cultures and replace them with civilized white culture?
The words math and science weren't even mentioned in the article to boot, you dumb yid.
I don't know, but we gained nothing and have almost lost everything as a consequence, so I doubt it.
Were they right? As long as they do that to each other it's not our business, when they attack us, that's a different story.
Same thing with the Jews, for me they could all die for their disgusting ritual or mutilating genitals of newborns. But that alone isn't a good reason to kill them. What they do to us is what's really disgusting.
Japs and gooks learn plenty of "fairytales" through their education. Their proficiency in the maths is because they are socially pressured to succeed, while nord teenagers are socially pressured (by the jew media and their peers) to get high on weekdays and wasted on weekends!
No one is refuting this bait properly. The proper refutation is that it is BECAUSE of fairytales that math and science exist.
All inventions come from the FolkSoul of a people. BTFO, kill yourself.
Concepts such as mathematics are abstract, same as folk stories. You need to be able to get one to understand the other. Same with how music and math often aid one another in learning the other.
Yes, you soft fuck. By trying to uplift the monkeys because we felt bad for them, they have an eternal chip on their shoulder because niggers have no sense of empathy, only power. And it's given the Jews the perfect stupid pawns to engage in active violence while Current Year Whites are too cucked to fight back.
Not to mention Cortes and his faggots pissing their genes away and racemixing.
Any of you faggots have the skills to photoshop party symbols with pics of the Nazi history-text burnings in Poland? I feel like memes like that might help Norwegian normies grasp why this is a slippery slope into becoming a shithole with no culture.
Far right is just code for white sovereignty.
Cortez was a Jew.
Their motives were decent, but it was the first time we'd ever tried such a feat. Now we have 500 years of experience telling us that it's not the best path.
Do Norwegians not have impeachment and recall processes?
This is exactly why Breivik purged the young commies
It hurts.
Even shitty cultures deserve to learn about their ancestors and accomplishments [or lack thereof]
Responsible conservatives only care that the invaders of Europe are Muslim, had they been Latinos the responsible conservatives could care less if Latinos became the majority in Europe.
No, this is why. is correct. nu/pol/ is retarded.
Norway is in bed with US, making targeting systems for their military and so on.
It never stood a chance
It isnt. Same path, same destination.
Only because it was a failure. The Spainiards were a bastard people and produced bastard results.
Good thing so many Norwegians complained about it, though. But of course the (((government))) will still push this regardless. Man, Norway needs another Quisling, for he did noting wrong.
My girlfriend is Danish and she was taught about all the old Norse stuff, she has a very strong understanding and love for her culture and believes it's only right to hold onto the old ways.
This is practically the same shit that happened in America, Britain and other Western countries. Say goodbye to your heritage goyim! You don't need to know about that when there's Holocaust myths and slavery legends to tell!
Vikernes was right, there is no political solution, at least not electorally. Coup d'état when?
and by anti-immigrant does it mean they want 200K instead of 300K?
These Religion of Cuck™ic invasion by immigration issues consuming these countries will come back to bite the rest of the world within one generation. It will give them access to advanced weapons, machinery, proximity, etc.
Germans only burned kike propaganda, shill.
But since pooland loved and loves the kikes so much, I wish what you say happened.
Norway is retarded.
Hi FBIfags.
Did you study science in the US?
We need a new civil war. Need to hunt down every leftist and execute them.
Also make sex bots and ability to make kids in labs then exterminate women too.
To be fair the Spaniards only did those things to aid in their quest for gold.
And even then to a bare minimum
yeah and colombus and every other notable european right moishe
you mean (((poland)))
The answer to that question is: No.
They still flay people. They're still degenerates. Santa Muerte is basically a hidden Xipe Totec et al.
Christianity has no power since IT is the actual larp faith that needs missionaries to convince others that their faiths are either wrong or yahweh, really.
By attempting to remove Christianity from the minds of people I am actually stopping D&C.
It's not the "religion" with the most denominations for nothing.
So if Europe changes to something else that's credible too?
there's definitely a few in here
why would they waste their time on a bunch of neets talking about bs?
Reported for trying to pretend we haven't already confirmed the existence of paid shills here.
uh i must've missed it.
Be extreme third position.
Be a National Socialist.
There is literally nothing wrong with what the Spaniards did. Usually just snowniggers or something trying to tear down your achievements
Not true. I had mine done and my wife tested as well. 99.9% European and .1 Native American each. Given how long our family has been here it's about what we expected and it matches with both our families own genealogy research.
Some of you just have kike and nog dna.
What about wanton destruction of every people's history and culture?
Aside from one tribe of course.
First fingolia, now Sweden Yes! and tomorrow norgay, nordics are dying.
The same party also sold out to EU once more. Now we're going to give cheap electricity away, and have our own bills jackes up.
Who the hell manages to get away with giving a better deal to foreigners (in this case the EU) then their own people?
Don't worry, it's just a prank, bro.
Partly, anyway.
Some more Einherjer since the last one wasn't actually a complete album.
I like this band because it's one of those examples where metal basically sounds like folkmusic with distorted guitars instead of jew garbage which someone sparked a discussion about in another thread.
This is what happens when you let Jews live.
If this is what the Norwegian "far right" wants… what the fuck do the leftists want for education?
Meddling with non-whites was the no.1 most stupid decision whites have ever made. Every interaction was a guaranteed loss. These are stone-aged people. We should have just studied them like natural flora and left them to their niggerdly ways.
Teaching them to be "civilized" confuses and infuriates them. It also costs us dearly.
Besides, even if it went well, even if we taught the niggers to be smartz n sheit… what does it benefit us? We would ruin our global hegemony. We would be educating and uplifting our racial enemies for free, so they can out-compete us later. Whites are so goddam stupid it hurts, really.
Plus if they became our "equals" and mingled with us on an even playing field we would absorb their ugly DNA into our gene pool. White people educate proto-hominids just so they can lose their beautiful features and become rootless mocha-colored kinky haired halfbreeds. What a wise investment.
Female neighbour of a friend started higher education last summer. Lately she's been posting on social media about pedo's not getting enough help in the system. Complete ditz before that.
Columbus was Polish. As was Grzegosz Waszington, a well known mason kike who tried to deny the fact the Swedes and Germans are white for destroying his home country, who's home region inspired the American flag. Not to mention, after (((Kosciuszko))) got awarded the order of Cinncinati by his fellow (((revolutionary))) the eagle was (((mysteriously)) favored over the Turkey as the national symbol of America. Muh based Pooland, muh Pissrael greatest ally, two sides of the same coin controlling the Amerigoy since dawn of time.