Israel setting stage for Iranian false-flag attack


Pic related are the bases in Syria that Israel claims have Iranian military contingents in. Expect these to be destroyed in the next "ONE TIME" attack volley.

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Russia and China should nuke Israel.
Wipe the board.

Might explain why Israel launched an electronic attack on the Syrian radar systems. They're planning to shut them down so they can sneak in to perform their false flag operation. They always follow the same play book, even their famed 'Operation Entebbe' involved dressing up as Ugandan soldiers and a fake Limo pretending to be Amin. They always go for the sneakiest option.

Kek, and Russia will just sit like cucks and let Israel kill any Russians in Syria.

Israel can't be touched by Russian or Arab hands and everybody knows it. If Ivan wasn't such a pussy bitch he'd bomb the shit out of Israel and chase the twenty thousand ISIS camping in the Golan south, but Ivan's a big bitch.

I unironically want to see a draft. Nothing makes a pansy leftist wet themselves with fear like going to war against the enemies they advocated for war against.

Bring on the draft.

It'd just be like boomers in Vietnam again.


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Nothing will happen.

Obviously Israels just going to launch drones and say it was Iran.


Yeah sure schmuck. Israel doesn't really want that greater Israel plan to work, they're content without having any resources. They'll just learn to trade with their neighbors.


Just draft the fucks. Fuck Israel but fuck lefties even more.

You jew-party fags are the worst.

Shit tons of lefties were drafted for Nam. Same will happen this time around.

You're going to get drafted to fight for Israel and you're going to enjoy it. I can tell you're a leftie.

The only people drafted will be farmboys from middle America. Uber libtard coasters will all develop "bone spurs" and find other reasons to gain deferments to avoid zog war. I don't blame them for doing it (it isn't a just war), just the boys in Cansas won't have that option.

Kansas. (I'm not American)

Remember when this was a National Socialist board?

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It is, and always will be. Everyone else is just visiting.

good news is that this destabilizes race relations


Nope, Pajeet Haley already said in the UN that there is a planned gas attack stateside, she even said it'd take place in Bloomberg-controlled NYC.

We'll catch some Iranians and say it was Russian gas and all of a sudden those unemployable lefties will have a job - fighting for Israel.

Nah, there are no National Socialists here. Just larping Jews.

Try talking to them about the details, they don't know shit. They do have lots of edgy anime images with swastikas though.

I'd be surprised if there was a single National Socialist here.


You first. Make sure to shout something that we'll recognize before you go out in a blaze of glory.

Everyone here has read the NSDAP platform, and key works by Gottfried Feder.

Stay salty kike, Israel is toast


I know, I've read my Bible.

No u will go out. One of our anons will shoot you gavrilo princip style lousy worm

Silver linings, I guess.

No they won't, just like you won't dehumanize yourself and face to bloodshed, because you're a pussy and a Jew and a Fed and a boomer.

The military is large part white supremacist due to statistics (aka common sense) and combat redpills.

Jews don't count, TORah poster.

Nice troll attempt. Sadly you show your incompetence since I criticized you on one dimension whereas you resort to additional non-sequiturs to boost you shit point. Nigga I iz user not your doll

Hitler liked the Jews so much that he let them serve in the military and he didn't even gas any of them.

I can see your nose hiding behind the TORah kike.

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I'm just pointing out that you're a pussy who won't do anything, and a Jew.

If you want something to happen you have to lead by example.

So why didn't he gas the kikes? Why'd he let quarter kikes stay and even join the military?

Makes sense the jews would do such a thing. Since kike contractors own so much of the war implements (((they))) could even make sure the goys have a bad kit and suffer throughout the war effort with needless deaths so the white death count goes even higher.

This would also defuse any anti-Israel sentiment in the states as future generations would think of Israel like any of our other allies of the past whom their fathers fought for.

Too true, lucky for you user. That's a quality silver lining if you ask me.

That'd be a lovely sight.

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Remember that reversal of transgenders being allowed to serve front line?
Yea, the one you were all cheering about.
Leftists won't be conscripted, they will just claim they're trannies and prove it with a blood sample showing depressed testosterone levels (caused by soy milk). War has always been a means to cull the power-threat to the ruling class. The power-threat is always strong White men.
When the working and so-calledmiddle-classes become too powerful and tire of being milked dry by kikes and White elites, a war is engineered and the best genetics are killed off.
True story: A young Russian woman once told me that the reason so many Russian ladies look for Western husbands is not anything to do with money, or getting a passport. It's because they believe (rightly or wrongly) that WW2 wiped out the majority of the Russian men with good genes and left the cowards, the retarded, the physically infirm etc, so much so that today it's virtually impossible to find a Russian man with good genes who hasn't already been taken.
She was from a rich family and after she married her Westerner she didn't even bother applying for a passport. The guy she married was unemployed and had no education or trade skills. She didn't care about any of that, because she knew that, since he had good genes, she could build him into a quality husband. 10 years later he was on 6 figures (UK). The motivating power of a good, loyal woman is profound.
tl;dr war is the method whereby jews and elite Whites kill off their competition.

Kek, no, lefties would absolutely be thrown into the mess just like they were in 'Nam. It would create a lot of anti-Israel sentiment as well as being an incredible escalation.

War for Israel is what we already have, why not make it official? I can tell you're a lefty and your britches are soiled by the thought of having to get up at 5AM and doing push-ups.

You anons realize that if there is war for Israel and the US institutes the draft, that there will be incredible social pressure on Jews from other Jews to join up or even invoke their right of return to fight for their land, don't you? They would flock to Israel to defend it.


