Just reading the third chapter of Mein Kampf and this section has to be one of the most relevant but I've never seen it discussed here. The background situation is described thusly:
In short, nothing has changed. You see a picture of the Pope kissing nigger feet and Protestant couples holding nigger babies constantly both here and on more poorly moderated right wing websites.
Pic very much related:
Remember this the next time you see a d&c thread. And read Mein Kampf.
Hitler on Pan-German anti-Catholicism
Looking at the current pope, Hitler turns out to always be right. How does he do it, bros?
He was old-Zig Forums before the board went to shit and the exodus to Argentina and the takeover of shitlords like Rockwell
remember this the next time you see a "muh based catholicism" shilling thread:
We demand freedom of religion for all religious denominations within the state so long as they do not endanger its existence or oppose the moral senses of the Germanic race. The Party as such advocates the standpoint of a positive Christianity without binding itself confessionally to any one denomination.
On 22 March 1942, the German Bishops issued a pastoral letter on "The Struggle against Christianity and the Church".[69] The letter … accused the Reich Government of "unjust oppression and hated struggle against Christianity and the Church"
The letter outlined serial breaches of the 1933 Concordat, reiterated complaints of the suffocation of Catholic schooling, presses and hospitals and said that the "Catholic faith has been restricted to such a degree that it has disappeared almost entirely from public life" and even worship within churches in Germany "is frequently restricted or oppressed", while in the conquered territories (and even in the Old Reich), churches had been "closed by force and even used for profane purposes". The freedom of speech of clergymen had been suppressed and priests were being "watched constantly" and punished for fulfilling "priestly duties" and incarcerated in Concentration camps without legal process. Religious orders had been expelled from schools, and their properties seized, while seminaries had been confiscated "to deprive the Catholic priesthood of successors".[70] The bishops denounced the Nazi euthanasia program
Ironically OPs image would have been burned by the N.A.Z.I party.
Unironically OP is a fag.
Whatcha sellin rabbi?
Here's what is said immediately after
"Without doubt the national force of resistance of the Catholic clergy of German nationality, in all questions connected with Germanism, was less than that of their non-German, particularly Czech, brethren.
Likewise only an ignoramus could fail to see that an offensive in favor of German interests was something that practically never occurred to the German clergyman.
And anyone who was not blind was forced equally to admit that this was due primarily to a circumstance under which all of us Germans have to suffer severely: that is, the objectivity of our attitude toward our nationality as well as everything else.
While the Czech clergyman was subjective in his attitude toward his people and objective only toward the Church, the German pastor was subjectively devoted to the Church and remained objective toward the nation. A phenomenon which, to our misfortune, we can observe equally well in thousands of other cases.
This is by no means a special legacy of Catholicism, but with us it quickly corrodes almost every institution, whether it be governmental or ideal.
Just compare the position which our civil servants, for example, take toward the attempts at a national awakening with the position which in such a case the civil servants of another people would take. Or does anyone believe that an officers' corps anywhere else in the world would subordinate the interests of the nation amid mouthings about 'state authority,' in the way that has been taken for granted in our country for the last five years, in fact, has been viewed as especially meritorious? In the Jewish question, for example, do not both denominations today take a standpoint which corresponds neither to the requirements of the nation nor to the real needs of religion? Compare the attitude of a Jewish rabbi in all questions of even the slightest importance for the Jews as a race with the attitude of by far the greatest part of our clergy - of both denominations, if you please!
We always find this phenomenon when it is a question of defending an abstract idea as such.
'State authority,' 'democracy,' 'pacifism,' 'international solidarity,' etc., are all concepts which with us nearly always become so rigid and purely doctrinaire that subsequently all purely national vital necessities are judged exclusively from their standpoint.
This catastrophic way of considering all matters from the angle of a preconceived opinion kills every possibility of thinking oneself subjectively into a matter which is objectively opposed to one's own doctrine, and finally leads to a total reversal of means and ends. People will reject any attempt at a national uprising if it can take place only after the elimination of a bad, ruinous régime, since this would be an offense against 'state authority,' and ' state authority ' is not a means to an end, but in the eyes of such a fanatical objectivist rather represents the aim itself, which is sufficient to fill out his whole lamentable life.
Thus, for example, they would indignantly oppose any attempt at a dictatorship, even if it was represented by a Frederick the Great and the momentary political comedians of a parliamentary majority were incapable dwarfs or really inferior characters, just because the law of democracy seems holier to such a principle-monger than the welfare of a nation. The one will therefore defend the worst tyranny, a tyranny which is ruining the people, since at the moment it embodies 'state authority,' while the other rejects even the most beneficial government as soon as it fails to satisfy his conception of 'democracy.'"
The irony of using Allied propaganda to decry Germany shouldn't be lost on anyone. Read the book.
The church is a prostitute that sells itself out to whoever is in power, all it cares about it protecting the welfare of it's higher priesthood and it's material wealth. We have no need of a whore pretending to be the spiritual guide of our people anymore.
We did more to unfuck our people and give them a true life under the Swastika in 12 years than under the cross in the past 500. Why on earth should we treat these pontificating incel priests any different from fucking huffpo journalists or liberal arts professors?
Oy vey!
What's your point? Just because someone's naming the jew doesn't automatically make them good, respectable, beyond reproach and totally based. Naming the jew is the lowest common denominator. Burger tard.
They should at least bother to make accurate propaganda.
Uh, no, it's one of the upper things in the hierarchy
>muh ultra specific brand of (((christianity))) isn't kiked
Where have I heard that excuse before? Along the lines of - oh I know. When are we going to get a version of this but for christianity that says:
The religion itself is rotten to its core.
