North and South Korea reportedly set to announce official end to war
North and South Korea reportedly set to announce official end to war
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First xDD
What are the kikes going to do if they can't use the North Korean boogeyman anymore?
Animal Assad and his gas Chambers obviously.
Wasn't Trump "pushing" Kim-Jong Un into an escalation of aggression and warmongering? CNN told me so.
LÜGENPRESSE strikes out again. And again
And again
And again
Nuclear supremacy is a road to peace. Based Kim
US will false flag so they don't get kicked of SK.
I guess NK is really scared that the crazy murican kikes are going to invade or nuke them this time so they play good goys.
They'll probably cut things off before a formal peace agreement has been reached.
What repercussions are to be expected should the korean war come to an end and a greater unified korea come into existence? What kind of new boogyman would come into play and how would the asian theater react? I assume China would get in on the fun and start annexing chunks of NK whenever possible. Assad will almost certainly become then next "Dey are a tyrant, goyim, you gotta rattle at them or babies will die in the millions 24/7"
I'll beleive it when I see it.
So now Trump secured his second presidency, what?
Third time over?
Trump didn't have shit to do with this retard
Trump does what Clindon't.
you literally know less than /r/the_donald and that's saying something
And Obama is responsible for the economic growth?
(You) like the peepees.
This will wind up the same as the "re-unification" of Germany - the North Koreans will appear to eagerly accept the new order and in 15 years the whole of Korea will be a commie state.
The Berlin Wall never fell anons, it just became invisible and stretched itself across Europe.
Trump has very little to do with it. America in general has little to do with it. The current president in South Korea campaigned explicitly on making peace with North Korea regardless of what the US thought about it.
All the poz in Germany is from the West.
And you think we'll believe that kikes hate a communist nation they created, you fucking yid?
North Korea is the most prepared-for-war country on Earth, despite exhausted resources and civilians, they could theoretically out live everyone in the nuclear holohoax.
Think about what current kim has to live up to, his grandfather was a God whose image Kim John Il couldn't even keep up with.
Kim John Un lost the kingdom of North Korea, but it was inevitable.
Fixed that for you. All degeneracy pushed upon the west is the result of kike-controlled propaganda distribution..
It's almost as if you hate the West.
That's not true at all, Germany is completely ruled by "former" Communist East Germans.
The current South Korean President campaigned on a platform of removing a witch-cult from power. All South Korean politicians nominally support reunification.
>((("former" Communist East Germans)))
So is the King of North Korea going to try and bail for Switzerland?
Wouldn't it be nice if a Civ Nationalist unifies the Koreas during his first term? It would be the swan song of Reaganism.
And the recession during his reign was clearly due to the republicans before he got into power.
is the SKOR government even considered competent right now?
wasn't it only a year or two ago we found out that their president was in some weird cult and she was being controlled by the ghost of one of the cult's deceased leaders?
Not if we spend the next 4yrs in Syria and Iran.
Religion of Cuck™ic flavor of the year, maybe china with taiwan replacing china as the sweatshop country.
>it has nothing to do with trump TRUMP.
nice job. look how mad this one here is
trump is at over 50% approval rating and just think how high that number is for white gun-owning males and places like cuckchan and the_donald are full of masses of little kids who will inevitably grow up to be even more right-wing
It's not damage control. That is what the current president of South Korea explicitly campaigned on. If the US isn't going to be a consumption sink for South Korean products anymore [either through tariffs or collapsing purchasing power or both] there is no reason for South Korea to play along with being meatshields in a war against their own race. You already saw this play out in the Philippines. Without preferential treatment there is little reason to accommodate Washington.
He explicitly campaigned on pursuing peace and reconciliation with North Korea REGARDLESS OF WHAT WASHINGTON THOUGHT ABOUT IT. That is the difference. There was nothing nominal about it.
It's full of Hannity-tier mouth breathers.
All it takes is the impression that Trump had something to do with peace between the Koreas. Most of the normies don't think twice about foreign politics, only what is served right in front of them. So when something like this happens with all the crap that Trump has tweeted out about Un and a meeting between the two happens later in May, people are going to connect their own dots, misguided or not.
