Polish government announces new pro-white policies

Stepping up its controversial plans to encourage an increased birthrate for native Poles the PiS party has announced a raft of new policies designed to support families and drive up birthrates.


New program for "patriotic motherhood", Mama+

So far the PiS policies have only seen limited success with a mere 0.5 increase in the birthrate from 1.1 to 1.6 since taking power.

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Only? That is huge. It's practically a 50% increase in births. If these new programs squeeze another 0.5 out, their birth rate is effectively above replacement level.

Yeah but it is a bit racist…


from last year

I'm pro all of this increased white birth rate talk.
Hungary and Poland can expect a huge increase in white right leaning immigration from people bailing on their destroyed home countries. Shitlibs will remain behind because they're rich enough to not live next to the hoards of nogs or brainwashed enough to want nog kids.

So with what other countries' money are they gonna pay for it?

Good for Poland! It's nice to see some politicians doing the right things for a change.

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and remember, don't mention that the entire Polish baby-boom is paid for by money shamelessly taken by force from White families in Germany, UK and France.

Polish fertility increase comes at the direct expense of the fertility rate in Western Europe.
Fuck your globalism.

The money for this is coming from a new tax on banks and finance.

Kill yourself


Praise kek for Zig Forums

That's fine, that money comes from money shamelessly taken by force from White families in Ireland. In the EU what goes around comes around.

Makes me seriously wonder..
If I will be able to live through the resurgence of the Polish Nation… or maybe even play a major role in it.

Bad goy, you're only supposed to criticize White Genocide measures against your country when the tool used to carry them out is non-White.
Everyone knows that Whites in Western countries are cucked and deserve to have their wages taken and given to Poles. Why the fuck should Polish families not receive British child benefits for children not even in the UK?
Get with the white genocideprogram goy, are you anti-White or something, shlomo?

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I think strategically Poland is a better choice over Hungary because it isn't land locked otherwise I would choose a place like northern canada, greenland or iceland if I were planing out the next 100 years.

You sound exactly like a leftist crying about "racism". Thanks for proving how Polish migrants take to screaming discrimination, like a duck takes to water.

15 seconds apart, same message
You are supporting a measure designed to reduce White births in Western countries because you are a kike. The Poles engaging in predatory mass migration/resource extraction are willing accomplices, hardly surprising that Poland was called an "oasis of Jewry in Europe" by the kikes themselves.

Yeah poland is gonna be an ethnostate no mutts / (((mutts))) allowed; the great task for us poles is how to remove the jews we still have that are trying so hard to blend in

Look at this kike doubling down trying to sow division; Someone already said earlier that this money was stolen by the jewishunion; your nations are a jewish racket that pilfers nations like ireland and some kike like you has the chutzpah to blame polish people. See how you fail to name the jew and try to make this into an eastern western europe dichotomy? Poland is central europe and its holding strong. Kvetch some more about what those naughty poles are doing with your shekels

The funny thing is, if the roles were reversed and millions of the lowest CHAV scum from British council estates flooded Poland to undercut the Polish working-class, created ghettos, burdened the Polish health and education system with the babies they shit out as soon as their feet touch the ground, committed a national crime wave (the London crime epidemic is as much Polish as it is nigger), allied with jewish and non-white "anti-racism" groups, flouted labour and housing laws at will, largely avoided paying income tax, car insurance or road tax, shit-talked the locals at every opportunity and whined about how bad the country is, etc etc etc.
No one would support it, everyone would take the side of the Poles having their livelihood, chances of raising a family, and quality of life destroyed, and agree with the inevitable backlash which would see companies hiring the British wage thieves burnt to the ground, British immigrant housing destroyed, and hostile British immigrants attacked and killed in the street.
And this would be the correct response from a nation with a functioning immune system.
But the target isn't the Poles, it's the Brits, the French, the Germans - i.e ethnicities which the kike actually fears. The kike doesn't fear the Poles, because they are his ally.

England has been in bed so long with the jews that no one has sympathy for you cunts youre right


followed immediately by:

Funny how this is exactly the same argument used to justify shitskin immigration.
Basically an argument from punishment, thereby confirming that you recognize the deleterious effect of Polish immigration, but believe "they deserve it."
You're the kike, and like any kike would, you support measures calculated to reduce White birthrates in the target nation, which is exactly what is happening.

