'"The French president addressed the European Parliament, laying out his vision for the future of the continent""
"James Crisp, The Telegraph, April 17, 2018"
'"The French president addressed the European Parliament, laying out his vision for the future of the continent""
"James Crisp, The Telegraph, April 17, 2018"
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I can't pin this weird little "jupiterean" grannyfucker down what the hell is his angle?
Watch this fucking faggot try to use this as a pretext to invade eastern European nations to install puppets. The dissolution of the EU can't come any sooner.
This right here. This mother fucker is setting himself up to be emperor of Europe. He clearly wants to push the EU to full blown federation. He will be EU president after this, if that institution survives.
What a fucking screwball
He's bitching that some European nations are resisting the POZ.
This new generation of shabbos goy's are really throwing themselves at the feet of Jewry with vigor.
Same. He seemingly ran on poz, but his words and actions since election have come off as counter. Even here the implications are provided by the journalist, and he clearly jabs at Euro 'democracy'.
shouldnt we be stirring shit up between germany and france to destabilise the EU? or are the english gonna anglo them for us?
I wonder if the zombies realize his entire speech was empty and meaningless platitudes. Like just re-read his statements, he pretty much said nothing of substance. Other than his condemnation of people who dare to disagree with the """Liberal""" orthodoxy.
Checked, daily reminder macron claims journo scum are too stupid to understand his thoughts which if nothing else is downright hilarious
No, he's still spreading poz. He's lamenting that fascism is rising against European Sovereignty, which to him, means a metropolitan Europe free to import niggers unabated who will become perfect Europeans.
Liberal democracy according to Macron is letting muslim and nigger hordes flood your country and destroy everything. Authoritarian means law and order and a national purpose beyond getting drunk, fat and nihilistic on the dole. Our future is not for sale. Our land is not for sale. Our wives are not for sale.
Also, massively reminiscent of this:
The fact that he acknowledges there is a "problem" now means that we are winning the infowar. He would never complain about this if he were not afraid of us winning as there is no such thing as bad publicity: implying, he would not have mentioned it for a fringe or hopeless movement.
b-based Jupiter, right?
does this little faggot think he's Bonaparte or something? Shit won't fly in this day and age.
The fucker doesn't even call it a world war. This absolute king of the cuckoldry implies that eu is a fucking country. I guess he considers himself its king.
We should be happy. He is telegraphing his next moves, which will be meeting with EU insiders and beginning political arrests. One does not simply warn of a civil war and an ideological enemy without a plan to eliminate them. Just watch. Fresh censorship and tolerance laws are inbound.
He says in front of a parliament of unelected parliamentarians, in front of a commission staffed by commissars unelected by no people nor appointed by any legal body.
Bullet to the head for Macron and his saudi sand niggers.
yea hows it going in france ? 3rd year and counting under _MARTIAL LAW_
No its risks being torn apart by the millions of nigs you plan on importing over the next 20-30 years. No different than any other country on the planet.
Honestly its time to go back to our roots in the northern part of the planet. Regroup, rebreed, and reconquista that shit worldwide.
"Thank God we stopped the ebil nazis, so that we can now destroy you with savages."
It does not take a genius to know a civil war in europe is coming. The problem is every other civil country will be dragged into it for no good reason, id rather fight the commies in canada thank you very much.
I know what he is thinking when saying that, but the same can and should be said about europes selfish and reckless immigration damaging racial unity and stability.
Its better than being self loathing and slowly killing yourself and your family to simply look progressive.
the parliament is elected
And they don't make the laws. The unelected officials make the laws.
Because that's what he and all other globalists want. Instead of vastly different cultures close to each other (and, thanks to nukes, pacifically coexisting) they want a bland continent where everyone is the same and it's impossible to tell one generic city from another.
I wasn't aware Europe was a nation?
t. EU citizen
Nothing would scare the rats off the sinking ship faster than a little total war. Win it and then don't let them back in.
Sounds to me like he was a true believer and is feeling jilted now that the EU has shown its true colors. He wants the EU he was sold, not the one he got.
If he's right-wing and pro-white I hope he accomplishes his goal. May he become Napoleon IV if his cause is just.
This fucker are super scared since his shitkins are go wild in the last days, and Orban won in Hungary. It's kinda annoying how many threats he send to Hungary. He probably not aware the fact the hungarians still hold a grude against every france for the Triannon treaties…
Holy shit you're right, every Globalist worth their salt would flee. We literally need anons to take over the airports when shit goes down.
Everyone I talk to in the EU with an IQ over 100 thinks that a war is inevitable within the next 5-10 years. I'm sure Macron has access to government metrics which backs this up.
