The ADL unironically has a form you can fill out to snitch on people for a "bias or discriminatory incident". It looks very official despite the fact that the ADL is a non-governmental organization and not part of the police. They even say: "We will do our best to investigate your situation and respond to you quickly."
This form could even be used to report on your friends and family. It doesn't say not to do that. The Soviets used widespread snitches as a terrifying form of control, turning children against their parents and destroying all social trust.
If we shed light on this the right way, could this make them look bad? This is full blown 1984 material.
Pic related is a memetic idea for exposing this but it doesn't have the ADL link on it (yet).
Friend married Jewish chick. Did not use their friend who is a Christian realtor… did not use friend who is Christian insurance agent…. did not use friend who is a Christian dj for wedding…. did not use anyone who wasn't Jewish for: buying their first home, insurance, wedding, or anything else.
kekekek yeah flooding them with unexpected reports is funny too the main point of this thread was to expose how soviet-like and totalitarian leftism is using some memetic strategy like the ones I attempted - would appreciate feedback on the designs and new ideas too
Landon Anderson
Henry Walker
Someone submit a report about the Israelis trying to start a war between the US and Russia earlier this month. I'll do one later too.
Not letting me screenshot since I'm a phone fag but incidents to report:
Killing 9 peaceful Religion of Cuck™ic protesters from the religion of peace on 4/6/18
Attempting to deport black people
Ryan Baker
any feedback on this design - is it believable? does it accurately expose the left as being totalitarian and soviet-like?(>Hey guys, let's help the ADL!)
mods please lift the ban, I am trying to expose the left not help them how will anyone react well to a poster telling them to snitch on their friends and family? that's the point, to accurately portray the left in a way that makes them look bad
Jace Baker
also I fully support flooding them with nonsense too - why not do both?
Oliver Hall
also here is another snitching form that can be spammed with nonsense, it's from the Council of Europe's "No Hate Speech Youth Campaign":
thank you mods for unbanning the design could probably be modified to portray the left even more negatively as soviet snitches hellbent on witch hunts, but that also has to be balanced with making it believable enough for people to buy it.. it's difficult
The only way to defeat the Kikes is to redpill blacks, Asians, and spics to turn the golem on them After the Kikes are wiped off the face of the earth then differences can be settled either with civility or by sword This is why >>>/greatawakening/ is important to use it redpilling the masses
I don't remember any details, but didn't some WN redpill a black leader on the JQ, and the nigger simply didn't care? It doesn't make a difference to the nigger whether it's a kike on top or a european. Niggers only care about power, motivations are too abstract.
"Oh but it was the KIKE who enslaved the nigger, and it was the KIKE who created the ghettos and its the KIKES…" will never convince a nigger not to rape white women, or to not shoot white cops. They might not be able to figure out sanitation, organization or writing, but they understand race war all to well. saging for offtopic and unsourced
I thought the op was shit at first, but that one isn't bad. Keeping an eye on this thread.