Antipedophilia is Antijewish

I "found" an television show turned jewtube show that is actually extremely antisemitic. It's called Hansen vs Predator, formally To Catch a Predator. Now you've probably seen the show and are thinking "how was that antisemetic"? Well a lot of those predators have something in common (besides being pedophiles). Embed related.

You should watch this embed to see live jewish lieing. Not to often do you get to see a jew trying to explain his way out of a crime in the wild. Usually it's on CNN or some venue they control. If you ever want to convince someone that jews are child predators, show them this series and make special note of the coincidences.

I'm suprised nobody has called Hansen literally hitler yet. The reason I'm surprised by this is how the tv show got shut down. Here's a random and completely unrelated excerpt from the (((wikipedia))) article:

>In the United Kingdom, columnist and television critic Charlie Brooker wrote of the show that "when a TV show makes you feel sorry for potential child-rapists, you know it's doing something wrong". He also commented on the "overpowering whiff of entrapment" and the potential for viewer complicity. Brooker also mentioned the selection process for the actress as being disturbing by adding "Presumably someone at To Catch a Predator HQ sat down with a bunch of audition tapes and spooled through it, trying to find a sexy 18-year-old who could pass for 13. They'll have stared at girl after girl, umming and ahhing over their chest sizes, until they found just the right one. And like I say, she's hot. But if you fancy her, you're a paedophile."

Fuck captcha

Other urls found in this thread:

Anti-kike first post

Even the jews so inbred retarded they get abandoned by their hooknose kin will stop at nothing to rape goy children. It's in their filthy blood for eternity

Thanks. Here's a rabbi.

Have a kike free third post

yes please, that would mean in states where 16 is legal they look 11, oh they should pass a law based on looks and not on birthdate, is that right faggots?

This reminds me of what it will look like on the DOTR when the guilty merchants get their fair trials where they are cross examined under oath by WASP prosecutors before WASP judges and juries.

You should comb through every episode and tally the percentage of merchants and make an infograph tbh.

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i hope you mean litteral white merchants and not talking about giving any kike any chance to survive by some sort of judicial proceeding

That's a good idea. I'll work on that.

Why don't you have a transparent version, right over here?

Attached: chris hansen transparent.png (2336x3504, 4.61M)

Chris is back with a vengeance and this time, it's personal.

Attached: chris-hansen.png (400x400 160.41 KB, 14.73K)

Why don't you have a meta version, a glass of water?

Attached: hansen.gif (720x1080, 4.81M)

Holy shit, he is.

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hmm, it would be nice if there was a surname->ethnicity API, then you could just get the suspect list from perverted justice and filter it through that.
600 convictions would take a while to go through manually, of course identifying cryptos takes some extra work.

Right now I'm sticking with the shows because you get good views of their faces and can hear their voices. PJ also doesn't name all the guys, but Hansen does sometimes.

He seems to be a lot less patient in his new show.
Sage for double post.

So we can end the animefagging now?

Wrong, retard. This hysteria is kike bullshit invented to lower white birth rates and Chris Hansen is a kike media propagandist.


Glad you showed up. Now I know I'm on to something.

Thanks, Chips.

Why don't you have this?

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These kikes probably got light sentences too, especially if they only molested goyim children. Also, pedophilia is part of Jewish law (halakha/halacha). they don't even try to hide this anymore.

That pilpul. (((Your))) (((co-ethnics))) implemented this highly stratified gender war between the sexes so much so that now pedophilia is being promoted to the goyim as an option to the older (legal aged) women who ride the CC, because you subverted our women to become whores, and brainwashed men with garbage relationship and dating advice in your (((Hollywood))) films, that for any guy to actually have a functioning and healthy relationship with a woman, he has to spend months if not years reading books, and watching YouTube videos from dating and relationship coaches to actually understand what he has to do. Fuck you, kike.

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There is only jewish behavior.

