Korean War ENDING!!
Bumping with pictures of NK.
North Korea doesn't exist.
This is what the infamous night time satellite photographs showing a total absence of lights outside the tourist/media staging areas told us.
Of course, the kikes spun the data in a panic, to fit the narrative - "they can't afford electricity."
NK is a CIA controlled theme park on an epic scale, very useful to have a bogeyman to take the heat off you/justify any foreign policy decision on the grounds of "threat from the rogue state of NK".
blue pilled anons who still believe what the television tells them will go '>>>/x/'
Looks like I accidentally stumbled into Zig Forums what with all this commie worshipping.
I keep fucking up and posting multiples.
Okay I'm bored.
Y'know I really adore the old school clothing and quaint village pictures. The propaganda art style too. The cheap commie block buildings, empty streets and red flags, not so much.
You can see daylight through every single window on those skyscrapers aside from the ones where the perspective puts the ground behind em.
Are they not even using those buildings are storage space for anything?
You need something to store to use them as storage space. Sorry if I'm repeating images I'm less than sober and should have just posted them in order.
Alright, keep your dick in your pants you filthy yank. We don't need more hapas.
10/10 would lynch
The empty streets are great. Proving that it's people that make a place shitty.
Go to bed uncle Joe
They are so backward over there.
Military Industrial Kikeplex BTFO
With the war ending, it could turn out to be something pretty nice. Or he could forget to ban the Talmud and end up with a copy of the South.
Jesus Christ. Shoot the fatarse already.
I dont understand, are there a select number of fags who love North Korea, or is it seriously government sponsored shilling?
Probably the former, unless they outsource the shilling
Both, but not at the same time. Zig Forums used to ironically "love" North Korea as a joke. Shills thought Zig Forums was serious and made the meme unironic, taking away a meme from Zig Forums but also making it easier to pro-Communist shills. So losing the North Korea meme is ultimately a win.
It was never a joke here.
North Korea, despite its faults, is an ethnostate, and a judenfrei one at that.
Read BR Myers' the Cleanest Race. North Korea is heavily influenced from WWII Japanese Militarism. Even most of their slogans are modified Imperial Japanese ones.
everyones gonna also joke they are serious. its still a commie shithole no matter how kike free they are. oh wow an inbred chink commie dirt poor ethnostate. their muh values dont matter when they are starving or at least malnourished. thats apefrica tier.
Yeah but gooks are unoriginal shits with no culture. They only exist to be slaves to the Chinese, Mongols, or Japanese master race. That is the only purpose of the lowly gook existence.
Oy vey, what about the memory of the 5 millions innoshunt pepole killed by dem Nork natzies?!? According to (((reliable sources))), Kim's grandfather literally ate babies with his bare hands.
NK soldiers in the war also claimed that Americans ate POWs, tortured anyone they captured, raped nonstop, etc.
< North Korea is communist! Don't you hate commies?!? I'm not trying to cheaply b8 you here, fellow Whites.
< Juche? The Cleanest Race? Never heard of it.
Thought so.
More like killing a whole lot of North Koreans for the lulz.
The question is, do they know what Eisenhower did after WW2? No idea if the Mein Kampf distribution story was true but how redpilled are they really? And can they get any more redpilled about the causes of WW2, National-Socialism etc?
To start with, what books on Hitler and th 3rd Reich would be good? -) Finland in the eye of the storm by Erkki Hautamäki would be good but have found no english traduction so far.
gross. No wonder suicide is so high over there (both north and south).
No, they're controlled opposition. Israel has been caught multiple times bribing the Norks with gold in direct violation of international sanctions. Whenever they get caught, the Jews just issue empty promises to stop, and then continue anyway.
Just because a commie country is free from central bank fiat shenanigans doesn't mean that it's immune to all forms of kikery. There are different tricks for different economies, and the Jew always tries to play both sides.
"The greatest ally" is also the greatest traitor. How much more will they compromise US security to the chinks I wonder.
So is the Republic of Congo.
All African kangdomz are multicultural, except it's just different kinds of nogs so you don't notice
The scramble for Africa and the subsequent decolonization gave us the worst fucking looking borders ever, plenty of races are butting heads with each other in the same country.
< NK is compromised, fellow Polacks!
Yep. I remember the documentary aired last year, the niggers all have to this very day, are apart of tribes and are constantly in a state of tribal warfare and enslave each other and shit but the world turns a blind eye to it because absolutely nobody expects better from niggers. Nobody.
Sad about the koisan being genocided though. From what I know, they're the only truly nice niggers in all of Apefrica.
>Yes fellow POLs, North Korea is a poor starving communist dictatorship! We totally can't let them have nukes, that would be a threat to ZOG - erm I mean world peace!
Bumping with waifus; some of em are probably Chinese
You would know NK is a monarchy if you're from here.
All just a carrot on a stick so a bunch of fat commies can continue sipping wine and snort coke with expensive whores. I find it hilarious that Zig Forums can fall for superficial show of nationalism so easily.
that explains why Bubba would want to go there at least.
It would be fucking retarded for Kim to give up his nukes. He must keep them if he wants to keep his country. Even if the two Korea's would come to an agreement, and reunite, it would be massively retarded to give up nukes, that could protect them from a Chinese or American invasion (or at least make the costs higher).
Dubs confirm, but you make the mistake of assuming Fatty Ching Chong and the General Tso Chickens want to keep their country.
The not-kimonos are pretty cute.