Look you can post pictures of red pilled catholic priests but that still does not discount the general point. The religion is rotten and has always been.
Both had religious freedom but yes it is retarded
You are disgusting, and OP is a great guy.
So you threw the same thing you posted into an infographic and that makes the actual chapter irrelevant?
Saying that:
Hitler saying that an abstract isn't holistically fulfilling in a nations interest; that it doesn't make any sense to base power or the state itself on abstractions without having an actualized premise is as foolish as expecting people to give up those same abstractions isn't what you're trying to say.
Hitler could have been the avatar of the biblical god and it wouldn't matter.
Non treasonous Christians are as abundant as Hens teeth.
Hitler wasn't the only one who made Germany great again. Every single person who agreed with his ideas and had similar ideas was important too, otherwise Hitler would never even have gotten power.
Salvation is a lot more stronger than just one single man.
We have IDs here you retard.
It's funny how the Allies accused Germany of destroying Christianity when less than a century after their victory barely anyone believes in Christ anymore.
Okay, so you threw what was already posted into an infographic and that proves the point you support?
No, really, what the fuck is wrong with you?
What'd you get banned for?
Pre-Vatican II Catholic church is ok. It's post WW2 that the usurpation occurred there. Orthodox and Coptic churches are free as well.
For more info on Hitler's position towards the Church read the chapter "Extreme Unction" from "Hitler's War". Here's an audio file if you'd rather listen:
Why are you posting an allied propaganda poster with the obvious intent to characterize it as a German policy advertisement?
You couldn't be acting like a duplicitous kike, no, that would be hypocritical.
Let us also be perfectly clear here, Uncle Adolf didn't get everything right. That is objectively verifiable as certain economic and military policies which were successfully implemented were done against his will and he only accepted them after they had proven superior to all alternatives. He was competent but that does not imply he was always correct.
With regards to the nationalist sentiment in question which was derived from Prussianism and Bismark let me say that it is too soft and sets itself up for problems in the future. Natsoc wants to save and convert liberals, I want them dead down the last child. I want them to abort, snort, and contracept themselves into oblivion which is what is happening while the only population in any industrial nation which and maintain above replacement birthrates were the "conservative" whites in America with their birthrate of 2.7. Even shitskins are sterilized by the bread and circuses of modernity in a single generation. The ultimate solution is not to create a strong society which saves the weak from themselves, because if that coercion ever lapses the same decay we see now will set in. The solution is to kill every weakling or allow them to die. Imagine an America filled only with hateful, taciturn, zealots who completely lack empathy. That is what is being bred, and if it wasn't for the importation of shitskins the demographic transition would be very visible as it is now essentially irreversible after the 70 year discrepancy in birthrates between "liberal" and "conservative" whites.
The solution to the problem is to breed a race which lacks a real interest in hedonism. If this race is also a heartless cruel bunch of bastards who feel nothing but contempt, stomp the heads of kike children to jelly while laughing about it, torture animals, and have no conception of beauty then so be it. Survival and propagation are all that matters.
Well to be honest the states had official churches it was only the federal(read imperial) government which wasn't allowed to create an official church. America is supposed to be and Imperium of nations(the original colonies were more homogeneous or composed of like-minded populations kinda like the German states frankly.
Pre-Vatican II church gave us the Rothschilds. You can stick to your denial but all that will do is blind you to the jew.
The Rothchilds bought their way into psuedo nobility in an independent canton of the Holy Roman Empire and in England. Then they kiked their way into France during the Napoleonic wars. So in both major power grabs they used a secular government Britain(protestant) and France(post revolutionary cut ties with the Catholic church). So how exactly did the catholic church "give us" the Rothchilds you faggot?
Hell it was the secular parliament and a gutless king in England who didn't string up Nathan Rothschild and seize his family's assets after he created a market crash by deliberately spreading misinformation about the battle of waterloo.
Maybe if you'd read the actual content of the OP, you lobotomised cunt, you'd know. Aside from demonstrating how Himmler and Rosenberg's anti-Christianity was used against the Nazis as it is today, it also served to attract d&c shills to bump the thread.
Either fucking learn to read or fuck off back to cuckchan. Nowhere in my OP does it say that Hitler hates Catholics. Hitler says that by attacking the Catholic Church, Schönerer and his Pan-German Movement were shooting themselves in the foot.
Stop fucking posting and read what I've written for fuck's sake. Fucking newfags need to lurk for six months minimum.
You tell me Hitler hated Catholics while cuckchan tells me he was working for them. I guess he secretly loved jews and hated Germans too. All of history truly is false.
Yeah, Catholics are trash. Always have been. They will be killed on the day of the rope.
How do you think Rothschilds got the money in the first place? Catholic sanctioned usury monopoly and Catholic philosemitic doctrine of sicut judaeis that forbid goyim from bringing Jews to justice.
Do you fucking shills even remember what the Catholics where doing during ww2?
Do you not remember when they were retaken by Natsoc, scaring the real kikes out?
Working with the allies to defeat Germany.
Only after they were taken by the allies, how else would the survive?
When italy was still alive, the pope was doing great
fuck off d&c kike
You don't know what that image means do you?
Or are you trying to farm sheckles?
The pope was working with America against German since before the war even started, you stupid ape.
I will now admit, I was wrong about the pope
I was thinking about a different head of the church that hated jews
I doubt you can do such a thing without reengineering the human condition to get pleasure from pure sadism. Such a race is not worth fighting for and disregarding beauty, truth, and torturing animals are subhuman endeavors unfit for a noble race. Although I'm fine with having Jew children getting their faces smashed in