Barbara Bush, illegitimate child of Alister Crowley, dead at 92
And then the rest of the article is basically taking swipes at Trump.
Barbara Bush, illegitimate child of Alister Crowley, dead at 92
And then the rest of the article is basically taking swipes at Trump.
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Why should I hate this woman? Is unthinking criticism and hate the default position on Zig Forums?
Sure, her son was a bloodthirsty neocon Evangelical Zionist and her husband was in bed with the Saudi's, a top Spook who somehow forced himself into the presidency, but do we have proof she is anything other than a White Texas Grandma?
Her family is super rich and bank rolled Bush family operations.
92 years too late.
And now she's in a lake of fire like every other golem
Zig Forums loves to hate. That's all there is.
Spotted the commie. Being rich is in and of itself not a bad thing in any sense. Funding the Bush agenda however…..
That's why none takes hoarder-wannabe lolberg kiddies seriously… you should seriously consider sticking with MUH 1ST AND 2ND AMUHNDMENTS if you want us to take you at least as a useful idiot.
You can't know Love with out Embracing Hate first, user.
It makes me happy knowing all kikes and cianiggers will burn forever. Everything they have done in life will be for nothing, all their hard effort will be wasted. They're worthless sacrifices, because they cannot win no matter how much work they put in. At the end of their road there is an eternity of endless, continuous, all consuming torture. As another user once put it, over time they lose all higher thoughts and become simple beings of pure suffering, who can only remember why they're burning. The best part is even at that stage they won't get used to it, yea it gets even worse by then. I get hard thinking about the chorus of agonized, helpless, and desperate Jewish screams, it must be the sweetest music a man could listen to
Nice deity you got there. Charming.
Which religion is this? Sounds pretty sadistic. Almost like something the kikes would wish on their enemies.
If you think they deserve anything less you're a pussy faggot and I'm going to beat the shit out of your skull
LEL, I'm definitively keeping this.
One down, how many to go?
FBI no bully. I am but a peaceful shitposter.
But also
Nonexistence is entirely sufficient. Anything more is just a hateful nature.
No shit it's hateful, that's the point
I found a picture of Barbara Bush when she was younger…
How many what to go? First Ladies? There are 5 remaining.
The Bush's are not Texans. They are Yankee carpetbaggers from New York City.
t. Texan
Oh. My. God.
She was from New York. Her husband's from Connecticut. Her father in law was from Connecticut. Her oldest son is from Connecticut. This Texas bullshit is nothing but PR constructed to make the Bush family seem like a good wholesome, salt of the Earth American family when really they're everything but.
Wtf? I can't fap to that.
Dead dead, or transplanted into another host body?
You have it back to front.
They willingly rejected God and goodness, so without His protection they will be at the mercy of evil, tortured and abused.
Much like the liberal lefty "refugees welcome" types that in a few years will be at the mercy of the shitskins they imported and the nationalists they rejected will not be around to protect them from their inevitable torture/ rape/ murder/ genocide.
Is this why Bilzerian's dad went to jail?
is there any proof at all that she is crowleys daughter?
oy veeyyyyyy
Fighting the jew for too long has made you the jew, user.
An Aryan does not delight on suffering of his enemies, unless torture is necessary for deterrence or exemplification, he just puts them on the sword and gives them the quickest possible end.
Current year is getting better and better.
Dubs for Soros and Bush senior.
Another Rothschild doppelganger rides the conveyor belt to hell.
Tho it would make sense this isn't correct. The whole Bush / Crowley thing was an aprils fool joke that some people thought were true.
big if true
Should have made a death bed confession of how her husband killed JFK, raped and murdered babies and caused the downfall of America. But, meh, she was probably in on it. Good riddance, thick neck Cardassian-looking old bag.
She didn't throw her babies in a garbage can as soon as she shit those devils oit
Indeed. To imagine a universe where jews (you) and their golems can commit their horrible acts of depravity and inhumanity against humans, especially children, and then never suffer for their acts is unthinkable. Knowing that O Theos will eternally destroy the filthy jews for eternity in an oven Hitler could only dream about is inspirational.
Barbara Pierce was born in New York City and raised in the suburban town of Rye, New York
So fuck off, kike, or whatever the hell you fucking weirdos are.
Do I hate her? No. But I won't miss her. She was nothing positive. She went with the flow, against America, and the White Peoples, but she didn't seem to instigate it.
So we have a neutrality. It's not friendly. It's not hostile.
She's not one of us.
Bump, I find this incredibly interesting.
She seemed like a nice lady and always had something up her sleeve to burn Jeb with. I liked her. She was the kind of lady who would have a pitcher of lemonade and some cookies for her visitors.
Sure she might have been evil but even evil people can be likable. Look at Donald Rumsfeld, the guy was actually pretty hilarious.
Stockholm syndrome in the age of deception
Oh yes truly a lovely woman
She married a neocon evangelist zionist and gave birth to many more.
She deserves the hate.
The Pierce family's real name is Percy and changed it after the whole Guy Fawkes blowing up the parliament thing.
She married into Skull and Bones, that is enough
She eats babies user. She married George Sr who is the mastermind behind the glow in the dark ones
At last now i truly see
Ahhhhhh feel much better now
Harold is a Hungarian Warrior, do not defile him like that fool.
I chuckled when I heard Trump wasn't going to her funeral, because I instantly knew why. H.W. Bush didn't attend Trump's inauguration, because he was conveniently too ill at the time.
Jumped another body. Crowley mastered that long before he even entered the body of Aleister.
Looks like Bush Sr. will join her soon. Look at those fucking teeth!
May they rot in eternity and hell