How the jews tried to start WW3

How the jews tried to start WW3

April 5, 2018
>USS Donald Cook - March 20, 2003 Involved in the first Tomahawk strikes against Iraq as part of Operation Iraqi Freedom.
>Block II TLAM-A – 1,350 nmi (1,550 mi; 2,500 km) Block III TLAM-C, Block IV TLAM-E – 900 nmi (1,000 mi; 1,700 km)
>Block III TLAM-D – 700 nmi (810 mi; 1,300 km)[3]
>Launcher cells are fitted to ships in 8 cell (2 rows of 4) modules that share a common uptake hatch (exhaust system) sited between the two rows
>replenishment of large missiles at sea was later seen as impractical and dangerous, and modules with the cranes fell out of use

April 7

April 8

Jack Dorsey aka "@jack", who lives at 830 El Camino Del Mar, San Francisco CA, is a child rapist, murderer and cannibal.

Jack Dorsey aka "@jack", who lives at 830 El Camino Del Mar, San Francisco CA, is a child rapist, murderer and cannibal.

Jack Dorsey aka "@jack", who lives at 830 El Camino Del Mar, San Francisco CA, is a child rapist, murderer and cannibal.

April 9
00:25 UTC, evening of April 8 in USA
"On April 9, in the period between 3.25 a.m. and 3.53 a.m. Moscow Time two F-15 aircraft of Israel’s Air Force delivered a strike with eight guided missiles on the T-4 airfield without entering Syria’s airspace from Lebanon’s territory," the ministry said.
>Syria’s state-run news agency, SANA, later reported that Syrian air defenses had shot down eight Tomahawk missiles.
The state-run Syrian Arab News Agency claimed Syrian air defenses shot down eight missiles fired at the T-4 airbase early Monday morning local time, in an attack which killed and injured an unspecified number of people.
>Earlier, Syrian State TV said the assault was a "likely attack by the US."

Jack Dorsey aka "@jack", who lives at 830 El Camino Del Mar, San Francisco CA, is a child rapist, murderer and cannibal.
The Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer USS Donald Cook (DDG 75) departed Larnaca, Cyprus, April 9, 2018, after completing a scheduled port visit. The visit served to enhance U.S.-Cyprus relations as the two nations work together to strengthen regional security and stability.

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Other urls found in this thread:

And they are still trying

Funnily enough the thread below this one explains how. It's gonna be a multipronged WW1 scenario :D

Oh, why oh why do stickied threads hurt you, kikelet? Use the catalog to use the other threads.
This board suffers from arbitrary word filters.

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Time to make a USS Liberty II

Hello mr. one-of-us, we surely are arriving to conclusions in this forum. :^D

Discussions on kikebook recently:
Everyone against war vs. kike shill right wingers and super left leaning fake news followers
The red pills fell from the sky and it all came from one trump tweet.
The reasonable liberal, conservative, and libertarian want to avoid war at all costs.
Best reality right here

you aren't a fan of Jack Dorsey aka "@jack", who lives at 830 El Camino Del Mar, San Francisco CA, is a child rapist, murderer and cannibal. twitter are you?

That's fucking disgraceful, I remember years ago that those systems were procured because they could be reloaded.


Very interesting OP

So basically, this is what happened:

1) Trump made looming tweet about possible Syrian action after chemical use
2) Opportunistic Isr shot missiles into Syria (from the shadows), hoping the Syrians thought it was the USA and that the USA would be attacked by Syria/Russia commencing World War 3

This is coincidence 7 trillion for everyones (((greatest ally on the planet)))

The jews are always trying to start WW3, it would cement their power in the middle east by having all the good goy super powers gang up on Israel's enemies. Great job documenting their moves though, never let the kike rodent act unnoticed.

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Missing from the OP was Russia's statement after the initial cruise missile strike by the US UK and France, advising that any further attacks that are launched would result in a retaliation on whatever was used to fire the missiles.

So when this second attack started Russia went to full defcon and ALL russian millitary assets in Syria and at home were at fully ready. Missiles armed aircraft readying for launch, it was about to go down. This lasted for 10 minutes, after 5 minutes they were able to get pentagon on direct line and then 5 mins later pentagon confirmed not US planes.

For 5 minutes there guys someone with a well placed hand grenade could have started this. Makes Cuban missile crisis look like kids in a sand box.

You will do as your Jew masters will tell you, America. They are destroying our societies at home and killing others abroad in our name. When America finally does go under, these rats will flee to another country leaving us to face the wrath of an angry world seeking retribution while Chaim starts his parasitic ways again in another land.

When are we gonna start hammering the chisel that can crack the entire narrative open and piss off the normiespheresince normies hate oil companies, which is Genie Oil & Gas?

