A to the muthafuckin J, BTFO anti-Trump kike shills

A to the muthafuckin J, BTFO anti-Trump kike shills

Gefilter man can see clearly now the rain has gone, watch him guzzle down muslim leftist tears

Following video is gold:
Alex Jones Breaks Up With Donald Trump Supercut Edition
https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=fBkQJ3OgZqs

Other urls found in this thread:


Go speak nigger elsewhere kike.

mp4 please, you worthless torfag

Not kosher enough for jew?
It ought to be, AJ has been backing the orange kike like jewish pol and you have all this time
Even he has now snapped out of it, while you're still pushing the zionist shit

the music is way too loud and you can't hear whatever the fuck Alex Jones is trying to say your videos sucks and you suck and your YouTube channel sucks go the fuck away and you're not funny

How does one try to act really hard and NatSoc while shilling for jewry on a board as clearly compromised by jews as Zig Forums is


I don't give a shit about Trump I'm telling you YouTube video is shit

globalists hurr Alex Jones is a faget to

What's wrong with using tor? What angle u playing kid?

He's attacking an user for wanting to faintly disguise his IP from jews by using tor (the alternative to that is to use his own paid for ISP set IP) and demanded he fulfills his demand to upload a video, knowing full well tor users cannot do this.

Literally gaslighting kikes using the limitations the jews themselves imposed on the board (tor users being denied full posting rights) to beat them with.

Quite simply the very definition of obnoxious jewish behaviour.

hello hasbara-kun, back to repeating yourself I see :^)


Like I said the other day, I'm pretty sure I'm the only one who does. Others may call you "hasbarafag" but I use -kun because it's a term of endearment in Japanese honorifics. It just means I appreciate you, hasbara-kun :^)

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"We" call,Ha Ha , "we" as in the jewish internet defense force who have openly hijacked Zig Forums,we bravely delete and ban all no jew anons which proves we are better than all the goy who we gaslit into backing our orange kike Tump

Just one question, how does openly insulting and laughing in the faces of every single legit non-jew user do anything other than irritate the non-jews here?
It hardly keeps up the pretense that Zig Forums is opposed to jews when every poster critical of jewry gets banned instantly,just puzzled how Kushner/Bannon thinks your hijacking of this board is clever and subtle enough to maintain the funding for this NeoCon Republican recruitment board

Im not a shill, but you all have glass-fucking skin when it comes to Trump. Accept the fact that he is human, and can screw up. Drop the cult-of-personality bullshit and follow ideals instead of figureheads.

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heres a hooktube link since faggot OP is a kike and wants youtube to get some extra shekels.


i would embed, but it says this file already exists

No, it's not we, it's just me. We just had this discussion the other day, I told you I was denied a mod position.

But it's ok, I understand your purpose in life is to repeat yourself on Zig Forums and I will support you through this tough time in your life hasbara-kun :^)

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Le LoL indeed. Stay gold hasbara-kun

Attached: 1415738446197.jpg (620x427, 49.3K)

That's not a kampfy image, though similarly shitskinned

thats sigorny miyamoto, the CEO of nintendo.