Yeah france england and germany are really making the jews nervous and poland is being praised by jews the world over

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Ireland is whiter than you

Another "they deserve it".
Your attitude and use of leftist justifications speaks for itself, nothing more to add.

Where are you from?

Nah poles arent the problem they are the side effect they are coming over to work. Welfare pakis and (((eternal anglos))) are your problem, nigs are your problem

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America was made because england wad irredeemably pozzed long ago. You are on a sinking ship.

How did you find this place?

Yeah 4-d chess rite

The sad thing is, you think your d&c is stealthy.
After this thread is gone, you will still be jewish.

Poland is considered to be one of the most anti semitic countries in the world today have you ever met any polish people?

About as stealthy as a big nose poking out from the darkness.

well, good
ZUS is a Ponzi scheme anyway
Yay, no money in the budget but gotta give more gibs to Karynas
It's 1.3 billion EUR. Literally nothing.

I'm from Poland, used to be a Korwin party member. Make no mistake about it, PiS are 100% kosher. Their policies may sound nice on paper, but there's one issue: where's the money gonna come from? We have a massive Ponzi kike fraud scheme named 'pensions' waiting to collapse in 10-15 years or so. They're just promising more and more gibs and pandering to their electorate since we're having local elections this November and then parliamentary ones in 2019 and they really want to win. The only good thing about them is that they're not blatantly anti-Poland unlike the globalist parties such as .N and PO. By the way, not many know it here, but we imported about 1.5 million Ukrainians to do low-wage jobs, which of course resulted in a part of our populations that now has to compete with hohols for nigger-tier wages. Instead of importing new workers and promising more gibs, increase the standard deduction and lower taxes.

One last footnote, our birthrate went from ~1.2 to 1.44, not 1.6.

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You speak the truth pis is a stepping stone poland needs to face the jewish question none of this ourjew shit with morawiecki


My divide and conquer? Im trying to prevent racial infighting amongst europeans quit projecting

What are you some swarthy mediterreanid?

We want PiS to win a plurality and meme Korwin/Wolnosc (preferably) or Kukiz into parliament. If they form a coalition, we could keep their spending in check and cut taxes and regulations while maintaining patriotic and Polish values (for those unfamiliar with Polish politics, Wolnosc is considered far-right; very pro-free market also most party members are either nationalists or patriots and Kukiz is a center-right alternative)

Far-right socially?
Which are they?

Just another ethnic minority claiming to be attacked, to increase pity and gibs.
(((Hey Piotr, whatcha doin?)))
turned out he attacked a group of young lads and got his bell rung, of course that didn't stop the (((BASED POLISH COMMUNITY))) from seizing the opportunity to claim muh racist attacks
BASED and legit 14/88 WN'ers, just ignore that they're working with Hope Not Hate to raise profile as just another demanding ethnic minority.
Polish migrants do what they like, knowing that if a Brit fights back they can just scream "HATE CRIME".


wew lad wtf is wrong with you; kvetch harder

it's pathetic tbh

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Their platform is:
>abolish the (((National Bank))) down the line

Here is Korwin calling refugees human garbage


And here he decided to perform a Hitlergruss


also polite sage for doublepost

Getting KIELBASA'd is Great Britain's reward for declaring war over Poland in WW2.

Poland was killed by (((democracy))) before the rest of europe with the liberum veto; it would be great to see (((democracy))) abolished in Poland first as well.

Many historians hold that the liberum veto was a major cause of the deterioration of the Commonwealth political system, particularly in the 18th century, when foreign powers bribed Sejm members to paralyze its proceedings, and the Commonwealth's eventual destruction in the partitions of Poland and foreign occupation, dominance and manipulation of Poland for the next 200 years or so. Piotr Stefan Wandycz wrote that the "liberum veto had become the sinister symbol of old Polish anarchy". In the period of 1573–1763, about 150 sejms were held, about a third failing to pass any legislation, mostly because of the liberum veto. The expression Polish parliament in many European languages originated from the apparent paralysis.