These pedophiles are not looking to form long-lasting permanent lifelong relationships for the purpose of starting families. They are looking to use and discard young girls, creating yet another future roastie and exacerbating the problem.

Might be worth starting a Zig Forums thread about that. Here's a start:

ore no waifu owbuh-chon cho cuh why ee dessss

Ok. Here's a list of jewish surnames. I'll be back later with a script which can put (((echoes))) around the names. Somebody please check the list to see if something important has been omitted (the list was extracted from wikipedia).
IPFS: /ipfs/zCT5htke1XmpZkSYsKdvE59McHrrLreXqs2NRCgq7soeEJ4Q3Mxm

I'd like to point out how deathly silent the pedophile advocates go whenever I say this. They immediately dissipate like they were never there.

Here's a sed script which puts echoes around jewish names.
IPFS: /ipfs/zCT5htkeDEGDGzfY2pwkn6t1utYpGancdztEnCKWMZRdFzhkZjGp
Here's a one-liner which takes a name and reports whether or not it's jewish:
This should be useful in automated scanning of crime databases etc.



Remember kids, the ancients thought it shameful to have intercourse too early.

Reminds me of this.

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I'd like to also point out that some of these guys (haven't watched all the episodes yet) have prior convictions of rape and other violent acts. Most of them are pretty explicit in what they want to do when they talk to the "child". You talk about things you'd expect from sexual deviants.

And then there's this guy:

He ramps up over time (he has "her" call him master) and I think you get the point by now.

"When a grown up man has intercourse with a little girl, it is nothing, for when the girl is less than this it is as if one puts the finger into the eye"


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True Natsocs know the names of all their smugs. I'm afraid you're still bound for the oven Schlomo.

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Chris Hansen's To Catch a Predator was brilliant and had insane ratings. I always thought its cancellation was suspicious despite Hansen never indicating such in subsequent interviews on O&A and TACS. Hansen took his loss like a big boy and struck back when kickstarter came around and allowed him to go independent. I can only assume he knows what he's really up against and has taken precautions against Sudden Suicide Syndrome.

I hadn't even considered this as a valid method of spotting shills, well done!

And that's why they check it if you want to live in Israel.

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One of the reasons I ended up here was because a bunch of (((people))) I once worked with tried to blackmail me with what turned out to be an underage girl.

Relationship was platonic (I thought something was off and I don't jump in bed right away anyway) but I fell for her hard and I've since realized why: she wasn't the everyday roastie and probably wasn't used to being treated that way.

I think she's about 23 now. Fuck was she smart, I think she was also an autist.

I thought it was suspect as well, I chalked it up to too many high profile figures falling for the trap. Maybe some police officers or something? I know I've seen it happen before, cops getting caught in these situations.

Louis Conradt

haha I was just cybering with an 11 y/o on AOL chat.
Turns out she is an FBI agent.
How cool is that for someone her age?

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Charlie Brooker is the racemixing cuck who created black mirror

my gf is 20 and looks 14.

This whole Western sex laws paradigm has actually caused women to become more childlike, more neotonous in adulthood to please the attractions of men. Is there ANY practical reason why grown women should be shorter, have higher voices, be skinnier, be nerly hairless than besides sexual selection? Who normally has all those features? Girls, literal girls. And no one wants to admit that these andro-evolutionary forces are a factor in modern demographics. It's very fucking silly.

Chris Hansen is a moralizing, condescending, authoritarian. I wish someone would find his skeletons and make him squirm on national television. What are your sins, Chris?

I don't want to advocate for faggot pedos as I am not one and thank God that I didn't have anything degenerate done to me in my youth. Who can explain faggotry? It makes no evolutionary sense, but yet it exists.

But I agree there absolutely should be some degree of social accountablity with a situation like this, even though I believe sexual activity is provably a highly autotelic activity. People have had sexual experiences beneficial to their soul at all ages throughout history.

Inb4 allusions to my demise and irrational moralization towards this phenomenon.