Hannity tells the truth, though. He just can't tell the whole truth. He's just like Tucker in that way.
pick one
Yes, that's enough for the US military cyber shills in this thread.
Hannity is the controlled opposition zogbot. Notice he never says anything negative about israel. He's just there to be the other puppet for "conservatives" to be steered to who don't want to eat from the leftist trough.
Okay, bud. Nice chatspeak. Get a mainstream news show and a family you love very much and see how much the kikes threaten you.
Hannity has spoken in support of nationalism practically weekly. I'm not telling anons to pay for Fox News, I'm just saying there's a definite difference between him and Don Lemon.
I genuinely hope the moderation team is satisfied with the user base they've cultivated.
Said the torposter who has yet to do anything except use buzzwords.
gook lives dont matter
Hannity lied for years and years and years over 9-11, Afghanistan, Iraq. He does it now daily with Iran, Lebanon, and Syria. He is a revolting, anti-nationalist scumbag. The only one using buzzwords is you.
By connect the dots, I mean that they're going to come to their own conclusions.
Okay you got me I'm a newfag and definitely not the goreposter who does his best to kill shit threads every morning at 6 AM while you're still being a bitch and sleeping.
When the JewSA is formally told to fuck off, they'll connect the dots all right.
Shut the fuck up, kike.
Said the newfag.
You know what I haven't done that's a kike tactic? Put words in your mouth.
lmao stay mad, kike. people change fast. a middle schooler who uses the internet a lot (all of them) who has just dipped his feet into the memes and maybe watched a casual clip of tucker carlson or some foolish sjw's on youtube here and there, could so easily become fully 1488'd within just a few years. people get more right wing as they get older, especially when they have such easy access to memes as everyone does now (also consider the fact that image boards are the top echelon for memes. this has been true since the beginning, and has been a commonly known fact since it was happening just as much as it is today back in the heydays of /b/. kids get addicted to the memes and they'll want to go after harder stuff eventually, not knowing that the top of the memes is also the top of the red pill)
Nobody disputed there are younger people [the ~10-25% of them who are actually White, anyway] who are jew aware. Just that you aren't going to find them on the_donald. But YOU stay mad that someone laid a dump on your faggot outpost.
This. When I was in high school, I was full on bluepilled. I thank God for my father watching Fox News, and the shitty Hitler memes I saw back then. Those small steps led me to /new/ in the first place. All it took was a cunt with blue hair giving me a death threat, and it set me on my path.
Okay, torposter. I think it's time for a nap. No, Trump isn't as good as Hitler, but he's a start. Now calm down. I've been around longer than you and I'll keep posting memes you don't recognize to prove it if you really want me to.
He had a part in the sense that other countries take him as a good indicator to distance themselves from the US. Nobody around the world actually likes the US. They only want things from it. If they aren't going to get those things, there is no reason to pretend to be its friend and certainly no reason to keep playing along with its bankrupt military. The process has been going along for decades, though. In Korea specifically, there have many events over decades that have been building to this and the seeds were sewn years ago. Any amount of cursory research into how the North has used racial appeals to capture the minds of the South's policy elite when they are in their university years would make this plainly evident.
Someone has certainly been playing the long game and it hasn't been the US.
He gets points for liking doggos too.
He isn't a start for anyone but the Penny Pritzker/Sheldon Adelson/Alan Dershowitz/Carl Icahn crowd.
Yeah, you got me. I didn't have that one saved, I had to look it up. But it;s not like it's a super popular one.
Cool so I guess we should've let Hillary win in your eyes.
It shakes out all the same. Pritzker and Dershowitz are long term Democrats. The saving grace is that the US is so nigged up, so faggotized, and the israeli-bootlickers like you so increasingly isolated you can't functionally put forth any policy anyway.
the odds of a the_donald browsing kid growing up to be fully jew-wise are very high; practically 100% if he/she is white. the first couple steps are usually the most difficult anyways. if you unironically use sites like that then you may be far away from the end but you've at least taken the first step, and once they're on the track they'll just keep going all the way to 1488. the gatekeepers like jordan peterson and alex jones cant hold them for long. they can even be thought of as "stepping stones" as some people here like to say. reality is conducive to the red pill.
the pendulum is swinging so hard to the right that it's gonna break off of the support and just keep rolling
wtf i'm blackpilled now!