The face of englands resistance

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how did deus ex predict this so long ago?

Yup, true that. That's why the party's leadership is pro-monarchy. Korwin spent all his life saying that democracy is the reason why we have all the degeneracy in the West because most people are gullible, stupid and easily brainwashed. I talked to him in person quite a few times and my impression was that he's redpilled on the JQ

shit like this has been going for a while, both bongs and irish have somehow been brainwashed into believing that slavs somehow are the reason why everything has turned to shit for them.

truth be told pols and more importantly yugos were a big social problem back in the 80's and 90's, they cared little about the local culture, barely learned the language, were petty criminals and stuck together like a bunch of gypsies.
to an extend they still do that, the difference is though they only do that for the first 2 generations or so, further they are able to see the anti white narrative just as much as we do.
ive seen all this in my home town were more then a million of them live.

in comparison turks have all the same drawbacks but they arent just petty criminals but violent ones and things get worse with each passing generation.
and the new niggers and shitskins are the worst of the bush, they act like an honest to fuck invading army where they get everything they want through violence.
funny little detail, the shitskin hords act even more barbaric towards the old migrants.
when they fuck with a native its because they want something from them, when they fuck with a slav or turk then they do it for shits and giggles.
im not making any of this shit up, ive seen it right here in vienna, and we had it relatively easy compared to our neighbors.

tldr; torfag is a fag and is believing the bullshit his dystopian state is telling him because there is a little truth in it.

Trust me, everyone hates the Polish diaspora down here. We sent most of our dresy (gopniks) to the UK and to Germany, it's kinda unfair that they received our worst

Before any one of those complain they should fix their own shit first, and if they dont like paying they should cut off all welfare then, though they earned this fate for sleeping in beds with kikes and destroying greece and italy for no other reason than to prevent a resurgence of romans.

I think you mean

These are smart, and the pension solution could encourage women to seek child rearing over full time careers, leading to less competiton for jobs, which hopefully could lead to full time jobs paying more hopefully.

something like this needs to happen everywhere in the west, some type of sceme that drives woman out of the workforce and back into making familys is the only surefire way of improving both birthrates and everyones living conditions.
only healthy familys can create a healthy society
well or full thot genocide but that would be like mean or something.

Time for all the chads to stop being gods gift to women and instead be gods gift to mankind; lets not act like the healthiest men are uniformly gathered hear

The number one way to improve birthrates is to prove to Whites that they're not mundane machines of meat born to suffer and die. Materialist metaphysics conclusion is that you shouldn't even exist, in fact, your existence is a mistake of chance rather than an intention.

There's wisdom in what you say. Problem is when the path of lease resistance is the easy one of slaying pussy and being idolized by society for it, the choice seems fairly obvious. They either need to be shamed, bullied, or made fun of into doing their duty. Sometimes I think the only answer to this mess is an economic collapse. Chads need to face pressure in the form of bullets from a beta uprising. Day of the rope, I suppose.

>(((Materialist metaphysics))) conclusion is that you shouldn't even exist
now i've got to post this, again

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from a purely genetic standpoint, sure. Chads don't seem like the best father figures though, and we need good fathers more than we need handsome ones.

allright maybe im a dumpass but the fuck does that even mean?
what does our existence have to do with kiked whores being kiked whores?

dont need to go full mad max to get woman back to a sane way of living, the pention sceme is a very good first move for that.
just remember how damn effective hitlers one time lone of a hundred grand for newlyweds with a deduction of 25 grand for every born child was.
that shit got the waimar thots back in line really fast.

that right here is the real problem, people have forgotten how to parent worth a damn over the last 3 generations and i doupt that is something that can be easily be relearned.

When push comes to shove, Jews will choose themselves and Israel first, brown people second, niggers third, China fourth, and White countries never. That's just one way of snuffing them out.

how do we avoid dysgenic outcomes though? Germany was good breeding stock, high IQ people with good work ethic and sense of morals. The "white" disapora is hardly uniformly excellent right now after decades of bad breeding.