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Surely that will go over well in a board filled to the brim with paranoia.

Chris Hansen is a national treasure.

TCAP was cancelled because one of the men they entrapped shot himself. Somebody lost their life because of their ratings experiment of trying to catch men hooking up with teen sluts, which has been normal human behavior since the beginning of time and they didn't make a dent.

90's version.

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Don't worry, nobody understands what the fuck you even tried to say to begin with.

No, somebody chose to end their life of their own volition. I do not understand sympathy for suicides, they were weak and needed to be purged from the gene pool one way or another anyway. Why bemoan the deaths of the inferior? Our society is stronger for their reversion to dust.


Holy shit

Hahahaha holy fuck

These childfuckers were caught off guard with this shit because the internet was still "new" so they didn't have their methods down to quiet or discredit evidence.

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Finally someone else gets it though I extend it to people who hold themselves histage to get their own way as well. Fuck ghandi

Their shallow graves deserve no decoration more than to be spit upon.

Really makes you think.

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I admit I laughed. No, they are going to be tortured and brutally executed, just like at Nuremberg, except it will be more painful.

Rothschilds always play both sides. They rape kids AND promote hysteria among the goyim for their rapes.

The oven is coming.

That's because it's correct. Normal men are probably okay with wifing a teenager. Kid rapists are a complete other thing–they are not looking to form a family and wouldn't want to meet the young lady's parents, etc.

It's easy to tell right from wrong when you look at behavior.

fair trials are the best revenge. jews hate it when you treat them fairly because it shows you are better than them. they can never achieve that level

What could that bee, user?

What is happening in that picture?

Nope, gas

Probably some judeo-masonic symbols. Either way smells kikey to post some 14 y old in this kind of thread

Guys, don't trust these posters

Me, on the other hand is totally on the level and will keep your personal information totally safe.
feel free to send me some pictures of you have intimate relations with someone underage, along with a copy of your drivers license and home address to:

[email protected]

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He was a county prosecutor. He knew what he was doing.

Why did they get shoahed? Is a pedophile self-medicating enough to get you shut down?

I see a lot of you roaches coming out of the woodwork. I thought we all agreed not to entertain your kikesplaining, which is why I didn't bother with replying to any of you (besides the one guy) until now. You can keep trying, but you'll only strengthen our resolve. Nobody is going to read your posts referring to abused children as "teenaged sluts" and believe you're a human being and you're worth defending. As I said before, you pieces of shit are pretty forward with your intent when nobody is watching (or when you don't think anyone will tell). Your attempts to garner sympathy will always fail, you dirty kikes.

There is a difference between a 20 years old woman and a 14 years old girl. Even if they look alike, one is barely a teenager and the other is a grown woman.

Sounds like something only a girl lover would say. You're not better, you're still a pedo scumbag and you need to get the fuck back to /b/

There is. Jews are semitic, if they are not then they are not jews (zionist rats for exemple)

Why do you think they're trying to push pedophilia in europe? Even Trudeau (who is Soros's puppet) refuses to fight against pedophilia.

its natural for decent chaste men to be sexually attracted to pubescent women; their minds don't change that much from 13-19.
I am not a pedo apologist, but there is an obvious societal avantage to 20-something men marrying teens.
this would not be problematic if women were treated like property and there was proper courting with oversight from the father.

Because that is what they are. This might be news to you, but it's commonplace for jailbait girls to be sexually active. You are misapplying language in calling teens voluntarily seeking relationships "victims". Whether their chosen partner is the same age or decades older is immaterial outside of feminism-infused kike science.

Now I agree that fornication isn't the way to go. Ideally, adolescent girls would be married off in their prime years of fertility to slightly older, established men, per tradition. But, this world has much bigger problems than men trying to hook up with jailbaits for sex, and an awful lot of resources are squandered on litigating consensual relationships illegal by age technicality. Pedo hysteria brings high ratings because most humans have a latent attraction to the young, repressed by society, and steamy stories of jailbait encounters pique their interest.