It's also really easy to spot sarcasm you obnoxiously stupid niggerbrain.

You're too stupid to post here, begone.

Stop trying, Moishe.

The kikes are literally diaper wearing cowards.They aren't going to lift a finger.

Just prepare for the greatest anti-war protests since 'nam.

Germans swore they would target jewish civilians if international jewry made war upon their nation, and then they made good on their threat.

Say it with me, user:

I am a threat to the ruling class
I am at war; today until victory

Say this aloud every day, with conviction and pride.

The libtard coasters already have their made up medical marijuana certificates.

Reminder that Iran and Syria are just bussiness interests to Russia. They don't really care about them in the long run. Trump and the (((globalists))) called their bluff

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Would Russia shoot down those air craft?

There will be no draft because any attempt to institute one will have similar reaction to gun confiscation. What will likely happen is continued false flag attempts. We should already be organizing anti-war protests in front of AIPAC and the Israeli consulates and embassies, armed if necessary.

So happy to be living in a time where I get to see Israel wiped off the map. Sad to be rooting for the other side but with Trump turning out to be yet another bitch POTUS, there's really nothing left to do but hope the CIA, FBI and other traitors in the military get abused worse than McCain by the Asians.

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This is a stupid meme. Why wouldn't Iran go through the Caucus and link into Russia's existing pipeline network? Likewise, Qatar can go through Egypt or Israel instead of Syria.

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You first FBI.

What Israel seems to forget is the only reason america ever enters a war is because we get attacked on our own soil

From ft Sumter, to gulf of tonkin, to pearl harbor, to 9/11.

Americans arent going to enter a war unless someone does a super 9/11 false flag

Right on queue.

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You mean like a Lavon Affair or a USS Liberty?

What disgusting people. If more Americans saw what Jews are really like, without the filter, their support would dry up overnight.

That's not even hard. Tell American Christians to ask Jews if they accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior, Messiah, Master, and King.

See the problem is they're used to people not accepting Jesus. What they never get to hear is the account in the Talmud of Jesus in hell being boiled in excrement.


Don't be a nigger.

1) Qatar could send pipeline north through Iraq into Turkey.
2) Qatar could send pipeline west through Jordan and Israel then ship via Mediterranean.

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2 years


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Ron paul should do an AMA in this thread

Did we get under your skin torpedo?

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Muh oil is babby's first conspiracy theory. Syria is being taken down primarily to secure Israeli secutiry interests by preventing an Iran-Lebanon axis, the pipeline is just a juicy bonus for the gulf sandmerchants.

Oy vey goy wouldn't a draft for Israel be hilarious XD???

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It would just to see the reaction from all sides. They could institute all the drafts they want but the majority will just tell the gov to f off. Good luck arresting 100M+.

We're talking about what Russian energy can do here, not Qatar. The countries you listed will not allow that. Also, for going through Iran, can you not see that there is something convenient about sea transportation compared to ground? It is efficient af look it up you should know this. Ultimately though, it is not kikes wanting to block Russia's pipeline, it is kikes wanting fresh water in Syria and a destroyed Iran a la PNAC. All the oligarchs in Russia are already kikes. They care about their shekels sure, so they maintain Iran and Syria to ensure safe passage for their product. The larger non Russian contingent of kikes however, could give no fucks about a few Russian kike shekels going away because Russia bailed on Iran and Syria defensively and as a result those two nations shut out Russian energy. So, you will see Russia give up Syria and Iran as the larger kike contingent causes a few Russian kikes to lose out on their own shekels. They will probably be rewarded in the end anyway.

Korea attacked the United States?

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babbies first redpill. It's all about Greater Israel.

There is a gun pointed at your head.
You must choose one.
Do you

A) Pray to the wailing wall?

B) Pray to the Black cube?

Attached: Jerusalem-Wailing-wall-2.jpg (1200x900 459.85 KB, 425.55K)

Encircle the cube in a herd while getting your face pressed against the perpendicular sides of the rectangular surfaces. Tell me it is a joke?

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What if nukes don't exist?

Would be nice and the one of the greatest hoaxes they pulled off. Nowadays I can't be certain of anything. Wouldn't be surprised

They don't, it's all a hoax.

Moon landing is up there too, that's not even a competent hoax by today's film school standards.

I'll choose the wall

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Maybe the Russian women are fucking whores who want to hustle some dumb Westerner out of their money.


Discarding the fact that most of the
"Moon rocks" handed out the foreign musea's did not come from the moon.

:^) Did you know that the "mushroom cloud" photo of Hiroshima was of a fire storm, and had nothing to do with any nuclear weapon? jej

The rabbit hole…
…it beckons, not you. But others. Others will come. They always come. Down the rabbit hole, Agent.

Now would be a good time to point out that the evidence of a ball Earth is weak. It is a matter of faith, actually.

torfag posting the same shit in every thread. we get it, tor wants a draft.

Alternatively they could be trying to manipulate the radar system itself to serve as part of the false flag. Tricking it to fire upon a desired target (like a U.S aircraft) would allow them to frame Syria for provoking direct confrontation. However even an attempt of such electronic warfare would see Russia respond with their own.

The kikes don't want to start a techno-war with Putin.

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In your dreams

White people love their martyrs.

the ron paul is nice but i think it'd be better without it

I can't believe how many normalfags I know buy into the whole "Assad is gassing his own people" narrative.
Does nobody remember the "weapons of mass destruction" lie? All the lies told from 1998 to 2014 surrounding Libya, Iraq and Afghanistan?
Why the fuck should we trust what they're saying about Syria?

Boomers. Boomers, man.

rolling for false-flag

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