Pic related is a domino mask. I would imagine playing dominoes means these people get together, put on masks, and have orgies.
Playing dominoes on cheese or pasta probably means theres a kid involved in the game of dominoes. I don't think the cheese vs pasta option is the important part. Rather, simply including the phrases "playing dominoes" "cheese" and "pasta" is the key. The rest of the sentence is just filler, in order to make the sentence grammatically correct and appear to be seemingly benign.
To help get my point across, consider a hypothetical situation where a user is covertly memeing. He might say something like "Is he a big guy, or is he for you?". If he left off either the "big guy" or the "for you", the meme loses much of its potential - at best you get some anons out there wondering if user was trying to meme, or if the phrasing was purely accidental. But by including both halves of the phrase, anybody in the know instantly knows that without a doubt, you are memeing. If user said "It is the bane of my existance, having to choose between being a big guy, or for you" the meme would be that much more powerful. Almost detrimentally so, because now normies would just think you are making Dark Knight references, and anons would think you're a fag for being so obvious.
Herbert could have just wrote "Looking forward to playing dominoes and enjoying some cheese", and it's likely many he's signaling to would have known what he meant. However, by including "playing dominoes", "cheese" and "pasta" his meme becomes all the more significant. Had he used "pizza" instead of "pasta", it would have been even more powerful, potentially too powerful, due to the fact "cheese pizza" is well known pedo slang. So he substituted "pasta" in place of "pizza", adding +1 plausible deniability/sneakiness, while still getting the point across for those who are meant to get it.
Not sure why you posted a fake photo…the "white" entry on the color coded chart is clearly fabricated.
Beyond that, the actual email had a typo…yours was misspelled as "Yorus", awful similar to Horus. Whether or not you changed that yourself I don't know, but the fact it is changed shows there is very likely some signifignce to it being changed.
Attached: domino mask.jpg (800x511, 113.48K)