Currently, there's a big push to raise the marriage age to 18 in every state. It's being done quietly so men don't realize how they're being fucked. Literally removing the option for men who want to do the right thing and start a family with a young woman who hasn't been around the block.

of this kike

Of course. And they use controlled opposition conservatism to make the opposition look to be deranged and full of emotion to the common goy, while making their side promoting it look sane and reasonable by comparison. It's a tried and true tactic by (((them))) to disarm and pervert the goyim to their whims, and the pilpul is very effective.

AoC should be 13 for teens (13-19) 16 for young adults upto 22 and 18+ for adults.

Prove me wrong.

this, anti-young adultry is what led to the crash in white birthrates and uprise in unskilled beta manchildren.

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Sweden already crossed the pedophile rubicon between 1971-1980 and the Czech Republic in the post-communist era until 2007 also allowed legal possession of child porn. The reason for it is the same as was in the Weimar Republic, to pervert the goyim. And (((they))) learned since the Weimar years to go very slow about pushing these things.

Of course no mention of Chris would be complete without mentioning the guy behind this entire staged setup; Angry German.

I wanted to mention that whilst lurking on another board I observed a confrontation with a pedophile where the argument "the child will be discarded as soon as their pubes sprout" was said.

This namefag/tripfag by the name Ellen made a counterargument that went something like:

Some pedophiles would abandon them (she termed them "exclusive pedophiles") and others would not (she said most would not but I think that's BS, pedophiles are not reknowned for loving adults). Some pedophiles would see if the child wished to continue their relationship once older and work from there"

I didn't say anything because killthemdon'tspeaktothem.jpg

But I bring it up here because it's important to prepare for the future. See pic related.

These brazen pedophiles are standing nonchalantly at this event, like any other droplet in the pond. They also brandish signs about fighting rape! And racism! And btw NO PEDO BASHING! And nobody does a thing.

If we are not vigilant and effectively proactive then before you know it pedophiles will be the next protected class. Churches will be forced under threat of public outrage to marry babies to adults (saw a pedophile say 3 yo is fair game) because they will be the new misunderstood underdogs and how dare you be bigoted. I promise you it is only a matter of time until pedo-acceptibility will become a public and political debate. Refutation must be on hand for any garbage argument they try to make.

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No, they don't win, because they no longer exist. Also, if there is a genetic component in pedophilia it's best to wipe it out of the gene pool.

Stop spreading this bullshit screencap, there's no evidence for marriages it speaks about. Pedophiles get the bullet, no exceptions, no excuses.

Kys pedo.

You kiddie fuckers are stateless, political chameleons who'll say whatever might rile up the side you're trying to appease. You tell the left that the conservatives are evil because you just want to love children and it's only the sick pedos that abuse them. And then you post this crock to the right because jews and fems hate muh nuclear family amirite fellas?!

You are subhuman and should be taken out like one.

Your complete lack of understanding on this issue speaks poorly of your intellect and character, user.

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ban this retarded faggot

Another anti-heterosexual blue-pilling thread of faggotry. How many actual paedophilia threads are posted other than Pizzagate? Virtually none. Why is that? Because they're covering up the real cases of paedophilia and I wouldn't be surprised if Chris Hansen is knowingly part of covering up real paedophilia. Pre-pubescent children are being sexually abused and even murdered every day because the media are screaming about fake "paedophilia" that is actually 100% normal heterosexuality and police are too busy chasing older boyfriends or entrapping men online who actually want girlfriends at their most attractive and most intelligent, since raw intelligence peaks at 14. Get truly red-pilled or get the fuck out of this existence!

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I remember in 2003 when I first saw Building 7 collapse and instantly became a 911 truther, immediately jews started jumping down my throat and shrieking at me on bbs's that I was an "antisemite" and needed to be banned.

And I went "WHATT?????"

I never said anything about jews…

But now that you mention it….

are you one of those incels the media keeps talking about