Sluts are spiritual wastelands that act like there's no tomorrow and that nothing really matter other than maximizing pleasure and good feelings. These types of people do not care for legacy or civilization– in fact those are annoying.
If you have a hard time answering "Why go on?" then your metaphysics is fucked and might as well kill yourself or drown yourself in drugs. Here's the kick in the teeth, the majority of Whites cannot answer that question other than "dying is scary"– they go on because the consequences of not going on is negative rather than going forward being positive. Whites' souls are enslaved by deathcults and cargocults, we are fighting a spiritual total war that must result in unconditional victory or we are doomed.

Whites will replace the murderous psycho kike cunts Heil'd!!!

has fuck all to do with breeding but that all the good men were killed and the woman raped into supmission.
and the high iq and work ethic is still well and strong, the main problem germany faces is one of indoctrination, be it the communism merkel and her ilk work towards or the we wuz ebil nazeehs masochism every german normie suffers from.
all of these problems are mental and highly engraind into the german psyche but like every type of brainwashing, it can only sustain itself as long as there is constant reinforcement.
if people were to be left along for a year or two peoples perception would change just like a cult member that for the first time sees wider society.

in short germany needs to be reconquerd and de-kiked, after that is done just let the germans figgure shit out themselfes and everything should be fine
give europe a decade of heavy isolationism and we will be back to the good old days.
though there might be a new 30 year war at the end of it, even without kikes we still hate each other.

your preach to the choir faggot, chanculture has embraced albert camus's concept of the absurd hero 10 years ago.
where do you think trolling, shitposting and being massive faggots comes from?
why do you think we adopted national socialism of all things?
ever read watchmen?
remember the comedian?
thats us

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This is the entitlement mindset which causes polish agents of White genocide to think nothing of doing to native Brits.
Raping, beating, murdering, taking. An invasion by any other name.

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Yes that is mega game changing news. It proves to everyone else that you don't need migrants, so they can't say shit like

more like they can't afford it.

actual pol already confirmed that the birth increas was "only" to 1.44.
still awesome news, though you should read the thread before posting.
also lurk for like 24 months.

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Now this I can work with

I hope you Poles do expel the Jews from your nation. They have no loyalty AT ALL to anybody, even sometimes to themselves. We have some Poles not far from me in New Jersey, and they're the most based and awesome group of people I ever met. There's a very good reasons why they've been expelled from so many places throughout history.

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Look at those beautiful polish mugs; take that (((professor)))!

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Polish agents of white genocide? What are you smoking judenrat

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another noble jew like weininger he speaks on behalf of his people if only he practiced what he preached

nice bait btw
you dont seem to realize you make a great strawman too
therefore pro-pole is pro-white so long as it does not harm other whites

This is half true.
It took over 100 years for that rule to be abised, before that it was used correctly and a compromise was reached every time.

That's amazing. I seriously thought it was all rhetoric to get people excited about the love candidate defeating the hate party like Bannon was doing here.

Theyre jews. President, prime minister, the parlament. Dont get fooled. All these programs are bribery so people wouldnt notice they are bringing zogbots and millions of immigrants into Poland.

The usual, debt.

I hope poles are smarter than the white trash here, because if not they'll just end up with big families they can't support, trying to get that short-term cash. Like how we have shitty foster parents who collect kids for the assistance bux, and then spend it all on themselves.

Theyre fed and have roof over their heads?. Thats enough. Millionaires dont have 100+ kids. Poor people do.

Is it?
One of the foster families I'm talking about, I've met personally. They were fed, but fed garbage. They were malnourished, surviving on microwavable fast food tier shit they could make themselves, because their "parents" were too lazy to make anything real. I'm talking microwave burritos, pizza rolls, sugary cereal, soda, no vegetables, no fruit, rarely real meat. They had a roof over their heads, but it was falling apart. The yard was a dirt pit filled with dogshit, their walls and ceiling had water damage and mold, clearly visible. The older kids were responsible for changing the diapers of the youngest, and just fucking didn't if they didn't feel like it. There were dirty diapers scattered around their house.
Where did all the foster money go? Clothing and jewelry and makeup for the mom, performance car parts for the dad.