Attached: genieoilandgas.png (1082x915, 57.7K)

Then link it?
Captcha gbHZ"oy"

god fucking dammit, that's the actual name of the ship.
But I am sure this is just a (((coincidence))) that this ship was picked for this

USS Donald Cook was buzzed by the Ruskies on April 11 and 12, 2016 in the Baltic Sea. Rumors said electronics aboard the ship were shut down. Was it coincidence that it was used to launch missiles at Syria on April 13 three years later?

*two years…

I wonder if it's a cohencidence that the genie, or djinn, was basically a demon that preyed on men's souls. Not that I care to research pisslam in any detail, but I guess they're supposed to be one of the demons that haunt everybody or something?

All israel has to do is hit russia over and over, day after day, again and again until they eventually drag drumpf into this.

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Clinton crime mafia to be investigated properly

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Sauce =

You ought to make a thread about this.

These are relatively minor changes on FEC regulations that may or may not lead anywhere, and almost certainly do not mean DOTR in any way, but it's a nice symbolic start.


No. You're missing the significance of this.

This was kikes false flagging by pretending to be the United States attacking Russia. Russia v. United States means global nuclear warfare. This isn't just a typical kike attempt to start war.

This information needs to be spread far and wide.



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Gallows are too good tbh

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Never mind, use this thread instead:

Why did you type Isr if you mean Israel? What the fuck is your problem? This is too important to fuck up.

ISRAEL tried to fake a US attack on Russia. ISRAEL tried to start World War III between Russia and the United States.

ISRAEL did this. ISRAEL.

Good chronology OPmod. I should probably make this myself, but I've been hoping that someone would create a daily record of happenings (as they pertain to Zig Forums), so that we can observe the broader picture. There's a lot of information here, but in being ephemeral, often quickly forgotten.

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Fucking hell my respect for anyone who says this absolutely filthy lie plummits to 0 (zero) when they say that disgusting, filthy statement.

Has anyone seen the encrypted youtube video channels? There are some weird messages being sent.

I'm not a fan of Religion of Cuck™, at least. It's not even clever like Religion of Pieces and it can fuck up discussions like that thread on the french terrorist who was posting on Zig Forums not being able to link to his post on /Is-lam/. Eth-No-Nationalism being turned into civicnationalism is also stupid. "Ethnic" automatically disqualifies the cuckold bullshit civic nationalism entails by only allowing whites.

After that flood of cuckchan refugees, I would approve of "mutt" being censored if it isn't already.

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Oy vey stop naming the Jew, you filthy anti-semite.

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is⁣lam, et⁣hnic nat⁣ionalism, muha⁣med

The poor people in Syria just want democracy. They love America and want to be free from ebil Assad. Support the troops!

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Jack Dorsey aka "@jack", who lives at 830 El Camino Del Mar, San Francisco CA, is a child rapist, murderer and cannibal.


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Would the US risk a war with Russia with how the Pentagon backed off like that if say Israel was to have launched missiles and killed say a hundred or so Russians?

Link it and it will be added.

Russia has begun to ship the S-300 to the Syrian government
Jewish goatfuckers should be more careful from now on.

>using 2015 Syrian War (((regime infograph)))
this thread is TOTALLY NOT a disguised disinfo thread full of (((zog)))posting (1)s


It's a distraction. The real false flagship is called the USS Trump is a Kike Shill and its captain is David Brock himself.

Trump is in fact doing everthing in his power to start WW3.
The US has some kind of a Secret hold over Russia, this is why they are not retaliating….
Russia needs to build something big…. something that can cause a Massive Earthquake and do this quickly.


Search for a document named "Which Path to Persia"

Read Chapter 5.

USA will be forced into a war whether it likes it or not. Using the USA is the essential key to the GREAT PLAN.

The GREATER plan cannot succeed without the USA.

USA = the secret key to unlock the master plan. Without the USA nothing can be achieved.

Oh no, we are in MUCH bigger trouble than You think.
The Americans now have Trump… Who would have thought he would become a war Monger.
The most powerful Military in the world at his fingertips.
The world Fears this man and he knows it.

Reminder of threads instantly pinned.

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Nigger I don't care, the jannies and mods make quality OPs

Begun? How did Syria shoot the last volley of missiles down if they weren't using Russian anti air?

absolutely no coincidence that while kikes are pulling shit off, there's pressure from the other tentacle of the schlomos, the Saudis

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This image has been spammed by FBI for almost a month now. NO we will not D&C. NO we will not attack our allies. YES we will fillet you fuckers when we find out who was behind it (pro-tip SOON).