On a somewhat related note, I think it says a lot about communism that the only country on Earth where it even sort of works is a small Asian country. Large population (Russia, China)? Mass death. Small population? Still mass death, but not complex enough to collapse. You can admire their traditionalism, nationalism, tenacity in the face of NWO, but you must always remember their system is fucked.
You enlist yet brah? Oh wait, you're just shilling, I forgot
You're not from here, kike.
libtards claim this is despite Trump, refuse to acknowledge his banter worked
Considering there is virtually no one in the country who is not ethnically Korean, the nationalism doesn't seem very superficial at all.
I thought it read 'plow me'
That's because non-Koreans aren't queuing up to live in North Korea. If they were I'm sure they'd be let in, but not let out.
US Soldier portrayed as a jew… Really makes you think…
Spamanon here. I'm just fascinated by NK. Not much more to it tbh.
shit, i was hoping for nk to launch nukes
w-well, at least i can still hope for russia or maybe china
The only good niggers from Africa are the Ethiopians because they converted to Christianity, fought back invaders, apparently created a proto-Arabic language and spread it Eastward, were the only race that tried to Westernize on their own instead of waiting for gibs and actively try to fight back their own negro genes.
Deep State
n June 26, 1949, Kim was assassinated by Lieutenant Ahn Doo-hee (안두희; 安斗熙). Ahn burst in and shot him four times while he was at home, reading poetry. Ahn stated that he killed Kim because he saw him as an agent of the Soviet Union. On April 13, 1992, a confession by Ahn was published by Korean newspaper Dongah Ilbo. In the confession, Ahn claimed that the assassination had been ordered by Kim Chang-ryong (김창룡; 金昌龍), who served as the head of national security under the Rhee administration. Ahn was murdered by Park Gi-sheo (박기서; 朴琦緖), a follower of Kim's, in 1996. According to Bruce Cumings in his 1981 books, another possible motive for the assassination was Kim's alleged connection to the assassination of Song Jin-woo (송진우; 宋鎭禹), a leader of the Korean Democratic Party (KDP) who had chosen to work closely with the American military government. In 2001, declassified documents revealed that Ahn had been working for the U.S. Counter-Intelligence Corps, leading to suggestions of US involvement in the assassination.[9] However, some have questioned the evidence for these accusations.
this man was part of the Andong Kim clan, currently ruling North Korea. The USA has made a fucking mess of Korea for more than 100+ years, and the Japanese cunted it up for far longer.
no one in America even understands what it is like to be able to point to being the 31st generation, or the 21st generation, or the 11th generation child of a long lived family. Kim Koo was killed by the USA and the Andong Kim clan now rules North Korea to this day, legitimately. Kim Jung-un is a direct descendant of this family, the Andong Kims, and there are more than 500,000 of them in North Korea.
In the early morning of 8 October 1895, the Hullyeondae Regiment, loyal to the Daewongun, attacked the Gyeongbokgung, overpowering its Royal Guards. Hullyeondae officers, led by Lieutenant Colonel Woo Beomseon, an ardent supporter of the Daewongun, then allowed a group of Japanese ronins, specifically recruited for this purpose to infiltrate the palace, allegedly under orders from Miura. Upon entering the Queen's quarters (Okhoru Pavilion), the assassins "killed three court [women] suspected of being the queen. When they confirmed that one of them was Min, they burned the corpse in a pine forest in front of the Okhoru Pavilion, and then dispersed the ashes." Empress Myeongseong was 43 years old.
No they're just costing us billions in aid and conduct weapon trafficking with China. Your goy shoah isn't coming, go suck Moloch's dick more.
and stupid fucking americans think it wise to use Japanese poxies in Korean and Chinese issues when watching this popular movie (The Sword With No Name) and the dozen others like them, both Chinese and Korean, showing the brutality by the Japanese lurks just under the surface today. The 2 Koreas should declare peace.
download the movie about Princess Deokhye, the Last Princess (Hangul: 덕혜옹주) she was to wed Kim Jang-han (Andong Kim clan) by an arranged marriage as was the custom by Emperor Gojong, her father. Kim Jang-han was a leading figure fighting the Japanese in the mountain of North Korea.
We're talking about North Korea, not Israel, (((user))).
What is that machine making anyway?
It's good that you recognize that they are doing it correctly at the root level. Or were you trying to portray nigger-magnetism as a shining feature of an apex civilization?
Is it bad that I unironically want to visit Best Korea? Most pictures make it seem maximum comfy.
South Korea is very lucky to have such an honorable neighbor.
I feel for you, OP, but I'm going to sage regardless.
No shit? Prosperous countries will always be nigger magnets because they want gibs. Making your country an unlivable shithole is not the solution.
Of course they do, they're the only ones officially released by the state. Eastern Bloc countries did the same thing.
It's a glue factory. People had fun shopping this pic a while back.
It's a facade though, just like old Soviet and Cuban propaganda made them out to look like heaven on earth.
t. CIAnigger
The US is the largest debtor nation in history. It's not prosperous.
Niggers want a niggerized society that caters to niggers? Hard hitting analysis. It goes right over your head that the West is a niggerized society that caters to them, though.
Correct. That's why the future of civilization is in Asia, not the West. It just keeps going right over your head [well, not really. It's obvious you're a mil-shill].
South Korea is the most emasculated shithole the world has ever seen.
Only a faggot would disagree.
Kim declares suspension of nuclear weapons testing
The madman actually did it.
Did Trump even help in these talks?
Amazing what you can achieve by not acting like your opponent is the devil itself.
amazing what a change in leadership can do