Nigger complains they made him scan his key card twice and they called the cops on him.
Chimps video is blowing up on black Jack Dorsey aka "@jack", who lives at 830 El Camino Del Mar, San Francisco CA, is a child rapist, murderer and cannibal. twitter. We know that he's a lying nog because that's what they do. They play this victim game. Spread this and create memes. Let's make LA Fitness force all their employees to take diversity training classes and learn to hate niggers.
Jack Dorsey aka "@jack", who lives at 830 El Camino Del Mar, San Francisco CA, is a child rapist, murderer and cannibal.
Because you're a fat fuck who doesn't workout and who has given up on life? Because saying that would be honest.
Oliver Lee
Where's the stuff indicating LA Fitness is a pinko hive that inserts themselves into politics? I don't care whether they're a fluff-fluff gym.
Kayden Evans
This is just like the spree with the "racist" receipt notes and whatnot that all turned out to be fake.
Worthless niggers found out a new path to the ghetto lottery.
Elijah Hall
Haha. Burn, you fucks.
t. Was lied to and had money incorrectly counted on my account repeatedly, then they tried to make it my fault for not noticing sooner.
Isaiah Butler
Universal nigger fatigue when?
Elijah White
So the narrative that's being pushed now is:
And I know that this isn't explicitly about Trump obviously but it is the reason we're seeing people "come out" about these things more, right?
Jaxson Jones
This could be a great thing if we can turn the negroid golems to target kike businesses like (((starbucks))).
Gabriel Martin
Shit like this has been going on for all 30+ years of my life. After a while you just start becoming numb to it when you recognize that it's all a sham. Contrary to what they'd have you believe, there's nothing that blacks like more than "racism" because it gives them an excuse to chimp out. Kikes love "racism" too, because they can find a way to twist and distort the facts of any case to make White people the villains, even when Whites aren't involved at all. tl;dr: It's all so tiresome.
Zachary Collins
Something we could do as an operation is promote situations where the nigger is almost certainly to be found guilty of a crime. The niggers will stand up for the sorriest nigger of them all, they're this stupid, literally. "Pied piper niggers". Lead them like lemmings over the cliff of public opinion.
Lincoln Roberts
Good. I hope these chimps keep escalating racial tensions to SA levels of uncomfortability for the average white. Nothing will happen until people are afraid, know why, and are willing to accept the fact that they are fucking animals who should have been removed after emancipation.
That's Fitness, were they serve pizza, kick you out if you grunt, and bar you if you point out an unpassable tranny leering at young girls in the changeroom.
i thought the title claimed that the first starbucks location had been turned into a LA fitness Would have been a pretty small gym by american standards
Henry Moore
this thread is shit without a webm or mp4. also take a screenshot of the tweeter you lazy fuck, nobody wants to go to that site
Zachary Wright
There's something about the color choices in that logo that doesn't sit well with me.
Luis Taylor
Fuckin luld user
Levi Hill
top kek
purple and yellow colors of saturn and the gear of the saturn machine. also its a thumb going into a small circle which basically symbolizes them sticking their thumb up your ass (all the elites are sodomites basically) while you get ripped off to walk on a treadmill - something you can do for free any-fucking-where.
Brandon Wilson
That's not embarrassing at all for the um greatest country in the world. I'm so glad Trump created more jobs for blacks so these types of stories never stop.
There has been a purposeful targeting of kike businesses lately by the niggers and it's beautiful. This is all the fault of kikes themselves for promoting their golems so extensively in their (((media))) that they were destined to be pozzed themselves, soon Israel will be Africa by their own hands and it's beautiful.
Joseph Miller
This is some real Butterfly War type shit. At this stage nobody even really has to do anything but signal boosting retarded lefties and niggers can't hurt.
If the news isn't dominated every day by niggers getting peeved for completely irrelevant shit, the population of consumers will simply learn to tune out anything dealing with race. It's called negro fatigue and everybody has it, even people in countries without a sizable number of blacks.