I submit that "food and a roof over their head" is not enough.

Youre talking foster parents (and individual example) that are negligible amount, not birth ones, they care. You dont need to be rich to have kids, quite the contrary.

Money mainly comes from retarded taxation - almost 50% of salaries are taken as income tax, pension contributions and health contributions.
23% (mostly) VAT also plays a big role - it adds a lot for all bought shit. In fact, for a couple of previous years VAT alone completely compensated 500+ with some 20% room for population growth. But as long as it benefits Poles, I don't care. Sad that good part of those money are spent on (((maintenance))) of the bureaucratic system.
Now, the sad part:
Polish women are rather eager coalburners. Lots of my non-Polish colleagues have Polish wives/gfs - and good chunk of my colleagues are non-white. I see lots of ugly mixed children in my area.
500+ is also abused by non-Poles. This is not a big problem, as Poland is dominant majority white polish, but just so you know.
Lots of Polish women started having children at 30-35+ ages because of 500+ - and that lead to incredible amount of weak, sick and mongoloid children. In the area I live in (Warszawa Ursus) I notice lots of kids like that - in kindergartens, or just walking around.
Poland has some problems, but money is not the biggest one. Hope PiS and/or Korwin got something in mind for Kaczynski's departure which is going to happen (((soon))) - his health is deteriorating. Lefties are as retarded as they ever were, but they are slowly gaining public approval - which is something I do not want happening.

t. obcokrajowiec

This is a myth. Poland was receiving substantial aid from the EU in the middle of 90-s but now, according to Wikipedia, funding from "European Structural and Investment Funds" whatever it is equals 86 bln EUR for 6 years which is around 2-3% of GDP of Poland (which equals 571 bln USD):

>muh based (((PiS)))

It's a Jewish cycle of immigration. Millions of Poles are moving to the West, while simultaneously millions of Ukrainians are emigrating to Poland. Russia, Poland and the West drained Ukraine out of manpower and any talent there left years ago. The question is, who's left to work in Ukraine then? Churkas? Some even speculate since the early '90s Ukraine lost up to 50% of her population.

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Found the хiхiл

Barely any Jews here (8000). After they tried to overthrow Brezhnev in 1968 most of them were expelled from the USSR and satellites.

The concept of WN doesn't really exist in Europe. But I can tell you that most young people are really patriotic, especially men though. The Warsaw independence march gets 100-120k people easily + more in smaller cities. There's also a very popular clothing brand (Red is bad) and you'll see many young men wearing their t-shirts, hoodies etc.
Even the most pozzed city in the country (Warsaw) is like 95% White. Smaller ones and rural areas are 99% White. There was a case in my city of gypsies trying to move in to live off welfare but after 2-3 months they had to leave cuz dresy (our gopniks) kept burning their front door down, hilarious stuff

hohols, not niggers

Yeah, taxation is a problem. We need to either cut VAT or cut PIT and increase the standard deduction.
About Poles being coalburners… I feel like it is in part true, but just in part. It's because mutt babies really stand out in a country that's 96% Polish and 99% White. Most people, when they see a coalburning mother, either smirk, laugh or look at her with contempt, making her feel like shit and shaming her.
Lefties (mostly Razem, with their leader (((Zandberg)))) are Soros-funded, and they're trying to push their shit everywhere. It's a problem indeed, but I think that PiS will comfortably win again this year and in 2019. As I said earlier, I'm hoping for a PiS/Korwin coalition.

Most of the gibs we get go back to Germany, since we're obliged to buy their shit or make their companies build our roads in exchange for EU funds.

Morawiecki is half-Jewish. And our president has a Jewish wife. Our government is not Jewish, but they're definitely at least in part shabbos goyim.

Man, Ukraine is a feminine noun in all Slavic languages.

The eternal Anglo strikes again, paralyzing everyone with his elderich jewish kaballah.

go back to t_d

TOR GHCQ kikery.

It's a country, you degenerate faggot.

Checking my digits.

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Poland continues to rise.

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Yup this idiot again. He was doing this act but re Hungarians on another thread

Countries and ships are referred to with feminine descriptors, retard. They have been for centuries on centuries.

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