Top US General Says American Troops Should Be Ready To Die For Israel
Top US General Says American Troops Should Be Ready To Die For Israel
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How about go fuck yourself kikes. Defend your own desert. Draft me and shit gets bad for you.
I unironically want to see a draft. Nothing makes a pansy leftist wet themselves with fear like going to war against the enemies they advocated for war against.
Bring on the draft.
You anons realize that if there is war for Israel and the US institutes the draft, that there will be incredible social pressure on Jews from other Jews to join up or even invoke their right of return to fight for their land, don't you? They would flock to Israel to defend it. Then they and the Muslims would all take each other out in a blaze of glory.
4D chess at its finest.
Also it's good to note that OP failed in his other thread so he decided to try again.
Boogie's going to get drafted as long as he keeps losing weight.
I didn't make that thread.
Yes you did, you even posted the same image in it. Obviously when you make a thread you just (1) it and then refresh your proxy so you can reply and agree with yourself. It's called agreefagging and it's been a thing for a long time.
The user who posted that image isn't even the OP of that thread, you stupid faggot. Fuck off.
why are jarheads so angry? its not like someone forced them to do that.
The ID is different but it's the same user.
You faggots do this all the time, when you get BTFO you just remake the same thread and try again. You've obviously been given the chore of trying to scare anons about war in the Middle East so they get mad at Drumpf. I'm saying it's not going to work, you need to pick a new chore and try that instead.
Nobody's angry and you certainly can be drafted if you're a veteran, it can be done by EO yesterday faggot.
What a good goy you are.
It'll mostly be the jobless lefties who have expensive degrees who will be drafted. That and a boat load of blacks.
It's real in your mind.
No, I posted this thread because it offers more evidence to support what we all know is true; that United States Middle Eastern policy is motivated by Israeli interests. Do you actually think you're going to convince anons to support a war for Israel? Fuck off and die. I don't be engaging with you further.
This. If some cunt shows up and demands that I be ready to die for a musty sack of yids, then he damn well be ready to die for them first.
You clearly have never met a Jew
I've done it myself here and on 4cuck, I've forced many a story and meme with this technique.
Like all of us I have been forged in the fire of overt kikery since birth.
Retard, kikes abhor physical labor, let alone volunteering to risk their lives in a fucking warzone. Why the fuck would they even consider that when they know they can send hordes of goyim in their stead. No, the kikes would just use it as a meatgrinder for the white man while they don't lift a finger.
True, but they flocked to Israel and lived like dirt people for decades to defend it. They'll do it again for sure. All the Jewish press and especially Internet shills will be pushing for them to do it. I'll see to that.
You seem to forget that the brainwash has been so intensive that the Jews drank their own Kool-Aid. All that Jewish race mixing propaganda and still only about one percent of white women will even get SHITTED while over half of Jewish women will take a black cock. It's the same with faggotry, did you know Jewish men are five times as likely to be faggots as Gentiles, and almost ten times as likely to undergo gender reassignment surgery?
Protecting Israel is a Jewish obsession, and powerful Israelis have stated for decades that should they face a major war they will use their influence (read, world Jewish-owned press) to bring Jews "home."
Heck just this week Bibi was whining that he's worried that Trump thinks his job is done there, and then he fucking attacks Syria ALONE. The Jews are sweating user.
All good points, but Hitler would disagree with you. You have read Mein Kampf, haven't you user?
He can go fuck himself.
Day of the Rope.
America First
What do we like? Not dyin' for the kikes!
What do we need? Israel to bleed!
What do we hope? Traitors get the rope!
What do we fear! Only running out of beer!
This. There won't be troops deployed to Syria. They'll be too busy doing shit stateside.
Didn't we have this thread last month?
Murrica fuck.yeah
I, for one, am glad that the US has passed the ability to draft women to die for Israel.
So Progressive!
Wesley Clark's a Jew, this is no surprise.
If we did I missed it.
What the fuck.
sage for off topic
Nothing new that Tor was owned by jews and libshits.
Yes, you did. You made the duplicate thread on halfchan. Don't do this.
They only recently did the full-on takeover.
I know this is textbook SJW maneuvering but it's just so blatant that I'm almost lost for words.
Wow, just wow.
I posted it to halfchan. That doesn't mean I made the other thread here.
I'll continue to post red pilling material on halfchan, thanks.
Reminder to resist if drafted and to never help ZOG under any circumstances.
at least change change the picture, m8. it just looks bad to those of us that pay attention.
dubs of truth. on the bright side it could be an excellent opportunity to start dotr
>niggers and spics should be ready to die for (((whitey)))
Posters for this minus the echo would be fun.
Took way too long for someone to mention this
He's a nignog, lol
Wrong Clark
Right on queue.
The rhetoric on Christian radio in America is out in full force too. They really have no idea what the genocide by financial destruction, obesity, legal and illegal drugs has done to this country. It's tough enough getting somebody to care enough to die for Jesus let alone some fuckin sniveling jews on the other side of the planet. I'll be drinking all throughout World War III. Get fucked Israel.
No, I was the one who posted the first thread on here before the kike mod banned me for a month.
I was trying to lose weight but I think I'll just stay disgustingly obese so I can dodge the WW3 draft. I'm not fighting the kike's war.
Could be legit, but who translates the Hebrew?