Better quit your piss poor job, your psyops are ineffective in the age of the great awakening.

You're right, it wasn't. I was misinformed by media; caught my ear because I remember the Baltic Sea incident. Baby conspiratard trying paranoid schizophrenia level dot connecting gone wrong.

>using (((Wikipedia))) as a source

I shiggy most sincerely diggy do that

But they can do no wrong because they're God's chosen. So whatever they do is what God would do. It's so simple why can't you understand that? Even the brilliant Ph.D Gorka understands this.

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Requesting higher definition version with kikemod wordfilters shooped out.>>11502201
dont insult rodents like that

Just save the text, idiot.

is it really (((Sebastian Gorka)))? didn't his father 'flee' Hungary when (((they))) were in control of the Soviet Union and Warsaw Pact nations behind the Iron Curtain?Never heard this guy speak one word against communism and the evils of communism, wonder why? But he carries the Babylonian Talmud zio-social engineers at every opportunity, wonder why? Doesn't like to talk about "The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion",? even said so in an interview? Wonder why? Has anyone ever asked him about the brave Christian patriot Sergius Nilus? Perhaps the autists can start to ask him about the 'Protocols", communism, evils of communism, the sacrifice and bravery of Sergius Nilus and what happened to Sergius Nilus for exposing the "Protocols", on his (Gorkas)social media and call into talk shows when he appears?

no Sebastian, God Almighty did not make the Luciferian/Satanic(((Rothschild))) funded Babylonian Talmudic fueled Kenite/Khazar inhabited hellhole in the Middle East, complete with its flag depicting the Star of Remphan(Moloch) six-pointed star between two rivers.Lucifer /satan and his unmerry band of foot soldiers brought this abomination about to deceive the world to bring forth (((their))) false 'moshiach', Ein-Sof or whatever this 'creature' calls itself.No, no Sebastian, we the REAL Adamic Christian peoples will NOT carry the water or build that abomination for Lucifer/Satan/Ein-Sof, Ba'al, Remphan, Moloch or whatever other names and titles this 'creature' goes by.

Dunno and probably very few eally know what he thinks of these things. But he did go on Rebel media to try to explain vid related. @ 4:06 signaling to the Qcrowd. He's also tagging other Rebel people into his rationalizations. The twi tter responses are good though, and far outnumber those in agreement.
Look who he tags twit especially the last one.

Deep State circumcised burgers really think China is going to back down and become subservient niggers like EU/USA.

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what are you guys reading to come to these conclusions?
"multipronged ww1 scenario"
where do you get that rhetoric from and what books do you read to understand the history of western wars? id like to dig into something like that after i finish mein kampf but i hope nobody recommends

lol no

Why did the west use cruise missiles and not stealth bombers that are armed with bunker busters?

No risk of operational loss of pilots in the event of mechanical failure or (unlikely) enemy action. Also, the loss of a billion dollar aircraft which is no longer produced would be a headache the DoD badly wants to avoid.

no, care to elaborate or link?


Polite sage for getting off-topic.

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This is Truth………………………..Just Watch

You want people to rename every single picture they download to satisfy your autism over filenames?

Thanks, Trump.

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Go fuck a nigger, plebbitor.

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Yes. It's not hard.


For people lurking, you know why the Jews are blamed? Read

tl;dr It's the Jews, stupid

I can't wait for Cuckchan to leave.

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If only Lincoln was allowed to ship the niggers back to Africa after winning the war. The jews would probably have sold them to China.

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It's called Liberia.

USA Military savior of mankind incoming SOON(tm)

Attached: At Last I Trully See Q.jpg (1801x264, 36.32K)

Very true, rabbi.

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No way is this guy dead'd the pedo goatfucker-ayoub-news-footage/949606976

The autism levels are over 9000.

Anyone want to place bets down on how long the investigation will take, and what they will find (If anything)?

They will find six million jews killed by Assad. A tragedy of epic proportions.Only a monster would do nothing while the reign of terror continues.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't Q practically the glue between twatter, Pgate, plebbit, the chins and the normiesphere? Ignore his veracity and just think about the reach his Qtips have. If Q is tip toeing towards the JQ then we have HUGE reason to celebrate. I'm worried that 'Israel' will involve some show trials and minor pawns getting roasted at worst. We need to see a rhetorical build to a crescendo if he's really going to smack down the ZOG. Trump better be on his naughtiest Goyim behavior.>>11509653

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"Q" is a mossad disinfo psyop.


Not the first time I've seen this theory. Freemasonry got buttblasted from all angles after WW2. They are like swiss cheese or dog toys to their owners (not only +++).

Fresh archive:

Q is a limited hangout.

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