You don't need to be if you live in Norway, or Finland, or Hungary, or Bulgaria. If you live in the US, Canada, the UK, or France, you might want to drive past a school during morning drop off some day [and no, not the one in your 3,000 population hamlet].
Well of course kikes would be, the dems are the actual war party that start wars for kikes most of the time and only since Bush (who ran first as a democrat and lost) and his little neocohen loonies did it change.
Why would he do that? He's about to win.
It's the same trick the Soviets used, didn't you watch your Yuri?
They took root during Ronnie Raygun's tenure. How frazzled he was between the gut shot and the Alzheimer's is a judgement call on how much you want to dump on him, but he certainly welcomed a metric shit ton of kike trash that was being tossed out of the USSR on their ear. So it's really been like ~40 years now.
you also seem to mistakenly attribute a lot of importance to cities *for some reason*
alright torfag i'm going to bed. you cant stump the trump, heil hitler, etc etc.
Because major cities and their suburbs are where most of the population lives. It's the same reason why one would look at the demographics of California, Texas, Florida, and the sprawling greater NYC metro area and its bedroom communities in NJ/CT before one would cast an eye towards Montana or Iowa [wasn't that where the Lubavitcher meth dealer that Trump pardoned was employing underage and illegal mexican slave labor in his kosher slaughterhouse to such an extent that he racially annihilated the entire town?].
you're retarded dude
Thought you were going to bed, Chaim?
Hint: it's not 40 years ago. The US is a nigger-filled, crumbling shit hole that doesn't make anything that can't be bought somewhere else and now the US can't even knock over the tinpot countries its made a habit of doing. You couple that with the Empire levying tariffs and it adds up to not being worth anyone's time anymore. What's the US going to do? Fight everyone? LOL.
They literally could. Not even kidding. If we decided we wanted to conquer the entire planet, we could do it. It would be bloody and brutal, but we could do it. (And billions would die.)
You can say whatever you want, but American whites are some of the greatest people to ever live.
I guess the American bases filled with niggers and spics who waste tax payer dollars on korean hookers can be shut down now.
No, we cannot do it.
When was that? 100 years ago?
We actually could. That you believe we couldn't proves your ignorance on the subject and I'll hear no more about it from someone so utterly clueless about the topic.
Ah. The kike shill reveals himself.
Not looking at the real world evidence where it is failing in real time? Oooooookay.
Yes, you certainly did defending the last century of zionist enslavement and lapdogging.
We did half of it already, or did you think all those overseas bases and runaway military budget were for looks only?
We started on our current abysmal path 100 years ago, but whites america had some prestige even 40 years ago.
Conquering and ruling are two different things. He didn't say we could maintain it.
40 years ago is long, long time. Mostly everyone who mattered then is dead or elderly.
I'm already seeing posts on other sites trying to portray Kim Jong Un in a positive light, a kid thrust into an impossibly difficult role and find peace for his people, while also totally downplaying any possible role Trump could have had on this development. The brainwashing never ceases to amaze me.
Just neck yourself already.
Trump wants bases in North Korea filled with monkeys guarding a puppet regime in charge of mob control during financial crashes.
Those niggers and spics are probably better men than your neet faggot ass.
Go join them then.
Wave your flag somewhere else, Randy.
I know that serious reading has been verboten here for quite some time, but I would strongly recommend reading "The Cleanest Race: How North Koreans See Themselves and Why It Matters" and, if you can find it, "North Korea's Juche Myth" to really understand what is and has been going on in Korea.
Here's a download/online reader for The Cleanest Race.
Fuck off, torkike. Trump making Kim piss his pants changed the game here. Kim knows Trump doesn't give a fuck and would actually flatten his country if he needed to. Without Trump, none of this would happen. I'm sure libtards will try to shaft Trump by giving Moon the Nobel Peace Prize instead, but it will be nothing but another transparent lie that the American people will be able to see through.