The French military has war games around Operation Roland. Which is sending in armored columns to reclaim no go zones. Whether it includes genocide the sand niggers there, I can only dream.
t. journo
Too much work. Just nuke New Zealand (where most have bunkers), wait a bit, go there, block the air filters of their bunkers and wait.
Without physical removal nothing will be reclaimed. The army will just wave its dick around for a few days, and things will return to no-go when they leave. Macron (and everyone else) have to know this.
Whether he has the will to act on this knowledge is another question entirely.
Yeah nuke the whites, that's what /pol stands for! /s
I prefer RWDS user-san. Let's get it going. Shit is viral.
Love each other
When Macron talks about war, he means the use of military force against us, the ethnic Europeans. Soldiers aren't going to enter in the no go zones trying to retake them, they will be used against the countries oppossed to mass immigration. That's why Germany and France want an EU Army, to use it against dissident European countries or groups.
No they are not you silly fuck, the PEOPLE have no DIRECT influence on the EU and thus their democracy is a sham. The meps are appointed by the regional parties from countries themselves. Since 1992 it varies how these meps are appointed but for the majority it still is simply the country parties decide who becomes a MEP. Thus MEPS are decided by people who are 'partially' elected to be in government in a specific country. In the EU elections you simple get to decide how many seats a specific party gets to hold.
The parliament in itself is a farce as these parliamentarians have no rights whatsoever the only thing they can do is vote which is yay, nay or abstain. Yet the commission itself has all the power and can constantly re-introduce the same legislation.
The nerve of this frog
This, and it's a good thing. I don't think he's against Muslims or Jews but instead is a classical Frenchman who believes in Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity. He's a million times better than the current Empress of Europe though.
Why does Micro-man hate Poland and Hungary so much?
Oh good try Chaim, he's not the one obsessed with them. That'd be Merkel.
The regimes of France and Germany are in unison when it comes to maintaining the authoritarian grip of the EU and its liberal collectivist evangelism.
He will have to get past one Anthony Blair first.
Holy shit that quote about forgetting history is true, but not for the reason The King of Cuck might consider it to be.
Maybe he is lying, and he knows that stoking EU fears of nationalism will be the perfect WMD hoax to allow the EU to take the final step of becoming the superstate it always aspired to be.
The only thing I can say for sure is that his speech and the EU actions it implies are literally the perfect path to take to accelerate this into civil war. Either he is stupid, or he thinks he will win (and thinks he will win against merkel (or maybe he needs to cuck to another older woman))
At the end of the day it looks like France is en route to another revolution. Wonder if they will win this one?
Yes but each one wishes to rule, and Germoney has been on top, and it's been really shitty for everybody. Jupiter will reassert control.
If you think a decade or two of EU evangelism is enough to meld French and Germans into one race you don't pay attention to history.
Macron has an army still, Merkel doesn't. What do you even mean with your "if he can win?"
Feminism means women will participate in this world war. Expect hordes of French nationalists to descend on the robber barons of the cities.
It would help if you bothered to read the post properly, instead of injecting your assumption of supremacy into my statement.
Macron might have an army, but that's assuming he gets to use it before Belgians or Austrians get to defend germany from him (or more likely shut themselves off and call for AmeriDad's army)
I dont think he will get to use it on the Krauts anyway in a case where the EU is weak enough to seize the day because it will be too busy dealing with his own Revolutionaries, army Mutineers, and Religion of Cuck™ists.
In any case, If he does try to seise control I can bet pretty safely that Poland, Finland, Czech Republic, Hungary and possibly even Greece will just split off. The east has the military might to say No to EU aggressions. Ukraine will probably become Russia+ in that scenario too.
Serious thought though, I think that Germany in the coming years might have their Antifa try and form the new Weimar if the EU gets too weak. We all know how that goes…
Germany has an army, it's just that their organization is a joke, it isn't even centralized so if they were forced into a real war they'd have more problems than Japan in WW2 with their competing Navy and Army.
White horse, ISIS triumph, Macron proclaimed protector of the EU, crowned Emperor shortly afterwards. He rules justly, though his distant subjects grow tired of his centralised taxation policy, constant greed and secular mono-culturalism. The reich ends with the sacking of Paris by Berbers.
I would love all the Africans back in Africa.
Kaiser Jupiter is taking the bogpill
How can there a civil war in a voluntary union? If they want to leave, they should be allowed to fucking leave.
Its not democracy when we lose!!!! wahhhhhhhhhh!!!
Didn't you know, the American civil war covers Europe …..
The smart one if he wants to try to keep power, if he doesn't lay on any poz, the leftists reject him, if he lays on too much, the right will reject him.
