An idea floating around on twatter that builds on the latest "nig incident".
- Nigs are now asking for free lifetime coffees as reparations and getting away with it.
While you shop, take pics of merch that nigs would buy (electronics/iphones/foods/rims/clothes). Start with smaller items and work your way up.
- For bonus points, use items from the larger corps.
- Post pics with unique stories using your nig sock accounts on how you chimped out to get these free products. Don't post any verifiable locations/details.
End result should be obvious.
Starcucks OP idea
cuckchan is already way ahead of you, you probably saw one of their posts
they been making shit like pic related and posting on twatter since it happened
If these faggots were smart they would of instead just said "No more public restrooms" and reinforced their loitering policy. But people who run corporations only know how to do sales. They cant think about anything HR and are completely people retarded.
Bonus idea encourage the homeless to loiter In every Starbucks you can, you see someone homeless tell them to head over to starbucks. They will let you sleep on the floor, bath in their sinks, etc. Anything else you think would drive paying customers out, or just be out right funny.
llegal if you sell for
and starbuck's model is to build a "third place" atmosphere.
a place to "meet up" before or after work is there business model
If it were a gas station , "meeting up" would be the gas, coffee and baked goods would be in the store.
Starbucks STAFF were already convinced that this is a legit thing and are actually handing out free coffee to niggers.
Damn. We need to step up our game.
This is great, nigs thinking they are about to get free anything is guaranteed chimp out
Say DRUG ADDICTS and people with AIDS are welcome to use the bathroom.
Starbucks selected stores offer free overnight accommodations to homeless folks.
It's easy for starbucks to come and say: oh well yeah that was fake but nigs dindu nuffin so we will give them a free drink. What's a free drink anyway?
So that's not enough. The coupon must include more things that will really hurt Starbucks revenue.
Meanwhile, Starbucks must be made not pleasant enough for the regular hipsters to go there daily anymore.
So making it a destination for sick people and addicts would be nice.
They won't really lose money on this considering all corporations eventually funnel their money into the same dozen or so Jewish pockets. The only ones hurt by this are the art PHD baristas.
Perhaps make a stipulation where true, darker nigs get a free coffee. Light skinned groids get a tea or something "lesser"
Somebody should tell leftypol to start asking Starbucks to charge them more right away.
One drink fine, two? Ok. 10, 20, 50 100 people comimg in wanting those 10 dollar fraps?
And we are talking big cities, this shit happened in philly. Couple of niggers getting free drinks in my town is probably normal, but swarms are different.
The free offers of expensive drinks that definitely aren't really free are some of the best to spread.
It'll cause the most incidents of gib me dat chimping.
California, America's Soycuck capital, already knocked down knowingly infecting someone with HIV from a felony with prison time to a misdemeanor. Decriminalizing it and then encouraging that behavior for diversity and ending sick-shaming is the logical next step.
What does that QR code lead too? It better be something that at least looks halfway legitimate, niggers try to scan everything with their toys.
There are so many ways to get free shit at starbucks–and corporate is usually okay with it because optics. Look up "ghetto latte," it's a real thing.
A friend who works at starbucks told me they literally got a memo from HQ instructing them not to stop people from doong this.
This is awesome.
Starbucks should offer a lifetime of free coffee to black people.
The Kike CEO will be torn between
Racism and Shekels.
Side project idea along these lines - push the idea that shoplifting is reparations.
They'll also soy up the blacks. Talk about winning.
When yelled at by baristas, they flash their literal Black card from 'Starbucks'.
Even if the security cameras catch the monkeyshines in full one can always dismiss it as "youths" merely engaging in "broken window crimes" because the white man's got a gun.
So what you're saying is that
That's what welcoming diversity means.
Please don't bully the baristas.
If he chooses racism that means more niggers are going to be in starbucks, which makes liberals even more mad. More chimp outs etc. This is perfect.
Not to mention there was that story, what, about a year ago? About how they were hiring tens of thousands of Rape-U-Gees. What about MUH BLACK JOBS?
Perhaps you can spin this. Nig sock accounts, that's great. I should make tons of them, I haven't had a good troll in awhile.
And this is where the revolution will begin.
this. also, make coupons for a free coffee for EVERYBODY "regardless of race", post the image using your sock nigger account saying this is just like "All Lives Matter" and all niggers should chimp out about it.
Also, start meming that black people should be able to cut in line and make all whites go to the back…but only REEL NIGGAZ, not light skins or latinos posing as blacks, they have to go to the back too
Where will soyim go to show off their latest ifags now?
A vaping lounge most likely.
They used to have a problem with wifi hoboes. I think they just limited time per MAC aggress.
No soyboy passive-aggressive strategy when you're dealing with blacks, though.
this is still a good thing. fuck em'. fuck em' all.
It's been a hot minute since I've seen such blatant and pathetic white guilt captured in action so concisely. If disgust were a commodity the market would be crashing.
You could cause a lot of chaos with this.
Oh no, not the soy lattes. Anything but muh soy lattes!