Henry Gray
The one thing about kikes is they're apt to drink their own poison. Look at how some of the chief agitators against Starbucks are kikes. Heck they're hiring the ADL to come in and consult at Starbucks now, as well as former AG Holder.
Starbucks was With Her and the golems and screeching SJWs don't even care. It's so beautiful.
Andrew Nguyen
Sorry for the multiple posts. FB has more info and more videos: (Faceberg)
MP4s attached. Be sure to listen carefully to Mumble Mouth. Early on in one of the videos, he comes out and says "Let's make this a black thing!".
I haven't laughed this hard since a (((Rothschild))) cucked an ugly (lolredundanthesakike) (((Goldsmith))) for some obese ugly nigger.
Blake Diaz
Austin Murphy
Sage and reported for no archive.
Hudson Roberts
fuck me forgot my sage
Aiden Hughes
So here's my analysis after translating his inexcusably poorly-written English and watching all the vids:
1) He was asked to show proof he had a membership. 2) He "felt racially profiled" and refused to go to his locker and get his membership. 3) The cops "show up" for some reason. It is a mystery. Perhaps relating to him failing to produce his membership when asked. 4) He starts filming, which is against gym policy. (My guess is that this is where the first video where he is filming the female employee at the counter happened.) 5) Having caused a scene and broken policy by filming, they are asked to leave. Instead of leaving they say "we din du nuffin!". 6) *Mysteriously*, cops are called to remove them. Being the second time they are called and being that it's probably reported as trespass, 5 cops show up to deal with possible problems. 7) He is asked to stop filming and doesn't, at which point the manager says "that's it". 8) Again, *mysteriously* his gym membership is canceled.
Let's all work together to solve this conundrum, pol.
why do niggers talk like niggers? I can't understand a word that comes out of that niggers mouth
Henry Richardson
They didn't prepare her well enough for this job with her gender studies major.
Joseph Gomez
Aha. So this is the next big MSM psyop, following on from "men are raping women in literally every occupation." Now it's "nigger customers are being discriminated against in literally every business setting". Of course, the target will not have changed (Whites, especially White males.) yes, I know Weinstein is not White - but the sheeple consider jews to be White
Jaxson White
This is the funny thing, blacks can't distinguish between Jews and gentiles, they're all white enough looking.
I've pissed off several blacks by saying "Pardon me?" all polite with a confused look on my face. Most are actually able to switch to witeboi speek but it clearly hurts dey feelins.
Just one of the many micro-aggressions I've been cultivating since I learned of the concept.
Aiden Turner
It's the verbal equivalent of that one guy who use momentum when working out. Notice how they speed up when they at least moderately understand the words they're using, or more likely they just have it memorized, while they slow to crawl when anything gets passed 3 syllables.
Easton Diaz
Because he lifts at planet fitness.
Luis Cruz
Where does the LA theme fit in? Is the whole staff mexicans or something?
Evan Thomas
They promote field peas as a diet to flatten out your ass to nothing, and then recommend giant ridiculous bolt-on tits for your emaciated skellington, it's the LA way.
There are lots of doctors who specialized in this look in the '80s and '90s who are now semi-retired and they need help.
Alexander Scott
it's call acute prothagonism. it's the reason why no white person can do a perfectly convincing black voice.
Zachary Peterson
Planet of the Apes soon
Kayden Gomez
It's congenital user.
Kevin Morales
Public gyms were a mistake.
Mason Butler
Thats a fancy way of saying they have fat niggerlips packed with rotten teeth and fried chicken
Are the kikes "accelerating" racial tensions in order for it to become a full fledged race war The only one that will benefit solely from the racial feud will be the jews.
However, if racial tensions kicked up to a full blown race war expect rule of law to be gone and any jew will be fair game.
Try as any asian might, they won't. They have better shit to do than "ruling" other countries.
I mean, various huwhite and non-huwhite countries "tried" but failed in the end anyway and their "colonization" has led to their coffers running dry. AFAIK, any person with a half working brain would have figured this out already.
Has anyone made fake coupons for this yet to pull the same trap that was done with Starcucks? Basically forcing them to accept the coupon or risk looking even more racist for not going with it. Fuckin genius