Until he starts pulling something out, I'm just going to suspect he's trying to play both fields in order to keep his position and little more.
Is anyone in any of these armed forces really going to start shooting other whites over migrant disputes????
These liberals shit leaders will have to fill their ranks with shitskins first before anyone will enforce it.
To slay the beast you must remove its heads.
At this point the swedecucks and britcucks would.
Swedes, Germans, Brits, French, etc.
I don't think the British armed forces are cucked, just Britain in general. Only army I can really see shooting other whites is Germany due to the thick guilt propaganda. Italy sure won't, France might but the French Millitary is pretty nationalist, they would have to pull people from the ex-French colonies, and niggers have no strategy.
The Generals would order, but can you really see the rank and file invading Hungary and Poland over Religion of Cuck™ic migrants. I think we are too far along in the counter propaganda for that.
The British military was key in the Brexit vote. The British weapons industry wanted its market back and the EU was cutting into that.
Likely they would send in millitary in order "restore order" after some Religion of Cuck™ic riots or attempted coup, and then once deployed, they would suppress the whites "counter" revolution in the name of keeping the peace.
Its the same game plan they use everywhere.
And at the end of it "(((liberal democracy)))" wins. Same as WW2.
Germans have AfD and large percentage of Germans in polls say they miss Hitler and that he did nothing wrong. Not even Brits have that. Germany at best will turn civil war mode. The islanders are otherhand are straight cucked.
Oh we would see some good old fraggings of commanding officers but the whole point of military training is to get the grunt cunts to follow orders without question.
Many here don't know the situation of the French army: it's infested to the core.
A huge proportion of low-level soldiers are not white. There are many niggers, not even the worst in France, but importantly many muslims from Northern Africa, Turkey etc…
If civil war or European conflict starts, at least half the army will refuse to fight against their "brothers" and will side with shitskins. Officers are scared pussies and even during French operations in Africa, some soldiers refused to shoot or didn't obey orders because of this.
Source for frog speaking anons, from 3mins on.
> hooktube.com
And shit like this is why the Roman Empire fell. Never let foreign barbarians defend your nation and be your armed forces.
Shitskins like being soldiers, it is a good job. Here is French's army recruiting campaign.
That very picture is source, all the bits with Adolf talking to passerby in that film were candid responses
">“suffered the luxury of forgetting what happened to our ancestors”.
Funny, because Poland and Hungary haven't. The nerve. The absolute nerve of this faguette.
he is a jew
I am sure they are working on it as we speak
What was the name of that famous french general who got arrested for protesting the invasion?
who can disagree with such digits?
Kek is clear
He wants RWDS
That method kept them alive for another 500 years. 1000 for the eastern empire.
Digits don't lie
wew i forgot pic related
most of the powers that be are already in redoubts all over new zealand and elseswhere
The French military is a mess. When shit is going to hit the fan they will be fighting each other. The shit skin inside the French army are already refusing order and asking for "privilege".
I'm very sorry to say this but it is going to end in a blood bath.
Hungary and Poland are the least of this faggot's problems.
This is very strange. In the US spics, niggers, and saracens enter the military for gibs but the combat forces are more white now than they were in Vietnam or WW2, 96% white men. The army has in fact created an independent combat logistics branch because it could not depend on the non-combat units filled with faggots, women, and mudmen. None of the aforementioned can pass the physical or map tests required to qualify for combat regiments.
How are these niggers getting into the combat units in France? Are the requirements that lax?
No doubt he's under orders to hold his position for as long as possible, considering FN came within a cunt hair of getting in.
FN are no doubt pozzed, kiked civnats in the end, but Western Europe is already shitting itself over the slightest "official" lurch to the right.
This man will be the next Hitler if dubs.
according to the lisbon treaty the EU can form a paramilitatry police force that can be used to enforce Brussles policy in memeber states where the local goverment and police fail to do so.
tl;dr: the EU wants its own KGB
how nice of them to send us guns and traitors to kill
>disagreement in the collective path is war and the opposite your side is responsible goy
Disgusting crypto-commie. And then they wonder why East Euros don't want this.
theyll be taking down known dissidents first you know. first the reliable guys get taken out by local law enforcement and intel agencies, then the media has a propaganda campaign that "all is ok goys", and if that doesent work the real crackdowns start.
A bucket of nails, roll of tinfoil, gallon of bleach, scissors, and a match - and you're in.
If you are a white man from a small town or who wants to go into higher education but does not have money, joining military is one of the very few options available. Most men who in the past would go on to become farmers, miners, or work in manufacturing, can't anymore, so now they join the military.