If it takes off in a week or two it might be amusing to start a "woke poc" rumor that it was in fact a ruse by the satanic jewish owners to poison the other (real) claimants of Zion. Dat free Joe be sterilizing yo!
this starcucks shit is funny as fuck.
its like a normal remove people from a place cause they didn't pay for anything and using the facility.
probably got asked to leave they didn't cause We wuz waiting and shieet police get called they get removed. and now sjw starbucks is now racist.
Maybe a bunch of nigresses will start taking they keeds there on the regular and turn an entire generation of niggers into 5'6'' eunuchs.
…but this isn't Zig Forums
This is the one right here. Good work user.
Libtards have been training bums to use public libraries for years, this is the next logical stage of that same thinking. Too bad the libtards who own public businesses are torn between virtue signaling and profits.
Non cucks will just keep ejecting loiterers as is their right, and more people will prefer businesses without a permanent transient population. All according to keikaku.
Only a beverage? You cheap ass muthafuckas!
It's pure instinct like the rest of their behavior.
I thought the point was maximal chaos, no ideological purity?
O-oh no goy you have to be a real natsoc like richard spencer!
Normies aren't trained to overlook stupidity and cruelty when dealing with faggots. That shit only works for niggers. Besides, you don't need to trick faggots to fuck with people. You just need to give them a target and they'll do it out of spite.
more nigs in starcucks will drive others away, it will be ruined like anything a nig is involved in, just keep them coming through the door and the place is done
Who gives a fuck about Starbucks? All they've done for years is push anti-white values. Fuck them. They should burn the fuck down. They are enemies.
As for niggers, when this nation splits, niggers should have their own little homeland and never be allowed in the new white nation.
Exactly. The "Starbucks is raciss" incident might actually help Starbucks.
Starbucks is an anti-white, socialist, nigger-loving piece of shit enemy establishment. They need to burn down. They need to suffer.
Those white roasties should be enslaved permanently
i am about to filter all torfaggots this is getting ridiculous
someone talk me out of it
Just do it, kike. Kill Jews, man.
The bitch taping the niggers was a kike her sister works at jew york post according to some older thread
The starbucks one works because it's totally believable.
You've added nothing to any thread ever so why not? Nobody will care.
Don't be indecisive, it looks weak. Instead, act.
Surprised cuckchan has any real posters. A few years back it was bots 24/7.
Couldn't give two fucks about starcucks sales quotas or getting niggers free shit. Wake up and see the bigger picture here -> pushing the envelope.
Real posters have always existed and they often get real news first.
Cuck chan's a mess and pozzed by (((them))) but (((they))) allow real threads still mostly. Much of "our" news breaks there and they still have the best happenings threads.
The real gold is if ALL companies have to make that choice. See OP.
If only.
I bet the nigs have a 10 mile rap sheet. Any research them yet?
Good point, I'm sure their names are in the media reports.
Sounds like you volunteered user.
Women shouldn't be free regardless of race. This is the result of female freedom.
Well I never. Are you telling me people just fucking hang out at starbucks? I don't even care for coffee wtf could they be talking about? I cannot understand.
I've never entered any place of business without planning to purchase something, and when I've done my business I vacate the premises. Is this so absurd?
It's literally just white cucks virtue signalling to each other loudly and fucking around on macbooks
They waste $12 on a coffee milkshake with 3000 calories and spend the whole day smelling their own farts.
And now they get to do it with homeless niggers who want, and get, free coffee.
Starbucks just got SHITTED.COM
Leave Hate Chicken out of this.
My sides
Cuckchan beat us to the punch on this one. Props to them.
Two additional ideas:
Print these out on glossy or heavy stock paper and leave them stapled to telephone poles, stacks of them on top of newspaper stands oh shit nigers don't read, put a stack of them in black church mailboxes, outside social services offices, anywhere that blacks may find them.
Two is once this current op dies down the next opt on twatter or wherever should be to push the meme that whites in starbucks should buy any black they see in starbucks a coffee as part of "reparations". A sort of "pay it forward" where only blacks get things bought for them. This works in two ways. One blacks go into starbucks and act indignant when whites DON'T buy them coffee. Two the whites who encounter this will stop going to starcucks all together.
leftypol thinks they can co opt our reverse psychology accelerationisms.
They can't meme and they can't psyop
startpage "hotep jessus" this was top tier satire
If you sell food, you only have to provide restrooms to paying customers. If you are not a paying customer, you are also loitering. That is the law in most places and that is why the police did their job and arrested the niggers, but as we all know the law doesn't apply to niggers.
Fried chicken at popeyez
Rich white socjus faggots are nothing if not hypocrites.
They are going to stop going to soybucks once crazy nigger homeless start using them as hostels.
This is the beginning of the end for this shithole chain.
The stench of homeless alcoholics is guaranteed to drive away paying customers.
Second pic looks very professional. Great work.
That's all modern leftism is really. The working class haven't had an ally in western politics since the 50s and commies all deserve the rope because their horrible "good" intentions always making things worse and dead than better and alive.
Brit Venti hit up a few Starbucks, it works, even if you're an octaroon.